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Revamping Graphics Pay - Printable Version

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Revamping Graphics Pay - Bayley - 09-23-2017

Guys and gals, look at the Graphics section and look at the work being put in there. I think effort needs to be shown to get any money. Comeon, we can't be giving the equivalent to 600 words of payout to a Paint document with some text. Why does anyone write? Everyone has paint.

Here is my suggestion, Grade on a scale. Take a look at the graded submissions, if it doesn't anger you, it should. Graphics are not your only option. We need to grade on effort and performance. You can still make money with this, but this has to change or media WILL STOP.

The graphic will be graded on the scale. If a graphic is like the 5, it gets the payout. If it is a 4.5, it will get in the middle. But, we cannot have Paint graphics with no effort getting 2+ million. There are other ways of getting money, so we need to get stricter on this.

5 (1,000,000 per graphic)
[Image: KrqNRZH.png]

4 (750,000 per graphic)
[Image: vP4nj8W.png]

3 (500,000 per graphic)
[Image: bYN8EI1.png]

2 (300,000 per graphic)
[Image: gMja0ST.png]

1 (200,000 per graphic)
[Image: qZt9GJO.png]

Revamping Graphics Pay - Daybe - 09-23-2017

definitely agree. graders should be able to tell which gfx takes more effort so this
[Image: K4ZSlVb.jpg]
doesn't receive the same as this
[Image: 3sqWqJb.png]

Revamping Graphics Pay - Archon - 09-23-2017

(09-23-2017, 08:06 PM)Daybe Wrote:[Image: K4ZSlVb.jpg]


Next time you barge into my podcast I'm not going to let you avoid questions about #Tradegate.

Revamping Graphics Pay - Daybe - 09-23-2017

(09-23-2017, 08:17 PM)Archon Wrote:<_<

Next time you barge into my podcast I'm not going to let you avoid questions about #Tradegate.

that was a gfx from @`Pat17`. Talk to him, not me. Besides, I was looking for the worst GFX I could find.

Revamping Graphics Pay - Bayley - 09-23-2017

(09-23-2017, 10:19 PM)Daybe Wrote:that was a gfx from @`Pat17`. Talk to him, not me. Besides, I was looking for the worst GFX I could find.
There is actually worse than that that got like 650,000 which should not happen.. ever.

Revamping Graphics Pay - 4D Chess - 09-23-2017

My issues with this (and this is about the 5th time this has been brought up) is that if you're going to start using a scale for graphics you MUST use a scale for media. Same discrepancy applies in the media section, some people produce heartfelt and good articles -- others are clearly spewing shit.

I think the idea of a scale is unnecessary in general but if you're going to do it for one you have to do the other. It's simple.

Revamping Graphics Pay - iamslm22 - 09-24-2017

(09-23-2017, 10:06 PM)Daybe Wrote:definitely agree. graders should be able to tell which gfx takes more effort so this
[Image: K4ZSlVb.jpg]
doesn't receive the same as this
[Image: 3sqWqJb.png]

I hate this example because that graphic from Pat was so hilarious and entertaining. Yea it didn't take much actual time, but that was incredible.

Revamping Graphics Pay - Symmetrik - 09-24-2017

The problem is the scale can get very drastically out of control. It's very easy for a grader to have wildly different scoring on sigs, especially with multiple graders, but even a single grader. SHL uses that kind of sytem, but 1-10. Some examples:

[Image: jFZQWYq.png] - 9/10
[Image: Gmqk1GS.png] - 7/10
[Image: hbO8kIL.png] - 8/10
[Image: VfJzJyi.png] - 6/10
[Image: cEI4uD8.jpg] - 7/10
[Image: Jqujm7Y.png] - 10/10
[Image: 35940022863_3c7cf50521.jpg] - 4/10
[Image: giphy.gif] - 5/10

Not only is it wildly inconsistent, it's extremely harsh, especially on people who are trying to learn graphics as they go. Why keep trying to make graphics if you're just going to get 1s and 2s? At least with static pay, it makes people want to keep working on graphics, which over time will naturally help them improve.

Then there's the fact that having multiple graders could have incredibly different opinions of what constitutes a 5 and what is a 4. Honestly for me, in your examples, I don't really see a difference between the 3 and 4 that warrants $250,000 difference in pay.

Edit: for the record those 8 graphics were all graded by the same person

Revamping Graphics Pay - Archon - 09-24-2017

Here's a short story.

Not very long ago, I was part of a community which played an online game which had an economy. I joined the media department for my group and worked for a few hours on an in-game advertisement. I used photoshop and it was an image that had moving parts and took a great deal of effort as I am not naturally skilled in graphics. My piece was accepted by the group and eventually used as an advertisement. I was not given my promised payment, and when I challenged the media head about it, he said "welcome to the business." Suffice to say, I never created another media piece for them and not very long after that I left the group due to becoming discouraged.

Likewise, I do not support grading graphics for people who are casual/semi-active and potentially turning them off from wanting to continue to contribute and improve. I like the ideas that we have graphics contests for the regulars/skilled, as well as the standard that people who contribute frequently but do not attempt to improve can be penalized, but I think the league is better served by giving full payouts to those who create graphics in earnest, even if their work is below your standards.

Revamping Graphics Pay - Daybe - 09-24-2017

(09-23-2017, 10:22 PM)iamslm22 Wrote:I hate this example because that graphic from Pat was so hilarious and entertaining. Yea it didn't take much actual time, but that was incredible.

you shouldn't be rewarded 650k for a graphic that can be essentially made in three minutes. I don't care if it's funny, it's not right to the guys who spend half an hour busting their butt to make a sig for them to get paid the same.