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*This leek is way past expiration date - Printable Version

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*This leek is way past expiration date - br0_0ker - 12-29-2023

Hello ISFL! With 2x media season upon us, I figured I may as well make some money off the post and lay out some plans/thoughts about my current render and next. This will be a slight career retrospective, some thoughts on position swapping and experience playing WR and OL, and my future in the league. Feel free to read all of it, none of it, or just select sections of it. But please, whatever you do, VOTE IN THE POLL TO UNLOCK LEEK'S FATE.

It was a pretty fantastic career with Leek, even if he never reached the lofty 2000 yard season goal I set for him when I rejoined the league almost 2 years ago. I never expected him to last that long in real life time, but I guess I never really did the math on how long a max career really is. I got the whole ISFL experience with Leek: 

-in his very first season, making a couple clutch plays late in the Ultimus which led to his first championship
-the 0-16 season, extending out to a 0-27 loss streak and being the laughingstock of the league
-watching Ice and MM rebuild the team to championship quality and winning the damn thing again in S44 (and hopefully back-to-back in S45, and a 3-peat in S46 to end Leek's career!)
-getting snubbed by awards team in S39 because of drops and fumbles (no hard feelings)
-winning the award in S40
-swapping to offensive line

Leek got to do it all. He will end his career as the #1 all-time HON leader in touchdowns, #2 all-time HON leader in yards - just 490 behind Eleven Kendrick-Watts, and #3 all-time HON leader in receptions - just 2 behind Sal Ami (maybe he should have stayed at WR one more year TT). By all accounts, Leek is in the conversation with EKW as greatest wide-receiver the islands have ever seen. But he doesn't even sniff any of the all-time ISFL records, so the only question I have left to ask of Leek is this: was what he accomplished enough to go back to the witch having "performed amazing feats" as a leek? Will Lee Maibeat ever return to his pre-transfigured form? That is for YOU to decide. To end Leek's career, we will finish his story (which can be found here) with a community poll. The result will determine his fate and his story's ending will be posted as a comment when the poll is complete. Thanks for a fantastic career whichever way the vote goes, Mr. Mai-Heinous.

Offensive Line Position Swap
In S43 Leek made the switch to offensive line, as the writing was on the wall that his illustrious career as the star HON receiver was coming to an end. The switch marked a noticeable decline in my activity in the league as well as the HON locker room, as I no longer really cared about stats and mostly was just looking at the index each game to see if we won or not (though sitting in on a few gameday chats was still a happy experience). For anyone that is considering switching or even creating at OL, I caution you that even the most active and dedicated can see their interest wane with this particular position, even though in one of my many conversations with Ice we both agreed that user OL is a necessary and vital part of building any championship caliber team due to the financial flexibility it allows teams by NOT committing salary cap to bots. Having experienced the position now first-hand, as well as the possible necessity of league contraction looming, I would urge HO to take a strong look at the viability of user OL and the user experience vs. other positions, and consider reworking the OL bot formula and/or salary cap to make the human OL component of championship team building less impactful, and thus increasing the user pool at other, more exciting positions.

Working for the Sim/Stream Team
Some time around S36 or S37 (I really can't remember and I can't find the job post I applied to, I think it was just to AC directly in discord) I joined the ISFL stream team as a backup streamer, and then moved to full time making the Friday streams and Ultimus games. I had a tremendous amount of fun and gained a valuable bit of experience working with the team, but more than anything I learned just how much passion and energy goes on behind the scenes to make this league tick. I made this comment once when some shit hit the fan, but the ISFL Sim and Stream teams handle their business and put out fires better than the 2 BILLION dollar company I worked for when I rejoined the league.  There is an incredible amount of work that goes into getting the files ready for sim (which I didn't even see as the streamer half the time), as well as asking for 4-6 hours of recording commitment each week to create the actual streams, all of which is volunteer work. Sure, the lofty salaries are nice, but that's really an introductory bonus. Once you reach a certain monetary value in the league, the returns diminish significantly. So seeing some of the richest ISFL members continue to pour energy and love into the league is to be commended, because that's really why they're still doing it - the love of the league. 

Once Leek retires at the end of next season, I plan on taking the next 3 seasons off as I make some real life transitions. I will be starting (hopefully) the last new job of my life in two weeks, so using the next few months to acclimate to a new routine without any league responsibilities will be helpful to the transition. I had originally wanted to make a bridge player where my drafting team got to choose my position, but decided against it due to firstly the new job, but also Leek's career being extended an extra year when I promised Ice I would return in S45 and S46 if HON won the Ultimus in S44. There just isn't really enough time to earn to the level I would want to have any impact in the ISFL in three seasons, and I don't want to create a player that is ultimately destined to retire in the DSFL. 

S50 and Beyond
By my count, S50 should be taking place some time 9-ish months from now (based on S40 having taken place March 2023). During my break, I'll keep up with league news and changes to alter my plans, but without any significant changes to the league, I plan to recreate for the S50 season. As myself. I have an interesting introductory video idea that I need to work on and finish, but should be able to in the 9 months I am taking off (teaser: it involves me on an actual football field). But as they say, sometimes life happens, and I really don't know what the next months hold in store for me. At the end of it, I might find I simply don't have the time or energy to commit to the league, and if I find myself there I almost assuredly would not come back to make a farewell post. In the event that case comes to fruition, I'll end here with some parting words to so users who have made the ISFL a special place for me these past couple years:

First and foremost @IceBear32 and @MMFLEX - thank you for drafting me to HON. I'm not sure what the pre-draft discussion was like for me, how high I was on anyone's boards, or anything. I remember thinking that HON was as team I might like to join, and even mocked myself to HON in my first mock draft. I literally had no idea how great a locker room HON had, but over the past 10 seasons have come to really appreciate the community cultivated by the two of you. From waking up just to see the random answers to the QOTD bot (which I'm sure other locker rooms have too, but do you also get to spam Icebear's mom memes when the relevant question comes up? I didn't think so) to watching the crazy energy of our multiple last minute wins and losses, I had an amazing time being a teammate and friend to everyone in the blue and yellow.

@Kobefromthefrobe - I'm still going to be taking you to OT in Madden, this isn't farewell, it's 'til next game.

@OrbitingDeath - thank you for being my QB and putting up with all my Nova slander over the length of your career. I know it's not always great when your diva WR1 screams about getting the ball more when they're already averaging like 8-10 targets a game, but in the end you were the QB that got Leek the TD record, and for that, I thank you.

@LtHudz and @Twenty6 - GOAT simmers. thanks for the ship dudes

@jdc4654 - simply the GOAT

@rickymartin_irl - stay wacky and dangerous

@Seymour - I may not have been on the FEED BEAN train while I was a receiver, but you carried the team through the rebuild and got us to the promised land in the end, thank you. 

@DarknessRising and @Air Crou (if you return) - thank you for guiding me through everything with the league job and taking on my responsibilities when I forgot or messed up. It was way less stressful knowing you were usually able to pick up my slack if my real life got in the way. Keep on keeping on.

There are other users I am forgetting and if I didn't mention you here know that it's because I suck, not you. And in the event this isn't the end (it most likely isn't) we can all look back in a few months and laugh at this post. 


RE: This leek is way past expiration date - LtHudz - 12-29-2023

Much love, dude. Let's keep it rolling!

RE: This leek is way past expiration date - Twenty6 - 12-30-2023

[Image: peace-and.gif]

RE: This leek is way past expiration date - jdc4654 - 01-02-2024

HON forever

RE: This leek is way past expiration date - OrbitingDeath - 01-03-2024

Loved having you on the team man and hope to see your recreate in s50.

My first ever sim league player also was myself and made it to the hall of fame in the shl. Would be great to see if you can also pull it off. Looking forward to see what you have planned.

And dont worry about the diva part, i cursed a lot to ice for more passing. Surprised we got you to record as we dont pass nearly as much as we should. They really should have leeked your heinous more.

RE: *This leek is way past expiration date - Air Crou - 01-15-2024

@br0_0ker One of my best hires that really worked in hindsight, I would say if I was the one to hire you. Laser did. But the truth is that being away from this made me realise how much of a chore it had ended up being, and how much I needed a break. I wanna come back, but I am not sure if it is even worth it anymore. The community was fun to be around, it just felt like too much work for very little return. Hope you take care of yourself.

P.S.: Yes, I still have email notifications on for tags