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*The Truth Behind Baron’s Propaganda Machine - Printable Version

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*The Truth Behind Baron’s Propaganda Machine - lock180 - 01-12-2024

Everyone tuck yourselves into bed and get ready to read a bedtime story! This is the final part of a 4 part “mini” series revolving around the tyrannical reign of Baron1898, one of the most despicable, terrible, no good users to ever grace this league. Oh and if you get bored with my articles, this time I made sure to include a picture….that you have to read. Enjoy!

The Final Part
Despite working on this series for over a month now, I look at the title of the 42 page doc (now 57 as I review this final article) this series is written on which is aptly labeled “Untitled document” and I view it as an open canvas. It felt ill fitting to put one title to such a series. Throughout life your ideas evolve, tastes change, and chapters begin and end, so to put one title over Baron1898’s entire ISFL history felt….wrong. This is why the 3 parts previous have had different names and why each part highlights a different side of the evil, egotistiacal, controlling Baron1898. But as we enter 2024 and a new year in the present day, we must go back to the beginning of 2022 to look at the origin story of Baron’s newest self insert, safety Regina Ferraro.

I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what will be on the road ahead. What I do know is we still have 44 pages of archived posts from Baron1898 to further understand who this monster really is. Baron’s post history is 94 pages long. This means that this one player, Regina Ferraro, has nearly as much history as both of Baron’s previous players combined. Now, I know Baron was/is more involved with the community lately upon her return to the ISFL than she was with Venus and Morgan but that doesn’t change the fact that there are still a lot of posts to go through. So let’s get into things shall we?

The question is what angle will I be taking to tear down Regina’s and in turn Baron’s credibility with this newest player? Anger, need for attention, and lack of teamwork. Recapping what we have talked about so far, Morgan Marshall was the epitome of “give me attention” as well as having a host of anger problems and a significant lack of teamwork. Venus Powers’ lust for power and control allowed her to succeed at the cost of her team. So what flaws will Regina have that Baron has so foolishly included in her own player? What traits overlap Regina and Baron and more importantly, where does one end and another begin? Those answers will be answered shortly but I must first quickly discuss something that should have been addressed in the previous part to this series.

A heartfelt moment (before I rip her apart)
In the previous part, I discussed Venus’ disappearance as Baron1898 had vanished from the ISFL servers but I didn’t go into a proper explanation. While I knew the surface layer reasons because, yes, I do actually occasionally talk to Baron (I don’t completely hate her okay!) I failed to understand the magnitude and impact those years had. I have stopped linking other articles because man that is a lot of work but this is an article that absolutely warrants reading as I believe EVERYONE has thoughts of coming up short or not being good enough
For those that won’t click the link I don’t blame you so let me quickly summarize. Venus Powers was a passion project for Baron. After seeing Marshall fail to live up to her expectations Baron looked to find answers in a new unheard of position and try and give that position notoriety. That position was of course kicker and she would defend them (or at least her own player) to the ends of the earth (and Venus). But then she had something happen that all of us have at least experienced to the slightest extent. Real Life. No matter what we do in this stupid little sim world watching dots run around our screen. No matter how active we are in discord talking smack and playing games with the community, no matter how many jobs we have in the ISFL real life can always get in the way. And honestly, for most people, it does. I mean this is two years of our life we are supposed to be dedicating to our player so there is bound to be something outside the realm of the screen that is more important. And for Baron that was true. She stepped away from Venus Powers and this would ultimately lead to Venus retiring two years early with her final year being only on kicking duties. And if you remember from the last part, if Venus had lasted one more season and made it to her 12th season, she would have won that Ultimus everyone so badly craves and that has to hurt. And Baron shows her frustration in the article I mentioned earlier in one of the most self reflective moments I have read and I felt I really understood Baron’s pain and frustration and I think it can resonate with a lot more users and more players; “By leaving midway through the journey, I had failed to achieve the long-term dreams that I had envisioned for myself when I created Powers. I didn’t play 13 seasons – I lasted 11, with a 12th and final year spent on the waivers playing for no one because I had been replaced in Honolulu by a new franchise starter. I didn’t rack up any more awards since my inactivity automatically disqualified me from winning any more Pro Bowls or positional awards. And I only qualified for the playoffs three times, with one career playoff win to my name. Honolulu won its first franchise Ultimus the first season I was off the team because of course they did. Most painfully of all, I didn’t get to retire on my terms, bowing out with grace with a big sentimental retirement thread where I could point to all of my hard-won accomplishments. I wanted so badly when retiring Marshall to have my second player go out on top, capping off a long and successful HOF-bound career instead of retiring after four seasons. In reality, I ended up just another inactive name on the seasonal regression lists”. But this exhibits a toxic trend that we humans like to use. We always look at the bad side of things. I mean look at me. I’ve written four parts about how much I hate Baron. And despite these valid arguments for feeling like she came up short. She also has a plethora of accolades to her name. So while this may belong at the end of the story I feel I didn’t end the last part as I should have so I wanted to get that out of the way before I continued roasting the hell out of another one of Baron’s players. I’m not all that great with sappy stuff. I’m going to be honest, I’ve got a heart of coal, but I do have my morals and Baron has tested me time and time again. So before my heart grows 3 sizes I’m going to finally do what you all have been waiting for me to do this entire article and discredit the Evil Queen Baron1898.

The Emergence of the Propaganda Baron
Talking badly about Baron at this point feels kind of rude for two reasons. One, I just had a sappy heart to heart about her one paragraph earlier but more importantly two, Baron had changed her ways. Gone was the brutal combative Baron that I had known and loved, in comes the lovey dovey retrospective Baron that is completely foreign to me. In one of her first posts back, Baron talks about Morgan Marshall’s despised rival and the man that had caused Baron to retire Marshall way back in the day, Sam Torenson, and why HE should be in the hall of fame. Then she writes the first of many long form in depth articles that are so captivating and engaging to read but I will save talking about that for after the Regina storyline.

Regina feels like the most “real” player of the three players Baron has created. This in large part has to do with the ebb’s and flow’s of Regina’s history and what I feel to be a more realistic background than her previous two players. Instead of winning every single award imaginable like Venus did in college, Regina struggled through her first two seasons before finally breaking out in her third season. Instead of a backstory that made me feel like I was reading about some rich kid paying their way through life, Regina comes from a hardworking middle class family. Instead of a complete lack of success and disinterest in the team, Regina finds success and failures throughout her career. And that is when it hit me. The storyline that revolves around Regina Ferraro is Baron’s writing ability. Her ability to spin any story to benefit herself. In the early stages of her ISFL career Baron was unable to let her emotions get in the way of her writing and her team. This is why she would lash out and become such a polarizing player and user. But she took the time to go on a darkness retreat and when she emerged she became a new writer, one that knew how to get the audience to back her no matter what she did. She was still the same Baron concealed under a new identity with the ability to change history however she deemed fit. The underlying issues we had discussed earlier were all still there, but with this newfound writing ability, she was able to do the one thing she had failed to do previously, be RELATABLE. It reminds me of a politician. They make all these fake promises and pander to their audiences but in reality, they are the most cold hearted people in the room and that is who Baron is and that is how Baron thought she could let Regina slip under my nose without me noticing what was really going on. So this is the story of Regina Ferraro as I decipher through the code of Baron and find the true meaning and true feelings of Regina and Baron, or as I know her to be: The Queen of Propaganda.

Regina’s history is going to be a bit more difficult for me to talk about for one of two reasons. First is, as mentioned earlier, she is the most “normal” of the three players that Baron has created. But more importantly, she is playing a position that I’m not sure what the normal stats in an average game or season would be. So I will try my best but I need no critical or statistical skills to know that as soon as Regina joined the Dallas Birddogs they would immediately end their season losing their last four games and have the worst record in the division. Is anyone surprised? If you are then you haven’t been reading the last three media pieces about how teams do with Baron on their team. It’s funny because before they got Regina the Birddogs had a 5-4 record and to get into the playoffs they only needed 7 wins! Unfortunately with the addition of Regina that would be impossible. But that’s it. That’s season 34 in a nutshell. 4 games. 4 losses. Big Surprise? No. I’m not even going to bother bringing up her stats because that wouldn’t be fair of me to tell you she only had 15 tackles none of which were for a loss, no forced fumbles or interceptions, and only 2 passes defended, so that is why I am not going to tell you her stats because that would be mean to point out that she was basically an open door for wide receivers to go straight through on their way to the endzone. Of the free safeties, she was the second worst. Okay moving on because we have bigger and better things to do than to talk about Ferraro’s 4 game season where she brought her team crashing to the floor.

Season 34
It's an exciting day in the world of the ISFL because it is DRAFT DAY for all the young bucks out there. What team will they go to? Who scouted them? Will San Antonio resurrect themselves just so Baron can be happy again? All relevant questions with only some that can have an actual answer to them. As far as where Regina Ferraro would go in the draft that would be answered in the second round and with the 10th overall pick. For some reason, The Dallas Birddogs saw their losing streak since Regina joined their team and thought “yeah let’s do that again!” so with that Regina Ferraro was once more a Birddog. Unlike drafts previous Baron did not say anything about this in the forums. The self proclaimed Queen has bigger and better things to do than to bother getting angry over the team she is drafted by or when she is drafted. How can you be angry when you are locking yourself in your room for days and days to finish an article before the makeshift “Gemini” deadline that you just found out about yesterday and now have to completely forget about your first day back from college to instead focus on writing a meaningless 10,000 word article about how much Baron has influenced us into believing she is our lord and savior when in reality she is using media to form a cult centered around giving her the most attention possible. Oh wait, I might be talking about myself…..

As I was saying, Dallas decided it would be great to have the curse of Baron on their team citing active engagement and long media pieces…..that sounds familiar. Side Note: I was able to actually watch the draft for season 34 unlike the last times I tried to watch a draft that involved Baron because she likely destroyed the footage and my guys you got to look alive! It sounds like we are at a funeral mourning the death of some random person on the street. Get some energy behind you! Act like you want to be there at the very least! I know picking Baron isn’t very exciting but at least PRETEND to care.

So with Dallas picking Regina, she was able to receive her first contract and with the first PT task asking what she would do with the money the first of many articles to change the views on Baron1898 was released as she tells her ADOURING fans she would invest it like a responsible adult and go back to her humble apartment in Dallas. Likely story Baron. I’m sure that “apartment” is a 5 bed 4 bath luxury penthouse suite overlooking whatever there is to overlook in Dallas. Don’t worry everyone I will be telling you what Baron tries to make you think then telling you what she actually means so that you don’t get fooled by her blatant propaganda. If you think I’m lying about this blatant propaganda I’ve got just about as cut and dry of propaganda as you can get as Baron describes why you should want to be a Dallas Birddog “The Doghouse, the home of the Dallas Birddogs, is one of the newest stadiums in the DSFL, and the training facilities are absolutely just as innovative. The facilities are expansive, including a variety of amenities for athlete comfort and performance - ranging from outdoor and indoor practice fields, weightlifting rooms, and gym equipment to meeting rooms, film study rooms, and state of the art cafeterias. In the hot Dallas sun, the indoor practice fields specifically are lifesavers when the sun beats down on players. For Regina Ferraro, who came from the D-III facilities of Bowdoin College, the Dallas Birddogs' facilities have been incredibly impressive in comparison. Naturally, in a more literal sense, the Birddog facilities also look really blue and gold to match the team colors. There are Birddog logos everywhere”. Okay Baron, why don’t you become a tour guide at this point and start making those cliche jokes that everyone feels obligated to laugh at that aren’t actually funny as you walk backward pointing out various things that the people will just forget in 5 minutes anyway because the only reason they are there at all is so that they can get on the field. But then you have to tell them that they CANT actually go on the field and then have to come up with some stupid reason why and they all go home asking themselves why they went on the tour in the first place.

Other than these PT tasks Regina has been pretty quiet as far as website posts so it is time to delve into what a full season of Regina as a Dallas Birddog looks like. And it looks like HELL. The Dallas offense was one of the best offenses in the league scoring nearly 30 points a game and throwing for over 400 while nearly rushing for nearly 130 yards a game. Unfortunately for them, they had the second worst defense in the league thanks to Regina and the rest of that miserable defense. Regina was very “mid” as the kids say. She had 45 tackles, a lone sack, 8 passes defended, but the one stat that is pretty good is 3 interceptions. Of course, she was nowhere near the caliber to win any kind of awards but she did decent. And somehow, despite a 6-8 record, the Birddogs crawled into the playoffs with a date with the 10-4 Tijuana Luchadores. In the regular season, the Luchadores not only beat the Birddogs, but they beat them, roasted them, ate them, and spit them back out. In week 1 the Birddogs lost 52-20 and in week 8 it wasn’t much better losing 46-31. Dallas had gotten slaughtered but the playoffs were a different beast and I guess Baron was sick of losing. In what was likely the game of her life Ferraro had “seven tackles, a forced fumble, pass deflection, and a crucial pick six” that would ultimately (or ultimusly) end in a 34-28 overtime victory and a meeting with the Minnesota Grey Ducks in the Ultimini. Disgusted by the former San Antonio Marshals, Regina had a strip sack and four tackles as the Birddogs would stun the world and win the Ultimini 33-7 leading to Baron’s FIRST ever team accomplishment despite being in the league for seasons and seasons, years and years. But don’t let this fool you. They won as a team but once more Baron tries to change the narrative pointing out her individual players accolades saying it was because of her player that the team won completely disregarding the 42 yard overtime touchdown that led to the Birddogs winning. Or the 33 points that the offense put up in the Ultimini. And completely forgetting that without the offense, the team would have lost a lot more games than they had and would have had no shot at the playoffs. But the Baron of Propaganda changed this narrative, not mentioning it once in her lengthy wiki article instead once again making it all about herself.

The Draft and Season 35
And as always the propaganda works with the first mock draft coming out listing Regina Ferraro as the third overall pick in the upcoming draft which would bring her back to an old friend(?) the Yellowknife Wraiths. But the mock draft makers were unaware of Baron’s troubled history with the team so while she has said her leaving when she did all those years ago didn’t cause any animosity between the two parties the truth tells a different story. Of course, trying to paint herself in a good image she says she has no problem with how the Wraiths handled her first player Marshall but I’m here to tell you that is all just PR nonsense. So you shouldn’t be surprised that the Wraiths made sure to steer clear of the controversial figure that is Baron1898 because despite her efforts to look innocent since reemerging from wherever she came from the Wraiths, like me, knew what came with the user they call Baron1898 “The Media Queen”. Unfortunately, not all teams were aware of what bringing on Baron meant for their team. So while Regina Ferraro would fall down the draft board she wouldn’t fall very far. I would also like to comment Yellowknife made a good decision in not selecting her because in her place they picked up Kumquat Archipelego who had a very respectable career as a rushing and receiving back. However, as mentioned earlier, one team had the unlucky fate of picking up the curse of Baron1898. That unlucky team ended up being the New York Silverbacks. But they, and many other people as you will see below. Disagree with me and think Baron is a great pick.
[Image: image.png?ex=65b433a8&is=65a1bea8&hm=c61...e57879c87&]
But they have all been brainwashed. As I am finally able to listen in on a Baron draft class all I hear are them complimenting her on how great she is and, while I will talk about this later, she is on the heels of putting out one of her biggest media pieces ever, I wonder if that was intentional or not? Either way, it is clear that Baron has brainwashed the community with her propaganda media to make them think she is a lot better than she is. With the commentators saying they were surprised to see her go outside of the top 3. The truth, as we know, is far more complicated. The lucky few that were able to avoid picking Baron may have been unaware of the Baron curse and just got lucky but the curse of Baron1898 did not end with Morgan Marshall, nor did it end with Venus Powers, it would continue on through Regina Ferraro as, much like Venus Powers, the New York Silverbacks would only make the playoffs three times in Ferraro’s 10 season run with them playing in only five total games and they would NEVER take home the ultimate team trophy.

No sooner had the draft finished than Baron had stormed her way to the ISFL forums to vent her frustrations. Knowing she could get the crowd further on her side Baron took to what she does best, writing her media propaganda saying “I am normally not one to toot my own horn when undue, but it's a PT so who cares. Regina Ferraro was one of the biggest steals of the S35 ISFL Draft. As the draft class's best safety and a top 5 earner (top 2 at the time of writing), Ferraro was mocked by basically every mock draft as a top three pick. Instead, three other defensive backs were taken in front of her, and Ferraro slid all the way down to pick 8, where the New York Silverbacks snagged her”. This made me ROFL and LMAO and HAHA and LOL so hard because Baron saying she isn’t one to toot her own horn when it is undeserved is one of the most delusional things I think I have ever seen her say. And that is saying something considering the amount of nonsensical insane things she says. But for her to say she doesn’t toot her own horn when THAT IS LITERALLY HER BREAD AND BUTTER makes absolutely no sense to me. But I forget that Baron is fully entrenched in her “propaganda era” so she has to pretend like she is the victim of the draft.

Anyways, tomato potato same thing different season. I think that’s how the saying goes. And the same thing can be said about Venus Powers and Regina Ferraro. As we enter season 35 I bet you can guess how that would go for New York. On the heels of an 8-8 season, the Silverbacks with the help of Regina plunged into the depths below taking second to last in their conference with a 6-10 record and the second worst defense in the league. If only I was around 10 seasons ago to warn New York about the Curse of Baron1898 I could have saved them from the next 10 seasons of hell. But alas they didn’t do their research and now they are going to have to pay the price. But they won’t have to deal with simply losing games because despite the good publicity Regina has provided herself she can’t run from her own maturity forever. And much like Selena Gomez saying she will get off social media and then going right back to posting the next day, Regina can’t stay away from causing drama one way or another (I’m gonna find ya, I’m gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya etc…). The toxicity shines through Regina as, according to reports, she “went on a big spiel about how awful the last few seasons of [Game of Thrones] became, with terrible character motivations and a nonsensical plot. This whipped up the rest of the team into a frenzied rage, and they began to throw hands with each other out of sheer frustration with the terrible writing skills of David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. The entire team was hospitalized after the incident”. This is the player that seven teams were lucky to avoid and New York I’m sure, was already regretting to have taken. As Baron herself mentions in Regina’s wiki…..Regina was trash. So I’m not even going to bother talking about the terrible defense that Regina brought from Dallas to New York. What I will briefly talk about is Baron’s HATRED for old people in this league. I didn’t think I’d be bringing this up again but here we are once more talking about another one of Baron’s players that hates someone with more veteran experience than her. This time the unfortunate victim is Dogwood Maple. A man that would play for 11 seasons all with New York was target number one for Regina and she would make sure she would take his job as soon as possible. This is DESPITE Maple being a crucial part of New York’s two Ultimus wins because as we know, Baron doesn’t care at all about team awards when there are personal achievements to get instead. So as Regina disregards Maple’s impact as a team player and his contribution to New York’s only two Ultimus trophies, the team continues to plunge even deeper into the depths of defeat.

Season 36
Regina’s determination to trump Maple in every capacity led to the teams record only getting worse going from 6-10 to 5-11 as they officially became the worst team in the conference and continued to have the second worst defense in the league giving up even MORE points than the previous season. One could only wonder why that may be. Certainly not because Regina was trying to play all of the coverages and refusing to stay to her assignment instead stalking and stealing tackles and pass deflections from poor Maple who could only watch in disgust at the new energetic rookie determined to bring the team down as long as it meant her stats would improve and allow her to take sole possession of the safety position. To add salt to the wound according to the amazing @infinitempg the Silverbacks were the second luckiest team in the league and should have lost an additional TWO MORE GAMES if it weren’t for sim luck. I think it is fitting that Baron would post her third major media piece at this time because it is a reflection of what her tenure with New York holds. The media piece is labeled “A Winter of Discontent” but the underlying theme is “The Darkest Days in League History”. To reiterate what I have said before I will dive into ALL of Baron’s MAJOR media pieces toward the end but I think the darkest days in league history are currently happening as Baron completely dismantles the poor New York Silverbacks.

Season 37
This New York Silverbacks team tries oh so hard to win despite having Regina Ferraro on their team but it is so hard to carry and drag her and the rest of that still miserable defense to the playoffs. The defense improved (slightly) so that they are now only the third worst defense in the league! Improvement! Way to go Regina maybe you can put that accomplishment in the trophy case along with all your other individual accolades. That being said Regina did not play well and had the fourth worst catch rate allowed in the entire league. While she did have other meaningless stats that are unimportant in the grand scheme of things the one thing we are going to focus in on is of course the playoffs! Going into week 14 New York had a 6-7 record. But much like her first season in the league where Dallas would go on to lose their final four games and miss the playoffs, the Silverbacks would have a similar fate befall them as they would lose their last three games due to the curse of Baron. Had they won just one of those games they would have reached the promise land. And in week 15 it seemed like they had a really good shot at it with the score being 13-7 with time ticking down. But Regina and the defense gave up an agonizingly long 7 minute drive capped off by a 12 yard touchdown in the fourth quarter washing away those playoff hopes that the Silverbacks thought were already in the bag. Those playoff dreams would be further dashed as the Silverbacks front office, still holding onto the Baron propaganda, made the same mistake as the Hahalua with Venus Powers and signed Baron’s Regina Ferraro to a 10 year extension securing their inevitable team failure for the next decade.

Season 38
I say the Silverbacks will fail with Regina on their team and while this is overall true every once in a while a bird finds a worm and such is the case for season 38. New York must have been feeling pretty good about themselves that they had just resigned Regina as she would make her first (of many) all star appearances when the season was all said and done. But it wasn’t just because of her that the team was having success in what would be a 9-7 season and lead New York to the 3 seed in the playoffs. With the dangerous McTurtle running the ball and Mara catching the ball they had a solid offense. Combine that with for once a decent defense and the team went into the playoffs feeling pretty good about themselves. They would be playing a Sabercats team that they had dominated 36-16 in week 1 and then were dominated by 44-13 in week 12. So with the series split and an ASFC Championship on the line, it was time for the Silverbacks to throw a haymaker crushing the Sabercats 31-9. The win felt like a team effort with the majority of the defense having very similar stats and with Regina getting a forced fumble. But the season wasn’t over and next up was the Arizona Outlaws whom they had lost to two times in the regular season both via one score games. And once more, they would meet a similar fate, this time, in the ASFC Championship. Up 20-14 heading into the half it looked like the Silverbacks were poised for a trip to the Ultimus. Unfortunately, the defense had already begun celebrating and Arizona would score 17 unanswered putting themselves up 31-20. The Silverbacks would lose 31-28 but this time, and I will give her credit, it was NOT Ferraro’s fault they lost this game. She was a stats magnet racking up 9 tackles and a big interception. But it wasn’t enough. And as the Outlaws would go on to win the Ultimus, Ferraro was once more sitting at home with an empty Ultimus trophy case staring back at her.

Season 39
Back to our regularly scheduled programming New York and Regina go back to their losing ways once more missing the playoffs, this time with a 6-9-1 record (how original!). But, Regina is hard to hate on because it is not her fault the team was so bad this season and I won’t be taking her down like I usually do because she doesn’t deserve it. She performed admirably as did the rest of the defense but, to put it quaintly, the offense fucking sucked. On the bright side, another award can be added to Regina and Baron’s personal list as Regina was selected for her second pro bowl in a row.

For those that don’t know (like myself) Baron1898 is not just some random name that was made up by Baron1898 and is not in fact the year she was born like I previously thought. It is actually a rollercoaster in the Netherlands that opened in 2015 that happens to have its soundtrack originate from the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra (don’t know why that is important but it was in the first part of the description so it must be important). And for those that don’t know Baron1898 LOVES rollercoasters. Every single PT Task or media piece she has ever created she has to mention “rollercoaster this” “six flags that” “Disney this” “Universal that” and with us nearing the end I am informing the ENTIRE WORLD of Baron’s secret she has hidden for so long. Also, the rollercoaster has a whole flippin flappin storyline to it and it’s actually pretty interesting so I will link it here for your own viewing pleasure. Now onto our regularly scheduled programming.

Season 40
I warned of the dive into the depths of despair and it appears as though the Silverbacks have officially hit rock bottom. The curse of Baron seems to take a season to take effect as the playoff appearance has been followed by declining results. And now in the prime of her career, Baron’s Regina Ferraro has to watch as her team falls to a league worst 4-12 and watch as her own stats suffer as a result. Ferraro had drop offs in tackles, passes defended, and an increase in catches allowed as her and the rest of the team struggled to keep pace with the ever evolving league.

Season 41
While New York still hung out at the bottom of the standings they did improve, receiving a 7-9 record thanks to their efforts. Regina also had her breakout season with 3 sacks, 8 interceptions, 26 passes defended, and a career low catches allowed rate. But the one stat that shines above all else was her ability to not only score one touchdown but two! I give Regina and Baron a lot of shit (that is well deserved mind you) but it’s hard to beat around one of the most impressive seasons from a safety and a well deserved pro bowl and first team all pro. With recent success building was New York and Regina finally pushing toward another playoff appearance or would it all come crashing down?

Season 42
We have officially arrived at The Golden Years of the New York Silverbacks and at this time would like to say BARON YOUR WIKI IS WRONG IVE BEEN LYING IN THIS ARTICLE THE ENTIRE TIME. YOU MADE IT TO THE PLAYOFFS FOUR TIMES. NOT THREE. UPDATE YOUR STATS TABLE DAMMIT. Anyway, as I was saying the golden years are upon Regina Ferraro and the Silverbacks! Exciting times I know. For all the trouble Baron has caused she is finally getting the success she so rightly deserves. An 11-5 season with a star studded offense and respected defense? Yes please! Ferraro was also on her way to her fourth pro bowl and second 1st team all pro despite Ferraro’s regression beginning to take hold. But the evil word was ahead and Baron’s fear was insurmountable. The Playoffs should have been an exciting time for Ferraro but she had seen what the Silverbacks had looked like in the playoffs previously, Baron had seen what had happened to every team she had been a part of in the ISFL and she knew all too well what lay ahead. The Silverbacks were the home team as they had secured the second seed in the playoffs but it wasn’t enough. New York was crushed by Honolulu in round 1 of the playoffs, just one week removed from destroying them 36-16 Honolulu got their revenge winning 27-7 and bounced the Silverbacks from the playoffs with an early exit.

Season 43
This was it. This was the year Regina Ferraro and Baron1898 were finally going to get their hands on the Ultimus trophy. Baron1898 had never been in this position before. The Silverbacks had THE best team in the league. They had a 14-2 record with a NINE GAME win streak which included the second best offense and second best defense in the entire league. They were a sure lock to make the Ultimus and while Ferraro’s skills and abilities were declining she would claw her way to a fifth and final pro bowl of her career in what looked to be a season to remember. The Silverbacks soundly defeated Austin in round 1 31-20 and moved on to the Outlaws who had defeated them in their last playoff appearance. This would not happen again. Despite honestly terrible play from the Silverbacks offense that would have only 170 passing yards and 34 rushing yards along with 2 interceptions and a fumble, they would miraculously beat the Outlaws 20-13 in large part thanks to a 44 yard pick 6 from cornerback Bonzi Buddy. And now, Regina had finally reached her final destination. A place Baron had tried to get so many of her players to. A place where legends are made but a place that shows who is truly built to be the top dog and who is actually just a bunch of phonies and that answer would become known regarding Regina Ferraro as her, and the Silverbacks would look across the field and meet eyes with the 13-2-1 Baltimore Hawks who sported THE best offense in the league and third best defense. It was a defensive showdown and was a one score game the entire time. But when the dust settled, Regina Ferraro was cowering in fear and Baltimore was raising the Ultimus trophy defeating the Silverbacks 16-10. Regina ended the night with 1 lone tackle to her name as I can’t help but think back to her first four games as a Dallas Birddog in which they lost all four games she was with the team as she was a complete nonfactor. And now, as Regina’s health continued to decline retirement was of serious consideration as we have figured out who Regina truly is - unclutch when they needed her most.

Season 44
Desperate to try and reach the Ultimus again, Regina stayed with the team for season 44 in what would be the Silverbacks last hope of winning an Ultimus with the group at hand. They finished second in the conference with an 11-5 record and still looked fairly dangerous. But Ferraro did not. While she had respectable stats those record breaking numbers were in the past. All was not lost though and as somber as I am making this season sound for Ferraro it still had the potential to be great. They were able to narrowly defeat Austin 27-24 in the opening round of the playoffs and met Honolulu in the ASFC Championship but the unthinkable happened and is a perfect way for our story about Regina Ferraro, Baron1898, and the curse of Baorn to end. New York was winning 16-13 with 1:29 left on the clock for Honolulu to score a touchdown and win, or kick a field goal and tie. They were able to get down the field and with 19 seconds left on the clock, Ray Baker kicked a 29 yard field goal to tie the game. And you would think that would be the end of regulation and they would head into overtime tied, but after the kickoff, devastation hit. And what could only be caused by the curse of Baron, Falco fumbled the ball, and with 13 seconds left Honolulu took possession of the ball deep in Silverbacks territory. They would bring the time down to 4 seconds and Ray Baker would crush Baron’s hopes and dreams knocking through a 32 yard field goal to defeat the Silverbacks 19-16.

Wow, the curse of Baron is actually real. I barely got that last paragraph off before my laptop nearly imploded. Full on black screen everything froze, then errors started popping up, nothing was responding properly….truly wild stuff. It’s almost like the world doesn’t want me to stop talking about how awful Baron is. Well I’m sorry but all good things come to an end but before I put a nice ribbon and bow on this article and series I have promised one last thing! Time to talk about Baron’s extensive media series in which she has so kindly provided in her profile bio.

TIL Regina decided to suffer through another season……TLDR: New York is average. They miss the playoffs because of the curse of Baron and Regina is a dead woman walking. Baron blames me for being bad. The end (I’m too tired for this shit. Blame Baron for making me write 10k words in a short amount of time. Luckily I’m a professional college student so I know how to do things last minute).

Baron’s Propaganda I mean media
I will only be mentioning bits and pieces and remaining pretty vague out of respect for Baron’s way better and more professional writing. If you want to learn more about the history of the ISFL I would highly suggest reading ANY of Baron’s media series.
The first of Baron’s flagship media series is "Before The Butchers" which revolves around the Chicago Butchers and their troubled history. The question is, why would Baron want to write about the Chicago Butchers, who is the only team for any of her players to downright REFUSE to go to? The answer is provided in the first few paragraphs “Jiggly’s continual struggle to secure a team for Chicago, a city he very obviously loves, kickstarts most of the events that follow”. We know two things about Baron1898. The first is her hatred for Chicago for no apparent reason other than citing their “troubled past” but more importantly, we know about her LOVE for the San Antonio Marshals, a team that was replaced by the now Minnesota Grey Ducks. So this media piece serves two purposes. One is to demonstrate how terrible Chicago is, and two is to demonstrate the lengths someone is willing to go to get a team to the city they love so very much. In other words, it’s a direct threat to the front office of what she is willing to do in order to get a team back to San Antonio. The propaganda machine has begun and its job is to paint Chicago in a bad light while highlighting an idea she loves so much. But that isn’t entirely true. In fact, Baron paints not Chicago as the villains, but San Antonio as the villains. This isn’t to say Chicago was the hero, in fact, they were far from it. Soundly placed in the “Anti-Hero” market Baron succeeds in explaining why Chicago was so troubled in its history as a DSFL team but more importantly to her own agenda, why it wasn’t entirely their fault that they had all the trouble they ended up receiving. Baron’s hope was to get San Antonio’s team back, but if failed. 
Chicago’s tumultuous history doesn’t end with the DSFL and Baron gets ready to dive in deep with part two of the series “The Jungle”.  There’s a lot to tackle in this article but I think the most relevant information that pertains to my own article, resides in the first two quotes that Baron uses. When describing why or why not to bring back a defunct team there are two perspectives she brings to the table, AdamS, who says “Once I was in the process of working towards expansion I also switched from my original plan of going back to Vegas. I thought rehabilitating the city for our league would be a good thing but there was definitely some strong hesitancy for that idea. For those who do not know, Vegas had a franchise, the Legion, which was...badly run, to say the least… Eventually, I just discarded the idea and started fresh”. AdamS would elect to create a new team, one that would find its home in Austin. While Oles had his own perspective “As for Chicago, we all know the history Chicago has in the NSFL, the much maligned Chicago Blues were quickly moved to Palm Beach in favor of the Solar Bears branding, and Chicago has quickly become a no go zone for teams. If I went with Chicago I'd want to redeem the city and give it justice”. With those thoughts, Oles DOES bring back a team to Chicago but I think the importance of all of this may not be hitting so let me explain. Baron is a master manipulator and propaganda machine. She wouldn’t simply make this article for the fun of it. There was a deeper meaning behind all of it and while San Antonio did not have the drama that Vegas and Chicago may have had previously they still resonated with Baron. She was attempting to get into the brains of the readers and plant that seed of “maybe we should expand to San Antonio” without outright saying it. She also does something else clever throughout the article by highlighting a terrible front office strategy Chicago attempted to use. She writes this article two years after all of these events go down but by showing off how incompetent Chicago was, she wanted to get a chance to enter the scene and possibly move them somewhere she would prefer. This never materialized and I have no proof these thoughts ever occurred to her but what I know for sure is Baron thrives on drama. And as long as she can spin it in a light that makes her seem like the hero she will live in it for as long as she can.

It’s now time to take a different turn with a different underlying message to it. One free of drama (for the most part) and one that is far different from her normal media pieces. The series I’m about to talk about is called “The Giving Tree” which revolves around the biggest trade tree in ISFL history. Through three parts and trade after trade Baron explains how interconnected the ISFL truly WAS. Because you see, as she mentions in the article, trades are a dying breed. I’ve only been here for 3 seasons now but I can think of only a handful of trades most of them just being random picks in the draft getting traded from season to season. So how does this series relate to the propaganda and agenda that Baron is attempting to display? It isn’t that she wants to bring back trading it’s actually quite the opposite. Baron’s players thrived on their teams because they WERENT traded. This demonstration, all this work through all these trades was to demonstrate the idea of “And?”. What did any of these players and teams get out of these trades in the end? More money? An Ultimus trophy? A better locker room? All of that doesn’t matter to Baron because she cares about INDIVIDUAL STATS. She shows trade after trade after trade to make you tire of seeing them and that is how she has won. Now, anytime you think about doing a trade you think back to that 3 part series and how meaningless it all is when you look at the bigger picture.

I talked about this next series briefly earlier in this article but it is time to go a bit more in depth as we discuss “A Winter of Discontent” following the “darkest days in league history”. This series follows an incredible battle between two users and the banning of many more leading up to the season 15 draft. I believe this series was created for a few reasons the biggest being DRAMA. If you didn’t believe me before when I said Baron loved drama then look no further than her own words “Sure, I like writing about the uglier parts of it. That's just what I find most interesting to write about”. I can’t blame her. There’s a reason true crime podcasts dominate that scene so much. There’s a reason real housewives of whoville is so popular. People love the ugly side of things. They LOVE the drama. But there is another reason Baron created this article one that’s a bit more….sinister. The series revolves around a few main characters but none so prevalent as a user by the name of kolbe. Kolbe was an incredibly troubled character we will come to learn throughout this series but the line that stood out to me the most out of everything I read regarding him was this; “Kolbe at the time was a prolific media writer”. That’s it. That’s what I found most important. And I found that most important because we have our own prolific media writer writing an article about him and all his wrongdoings. Kolbe is long gone but Baron sees herself in Kolbe. Kolbe thrived in the drama (probably a bit too much so) and Baron has followed in his footsteps. I have been called out by others including myself for having striking similarities to Baron but before Baron was Kolbe. None of us are “original” in our ideas. And I don’t think Baron would appreciate me saying Kolbe and her were similar in any way. But it has to be said that Baron wrote this series for a reason. One for the drama, two as a reflection of herself. It lines up perfectly. She frames this article as the end of an era and the beginning of a new one, one that she would become the centerpiece and main narrator for. If Kolbe crawled through seasons 2-12 and Baron walked through seasons 15-45 is it my turn to pick up the slack and continue the mantle? Comparing the two of them is quite the stretch and I do not condone the behavior of anyone involved in the story Baron paints but I do think it is interesting how convenient one story ends and another begins.

We have now entered the era in which I can say my story was just beginning. Season 43 has come and Baron has decided to put out an EIGHT PART SERIES named “The Rockiest Road”. Look, for as much as I make you guys read at least I don’t make you read a series that is 8 parts long. That being said, it is a riveting series following the history of the Colorado Yeti. And I could go on and on about why Baron wrote this series but I won’t do that to you. I’m tired as is and by now if you haven’t understood who Baron is then there is no saving you. But this story is once more a reflection of Baron and a look into Baron’s desperate quest for an Ultimus trophy. For 21 seasons Colorado was unable to win an Ultimus and Baron encapsulates this in excruciatingly well put together paragraphs and graphs and charts and quotes that remind me of the legendary Secret Base series that I love binge watching oh so much. But if the Yeti were a user it would be Baron1898. Forever seeking that Ultimus trophy which is exactly why Baron wrote the article. She saw herself in the Yeti. Because Baron has played in the ISFL for 26 seasons and, much like the Yeti, has had nothing to show for it. But that is where they split paths because the Yeti HAVE won an Ultimus and Baron writes word after word thinking about what could be. One day, after so long, finally feeling what it’s like to be the champion of the league.

The final series Baron has most recently put out discusses, as she puts it “unfree agency”. The first article talks about the history and failures of agents to represent players. Why would Baron want to discuss agents? What’s in it for her? The answer is simple. Contrary to Baron’s lies in discord in which she says “I'm basically broke” she ACTUALLY has over 700 MILLION dollars sitting in her bank account. But her thirst for money knows no bounds and with agents, it was proven that not only were players more happy with their contracts, but receiving more compensation as a result. This is perfect for Baron who I’m sure wants to be part of the 1 billion dollar club. Further diving into free agency Baron talks about the money problem in the league and I’d like to throw my twosense into the ring. Actually, scratch that. I had a whole paragraph of me explaining how to fix it but like everyone before me, I don’t think it solves anything. What I would love to see is contract diversification. I think it would make things a lot more interesting. That being said, I think it is IMPOSSIBLE to implement for many reasons that I won’t get into because that isn’t what this article is about.

So after all that I have said, what is the one thing that I want you to take away from all this? Is it that Baron is an angry, needy for attention user that refuses to work as a team? No. Is it that Baron has put a curse on anyone that dares to step in her way? No. Is it that she is an egotistical freak that only cares about her own stats and achievements and completely disregards her team to make herself the hero? No. Is it that she is a backstabbing, victim blaming bully that pushes veterans off her team and makes rookies cry? No. Is it that Baron’s propaganda and media articles have changed the way you view her and make her seem a lot better than she actually is? No. The one thing that I want you to take away from all this, is that history repeats itself. And buckle up because you have to deal with me for another 30 seasons until the next Baron1898 comes around or the next lock180 comes around or the next……

*If you or a loved one has been victimized by Zenzeroni Xystarch II you may be entitled to financial compensation.

“Wow, Zenzeroni Xystarch II is truly the kindest and most generous soul” -Baron1898

An Aside: Special shoutout and big thanks to Baron for allowing me to stalk her through her history. You have my utmost respect and I look forward to seeing what Maria can do for you and maybe, just maybe you can win that elusive Ultimus.
Also thank you to everyone who reads my random ramblings and tangents and occasional thoughtful comments. I know there aren’t many of you and I don’t blame the others for not dedicating their time to reading nearly 40000 words and 57 pages worth of me ranting.

So……Who’s next?

RE: The Truth Behind Baron’s Propaganda Machine - Baron1898 - 01-12-2024

oh my lord

RE: The Truth Behind Baron’s Propaganda Machine - homercrates - 01-12-2024

going to savor this

RE: The Truth Behind Baron’s Propaganda Machine - MikeWhiskey - 01-13-2024

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