International Simulation Football League
*Head Office, Ruling Class - Printable Version

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*Head Office, Ruling Class - jadda123876 - 02-12-2024

The Proletariat is Threatened by the Bourgeoisie and thus must resist progress at every turn to avoid a closing of this gap.

In order to suppress a fast-moving and motivated group of dedicated individuals within a lower class, a purveying government has the need for some way with which to control the ability and agency of its constituents. Should there be a means by which a large portion of the lower class might be able to claim ownership over part of the spoils that the upper class reaps, there must be an action taken to stop this growth. Otherwise, the very actions of progress taken by representatives of government will mean the abolition of the gap in separation between the UPPER CLASS and the UNWASHED MASSES, and it is only the rookies that truly understand the neglect and class warfare prevalent in the likes of head office.

Marshawn Lynch would be ashamed of you.

To think, I was so very close to seeing Jonathan’s story climb to new heights. Finally, enough TPE, enough league money to really make some significant point investments into his stats. Only to be confronted with the impossible notion that I may somehow be forced to wait ever further for the ability to do so? I champ at the bit to advance this character, and Head Office will not bestow me with the means to do that???

I toil and slave TIRELESSLY for the MEAGER PROVISIONS that the Rookie Point Task offers, meanwhile veterans of the ISFL hit regression and lose the equivalent of my total TPE without batting an eye. Their gluttony for waste is like a PLAGUE and something must be done.

I await pending bank transactions to be approved, longer than my real-life bank takes to approve real-life transactions. To think that the upper class is now very clearly hoarding wealth to keep it out of the hands of the upstarts? We dare to dream of lofty things, of the ISFL, and you laugh in our faces with the promise of TPE and League Money when those commitments are the baseless ramblings of a ruling class.

Go no further than the DSFL Rookie chat to see that the surveillance and constant oppression of Head Office is alive and well.

[Image: xecihoL.png]

TAKE, for instance, the mockery of a public forum that is the Rookies Only chat. Rookies Only, indeed, and yet the one strikingly most active person is the member of Head Office with the most to gain from our failure. The job of rookie mentor is perpetuated so long as there are primitive and stupid rookies to teach. Therefore, there must always be some mode of consistent surveillance and baseline undermining of values and successes, in order to ensure that the ROOKIES STAY where the rookies BELONG, and everyone else can move on with their lives!

Make no mistake, the uproar that can be felt through all rookies is clear and apparent;

We desire change, and we DESIRE IT NOW! No parley until a promise of demands met on the consistent slighting of rookies, and the dismissive air with which the one-percenters of Head Office walk over all of our needs and wants! No more will they simply brush aside real and impactful issues without another thought.

No quarter on the things they have asked of us until we recognize that we have received what is asked of THEM.

Imagine the effects of a TRUE revolutionary call to action, BEYOND the expression of a mere political tome such as this one. No more Rookie Point Tasks, no more Activity Checks. The progress of all rookies stops, and grinds to a halt. Then once all the ISFL have grown too old to play the game, and all the rookies are still at 50 TPE what will you do? When the game of football has declined merely to spectating a group of idiots bumble about the field with the intentional purpose of ruining the score...

What will you do?!

The French Revolution is rumored to have been sparked by a violently apathetic move by Marie Antoinette. You may say it with me; ‘Let Them Eat Cake’.

While a normally perfectly acceptable thing to say in polite society out of context, the situation surrounding this is exacerbated by a long and arduous period of hardship by the working and lower classes of the French people. Followed immediately by a dismissive suggestion by their monarch that they might gorge themselves on the abundance of that which they will never have and never attain through means of their own, this enraged the French into a frenzy.

Whether their dear leader had simply a moment of pure apathy, a general disdain for her people’s issues and problems, or an accidental placing of one’s foot in one’s mouth, the consequences for this were dire, and her extreme ignorance of her people’s plight led to the uprising of Robespierre, and the French Revolution.

So I may simply ask one question, Head Office.

Are you hungry?


RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - TubaDeus - 02-12-2024

Vive la révolution

RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - jreed12 - 02-12-2024


RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - .HoshinoIchika - 02-12-2024

Down with the Rookie Mentors!!!


RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - shahdude - 02-12-2024

Eat the rich! Down with HO! Enlightenment is upon us!

RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - DarknessRising - 02-12-2024

Nah, not hungry, just had a 3am dinner of cheese toasties so i'm good

RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - wizard_literal - 02-12-2024

heck ho

RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - roquefort - 02-12-2024

heck ho! i call woelkers ribs

RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - Assistant to the POR GM - 02-12-2024

Heck HO

RE: Head Office, Ruling Class - Amkamkamk - 02-12-2024

Very excited to read Gramsci's Prison Notebooks at the next meeting of the ISFL Socialist Caucus.