International Simulation Football League
*Not just the Rookies, it seems - Printable Version

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*Not just the Rookies, it seems - jadda123876 - 02-21-2024

I have remained anonymous until this time, posted my previous writings under psuedonyms or through anonymous posting. I chose to offer an opinion, but not offer it in an attempt at good faith on the part of a sympathizing party, but as a third party with a clear and honest bias. I do not presume to hold much sway in the governing and moving forces of the ISFL, for I am merely a man, a cleric of some repute from a faraway land, not equipped to speak on such matters. However, it seems that my involvement has been forced.

I saw the chance to spark an uprising against the Absolute, I saw an opportunity to stop the Dead Three in their tracks, to end this BLASTED SCHEME. I did that, and now I choose to fight back against plots against my life, and against the rookie cause, for it is my fear that the attempts at silencing these efforts will only become more frequent as time wears on.

You may have heard me speak on the matter in the most recent inflammatory news piece from the Doghouse, may they bark ever louder, I pray. That being said, those words were not offered hastily, nor were they offered without thought. However, when the question was asked, wounds still healing, about my opinion of the Head Office, I spoke the truth.


Punishments levied against just peoples who sought to honestly come forward with infractions and was met with the swift hammer of Balduran? Droves flocking to speak on the issue, cries of injustice? This, here, in the wake of an already incredibly powerful uprising of rookies against the corruption of head office? How could I not speak the truth? As a cleric myself, in my studies of the arcane, I have found a universally understood fact amongst the magic users of the realms.

They understand the capabilities, the dangers, the fear of a powerful force getting quickly out of hand. I am passionate that there is a roiling explosion just beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to rise above the rim of our cauldron and overflow. There shall be a moment when the ley-lines of the Weave itself will ripple with the remembrance of the claiming of our place.

WE shall be the ones to make a mess of the Head Office, may Lathander guide us, but it won’t be a victory won without hard-pressed effort. We will need every able-bodied rookie and ally we can find for the ensuing fight.

We stand ready to face a foe of insurmountable capability, filled with the fervor that can only be brought about by consistent affirmative action towards progress, whatever form that must take. I am confident when I say that this will be not be a foundational movement so easily shaken.

Have your voice heard as a rookie! We want to know from you what your needs are, and wants. A rookies' union does not mean better treatment for some rookies, it means better treatment for all.

Just remember;

United We Bargain; Divided We Beg.

- Jonathan Irons

RE: Not just the Rookies, it seems - wizard_literal - 02-21-2024

United We Bargain; Divided We Beg.