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*Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - Printable Version

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*Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - soevil - 03-02-2024

First, I would like to take a second to thank the GMs that took a chance on me at every level. @firstfray, my first GM in Kansas City. I am honored that you believed in me as a first round pick and co GM with you. Im sorry I fucked that up, but we live and learn. To my Chicago GMs @TheCC and @Painted. Although I’m still fuckin’ salty that you didn’t draft Morley in the first (granted @Twenty6 was a way better pick, but Xave…), I’m happy that you not only pulled the trigger to trade up in the 2nd, but continued to do right by me by drafting my friends @Reedy0rNot, @KingOfTheOzone, and eventually @SmittyHextall. Getting to play with my best friends was very important to me, and getting to suit up with GOAT DT Joe Reed was a dream come true. Finally, to all of those in the Chicago Locker Room, I hope you had as good a time as I did. From Cart Narcs, Dahmer, and Bictory days, to everyone else’s terrible takes, I appreciate the nearly two years we spent together.

Anyone that knows me knows that I am hyper competitive and that I want to be the best at everything that I do. Dot football has been no exception. When I was scouted, I told everyone that my goals for Morley were to become the best wide receiver of all time, a lock for the Hall of Fame, and a sim football legend. I thought that I could do this by sheer TPE gains, willpower, and determination. As it turns out, there are a lot of other factors. Hell, even my own GM didn’t believe that I could break franchise records, and that spite helped fuel me (thanks CC). From that point on, my only goal was to own every major receiving record in Chicago history, taking the throne from Morley’s predecessor Vincent Sharpei Jr (@Muford). We will touch more on that later.

I modeled my player after myself, which is why I started out as a Slot archetype. It wasn’t until I was made aware that there was basically no representation for the return specialist archetype that I had even considered swapping. At some point in the middle of S39, Morley appeared on a sportsbook for punt return yards. I was too poor to position swap at the time, but decided to throw down $5M on whatever the over was, and if I hit, it had to be fate. Lo and behold, Morley hit, and midway through the season made the swap to RS. The result was a lot of up and down, and after two seasons, I decided that the inconsistency of return stats and the drop in receiving production wasn’t balanced and I changed back to Slot. This would become one of my biggest regrets in Morley’s career.

The Butchers had varying success during Morley’s career. By my count, we went 64-80 over the 9 seasons between S37 and S46. Not good, not terrible. We went through 4 quarterbacks in that time (is that weird?). Morley caught passes from the corpses of Kazimir Oles Jr and Tron Carter (I was the conductor behind the “Let Tron Cook” train), then journeyman quarterback Adrian St. Christmas, and finally franchise QB Painted Penguin. It was a wild ride to say the least.

Upon Morley’s final season, the franchise records were within reach. A stones throw for receptions and yards, but touchdowns would be tougher as I needed 13 to outright own the record (2 more than Morley’s career best). Things went better than expected, though, and with 3 games left in the season, Morley had already reached paydirt 11 times. I thought it was all but guaranteed. It would be poetic: Morley would hit 12 to tie in week 14 or 15, leaving the record breaking score to occur during his last career game…at home against the Colorado Yeti… on Morley Bobblehead night. Sadly, Penguin went on a 9 touchdown rampage over the final 3 games with zero (0) going to Morley. To say I am devastated is an understatement. Honestly, it makes me feel like the last two years have been a major waste of time. But that will pass, with time.. I hope. At least we got 2/3.

We did our best. Morley eclipsed at 1603 TPE, good enough for 12th highest in ISFL history according to the Wiki. That’s pretty cool, but as the great Ricky Bobby said “If you ain’t first, yer last”. It is bittersweet, the ending of Morley’s career. I am happy to have made it as long as I did, as a career Butcher (we won’t talk about the time CC almost traded me to HON… or the time I almost left for paradise in free agency). I’m not sure if the career is Hall of Fame worthy. I hope so, but my gut tells me maybe Morley just belongs in the Hall of Very Good. Only time will tell. My friend @swoosh made this amazing graphic for me. I think it sums up Morley’s career really well. If we’re lucky, maybe we can add another Pro Bowl or even an All Pro on there. Anyway, thanks for reading. It’s been real. It’s been fun. But it ain’t been real fun.

[Image: TayAu2D.png]

RE: Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - TheCC - 03-02-2024

Unfortunately, Morley is a Chicago legend. You've rustled my jimmies too many times to count, but I've got 0 regrets when it comes to drafting you. RIP Austin Morley. You truly were a wide receiver. Don't forget to put your cart back.

RE: Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - firstfray - 03-02-2024

[Image: snoop-dog-who.png]

You’re not my least favorite Co-GM so you have that going for you!

RE: Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - Triceracop - 03-02-2024

I ain't reading all that.

Happy for you though.

Or sorry that happened.

RE: Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - Twenty6 - 03-02-2024

You asked me whether I liked CHI or HON better. I can confidently say that

RE: Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - Painted - 03-03-2024

Big Grinahmer:

RE: Austin Morley’s Actual Retirement Post - DREAMSLOTH - 03-03-2024

o7 another fallen brother. You better recreate.