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*Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - Printable Version

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*Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - roquefort - 03-07-2024

I present to you what is undoubtedly the highest effort mock draft to be posted thus far. Relative to my competitors; I have done ZERO research, interviewed ZERO GMs/Prospects, and barely know the draft order.  What I do have, however, is something we call "virgo intuition". I'm basing this off of star charts and my gut feeling. 

With that disclaimer, let's get into the picks. But first, another disclaimer! I will attempt to justify each pick from a team/GM POV, from the player's POV, and finally I will "redteam" and argue against myself, presenting alternatives for the selection. Many of these alternatives will be based on theoretical draft orders based on previous alternatives. It may be convoluted, it may not make sense, but it will be fun. 

With the post-disclaimer disclaimer done with, let's hop into the draft. 

Just kidding - one more disclaimer. I'm writing this one about an hour after starting this draft. I've realized I'm very tired, and that I ranted a lot. Lower your expectations, or save this for a long poop. Thanks. 

Round One 

1.01 - Honolulu Hahalua  HON - Walter Yensid, CB, Bondi. @WalterYensid 

Blurb: I've been high on Walter since I joined the league, and I don't think this pick will come at a surprise to anyone. He's a media machine. He's a high earner. He plays a valuable position. Above all else, he's a nice guy. I don't think there's a single red flag you could come up with on his draft profile, and I think he's simply the safest bet for a team looking to do a long term rebuild. 

If I'm HON: I'm picking this guy to build a culture, and grab a max-earner in a key position. Walter is someone who pumps out high quality media and is very wholesome and fun to talk to on discord. I think he's a fantastic addition to any locker room, and I envision him as a key piece to build around going forward. CB is at high priority for the team with the only two DBs called up aging. They have Hearty Harry, high earning CB out of KCC coming up the pipeline - and they're going to need another stud to line up across from him. While HON can't really go wrong with the 1oa, I view Walter as a safe and non-controversial pick here. 

If I'm Walter: I'm cool, intelligent, and funny. I just have it all. Jokes aside, I imagine Walter would be stoked to end up here. His player's backstory has him coming from Hawaii, and I imagine he'd be super excited to mesh in with the relatively high-energy lockerroom that Honolulu has built. While I am unsure on his goals as a player (IE being CB2 to Harry, potentially for his whole career) - I think as a person he'd enjoy being here and would be a good fit. 

Redteam: There's so many options here. This pick is arguably the same importance as pick 2, given that they control both in a row - so I'll save most of the theoreticals for that one.

1.02 - Honolulu Hahalua  HON - Dunkler Sowerwine, DE, Ducks. @oknom

Blurb: This is another "can't go wrong" type pick. He's the highest earner in the class, he plays an important position, and has a desirable character. Sounds similar to Walter? It should, this is what I envision top end picks to be.  

If I'm HON: Another user I see being non-controversial, agreeable, and someone worth building around in the long term. He's new to the ISFL but from what I gather he's a seasoned user in the SHL - valuable sim league experience. He joined as a new-create post TDL, giving him the perfect situation to earn-his-way to the top of S47. Honolulu currently has two IA players called up, with tabloid writer Leo Simon Schwartz ( @griis) waiting in the DSFL. They're going to need bodies on the DL, and from what I've gathered Dunkler is also open to playing DT. Personality wise, I have had few but always positive interactions with Oknom. He comes off as a mature user who's looking to stick around for a long time, and I think that's exactly the sort of linchpin HON will be looking for come draft day. 

If I'm Dunkler: Gosh, I wish I knew Dunkler well enough to write a lot here. I have to imagine he'd be excited to be in HON, he's already active in the locker room and seems to get along well. If I'm him, I'm looking forward to being viewed as the center of the defense, and likely being someone who will have the opportunity to put up big stats as the team looks to rebuild with his peak years in mind. HON have pulled off these rebuilds in the past, and I'd imagine he'd trust them to do it again and bring him some rings. 

Redteam: Okay here we go. Dunker is a great pick, and I will make ZERO arguments directly against him. Instead, I will talk about the alternative options here. First off: myself. I'm a high earning CB, if they don't go Walter - I think I'd be a good pick here. Not going to get into it too much, but as you all know I'm super handsome, funny, intelligent, humble, athletic, etc etc - and already went 1oa once. Moving on from me, we have some way more interesting players. I'm going to talk about them individually below: 

Brad Woof - Brad is a high earning WR, and a clear standout from this class. He plays a valuable archetype, and it goes without saying that HON will be looking to pick up a WR this offseason. Their only rostered WR - Speedy Gizmo (@WildfireMicro) announced that they intend to retire after the Ultimus. HON will need to pick up a WR now and get the ball rolling on developing them into a worthy target for Lenard McRobinson. Brad checks off the boxes for me. He's a high earner, he's chatty, he's funny - and he has a cute dog character render. What's not to love? He posts some of the best media in the league (shoutout the doghouse) and is a great fit into any locker room. I do imagine he'd be looking for a quick callup, and I could see him being the WR1 in HON next season. I've interacted directly with Brad a good amount since joining, and he's simply a very fun dude to talk to. I also heard he seduced the pope in CK3. cough. 

Baron - Baron is a stud user, and the media queen. I really don't need to introduce her. All the rumors I've heard say that she is looking to be the WR1 out of the gate, and is wanting to chase some serious stats from the get-go on this recreate. In addition, being a post TDL recreate they lead the WR class in TPE. She's an obvious slam dunk pick, and I can't make any argument against her. So why isn't she the pick? This is pure conjecture but I've heard whispers that Baron would rather see a new-user picked in the early positions, and may be looking to be picked up a little later where she'll join a team that has a chance of winning *now*. If this is wrong, I apologize, but that's the only info I really have on you. I can see you going later on to a team like NYS, AUS, or BAL. I'll touch on those when I get to them. 

Riggins- Timothy Riggins, Wizard, is the last of this group of "top" rated WRs for me. He's another super fun personality, a chatty monkey, and is someone I'd see fitting in great on the team. He's neck and neck with Brad for 2nd in TPE, and has made it clear that he's intending to max earn for a long time. He's someone I've talked to a lot in the last two months, and I can personally attest he's going to be a kickstart to any locker room. I have heard him get excited over stats a lot in the past, so I can also see him being a good fit for an immediate call-up to give Lenard someone to throw at. Also: Wizard. Did I mention that yet? 

So why NOT the WRs. To me, I think you can get one later. HON has 2.01, and this is a deep deep class. There's a lot of studs up front that I listed above, but I didn't even touch on now Norfolk GM JJ What, or other talent like @jadda123876 - Jonathan Irons. I find it unlikely a scenario where ALL of these names are gone at 2.01, so I think if I'm HON, I'm going for the scarcer positions early and grabbing what's left when it comes back to them in the 2nd round.  

1.03 - Berlin Fire Salamanders   BER  - Roquefort Cotswald, CB, Subs. @me.

Man, do I feel weird drafting myself. I'm going to save the pro-roquefort commentary on this one, i'm sure you all love me and imagine me the steal of the draft at 3oa.

Redteam: First off, if HON deviates from those picks above, and there's Walter or Dunkler here - ya take em. Berlin had a disappointing season, but has a roster with actual players on it. DL is admittingly not a high priority for them in my eyes, with 3 player DL 3 seasons apart each, they're designed to have someone peaking for the next few seasons. Despite that, I still think Dunkler can work here. They have an aging LB corps and may be able to run a 4-3, and with 4 studs on the frontline I can see it working. DB is an obvious need, with Amidships getting no younger and two geriatric safeties, they're going to need help in the backfield. While again, I am unsure if Walter is open to a position swap, I do think they could get away with running a CB at S for a season or two while they continue to rebuild the roster and target some safeties. With Devin Jones (S46) and Chaos Vert (S42), I'm not sure if CB will be their highest priority. I don't think really need a WR here, as they currently have two near-capped S41 WRs, and a max-earning Pitter Patter (S45) getting ready for his time to shine in the ISFL. 

I can see them going LB here and picking up someone like Grzegorz Winnicki (@araa) here as well. With two of their LBs deep in regression, they're going to need a third option to start developing. I know very little about Araa, but hes the highest earning non-GM LB in the class, and has a render with a hilariously long moustache. 

Last option - Lyle Robideaux, user @Figgy. I know *nothing* about Figgy, but I've heard only positive things, and he's the next highest earning LB in the class. Being a pass rusher, he has some scheme flexibility, and may be a better fit for Berlin's current roster. 

1.04 - Kathmandu Yetis   COL   - Tim Riggins - WR, Yotes. @shahdude

Blurb: I've already said a lot about Timmy, but get ready - I got more. He's a magical user, with a ton of flavor. He's put out some of the best media in our class, and I think he'd be a great fit in the Snetl lockerroom. He skis, has been on trips to Colorado, and is overall - a chill dude. He's a max-earning WR (traitor to his TE brethren), and Yeti's will need another WR at some point. 

If I'm KMD (COL): With NCADV (S39) hitting regression and Mattrim Cauthon (s44) sitting at 245 TPE spent, I'm looking for a WR here. Riggins is one of the top of the class, and has a lot to prove in the league. After swapping over from TE he's been chasing stats, and I think he'll be a perfect fit on a team with a high-TPE Pocket Passer to start his career off. He will be second fiddle to National Treasure (S42) for several seasons, but if he sticks around he'll have the opportunity to be WR1 on a team that attracts studs year after year. He's a good locker room presence, and I imagine he'd fit in well with the winter-sports lovers that seem to have flocked to the Yetis. 

Redteam: This is going to be all dependent on the last 3 picks. I think if Dunkler or either of the above CBs are available here: you grab them. Yeti roster 2 CB and have earning Terry Keller in the DSFL, but Gates (S41) hasn't put an update in since January and isn't getting any younger. If Dunkler falls to 4, you grab him and hope he's cool with DT - where the Yeti currently roster an ancient (S36) Witchqueen, and a winter-chicken Casino Robin (S38) who's nearing the end of their career. 

If those are off the board, like they are here - I think you're safe to go Brad here as well, for many of the same reasons I think Riggins is a strong pick. I did lean Riggins over Brad as Woof did *not* join the Yeti LR, while Riggins did and had some conversations. I'm not picking Baron here, as I doubt she's looking to be second fiddle on a team that isn't sure if it'll be competing or tanking next season. 

POST PICK 4 DISCLAIMER: I wrote more than I intended to, and I can't finish this tonight. As such, this is now part 1 of a 2-3? part series. I also was reached out to by another super exciting rookie in the class, who will come on in Round 2 to clean it up. Make sure to stay tuned to find out who. If you read this far, thanks - I hope you enjoyed. If you didn't, you're probably a leo. frickin fire signs...

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - JoeSteel - 03-07-2024

Severe lack of sexpot in this mock

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - roquefort - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:34 AM)JoeSteel Wrote: Severe lack of sexpot in this mock
he's coming in the late late night mock

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - shahdude - 03-07-2024

I’m blushing

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - JoeSteel - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:41 AM)roquefort Wrote:
(03-07-2024, 12:34 AM)JoeSteel Wrote: Severe lack of sexpot in this mock
he's coming in the late late night mock
It's late late night now.

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - .HoshinoIchika - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 01:28 AM)shahdude Wrote: I’m blushing

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - oknom - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:41 AM)roquefort Wrote:
(03-07-2024, 12:34 AM)JoeSteel Wrote: Severe lack of sexpot in this mock
he's coming in the late late night mock


RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - Soviet Sexpot - 03-07-2024

(03-07-2024, 12:34 AM)JoeSteel Wrote: Severe lack of sexpot in this mock

cant acknowledge my existence around here apparently....

RE: Late Night Mock - Post CC Round - Part 1 - JJ5 - 03-07-2024

not bad for a running back