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*Cecil Otter, Otters GM +Ian Bavitz, LB Statements - Printable Version

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*Cecil Otter, Otters GM +Ian Bavitz, LB Statements - Molarpistols - 10-06-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Cecil Otter, Otters GM and Ian Bavitz, Otters LB Offer Prepared Statements
The Mike Boss Contract Situation
Pistol News Network (PNN) with the Exclusives[/div]

This morning, Pistol News Network received a press release from Orange County Otters GM Cecil Otter, and Otters linebacker Ian Bavitz concerning the ongoing Mike Boss situation.

Ian Bavitz

Hello all, I'm Ian Bavitz, and I'd like to issue a statement regarding recent articles about Mike Boss and all that stuff.

I would like to first start off with my sincerest apologies to my team, the Otters. I lost my cool at practice, and in the heat of the moment, I allowed my anger to get the best of me. I truly regret my actions, that's no way for a team leader, or a teammate in general to behave. We, as a team, need to stick together and support each other to be able to compete in this league, and my actions caused a rift in the team that I'm incredibly sorry to have stirred up.

I also want to offer my apologies to Mike Boss. Again, I lost my temper and it didn't end well. I'm sorry for being a jerk and trying to step into your business. Your contract negotiations are between the General Managers and you and your agent. I had no right to try to step into that. It is just hard to see one of the most important pieces of our team seemingly not all-in on our team. We all want victories, and in my poor judgement I thought I needed to convince you to stay for the team. I'm sorry I lost it, and I hope I didn't ruin this for you, or our team and fans.

Lastly, I'd like to take the chance to apologize to our fans. As a defensive leader in the Orange County Otters organization, I recognize that I have a large influence on our fans and their children. An expletive-filled tirade does not set a good example for our youth, and I am ashamed of myself that I let my temper flare to the point of losing control. I'm deeply sorry for my actions, that was no way for an adult to behave, much less an adult in the position I'm in to influence people.

Again, to everybody this affected, I'm so sorry.

Ian Bavitz

Cecil Otter

I'm Cecil Otter, the General Manager for the Orange County Otters. I, too would like to issue a statement regarding the situation with Mike Boss.

Football is a very passion-driven sport, it only follows suit that sometimes those passions get the best of our players on occasion. We're proud of Ian Bavitz for recognizing his error, it was actually his idea to issue these statements. Bavitz is doing what he can to correct his error in judgement, and the Otters support that and will do everything we can to help with that.

With that said, due to the physical nature of the incident at practice the other day, we've decided to fine Ian Bavitz to the tune of one game's pay. We need to set a precedent that this sort of behavior is not accceptable, and this should help.

As an organization, we'd also like to apologize to the fans. The coaches and front office could see tension brewing all week since this contract business got leaked. We thought the tension could help keep our guys focused and raise the level of competition. We were wrong, as the tension quickly boiled over into a physical altercation. As a team we need to pull together and set a better example to our fans and the league.

Lastly, we'd like to apologize to Mike Boss. As coaches and managers, we were keeping a close eye on the tension but wanted you guys to figure it out for yourselves. We're all adults, so we thought it would be handled like adults. Bavitz' behavior was obviously out of line and we never should have let it get that far. We'd also like to thank you for not taking the situation to the next level. The Otters are dedicated to finding a way to compete, and we still think that you being on the team now and in the future gives us the best chance at competing.

Let's all put this ugly business behind us and focus on our upcoming games against the Yeti, Liberty, Wraiths and Hawks. We aren't guaranteed a playoff spot yet, we have to keep grinding so we can have a shot at the Ultimus.

Thank you,
Cecil Otter
