International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 2: Takeoff - Printable Version

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*Chapter 2: Takeoff - lock180 - 05-04-2024

If you missed Chapter 1 check it out here
Graders: 60/40 Split for @lock180/@homercrates
Squid Inc. PR Announcement
The Book of Zen opened to mixed reviews last night with an especially angry cat that seemed “disappointed” by the lack of cats and felt it wasn’t Zenzeroni’s best work. The cat also seemed confused that there would be one new media post every day despite Zenzeroni clearly stating there would be one new media post every day.

Others said they were excited for what was to come calling the author “Smart” and “Great” although we aren’t sure if that is actually what was said as the phone call seemed to be coming from a prison and the person was talking in a hushed tone but whatever the case or whatever side you are on, here is Chapter 2 of The Book of Zen.

The Book of Zen

Chapter 2: Takeoff

[Image: IoWP1BO.png]

“Everyone have everything they need?!” Zizi calls from one of the 100 rooms in their luxurious mansion.

Zenzeroni trots out with his super cool Spiderman backpack “Yep! Where are we going again?”

“It’s a surprise.” Zizi tells him roughing up his hair before heading off toward the black SUV with tinted black windows.

Zenzeroni jumps into the backseat with his brother who snickers at him before turning his attention toward the baseball in his hands. Zenzeroni Sr. slides into the driver's seat and drives toward BWI airport.

On the way, Zenzeroni thinks about his future and how he could possibly be the pitcher his father wants him to be. The first thought that comes to his head is to chop off his arms and get prosthetics or some kind of robo-arm. Zenzeroni quickly brushes that idea off and looks around the car for better more practical ideas when his eyes glance down toward his feet. He had seen videos of people writing with their feet surely he could figure out some way to throw with his feet. Yes! This was it! This was how he would impress his dad and make him proud! Zenzeroni begins taking off his shoes until–

“Mom, Zenzeroni is taking his shoes off in the car!” Zenzic snitches to his mother.

“Where are your manners Zenzeroni Xystarch II?! Did I teach you this criminal behavior?! I don’t think so!” Zizi shakes her finger at Zenzeroni.

“Sorry mom.” Zenzeroni mutters.

“What was that?” Zizi cuffs her hand to her ear like she didn’t hear him.

“SORRY MOM!” Zenzeroni screams and kicks the back of the passenger seat in a mini temper tantrum.

Zenzeroni Sr. slams on the brakes and looks Zenzeroni straight in his eyes without saying a word. This quiets Zenzeroni immediately and the rest of the ride to the airport is done in silence.

While Zenzeroni Sr. does have a private jet, the Xystarch family was flying commercial this time around which meant going through security. Being a famous figure of the area Zenzeroni Sr. was met with fan after fan making it almost impossible for the Xystarch family to make any real progress toward security or their eventual boarding gates.

Eventually, the Xystarch family reaches the security line which is severely backed up with spring break vacationers. Zenzeroni Sr., fed up with Zenzeroni, his fans, and the airport in general attempts to skip the line when a big guy with earbuds steps in the way blocking Zenzeroni Sr. and the rest of his family from taking a shortcut to the front of the line.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“The front of the line.” Zenzeroni Sr. moves to the left to get around him and the man in front of him steps with him continuing to block Zenzeroni Sr.’s shortcut.

“Well, you can wait like everyone else.”

“Don’t you know who I am?”

“An asshole?”

Zenzeroni Sr. had heard enough and took a swing at the big man in front of him. For being such a large man he was surprisingly agile. Reminiscent of Kung Fu Panda, this mystery man quickly dismantled Zenzeroni Sr.s defenses and left him flat on his butt.

“As I said, you can wait like everyone else”.

Zenzeroni Sr.’s ego bruised, reluctantly walks to the back of the security line and after one long hour, the Xystarch family reaches the front of the line.

The whole family made it through the metal detectors without incident but as they all received their bags Zenzeroni’s bag was flagged and a security officer grabbed it and brought it to his station.

“Okay, everyone have everything?” Zenzeroni Sr. asks without looking back at Zenzeroni who is looking desperately at his Spiderman bag. “Alright I don’t hear a no so let's head on out.”

Zenzeroni is about to say something but can’t get the words out in time as his father begins walking away from the security area. Zenzeroni looks back at the security officer still digging through his bag and then jogs to catch back up with his father and the rest of his family.

The Xystarch family gets to the gate just as the preboarding process begins and when first class is called to enter the plane the Xystarch family gets up and heads to the front of the gate. Before Zenzeroni can get up to join his parents his brother shoves a ticket into his chest.

“You think you are flying first class with us? Why don’t you join the rest of the bozos in economy.” Zenzic shakes his head in disgust before joining his parents as they board the plane.

Zenzeorni looks down at his ticket crumpled in his lap that very clearly says “economy stage 3” and crosses his arms in anger. After what feels like a lifetime Zenzeroni hears “Stage 3 may now board. Disjointed Flight 420 Stage 3 may now board.” Zenzeroni looks around and sees a few stragglers left with him. He grabs the ticket with his teeth and is finally able to board the nearly full plane.

Now on the plane, Zenzeroni makes his way through first class where the rest of his family is. As he makes his way through Zenzic sticks his leg out and trips Zenzeroni sending him sprawling onto the plane aisle ground. Zenzeroni glares at his brother who puts his hands up innocently as everyone around them tries to stifle their laughter. Recovering, Zenzeroni reaches his seat at the back of the plane directly next to the bathroom and grumbles his apologies as he steps over the aisle seat and finds his middle seat.

In the aisle seat is a man who looks primed for vacation with a bucket hat and Hawaiian shirt and for some reason already wearing his sunglasses. Still unaware of their destination Zenzeroni shrugs and tries to make himself comfortable when he feels a nudge coming from the window seat side. Zenzeroni turns to see the large man who had confronted his father at the security checkpoint.
“It seems like you forgot something.” The large man reaches down and pulls up Zenzeroni’s Spiderman bag that he thought was long forgotten.

“Thank you!” Zenzeorni exclaims as he immediately unzips the main pocket and pulls out two of his action figures and begins setting them up on the tray table in front of him.

“Tray tables must be in the upright and locked positions.” A stewardess comes by and scolds him.

Zenzeroni puts his tray table up and is about to put his action figures back in the bag when the mystery man once again nudges him.

“I will play if you want. The name is Charles by the way.” Charles sticks a hand out and immediately regrets it seeing Zenzeroni’s lack of hands.

Zenzeroni, who has his noodle arms wrapped around both action figures moves one over to Charles “Okay but I’m going to be the bad guy” Zenzeroni tells Charles.

Zenzeroni and Charles play with the action figures until Zenzeroni tires out and falls asleep with his head on Charles’ shoulder. When Zenzeroni wakes up he rubs his eyes as an announcement comes on over the intercom “Welcome to New Zealand, please enjoy your stay.”

RE: Chapter 2: Takeoff - Wiggli - 05-04-2024

Zizi clearly never attended sensitivity training. Shaking a finger at your noodle armed son is clearly a microaggression.

RE: Chapter 2: Takeoff - jreed12 - 05-05-2024

Smart and great! Smart and great!