International Simulation Football League
(S48) Late Joiner Thread - Printable Version

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(S48) Late Joiner Thread - wizard_literal - 05-06-2024

(S48) Late Joiner TPE Thread
The Late Joiner TPE system in place to help users that create their player after Ultimus, catch up on TPE missed during the Season. How this will work is, there will be 5 prompts, 1 for each week post-Ultimus. Which will each be worth 7 TPE and you must write at least 50 words per prompt. The amount of prompts that you are allowed to complete will correspond with the week of your player's creation. This is only open for players entering the Season 49 ISFL Draft. The deadline to complete this is the start of the ISFL playoff stream.

To get this graded, a PPT Team Member will go through and edit your post, either approving or denying it, and once that has happened, you may link it to your update thread for the appropriate amount of TPE. There is no partial TPE for a prompt, so you must reach the minimum word count to get the 7 TPE for that week.

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?
- As a newly created player, was the experience intuitive? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience of getting started in our league?
- Write a letter to any perspective GMs that may be interested in picking you up in the upcoming draft(or waivers). What makes you stand out?
- The ISFL has quite a few branding amongst its two leagues. Which branding are your favorite? Which are your least favorite?
- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
- Talk about your player number and if it means anything special to you

In your response, make sure to include your player page to confirm when you created your player.
Week 1: 05/06 - 05/12 - Eligible for 7 TPE (1 Prompt)
Week 2: 05/13 - 05/19 - Eligible for 14 TPE (2 Prompts)
Week 3: 05/20 - 05/26 - Eligible for 21 TPE (3 Prompts)
Week 4: 05/27 - 06/02 - Eligible for 28 TPE (4 Prompts)
Week 5: 06/03 - 06/09 - Eligible for 35 TPE (5 Prompts)

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - wizard_literal - 05-06-2024
Week 1: 05/06 - 05/12 - Eligible for 7 TPE (1 Prompt)

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
My player name is a reference to Duke Silver, the alternative Jazz Persona of Ron Swanson from the hit show Parks and Recreation. The name is also a play on words where Silver-back references the greatest franchise in all of Sim Football The New York Silverbacks who I will be forcing my way back to in the draft.

58 words

@wizard_literal @wizard_literal 7 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - IceBear32 - 05-06-2024

Week 1: 05/06 - 05/12 - Eligible for 7 TPE (1 Prompt)

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it

My GM time has come and I avoided it for my first recreate as GM but I now have to go offensive line. A time I'm weirdly excited about. Thinking of what I wanted to do render wise I knew I wanted big but fun. Nothing beats that more than Baymax. I did struggle coming up with a first name and decided he just didn't need one!

@IceBear32 7 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - bytes - 05-08-2024

What inspired my player name?

Zimm Triumph came from an TTRPG I was reading as I created the account. In it, the author recommends making names out of the kickstarter backers at the back of the book. So yeah, I used that method. Triumph seems great for a football last name though and Zimm was pretty cool. Hoping for a lot of Triumph for old Zimm.

61 words for 7 TPE

@bytes 7 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - iStegosauruz - 05-12-2024

Week of 5/6 to 5/12

What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

The best part of the league, by far, is the community. I think everyone reaches a point where they’re a bit jaded by the sim results and would tell you that the reason they keep sticking around are the friends they’ve made. If it wasn’t for Gucci sending me a message on the forums to bring me back, getting me involved in the Dallas war room early, and giving me guidance on my first player I probably wouldn’t have made it to the point of understanding the incredible community.

@iStegosauruz 7 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - Arctic - 05-14-2024

Week 1: 05/06 - 05/12 - Eligible for 7 TPE (1 Prompt)

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it

While it's not super complex, there actually is a meaning behind the name Thaal Sinestro! I recently watched the Invincible show and I enjoyed it so much that it led me to try and get into comic books. I'm currently reading Green Lantern by Geoff Johns and really enjoying it, which led me to name by PBE player Hal Jordan. When naming my ISFL player I thought why not make him Hal Jordan's arch nemesis, Sinestro!

@Arctic 7 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - UptownCord - 05-15-2024
Week 2: 05/13 - 05/19 - Eligible for 14 TPE (2 Prompts)

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
My player's name is the name of one of my favorite Steely Dan songs. Aja was the first album of theirs that I listened to and Deacon Blues was the song I gravitated towards most. To be honest, its not a very creative name as the band altered Deacon Jones name for their song. No wonder it feels like a good football name. (63 Words)

- The ISFL has quite a few branding amongst its two leagues. Which branding are your favorite? Which are your least favorite?
Not to be a total homer or anything, but the Orange County Otters have the best branding in the league. In fact, I like it so much I will be forcing my recreate to their team. The energy, the emotes, the pop of color; everything comes together to make the team's branding top-tier. The worst branding in the league is that of the Chicago Butchers. Not a very hot take, but the poor logo does a team with a perfectly acceptable name no favors. (84 Words)

@UptownCord 14 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - bfan8475 - 05-19-2024

Week 1: 05/06 - 05/12 - Eligible for 7 TPE (1 Prompt)

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

My favorite part of the league is how active it all is. I've joined a lot of different discords from the main one to the rookie one to DSFL team ones and there's always a lot of activity in each. It builds a sense of community and makes the wait times between sims less boring. I can always have a conversation with various different people about a lot of different topics that doesn't even involve football or ISFL. With this activity comes a lot of people being helpful as well. I don't understand this sim at all, have never owned it either. I try to build my character right but without the sim, it's hard to know what plays well and what doesn't. Thankfully, there's been so many people with experience and knowledge on the sim where they're able to point me in the right direction which I appreciate. William Lin was the most helpful in the beginning and still is, but since then there's been so many others who have helped me too which I appreciate.

@bfan8475 7 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - ItsMcLovin - 05-20-2024

Week 2: 05/13 - 05/19 - Eligible for 14 TPE (2 Prompts)

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

One of the biggest things that I've enjoyed in my first day as a part of this website is the community, everyone is incredibly helpful and have gone the extra mile to make sure I'm on the right track and can earn as much TPE as I possibly can. As for people that helped me the most, I gotta give big props to the GM of Norfolk JJ and sonicxdoom in discord. Both of those guys have been remarkable in giving me tips on how to make a good player, and how to maximize earnings each week. They went above and beyond and I greatly appreciate it!

- As a newly created player, was the experience intuitive? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience of getting started in our league?

Since I have previous sim league experience, and I know what has helped me in those leagues, I can definitely say that the lack of player/league portal has definitely been a big learning curve for me to overcome. I was told that the team behind the website is actively in the works of making exactly that however, so I'm extremely excited to see what they put together! Past that though, the experience has been great! I've had a couple people reach out as I mentioned previously and they've been extremely helpful in getting me hitting the ground running, so I have no complaints at all in the grand scheme of things honestly!

Player Page +

@ItsMcLovin 14 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S48) Late Joiner Thread - tcookie - 05-20-2024

Week 3: 05/20 - 05/26 - Eligible for 21 TPE (3 Prompts)
Player Page

- As a newly created player, was the experience intuitive? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience of getting started in our league?
I actually think the new player experience was pretty great. There are some really good resources with the Rookie Guide and the Rookie Point Task as a bit of a tutorial, the "Create a Player" tool is easy to use, the archetype guides are super easy to read. I hate to not offer anything helpful here, but I think it was a really smooth and intuitive experience overall! Granted, I have been around sim leagues before so I knew the general idea coming in but I think the main thing is that the guides are easy to find and easy to read, so you can find what you need to know.

- The ISFL has quite a few branding amongst its two leagues. Which branding are your favorite? Which are your least favorite?
I think the Yellowknife Wraiths branding is extremely cool actually. The logo is awesome, the name is good, the colour scheme goes well with both the name and the city and looks really sharp. I am a fan of the Honolulu Hahalua and Orange County Otters, too. On the other hand, the Baltimore Hawks is kind of just an uninspiring name and an uninspiring logo IMO. Maybe it's just that I think the whole "<City> <Bird>" thing is overdone. For the DSFL, the Norfolk Seawolves or Tijuana Luchadores are probably my favourites.

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
There's not any particular meaning behind it, other than I wanted to make a French-Canadian player because grassroots football is pretty big in Quebec. The Laval University Rouge-et-Or are the powerhouse college team in USports - since 1999 they have a 166-29 regular seaosn record and 11 national championships - and I just kinda took various combinations of names from the Laval team's roster until I had something I thought sounded good.

@tcookie 21 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.