International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 4: Father-Son Time - Printable Version

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*Chapter 4: Father-Son Time - lock180 - 05-06-2024

Catch up on Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Graders: 60/40 Split for @lock180/@homercrates

The Book of Zen

Chapter 4: Father-Son Time

[Image: hbDvSyi.png]

Approaching the kiosk desk at the front of the terminal Zenzeroni overhears his father talking with the front desk employee “...everything should have been set up already. I called ahead and arranged everything with Steve.”

“Yes we have the files right here. It looks like you rented out a flight with….” The lady trails off for a second “Ah I understand now. You know Steve through…..yes I see everything should be set up as requested Mr. Xystarch.” The lady says.

“Perfect. Is there anything else you need from me?”

“Nope if you just wait here Steve will bring the plane around and give me a call when he is ready for you.

“Thank you.” Zenzeorni Sr. says coming back to the rest of the Xystarch family.

“Okay Zenzeroni we know you’ve been a little down lately so to cheer you up we are going to have some father-son time just the two of us in a private plane! How does that sound?”

Shocked, Zenzeroni can barely put to words what he is thinking “That sounds great! Thanks dad!” Zenzeroni says giving his dad a big hug which Zenzeroni Sr. doesn’t reciprocate.

“Our personal pilot should be here any minute. In the meantime how about you stay here and your mother, brother, and I will go for a walk while you get yourself ready.”

“Oh, I don’t think I need to get ready I’m ready right now!”

“Nonsense. Take a seat over there and we will be back when Steve shows up.”

“Okay I guess.” Zenzeroni sits on one of the benches and swings his legs back and forth waiting for this Steve guy to arrive.

Zenzeroni sits and watches people come and go through the airport when he sees a man he recognizes. Seizing the opportunity while still waiting for the flight Zenzeroni jumps up and rushes over to a large person and softly hits him in the back with one of his noodle arms “Charles!” Zenzeroni exclaims.

But once the man turns around Zenzeroni realizes it is in fact not Charles but a pregnant woman. Zenzeroni immediately blushes and apologizes profusely before rushing back to his spot on the bench. Another 20 minutes go by until he sees a man that looks like a pilot with a sign that has “Zenzeroni Xystarch Sr.” written on it. Zenzeroni puts on his best professional face and struts over to the pilot.

“Hello it is I, Zenzeroni Xystarch Sr. you must be Steve.” He says stifling a giggle.

Steve looks at Zenzeroni with a curious look and leaning into Zenzeroni’s obvious ruse says “Ah Mr. Xystarch, it is an honor to finally meet you in person. We have much to discuss but before we go any further would you mind pointing me towards your son? After all this day is all about him.”

Zenzeroni can’t keep it together and starts laughing “I got you so good! You really thought I was my dad? Haha! I’m Zenzeroni Xystarch Srs son!”

“Oh my. Yes, you really pulled off quite the prank. But on a more serious note Zenzeroni II, where is your father? He is coming along on the plane is he not?”

“That’s what he said. I think he went for a walk with the rest of my family.” Zenzeroni looks around and sees a fleeting glimpse of someone that looks even more so like Charles but this Charles looks straight at him with an emotionless face and shakes his head as if to disapprove of what is going on. Someone bumps into Zenzeroni and when he looks back to where he saw Charles he is gone once more.

“Steve, A pleasure to meet you in person.” Zenzeroni Sr. steps up to Steve and shakes his hand.

“I suppose we should be on our way then should we not?” Steve asks giving Zenzeroni Sr. a knowing look out of the eye of Zenzeroni II.

“Yes I believe it is time to fly if it is all clear for you?”

“It’s always a good time to fly when you're with me!” Steve says with a wink toward Zenzeroni.

Steve leads the father-son duo through a maze of back passages before emerging on the airstrip. Greeting them front and center is Steve’s baby, the Cessna 182.

“This hot lady is the love of my life so be extra careful with her alright?” Steve says pointedly at Zenzeroni.

“I won’t touch anything I’m not supposed to sir. I promise!”. Zenzeroni tells him. This was far from the normal private planes Zenzeroni was used to being escorted in with his father. This plane, as Zenzeroni entered, had no kind of amenities and no seating besides two long benches lining either side of the plane. Zenzeroni looked around for the flight attendants that usually handed him gummy bears or pretzels but found an empty plane barring his father and “Pilot Steve”.

“Don’t get too comfortable! Steve says jokingly to Zenzeroni patting him on the back as he sees Zenzeroni’s face looking at the state of the inside of the plane.

“This doesn’t seem all that luxurious dad.” Zenzeroni says looking at his father.

“That’s because it isn’t about what’s on the inside. Come on buckle up!” Zenzeorni Sr. rushes Zenzeroni to his seat and buckles him in. Zenzeroni Sr. continues to look past Zenzeroni and out the door where it looks like two security guards or police officers are beginning to approach. However, before they can get much closer, Zenzeroni Senior closes the door and looks at Steve “Let’s get moving shall we.” Zenzeroni Sr. says through a half-hearted chuckle looking carefully out his window.

Zenzeroni joins his father in nervously looking out the window as Steve goes through pre-flight procedures and eventually starts the engines and takes off without a hitch.

Zenzeroni was used to flying but it felt like an eternity of sitting uncomfortably on the bench opposite of his father when all of a sudden the door to Zenzeroni’s right began to open.

“Alright Senior it’s now or never!” Steve yells over the sound of the engines and the wind.

Zenzeroni Sr. gives a slight nod and grabs a backpack from under his seat and begins adjusting it onto Zenzeroni’s back.

“Kid” Zenzeroni Sr. looks his son dead in the eyes “I never loved you.” and with that Zenzeroni Sr. shoves Zenzeroni Xystarch II out of the plane, 10,000 ft in the air.

RE: Chapter 4: Father-Son Time - jreed12 - 05-06-2024


RE: Chapter 4: Father-Son Time - Baron1898 - 05-07-2024

What the fuck