International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 9: Captain Charles Crunch - Printable Version

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*Chapter 9: Captain Charles Crunch - lock180 - 05-11-2024

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The Book of Zen

Chapter 9: Captain Charles Crunch

[Image: XMyzAN4.png]
ILLUSTRATED BY: Thor Dangerson
The name doesn’t register with Zenzeroni at first but as the ships get closer to the docks Zenzeroni gasps as he sees at the bow of the ship, his friend from the plane to New Zealand, Charles.

Captain Crunch squints at the waving Zenzeroni trying to make out who he is and motions to one of his crewmates to grab something. The crewmate obliges and hands Captain Crunch binoculars. Looking through the binoculars the face of Zenzeroni’s elated face comes into view and he stumbles back in surprise before composing himself and giving a slight nod and wave.

“You know Captain Crunch?” One Eyed Larry asks Zenzeroni.

“He’s my BEST friend.”

“Is that so?” One Eyed Larry says as if lost in thought.

“Yep! He’s the coolest.”

“Interesting…” One Eyed Larry trails off walking off his ship and making his way toward the now docking Captain Crunch whose ship name “Guppy” comes into view.

“That’s kind of a lame name for a ship” Zenzeroni leans in to tell One Eyed Larry.

“NEVER. Talk poorly about another man’s ship” One Eyed Larry says to Zenzeroni in the most terrifying guttural voice he had ever heard.

“Yes sir.” Zenzeroni recoils into himself.

You’ve got a lot to learn. You’ve got a lot. To. Learn.” One Eyed Larry says shaking his head in disapproval as he meets the Captain of the Guppy Sir Charles Crunch at the gangway of the ship.

“One Eyed Larry. The neutralizer of New Zealand. Good to see you again my friend. Quite the base you have here. I will admit you have us beat for sure!”

“I don’t know about that Crunch. Crunch Island in the Sea of Milk is the perfect spot to hide ships, especially in a place like Ohio. I mean who in their right mind would want to go to OHIO of all places to look for a swashbuckling pirate like yourself?!”

They both have a hearty laugh at the idea and Zenzeroni joins in with a fake laugh pretending to know what the joke is.

“Zenzeroni it seems our paths have crossed once more!” Charles walks over to Zenzeroni and gives him a big hug “You haven’t aged a day!” Crunch says with another hearty laugh at his own joke.

“Well, we have much to discuss Captain Crunch. Are there any repairs needed for your ships or anything you immediately require? Otherwise we can get right down to business.”

“Oh come on now One Eyed Larry, you know better than anyone that I keep my ships in pristine condition. No one would dare duel the crazy Captain of Ohio!”

It was true. According to legends and various books we have been able to secure in our research, Captain Charles Crunch, the son of his famous father Horatio Magellan Crunch, had inherited his father's dangerous ships that were filled with magic secured from the undiscovered Crunch Island that is filled with talking trees and strange creatures. This combination had made Captain Crunch one of the most feared pirates in the Atlantic and even parts of the Great Lakes. When the symbol of Crunch goes up on the sails of the Guppy it is said that other pirates and commercial shippers surrender immediately knowing their fate should they choose to try and fight.

While we have a moment we should also talk about the Captain in charge of Disappointment Island, One Eyed Larry. The problem is, that not much is known about One Eyed Larry. Through various interviews with former crewmates of his, no one knows where he came from nor how he lost his eye. It is just generally accepted that he has always been the captain of the Lasagna fleet in the shadow of New Zealand. Not only this but his fearsome presence had been well respected up to this point. However, his aging body was beginning to show weaknesses and as Zenzeroni shows up on the island to meet him, he has just dealt with his most devastating defeat to Donut Dave off the southeast coast of New Zealand close to the nearby city of Dunedin.

“If that’s the case let’s head on over to the tavern to talk about more private matters shall we?” One Eyed Larry tells more than asks Captain Crunch.

“Sounds wonderful!” The seemingly always cheerful Charles says giving a signal to a crewmate before walking with One Eyed Larry toward the tavern.

The two men take a seat inside the tavern away from the docks of the cavern. Surrounded by rocks with little to no decoration and nothing but the torchlight to light the empty room One Eyed Larry takes a seat at a clean table with Charles on the other side. Upon entering the tavern the rest of the patrons had hastily left the tavern and the bartender now closed the door and blinds making the room all the more moody. The two men had ignored Zenzeroni as he followed them inside and now sat in the middle seat between the two men making sounds with the straw of his now empty glass of water.

“Let’s cut out all the bullshit and get down to business” One Eyed Larry starts.

“How much do you really know about the Bermuda Triangle?” One Eyed Larry says with his always piercing gaze.

The much calmer demeanor of Charles causes a strange juxtaposition between the two men “I already told you what I know. No one ventures into the zone unless they want a death sentence. I can get you to the region and protect you from Carolina Reaper and Black Jack Jerky but I will NOT risk my fleet going into the Bermuda Triangle.”

“That’s all I ask but when I come out with everything that the Bermuda Triangle has to offer you will be getting absolutely NONE of it.”

“Now, now One Eyed Larry. I thought we had an arrangement. What’s the point of me risking my fleet to the low life pirates in the area if I’m not getting anything in return?”

One Eyed Larry scoffs “I need one of your ships if I’m going to give you anything or the deal is off.”

Charles sits back in his chair and looks at the ceiling. “I’m disappointed we couldn’t come to an arrangement.” With those words spoken the alarm bell sounds once more.

“MUTINY! ENEMIES IN THE CAVERN! GET TO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!” The muffled voice of Globby announces from the docks of the cavern.

“Looks like that’s my cue,” Charles says pulling out a pistol from his waistband and pointing it directly at One Eyed Larry.

RE: Chapter 9: Captain Charles Crunch - TubaDeus - 05-11-2024



RE: Chapter 9: Captain Charles Crunch - jreed12 - 05-12-2024

NO!!!!! ONE EYED LARRY!!!!!!!