International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 10: Mutiny - Printable Version

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*Chapter 10: Mutiny - lock180 - 05-12-2024

Catch Up on Previous Chapters:
CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 5 CH 6 CH 7 CH 8 CH 9

Graders Split 60/40 for @lock180/@homercrates

*Happy Mother's Day! Shoutout to my mom who doesn't know I pretend to be a crazed maniacal kicker for a fake football league. Thanks for letting me absolutely destroy you in pickleball. Enjoyed the walk by the river though (don't worry I said this to her face). Make sure to spend time with your moms and not just spend all your time reading my stories. Or I suppose you could try reading one of my stories to your mom although I don't think that would end very well. Even I'm not brave enough to try that. Anyway here's Chapter 10 :)

The Book of Zen

Chapter 10: Mutiny
[Image: dMbVOb8.png]
ILLUSTRATED BY: Thor Dangerson
“One of the best kept secrets and you just give it away like that? Really One Eyed Larry? You really are washed.” Charles says snickering over at One Eyed Larry who stares at him with his piercing eye refusing to respond. “Cat got your tongue? Don’t worry we will let you live but this base of yours looks mighty nice. I might have to take it for myself. What do you think Zenzeroni?”

Zenzeroni stares at the now unrecognizable man who stands before him. Gone is the soft lovable smile and in its place is the smug smirk of the face of a school bully that Zenzeroni has seen oh so many times.

“Why?” Zenzeroni whispers.

“Oh don’t be like that Zenzeroni! Come on! Remember the fun time we had playing with your action figures? What was his name?” Charles pauses to get an answer from Zenzeroni but gets none “Come on Zenzeroni you’re going to join me on all sorts of adventures!” Charles tells Zenzeroni still holding a gun to One Eyed Larry’s head.

“I thought you had dignity. I thought you had respect to uphold. Turns out you’re just another wasted man on the seven seas that stands for nothing.” One Eyed Larry spits at Charles.

“I don’t need to be lectured on dignity and respect old man. We are all pirates here after all aren’t we?” Charles chuckles to himself.

“You don’t know what the hell I even do. I’m not some filthy animal that kills and plunders anything in my path. I’ve been after one thing this entire time, the treasure of Golden Frie.”

“Oh do tell more,” Charles says lackadaisically holding his gun.

“The legend goes that the world renowned adventurer Frenchmen Sal Frie had found an ancient civilization somewhere in the ocean with wonders beyond our imagination. He went back to France to organize a massive party to collect the secrets that lay within the civilization but it is said that he had been cursed by the waters surrounding the ancient civilization and he quickly fell ill and died before ever being able to disclose where it may have been. So I have spent my entire life chasing leads around the world to track down this ancient civilization. My latest lead has led me to believe there may be something in or under the area known as the Bermuda Triangle.”

“How very interesting. I knew you would be useful.”

With Charles distracted by One Eyed Larry, Zenzeroni tries to be sneaky and makes his way around to the back side of Charles and looks around for something to hit him with. Finding nothing he looks at his legs and has an idea. Sizing up Charles Zenzeroni pulls back and swings his leg directly into Charles’ Coco Puffs.

However, Zenzeroni’s power in his legs at 7 years old is barely enough to make Charles react at all. Charles still holding the gun at One Eyed Larry slowly moves back toward Zenzeroni and ruffles his hair.

“Why don’t you get me something nice to drink?”

Zenzeroni angrily tries to use his arms to hit him but his noodle arms provide even less power than his legs.

“I don’t think you heard me son,” Charles says starting to lose patience “Get me. A drink.” Charles adds a smile at the end that is more for decorum than anything else.

Zenzeroni looks at One Eyed Larry “Go ahead kid.” One Eyed Larry tells him.

Zenzeroni gives one last look at One Eyed Larry before heading behind the bar to the plethora of alcoholic beverages.

“So this mysterious ancient civilization….what can it offer me that I don’t have?” Charles asks One Eyed Larry.

“I don’t know. That’s why I needed you to help me out so we could discover it together.”

“Discovering it together DOES sound like a good idea! You should have suggested that sooner! I can get all the credit, glory, and wonders, and you get to not die! How does that sound?”

“If it means my men don’t die then yes I am willing to do that.”

“I don’t know about that….” Charles trails off as the sound of guns and muffled cries can be heard eerily through the empty room.

“I can promise that YOU won’t die though! And I will throw in this chump over here as a little extra incentive” Zenzeroni walks back over with a terribly poured beer in his hands. Charles scoops it up and chuckles to himself.

“I hope you're happy!” Zenzeroni yells at Charles trying to be as menacing as possible but Charles just laughs it off.

“Oh, I am very happy Mr. Pasta man. Why don’t we head outside to the real entertainment? Charles pushes the gun into the back of One Eyed Larry’s head forcing him to move forward toward the door. Zenzeroni can only watch as the terrible events continue to unfold.

One Eyed Larry pushes the door open and the sound of gunfire and fighting is magnified tenfold.

“There’s going to be nothing left of either of our crews if you let this carry on!” One Eyed Larry screams in anger.

“They are replaceable. The average crewmates a dime a dozen. I’m not too concerned”. Despite what Charles says his smug face drops a little watching the battle unfold. His crew has mainly been stuck on their own ships with the Lasagna gang taking control of the docks. Practically cornered onto their ships Charles’ crew was dropping like flies and his once mighty militia was rapidly diminishing. Meanwhile, the Lasagna gang had experience as a team and were comfortable in their home environment.

Seeing the battle was not going his way, Captain Crunch rang the alarm bell in the cavern causing an immediate cease fire as everyone looked to where the alarm was sounded. One Eyed Larry’s crew seeing their captain held at gunpoint put their hands up making it clear that they wanted their captain alive.

Charles’ confidence restored, he announces “To the crew of One Eyed Larry join me…or die”. And with those words, the loud sound of a single shot echoes through the cavern resonating from Charles’ location.

RE: Chapter 10: Mutiny - jreed12 - 05-12-2024