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*S48 Trash Talk Thread - Printable Version

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*S48 Trash Talk Thread - lordcoolcats - 05-19-2024

S48 is here and any team not named Cape Town Crash can huff my shorts. I look forward to smack talking each of you as the season goes on, but for now, let this media serve as an amuse-bouche. Also, I love you all. 

New Orleans Secondline:
1.) There's only one good purple team in this league and it's not you.

2.) Second(in)Line means you'll never be in FirstPlace.

3.) All that TPE on your team makes it look like you are overcompensating for something.

San Jose Sabercats: 
1.) "Hey everybody look. They're doing something!"

2.) I find your football skills to be shallow and pedantic.

3.) If SJS was a shape, they would be a trapezoid. And quite frankly, that's a dumb shape. Highly overrated. 

Baltimore Hawks: 
1.) Birds are stupid and you should feel stupid. 

2.) @swoosh, Dino Nuggets are a mid-tier frozen food. 

3.) HAWKS is an acronym: Hopeless Awkward Weak Kielbasa Skill-less. 

Orange County Otters:
1.) Nice Trades. 

Chicago Butchers: 
1.) Sim-luck incarnate 

2.) Somebody should let the sim team know they accidentally loaded a DSFL team into the ISFL. 

3.) Small hands or big cleaver? 

Yellowknife Wraiths: 
1.) Maybe this is the year? Probably not. 

2.) Wraiths? More like WraistOfTime. 


Arizona Outlaws:
1.) Any team that has to call itself a dynasty is no dynasty.

2.) @lemonoppy? More like lemon law. I bet your war room wishes they could get a refund on you.

3.) Lastly, a poem...

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Arizondias, Team of Teams;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Everyone else: 
If you're a team who didn't make this list, you can at least rejoice in the fact that people are talking about your fantasy prospects. Bad teams means make for good fantasy players. Silver linings!

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - lemonoppy - 05-19-2024

[Image: mWNaNLM.png]

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - lordcoolcats - 05-19-2024

(05-19-2024, 09:18 PM)lemonoppy Wrote: [Image: mWNaNLM.png]

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - Assistant to the POR GM - 05-19-2024

Let’s look at Scorch Von turbos stats in the ISFL shall we

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - br0_0ker - 05-19-2024

(05-19-2024, 09:27 PM)Bamford13 Wrote: Let’s look at Scorch Von turbos stats in the ISFL shall we

I heard Scorch Von turbo got a 8:30 rez at Dorsia on a Friday night

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - UptownCord - 05-19-2024

Thanks for the compliment! I am enjoying the OCTC alliance

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - Gadget - 05-19-2024

Did you know LCC is actually an acronym for Literally Cant Compete? He's the perfect hire for Capetown
Capetown's an awful relocation name, it's a bland city and even if we're playing the African Continent angle you have options like Marrakesh or Cairo, the liberty was a far better branding then the new madden generated logo
Back in S38 LCC won a trade as GM of Norfolk, essentially stealing a 3rd rounder from Dallas at the time. He has yet to win a trade since.
CTC's Home / Away splits are worse then the 2017-18 Houston Astros, and they don't even have the same number of rings.
There was a brief stint of time both negs and lcc passed through the Dallas BirdDogs. in the seasons they were their they had a combined .300 winning percentage. This is an above average result for the two of them
CTC's managed to assemble the best roster of the late 40s seasons and haven't come up with anything to show for it.

Love ya negs and LCC. First round's on me if we ever meet up.

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - lock180 - 05-20-2024

the third roast on the Wraiths may be the most brutal roast of them all. Took it a step too far there that was just completely uncalled for

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - ztarwarz - 05-20-2024

Gadget, let's be frank here, the Diet Taco Bell might have been the worst logo in the entire league. Cape Town's logo could have been much worse and still be a massive upgrade on the Literally-looks-like-a-paid-ad.

RE: S48 Trash Talk Thread - DREAMSLOTH - 05-20-2024

Imagine losing cap space because you didn't believe in FREEDOM or DEMOCRACY lmao rip