International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 22: Civil Introductions - Printable Version

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*Chapter 22: Civil Introductions - lock180 - 05-24-2024

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Start From the Beginning: Chapter 1
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The Book of Zen
Chapter 22: Civil Introductions

After a long 2 month journey the fleet of The Flying Lasagna finally arrived at the west coast of the United States. The majority of the crew had never been this far from New Zealand and for those that had, they usually went up to the Asia region and didn’t head west to the US. But beyond the West Coast was the final destination, the Atlantic Ocean and the Bermuda Triangle.

With his failed alliance with Captain Charles Crunch, One Eyed Larry had been looking for another captain who could help him traverse the Atlantic waters. The former crew of Captain Crunch did have some information to give him but not enough to paint the picture he was looking for. Luckily, One Eyed Larry knew just the spot to find a willing captain to navigate them to the Bermuda Triangle. But before that was possible they had to get all six ships through the Panama Canal which was no easy feat.

While the fleet wasn’t wanted by any authorities the pirate image wasn’t a good one so all members of the fleet brought down their sails with their respective insignias and hoisted up clean white ones in their place making them look like any other trade vessel.

Through the canal they went without a hitch as the One Eyed Larry led crew made their way into the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. The fleet made a slight left and went around The Cayman Islands and around Cuba, passing the mainland of the Bahamas to their final destination Nassau. The year may have been 2048 but despite rumors of the contrary, the Pirate Republic in Nassau was as strong as it was in the early 1700’s. Recent developments in the region had allowed for Pirates to once more gain control of the island making it a hotspot for any outlaws seeking haven from authorities.

With a crew of over 300, One Eyed Larry knew he was in safe hands on the island and wouldn’t have trouble with any of the more well known pirates of the area trying to take advantage of him. He had heard rumors of what happened on Nassau and knew what to expect going in. The rough and weathered One Eyed Larry was no stranger to how to socially interact with other pirates and the moment his feet stepped onto the small island his demeanor immediately shifted with Rebel flanked on one side and Smoky on the other, the three led the crew to the most well known tavern on the island, Mama’s Homemade Cookin'.

In and around New Zealand the former Pirate Havens had all been taken under control by the government leaving the majority of pirates in the region clueless to the other's existence. In the Atlantic, it was a different story and if you weren’t from around the area, people would know. And with One Eyed Larry bringing 300 of his crew onto the island they immediately turned heads.

Mama’s Homemade Cookin' was bustling and quite frankly, is always bustling. The tavern sprawls across much of the beachfront and is filled with pirates sitting back relaxing, playing poker, eating, drinking, and everything in between. Upon the arrival of the group, a man wearing nothing but suspenders to show off his muscular body and a finely trimmed beard with slicked back hair approaches with a few goons on either side of him.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” The man says poking One Eyed Larry in the chest.

“Blackjack Jerky I presume?” One Eyed Larry says unfazed by the encroachment to his personal space.

“Aye! You hear that fellas? I’m quite the celebrity it would appear. Unlike this fella. Who do I have the HONOR of talking to today?” Blackjack Jerky sarcastically bows in “tribute” to One Eyed Larry.

“One Eyed Larry.” The stone cold response catches Blackjack Jerky by surprise as the name rings a bell.

“The neutralizer of New Zealand aye? Well around these parts we don’t just show up with 300 men and think we can walk wherever we want. We have MANNERS here.”

“I actually have business here. Business with YOU.” One Eyed Larry replies.

“I’m FLATTERED. Trust me. But, as I said before, we don’t just bring 300 men onto this island. There’s also a strict no weapons policy so you’ve already broken two rules I’m afraid.” Blackjack Jerky says with a pistol in one of his suspender pockets.

“What do you need from me then?”

“50 crew max and we would be HAPPY to take your weapons off you. ”Blackjack Jerky says with a rye smile putting his hand out for One Eyed Larry to place his pistol in.

“I will go back to my ship and put my weapons there along with the majority of my men and women. Where can we discuss things more…privately?” One Eyed Larry looks around the island seeing pirates milling about all around him.

“Why not keep things in the open? Us pirates stick together. Ain’t that right Arrow?” Blackack Jerky twists his head looking at one of the goons who has an arrow through his arm.


One Eyed Larry winces, not liking the idea of talking out in public but seeing no other option nods and turns on his heels back to his ship.

“See you soon Larry!”. One Eyed Larry, who had already begun walking back to his ship turns on a dime and holds a knife up to Blackjack Jerky’s throat before he even has time to react.

“It’s One Eyed Larry.”

“Boys boys boys. I thought we were a civilized bunch!” A woman looking more like someone out of the Wild West than being a pirate says flanked by her own goons.

Blackjack nervously laughs backing away from One Eyed Larry “Ah Carolina Reaper so glad you could join our peaceful introductions. One Eyed Larry this is Carolina Reaper, Carolina Reaper meet One Eyed Larry.”

“Oh I’m very well acquainted with One Eyed Larry. So sister how are things in New Zealand?” Carolina Reaper turns to face One Eyed Larry’s first mate Rebel Midnight who cocks her fist back and fires it squarely into the jaw of her sister.

RE: Chapter 22: Civil Introductions - TubaDeus - 05-24-2024

So, you have a sister. Your feelings have betrayed her too...