International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 31: Table For Ten - Printable Version

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*Chapter 31: Table For Ten - lock180 - 06-02-2024

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The Book of Zen
Chapter 31: Table For Ten

Linguine practically drags Zenzeroni all the way to the giant industrial-esque cafeteria/kitchen where all of the other freshmen are milling about anxiously. Some like Zenzeroni, looking for any way to escape while others, like Linguine, are jumping up and down in excitement while other yet have already formed various cliques and are talking amongst themselves uninterested in the entire ordeal.

After what feels like a lifetime, a man with a pot belly and giant mustache walks up on the makeshift stage setup at the far end of the cafeteria. “Hello freshmen, or as we like to call you freshmeat! HARHARHARHARHARHARHAR” The man’s hearty laughter echoes in the rest of the rooms silence. “Welcome to Spaghetti School. We pride ourselves on being the top culinary school in the world better than all those French wannabees and especially better than Mario’s Meatball Madness University for Culinary Masters. They are not culinary masters they are frauds that are a bunch of rats in chef costumes and when I get a hand on one of–” another staff member comes over and whispers something in the man’s ear and he clears his throat before continuing “As I was saying…..” The man glares at the other staff member “My name is Mack Donald. No not McDonald's, Mack Donald. I am the executive chef of this establishment and you will all be meticulously scrutinized for what you can and can’t do. I will now hand you off to our event organizer for today’s festivities!” Mack lumbers off the stage and coming onto the stage is a small, squeaky, greasy old man that scurries onto the stage “Ok first activity. Everyone get into groups of 10 and it can’t be with people you already know!”

“Sorry pal see you later tonight I guess!” Linguine tells Zenzeroni running off.

“We could have been in a group together it’s not like they know who’s friends…” Zenzeroni says as Linguine runs out of earshot. Zenzeorni begins looking around helplessly as others start forming groups. Like he had said some people who were obviously already friends stayed in their own little group not caring about whatever rules the greasy old man had created. Zenzeroni stands frozen in the middle of the room watching others gather into groups and starts to walk over to a group of 6 “Hey can I join your group?”

“Nah man we are full” One of them says as it is obvious they are not at the 10 people limit yet.

Zenzeroni walks over to another group “No can do small fry we are trying to win whatever this is. We are building a dream team!” One of the kids says before Zenzeroni even gets a chance to ask a question.

“Anyone who is not in a group yet please come to the front of the stage and we will assign you a group!” the nasally voice of the old greasy man says.

Zenzeroni looks around one last time and then, with his head down, walks to the front of the stage where a few other stragglers are also standing.

Not on the mic anymore the old man leans down and tells the group of five that were without an official group “I’m going to let you pick ANY group to join okay?” Zenzeroni and the other four grumble their acknowledgment as the old man excitedly claps his hands “Okay everyone! I see you have all found your groups. Well done to all of you but we still have five kiddos still looking for a group and THEY get to choose where they go!” Each freshman gets their turn and picks a group until it is Zenzeroni’s turn. “So many options who will he choose and will it make or break the group?!” The old man makes wild hand motions to exaggerate Zenzeroni’s pick. Zenzeroni looks around for Linguine but can’t find him and after scanning the room lands on what he thinks is the most unassuming group and points over to them. As soon as he does they immediately start moaning and complaining.

“Now, now that’s enough. He may be your lucky star. Go on over to your new group!” Zenzeroni walks over to the group who all have hostile looks on their faces, arms crossed, glaring into the back of Zenzeroni’s head.

“Alrighty O! Time for the games to begin!” The old man walks off the stage in the direction of a large curtain and stands in front of it. “Today we will be playing a game of…..” The old man flourishes with one hand dropping the curtain to reveal box after box with hundreds of thousands of tomatoes “food fight! You get hit you're out last person standing wins it for their team. You will have five minutes of planning before we get things going here in Tomato Town!” The old man scurries away and out of sight as the plotting and scheming immediately begin.

“OMG. Like this is so childish. Like why are we playing such a stupid game? I came here to cook not get my apron all dirty on day 1” One of the girls in Zenzeroni’s group says while smacking her gum.

“Leslie shut up some of us actually care about winning,” one of the other guys says.


“Who’s good at throwing?” The guys asks the rest of the group. Five of the other nine raise their hands while Zenzeroni stands still and watches.

“Bro if we hide under the tables we could totally win this thing,” One of the guys says.

“Pshh. DUDE, we aren’t a bunch of scaredy cats, we should go out there guns blazing!” Another one says.

“Jimmy you are an idiot.”

“No you!”

“Oh damn got me there dumbass.”

“No you’re the dumbass.”

“Guys maybe we should–” Zenzeroni starts before being interrupted by Jimmy, “Who invited this loser? He’s probably from Loserville or something. Ha got em!” Jimmy high fives the other guy he was just arguing with.

“Can you throw?” The “leader” asks Zenzeroni as he tries to corral the rest of his friends.

“Not really,” Zenzeroni says putting his noodle arms up in the air to show his problem.

“Fuck. Leslie, are you going to try or what?”

“If you like mean try to find a spot to sit down and vape then yes I will try reeeeeeeeeeeeal hard.” Leslie gives him a fake smile and sits down at a table and begins scrolling through her phone.

“And let the games…..begin!” The old man’s voice suddenly says through the noise and within seconds all hell breaks loose with Zenzeroni's team still completely clueless as to what to do.