International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 32: Tomato Town Takeover - Printable Version

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*Chapter 32: Tomato Town Takeover - lock180 - 06-04-2024

Catch Up on Previous Chapters:
Start From the Beginning: Chapter 1
Most Recent Chapter: Chapter 31

The Book of Zen
Chapter 32: Tomato Town Takeover

Within seconds Leslie who had just sat down at a table and was looking through her phone, gets hit by a tomato sending her phone crashing to the floor. “Like whatever dude” Leslie picks it up and walks away.

“DUCK AND HIDE!” The kid who had suggested the idea earlier says.

“LETS GOOOOOOOO” Jimmy runs full steam ahead toward the Tomato boxes and disappears in the chaos.

“Everyone for themselves I guess. Good knowing you bro” The “planner” of the group says to Zenzeroni as him and the rest of the group follow Jimmy into the fray. Zenzeroni watches the chaos unfold standing still and yet no one comes after him instead focused on anything that moves. It appears as though the kid with the hiding strategy may have been onto something until someone else goes to hide under the same table and finds him and panics throwing a tomato at him leaving him annoyed and covered in tomato sauce. With the room not being very large people get taken out left and right and within five minutes the once full cafeteria was now filled with only 20 or so people one of which was Zenzeroni.

Scanning the room Zenzeroni can’t believe his eyes as he watches Jimmy who is still somehow in the game throwing tomatoes at anyone and everyone including staff and it is at this moment that Zenzeroni realizes Jimmy has been out for a long time as he is covered in tomato sauce but refuses to go out.

There are a few stragglers on various teams but most have at least one other person to work with. Zenzeroni barely remembers who was on his team as a group of five battle a group of four eliminating another three people before running away to regroup. The field is down to 17 and Zenzeroni still remains unscathed. The minutes tick by and team after team, person after person continue to go down before Zenzeroni looks around and sees that there are only two other people remaining.

Zenzeroni is now directly in the middle of the cafeteria with all of the eliminated teams standing in the doorways watching curiously at what is about to go down. On Zenzeroni’s left and currently hiding behind the buffet tables is someone Zenzeroni doesn’t recognize. To Zenzeroni’s right is his new roommate Linguine Zamboni who is standing in a gladiator-like pose as if to say “come and get me”. His team clearly loves it as they start cheering for him as he sulks his way methodically through the tables toward Zenzeroni. This entire time, Zenzeroni had not grabbed a tomato mostly because he couldn’t but after multiple efforts he finally wrapped his noodle arms around a tomato and held it at the ready facing Linguine.

Then out of nowhere the kid behind the buffet table jumps over his hiding spot, slides across the table, and sprints full speed directly at Zenzeroni. Zenzeroni braces as he gets closer and closer but the kid never throws his tomato. Continuing to charge and confused by why he hasn’t thrown the tomato yet Zenzeroni weakly throws his tomato that goes about a foot barely hitting the charging opponent hitting and exploding on the kids pants. The kid pulls up immediately with a shocked look on his face.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! SAME TEAM BRO!” The kid turns to one of the staff turned refs “That doesn’t count right? Friendly fire doesn’t count right?”

“All is fair in tomato town I’m afraid. You’re out.”

“Fucking dumbass” The kid slams the tomato in his hand down on the ground in front of Zenzeroni who stares dumbfounded as the kid walks out of the cafeteria to the rest of Zenzeroni’s team who stare daggers into the back of his skull. Zenzeroni sighs and is about to turn around when he feels something wet hit his back. He turns around to find Linguine smiling at him and realizes that he has just been hit with a tomato and that Linguine and his team had just won the game. The crowd rushes the cafeteria floor to congratulate Linguine and the rest of his team while Zenzeroni stands silently and alone as the world around him goes dark as he falls into a void of nothingness.

“I don’t know what happened he was just standing there not moving and all of a sudden collapsed in front of me.”

“Thank you for taking him in. We will take it from here.”

“Sure but is he going to be all right? We’ve got so much to do. It’s the freshmen get-together and we get free reign of Janewood for the day. He CANT miss that!”

“I’m afraid he will. We want him up and ready for the first day of class don’t we?”

“I don’t know. Free reign of an amusement park sounds like a lot more fun than starting the semester off with going to class.”

“Linguine we appreciate your enthusiasm but we really need to work on him. Enjoy the rest of your day.” Zenzeroni’s senses finally begin to return as the sound of a door closing comes to him. He opens his eyes and finds himself in a small but nice doctor’s office lying back in a hospital bed.

“What happened?” Zenzeroni asks without looking for anyone to answer.

“According to your…..enthusiastic friend, you seem to have passed out on us. Have you been drinking enough fluids today?” The doctor asks walking over to the bed and leaning down to examine Zenzeroni.

“I think so. Pee to see right? That’s the saying?”

“It sure is. Well, your readings all come back as normal so that does add up. But blacking out is a serious cause for concern so while none of my charts and nothing in my examination show any issues with you, we will have to keep an eye on you okay?”

“Sure doc. Thanks for the help. What’s your name by the way?”

“Ah yes, the name is Doctor Fettuccini Mozarella pleasure to make your acquaintance despite these troubling circumstances. Hopefully, we see each other on better terms soon.” Doctor Fettuccini leans over and shakes Zenzeroni’s noodle arm.

“Doctor Fettuccini Mozarella…..I feel like I’ve heard that name before” Zenzeroni says scrolling through his brain trying to remember.

“Well time to go I think.” The doctor claps his head together and pulls Zenzeroni up to a sitting position as Zenzeroni moves to the end of the bed and jumps off and walks to the door.

“Thanks again doc.”

“No problem. You have a nice rest of your day now.” Doctor Fettuccini says with a sly smile as he closes the door behind Zenzeroni.