International Simulation Football League
S48 Newsletter - Printable Version

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S48 Newsletter - DarknessRising - 06-07-2024

ISFL S48 Newsletter ISFL

Hello everyone

First up, apologies for such a long time since a newsletter has come out from us. For a while, there was just not much to say and update the league upon, and for a longer while I was just consistently putting off the writeup and final pieces being finished to get this out. Alas, we are finally here to talk a bit about what's been happening, what's going to be happening from behind the scenes in our ivory tower, and just overall communicate where we are at as HO.

Wiki and the Wiki Player Page Task - Includes short survey

The league Wiki is a divisive topic. On one hand, it stores history and information found nowhere else in the league, gives such greater depth to league lore for people to understand and presents information in ways the forum cannot. On the other hand, it is a beast to be constantly maintained and updated with the breadth it takes on, and users can struggle to find what they want to know, or even know if the wiki has what they are looking for to begin with. HO is looking into the wiki and potential ways it could be changed, and whilst its entire scope is being looked at, the initial discussion brought us firstly to the Wiki player page creation and update task.

The Wiki Player Page and the seasonal update task have always been a pain point to users. Especially for brand new people to the league or users unfamiliar to wiki creation, they may struggle to understand how to create the player page and get it done. Furthermore, people simply don’t care much for their player page and thus lack motivation in updating it. The flipside is, there are still users who value the depth it gives and nuggets of information.

This leads us to wanting to present all readers of the newsletter with a small survey for feedback. PLEASE TAKE 1-2 MINUTES TO HELP US UNDERSTAND THE COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE. We have a few questions/prompts to let us know where you stand on the matter of wiki player page/update task as well as the wiki as a whole, and we will use this to help inform our decision about it. We’ll update you with the results and our plans to move forward once we’ve read through your comments. .

Please find the survey here -


We also wanted to take the time to acknowledge how gameday hosting has been going lately. It has got to a point where almost all streams for both ISFL and DSFL have gameday hosting. For those unaware, gameday usually starts 30 minutes before the stream and previews the upcoming games, then provides live commentary of the week of games in the ISFL general discord server.

More users have dedicated themselves to becoming hosts of these streams, and it has become a real focal point of supplying a live commentary of sorts to the games for those interested in that. Definitely go check it out if you like the idea of live commentary and analysis of games and support the work being done there. As we look to transition Gameday into its on department, if you want to potentially step up to host a gameday yourself or run the department, don’t be nervous to come our way with said interest! Can see more details about it here -

Tampering Reminder

Recently, we have seen a few punishments administered for tampering, as well as consistent line-pushing of the rules. We feel we should  give another public service announcement of why it’s treated so seriously and what tampering is. Namely, if people are pushing the line with their comments, it sets a standard for what people think is okay and will replicate, so if we are harsh on comments made that are close to stepping over the mark, we are doing that so its not believed to be accepted and lower the chance of someone going too far and getting themselves punished.

As for what is tampering rules; Tampering is when you approach a player who is on contract with another team (and this also applies to DSFL players) with the purpose of persuading them to join your team, request a trade, hold out on contract negotiations, or retire. That is, anything suggesting they should do something that would disrupt their position on their current team/contract, is tampering.

We can understand people aren’t fully aware of the rules, and that people love to make jokes, but tampering is the biggest rule the ISFL has besides how to act towards one another (Conduct Detrimental to the League rules) and we hope everyone can aid us in not having to give out more punishments for it in the future.

Pride Month

Once again June is upon us and that means once again celebrating Pride Month. ISFL prides itself (no pun intended) on being an inclusive environment to all no matter their gender or sexuality. We here cherish the work, dedication and presence of people, and how one is perceived should not be determinant for who they are. Everyone is unique and different, and has different desires as to who they want to be, and who are we to dictate what someone else should look like, date or call themselves?

Pride Month is important in recognising the ongoing challenges individuals face day-to-day just by the nature of who they are. That is an unacceptable fact that needs to change and that needs all of us to play our part. Ensuring we educate ourselves about the topic, don’t let ourselves be blinded by a label compared to looking at the person as any different then a person and way way more. Sports in particular are a harsh climate and crowd for these issues, and we need to keep making ourselves aware of it in order for it to improve. So, throughout the month, please reflect on what it would be like to be in the shoes of someone within the LGBTQ+ community, someone commonly dismissed, belittled and harassed for being who they are, and think how you can make sure individuals of that community can feel included and safe and never ostracized by your choices or actions.

Rulebook Update/Project

The rulebook is an integral asset to the league, however it's not had the appreciation It’s needed at all times, and as a result it has fallen a little out of date. Some rules talk about parts of the league that no longer exist, like the breakout player of the year award. Other parts of the rulebook, aren’t as clear about their interpretation or application of the rule, or flatout don’t exist and pose grey areas around the league. With this project, HO will be going over the entirety of the rulebook, changing wording of rules to make it more clear to how they are applied, removing rules that are no longer in effect, or perhaps adding rules to make things more clear for all. This could also mean rules are moved within the rulebook, or expanded out into multiple points. HO will periodically make posts with changes made so we can be as transparent as possible on the project. Whilst we don’t expect to be changing the meaning/interpretation of rules, it's still important to flag changes for all to know.

Create a Player Tool Updated

Over the seasons since the create-a-player form was introduced, the Rookie Mentor team have been keeping an eye out to see which most common mistakes and issues are most likely to lead to new users having delayed approvals. Out of that they were able to identify a few problems that regularly created extended delays: Players not knowing where to start, unspent TPE, player name length and players creating at QB. To help address these issues, ISFL and DSFL Head Office have worked together to implement changes to the create-a-player tool to help reduce the frequency of them.

We have included a 'Welcome' message at the top of the form to guide new users back to the "Creating a Player" section of the rookie guide to make sure they have all the relevant information right away. When a player tries to create without expending all of their TPE - they will receive a pop-prompt to advise them of it when submitted which will encourage them to spend it. If a player has a name with a combined length exceeding 22 characters, it will provide a pop-up prompt asking them to change it, and does not allow the form to be submitted until that is corrected. If a player creates at the QB position, instead of having to wait for a Rookie Mentor to post the 'QB Warning' in their thread, the user is now warned both immediately after selecting the position, and as a pop-up prompt on submission which they need to accept to post the thread.

We hope that these changes will improve the new user experience and minimise delays in approving new creates!

VHL affiliate

Some recent news to recap,  the new affiliation with the VHL, which you can find more details about HERE. Most notably, this means you will find it easier to be a part of both leagues, allowing you to use your PT’s here in the ISFL for the PT’s in the VHL, or vice versa. To those who have come across from the VHL to check us out, we welcome you all and hope you find yourself a pleasant home and experience with all that we and the community has to offer.

RE: S48 Newsletter - soevil - 06-07-2024

someone post the tampering copypasta

RE: S48 Newsletter - wetwilleh - 06-07-2024

You can’t just be up there and just doin’ a tamper like that.

1a. A tamper is when you

1b. Okay well listen. A tamper is when you tamper the

1c. Let me start over

1c-a. The general manager is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, player, that prohibits the player from doing, you know, just trying to sign the contract. You can’t do that.

1c-b. Once the manager is in the season, he can’t be over here and say to the opposing manager, like, “I’m gonna get ya! I’m gonna buy you out! You better watch your butt!” and then just be like he didn’t even do that.

1c-b(1). Like, if you’re about to sign and then don’t sign, you have to still sign. You cannot not sign. Does that make any sense?

1c-b(2). You gotta be, signing motion of the contract, and then, until you just sign it.

1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the contract up here, like this, but then there’s the tamper you gotta think about.

1c-b(2)-b. Jeffrey Tambor hasn’t been in any movies in forever. I hope he wasn’t typecast as that mob bookkeeper in The Accountant.

1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, he was in The Death of Stalin too! That would be even worse.

1c-b(2)-b(ii). “This is just a musical emergency!" — Paddy Stalin, “The Death of Stalin.” Haha, classic…

1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A tamper is when the general manager makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the contract and team of

2) Do not do a tamper please.

RE: S48 Newsletter - LtHudz - 06-07-2024

I really wanted to select Option 15

RE: S48 Newsletter - Opera_Phantom - 06-07-2024

Keep my beloved Wiki Task damn it

RE: S48 Newsletter - Baron1898 - 06-07-2024

LGBTQ+ is my favorite streaming service

RE: S48 Newsletter - lock180 - 06-09-2024

offseason task sucks way more Smile