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*Team Analysis Mock Draft S49 - Printable Version

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*Team Analysis Mock Draft S49 - araa - 06-15-2024

COL 1st pick – Goes to S49 Draft Champions, the Colorado Yetis. COL currently has 25 players, they’re pretty stacked at CB/S positions with 6 players younger than S46, some decent earners some less and per one good veteran ready to lead the team during the next season on each of two positions. Staying on the defense their LBs, I would say they’re decent here but considering their non-existent defensive line (1 S43 low TPE DE) 2 players facing deep regression and two very good youngsters is not that much. COL most glaring need is new QB, seeing how their current one is S37. They’re ok at RBs with one veteran and two S48 rookies. Yetis’ receiving corps is actually fine, while they’re 2 TEs and one WR are falling off, they still have two good earning young guys. COL is also pretty stacked when it comes to picks with 2 in first round and second round pick where they'll take their GM at WR position. Since there are 3 QBs in draft they can safely leave for later, for this pick I divine WW Jatt, a DT by user @Lumosityfan, veteran of ISFL with decently sized bank account.

HON 2nd pick – Goes to the rising Honolulu Hahalua. HON has total of 30 players, mostly on younger side. Starting from the good, they have QB and prime and backup QB so this is a position they won’t have to worry about for a long time, in RBs room they have a veteran Stetson David who’ll most likely still be top RB for HON for few seasons but the moment he starts dropping in performance 2 young RBs are waiting to fight for his place. Their receiving room’s future also looks pretty bright with 2 young WRs and one TE. HONs OL is pretty much non-existent with one player but their defensive line is shaping up to be a strong point of the defense with 4 decently earning young players, Safety position seems filled up with 2 young guys, their LBs and CBs are also on the rise but they might want to add one player over here. Kicker is fine for few more seasons. HON already has one OL reserved, courtesy of their GM IceBear and I considered putting another one here but in the end I conjecture they’ll take Tua Domine – LB by user @Yeenoghu a very veteran with a very sizeable bank account.

BER 3rd pick – Goes to Berlin Fire Salamanders. On Berlin’s team we can count 26 players. It’s also one of the teams secured at QB position, also their RBs and receiving core is secured consisting of only young players on the rise. BER also has 2 OL on the young side, on defensive side their line also looks pretty good but they’ll definitely want to add one guy here, same as LBs, definitely will want one guy here, actually same for CBs, where one players will start to slide and at S where one players doesn’t seem to be developing very well. And kicker too but surely no one will take Kicker in first round, right? BER same as HON get OL as their GM pick in second round. For their pick I’ll make very educated guess and say they’ll pick Safety - William Eaton by user @Amidships, another wealthy veteran.

AUS 4th pick – Goes to Austin Copperheads, with 24 players total at the moment, quite a lot of them facing regression. Another time secured for now at QB position and that’s end of good news for AUS supporters as far as offense is concerned, their top RB is about to seriously regress, their second RB is not as good as they would like, one can only hope their 3rd RB will pick up the slack somewhere down the line, they have 2 WRs that might get good in few season and O-line is old. Thing look much brighter on the defense with one top of the line LB and one fast rising rookie LB, Austin is also stacked at CB with 2 very good not yet regressing vets and again vet/rookie duo at Safety position. Taking all of this into consideration I wanted to say that they’ll wait a season to see how offense develops and will take DE but there’s no DE in the draft therefore I’ll grant them top CB - Alexander Rockstone by user @AustinP0027, an active rookie media writer.

NYS 5th pick – Goes to New York Silverbacks, smallest ISFL team with only 23 players and only team facing regression at every position. And another team that doesn’t need a QB with vet performing his swan song and rookie just waiting to take his place with exactly same situation at RBs down to the players seasons, however it’s not as optimistic at WRs with only one decent vet facing regression and one well developing rookie. And again they face the same situation at their defensive line, one regressing vet and one rising rookie(and one rookie not rising that much), further down their LBs are not doing much better with one player about to drop off the board and their remaining two LBs S45 and S47 with almost the same amount of TPE. And I don’t count which time this is but again at CBs one regressing vet and one rising rookie but NYS also have positions they don’t have to worry about for foreseeable future, very good KP and very good S with two fast rising young players behind him. New York gets RB for their GM pick, for their regular pick I believe they should stay with the offense and draft Harvin Marrison – WR by veteran user @Chucky.

CHI 6th pick – Should go to the Orange County Otters but it was traded to Chicago Butchers, now Chicago boasts the biggest team in ISFL at 32 players. Chicago will start their rookie QB starting next season. Their RBs room is pretty stacked with well developing players ranging from S44 to S47, what’s even more stacked is their receiving room having total of 7 players, one soon to retire veteran, two veterans in their prime, one decent TE and 3 rookies waiting for a chance to play. They even have a decent OL with 3 players, only one regressing next season, on defensive side their line is definitely getting up in years with only one young player developing at satisfactory pace, Chicago LBs look much better in comparison, younger on average with higher TPE, at CB they have one elite player and one falling of veteran and one good rookie, Safety is also a position where they can feel safe with high class vet and two decent rookies. Their glaring weakness seems to be lack of kicker. CHI gets DT as their GM pick. I know what I said about picking kicker in first round but honestly why Chicago shouldn’t take kicker, especially since there’s only one and they still have their own pick later and that’s why to Chicago goes Marshall von Hildebrand - K/P by very veteran user @nunccoepi

SAR 7th pick – Goes to Sarasota Sailfish. There is currently 26 Fronks on the team. Here we have another team prepared for their QB soon leaving, their RBs room also looks ok with veteran with few season left and decent rookie, what is not ok is their WRs room with one WR falling into the abyss of regressions, their best receiver merely decent and about to start regressing and their younger players not developing very well. 2/3 of their DL is facing regression which is not great as well. Now LBs and CBs is where they seem to excel at with 2 very good vets at each position and rookies that might develop into same caliber of player, at S they’re more toned down but it’s not a position that demand immediate attention. I believe SAR should look into getting a D'Squarius Green Jr. – TE by user @sonicxdoom, a pretty active new user already having more money than me.

YKW 8th pick – Goes to the Yellowknife Wraiths currently standing at 25 players, their QB room secured with not 2 QBs but 3. RBs are not the strongest formation in Yellowknife at the moment but it’s definitely future focused and looks like it’ll be pretty strong. Wraiths’ receivers’ situation is ok, there’s top receiver that will keep playing at good level for season or three more, then there’s one WR and one TE that’ll lead the team in the future. Their lines are not much, with only one player worth mentioning. Other defensive positions look way better, LBs and CBs are currently solid but Yellowknife will need to start thinking about replacements soon, Safeties seem to be future proofed with 2 young guys. I think good choice for Wraiths here might be to spirit away Devin Mace – OL by new user @Dev0

ARI 9th pick – Should go to the Baltimore Hawks but it was trade and ended up with Arizona Outlaws. Outlaws are decently sized team with 29 players, quite a lot of them hitting regression however.  ARI is secured at QB with young QB from S47 getting ready to play for the team. RBs are actually only position with no regression next season for next season, it’s definitely a position they don’t have to worry about with 2 strong players. At WRs they’ll have 2 main targets, one of them is however regressing already and ARI should start seeking reinforcement at the position soon. What stands out is their offensive line with 6 players but most of them will start slowing down, on defense they have 3 DTs of varying age and comparable skill level, their LBs are high class players but age will start catching up to them soon, further down at CBs we have pretty similar situation as at LBs, Safeties are at the moment not as good as previous two. So, I think Outlaws should gun for Kim Yeon-Seok – CB by user @Crunk, a veteran and a former ARI player.

ARI 10th pick – Goes to Arizona Outlaws, for their second first round pick, it might be a good idea to keep the concept of loaded Offensive line so here we’ll go with Richard Johnson – OL by veteran user @Reedy0rNot

SJS 11th pick – Goes to San Jose SaberCats, another of the big teams with 30 players at the moment. Their QB is great and while it might be early to pick replacement, it’s worth consideration at least. San Jose RBs are on the upswing and will be fine without additions for a few seasons, Receivers are a bit of mixed bag with 2 pretty average guys in regression, 1 top WR about to hit regression and 1 WR about to hit his top form. There are some good players on the OL but next season we might say farewells to some of them but still it’ll be pretty good OL, on defensive side of the line they have 6 players, including 3 rookies not called up yet, so likely they’ll want to see how they develop before they start drafting more players here, similarly at the LBs position with 5 players, 3 of them pretty young probably about to hit their full potential in upcoming seasons, CBs are not as numerous but with one really, really good Corner about to start hitting regression, one previously really, really good corner that’s been in regression for some time now and one well developing young player it’s also pretty stable position, Safeties is where SaberCars are the thinnest with one good player but soon to start regressing and one average player that will start regressing this offseason. I think S would be their best pick here but I’m not sure about picking any of the remaining Safeties in first round, so let’s go with Liggy Jiggy – CB by veteran user @Raccoon177

COL 12th pick – Should go to the Cape Town Crash but it has landed in Colorado for 2nd first round Yeti’s choice. Their QB need is pretty glaring so while it’s unlikely they will be none left by the time just to be safe let’s pick top QB of the board here - Dexter Morgan by veteran user @goodvsevil1275

CHI 13th pick – Goes to the Chicago Butchers for their 2nd first round pick, here’s let’s try to rejuvenate their CBs room and take Lucas Graves – CB by very veteran user returning after a few month -  @Bwestfield

NOLA 14th pick – Goes to the New Orleans Secondline, again we have pretty sizeable team with 30 players, what’s more not many of them are hitting regression next season. Their QB situation is pretty much the same as SJS, should look into replacement in the near future for seamless transfer of power. At RBs there is quite a lot players but only 3 of them will matter in the future, their top regressing RB will remaining their top RB for at least 2 next seasons, I believe, in his shadow we have two young players that’ll fight for that top spot after that, at receivers we have one WR and one TE that are top players but will start their regression next season, behind them is another top WR still few seasons before he hits regression and lastly mid in both skill and age WR, that’ll most likely remain WR3 at NOLA. OL is where Second Line is pretty impressive with full lineup of 5 linemen with decent skill and also being one of youngest OL in the league. Defensive line is also pretty stacked but top 2 players are in regression leaving one future top DE and one not very good DE for the future. LBs are very strong position for New Orleans with high average TPE and no regressions next season. At CBs we have one top Corner in regression, one on pretty deep regression and one developing into very good CB, Safeties are secured for the future with two highly skilled players few seasons away from regression. Taking into consideration remaining option available it might be a good idea to prepare for the distant future and take Frosty Steele – LB by veteran user @jsteele14

The rest:
COL 15th pick – COL – GM PICK - Secret Squirrel – WR, user @iStegosauruz

HON 16th pick – HON – GM PICK - Baymax – OL, user @IceBear32

BER 17th pick – BER – GM PICK - Connor Craig Jr. Jr. – OL, user @Dewalt27

AUS 18th pick – AUS - Sweet Sweet Ganjasmoke – RB, by user @BOOM™

NYS 19th pick – NYS – GM PICK - Duke Silverback – RB, by user @wizard_literal

CTC 20th pick – OCO traded to CTC, now at the 20th pick we finally reach Cape Town Crash, with 26 players it’s pretty mid-sized team, secured at QB position with pretty young but good for a QB player. At RBs Cape Town is even more secure with top regressing RB still having some steam left and two young players about to reach comparable level, at WRs situation is almost the same, single difference is WRs are in comparison one season younger, additionally they have very young TE. Considering they’re run heavy team one could think they’ll put more emphasis on OL but they have only 2 players here and soon to be none, on defensive side of the line it looks better with 1 decent regressing linemen and two S47 players about to overtake him. At LBs CTC is possibly the strongest in the league with 3 LBs over 1000 TPE, all of them however S41 and their only younger LB likely won’t reach the same level, CBs room is in a similar position with currently good players but lacking any young players, at Safeties situation is completely different with their best player hitting serious regression and their two young players not developing as much as they would like. Draft Board is getting pretty thin at this point so let’s go with Slam Dunkinson – LB, by user @bfan8475

SAR 21st pick – SAR - Tony Chazz – DT, by user @Benson

YKW 22nd pick – YKW - Joe Blaze – LB, by user @jlyles7

BAL 23rd pick – BAL, and now we have our second to last remaining team, currently with 26 players. Baltimore is one if the teams that might consider looking into drafting QB soon but there’s no big rush. RBs are a very strong position for BAL right now but they’re lacking young well developing players but as before, here Baltimore also doesn’t have to rush, at WRs they have one seriously underused top player in regression and two young, well developing WRs. Offensive line is pretty middle of the pack when it comes to the league. Defensive line is decent but will need an addition, with one very good pre-regression DT and one pretty good DT that is seriously regressing and one looking pretty good young player at DE. At LBs Hawks are pretty secure with 4 players, healthy mix of younger and older players, all of them look like they are or will be high level LBs. At CBs it’s not as good, while their top CB is way ahead, he will start regressing this season, their second CB is already pretty deep in regression and their young CB might not be as good as his seniors, at S they have one young and very good player and one decent regressing player. Here let’s go with Julian McMorris II – RB, by veteran user @TubbyTim69

ARI 24th pick – ARI - Kevin Finnerty – TE, by user @ReverendOReily

SJS 25th pick – SJS - Benny The Jet – WR, by user @wildcatbandit

CTC 26th pick – CTC - Klaus Reinhardt – OL, by user @Middy

CHI 27th pick – CHI – GM PICK Hot Dam – DT, by user @Painted

OCO 28th pick – NOLA traded to OCO, finally, with the last pick of 2nd round we reach last team, the Orange County Otters, 26 players here. Their QB situation is similar to many other teams this season, good QB but must start thinking about the replacement, position where it looks like they won’t have to think about replacements during next few drafts are RBs, they have two players here picked during previous two drafts that are developing as well as one could hope. Orange County WRs situation is on the downswing with 3 regressing players, 2 of them pretty good and one likely soon to be retired, there’s luckily for them still 1 pretty young WR that seem like will reach top at the position. OCO has 3 players at OL, not super skilled but at least not too old. At the defensive line they have 1 good DE, 1 no good DE and one young DE that might get good but might as well not. At LBs they have 2 good regressing players, and 3 young seemingly well developing players so they can feel at ease here, at CBs too OCO is pretty good with one top regressing CB, one still pretty young but only decent CB and two young players looking for place in first string, at Safeties Otters would surely like to add a players, currently they have one decent but regressing player and one young pretty good player, but instead they get Deacon Blues – TE, by user @UptownCord, their GM pick but it is pretty good deal for last pick of second round considering this draft depth.

RE: Team Analysis Mock Draft S49 - JoeSteel - 06-15-2024

NOLA drafting J Steele just to make everything confusing

RE: Team Analysis Mock Draft S49 - Dev0 - 06-15-2024

I really enjoy seeing other people's input on teams needs and positions they deem more important to fill first. I was rather surprised Blaze dropped that far.