International Simulation Football League
*Royally Shafted - Printable Version

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*Royally Shafted - Wiggli - 06-18-2024

DSFL weeks 8 and 9 were re-simmed (for more information see: This was the correct decision, but it affected the results of some dots through no fault of their own. As we approach award season keep these performances in mind.

Kim Yeon-Seok has had a great rookie defensive season by any metric. But one of the most amazing defensive performances of the year was lost to the re-simulation.
[Image: image.png]
Two pick sixes, 4 passes defensed, a tackle and sack vanished. The original Week 9 game alone could make an award resume, it should not be forgotten.

Finn Murphy, captain of the Royals’ defense has also had a great season.  Capable of filling up the defensive stat sheet in multiple ways, a few unique and impressive feats would be left off the list if the original Week8/9 performances were left out.
[Image: image.png]
2 tackles for loss, a forced fumble, a pass defense, an interception, and the cherry on top a defensive touchdown. That’s a bingo!

The Royals defense is stacked and was as the title says shafted by the resim. Add Johnathan ByWater to the list of the offended.
[Image: image.png]
Losing a tackle, sack, forced fumble, and SAFETY!

For some the resimulation delta is a mixed bag, but another great rookie contributor to the cause was Lucas Graves.
[Image: image.png]
Gaining 4 tackles from the re-sim but losing 2 passes defensed and yes really another forced fumble, the D was oppressive in the original week8/9 sim.

But it wasn’t all bad, and in an effort for full transparency some people benefitted from the re-sim. On our team basically just myself.
[Image: image.png]
Juan Carrasco kind of sat on his ass and watched the impressive performances from the original weeks 8 and 9. IN the re-sim I contributed 3 tackles and 2 sacks in excess of my mostly invisible prior performances. If someone does have a good performance in the re-sim it also shouldn’t be forgotten, but as you approach reward season remember those are already baked into the overall stats you see on the index and many other reports.

OK enough gushing about the defense, lets take a look at what has been pushing the Royals team over the top so far this season. A truly impressive performance from rookie QB, Dexter Morgan.
[Image: image.png]
Achieving consistency even in alternate realities Morgan still managed 4TD and only 1 INT in both versions of the Week 8/9 sim, but did lose 153 yards and 5 completions on 6 additional attempts in the transaction.

Fantastic rookie receivers have also been a vital part of the upside surprise for the Royals Offense so far this season. And two key performers both lost out from the re-sim.
[Image: image.png]
Each lost a touchdown and non-trivial heap of yards from the re-simulation.

“Go To” tight end, also fared poorly from the re-sim.
[Image: image.png]
Losing 2 receptions, 40 yards, a touchdown, and 3 pancakes.

I’m sure there were some other impressive performances lost in the shuffle between the original week8/9 sim and the new one. But there were some truly historic performances here that might have been forgotten. And it offered a chance to call out some great year long performances that have helped the Royals as they ascend the throne.

RE: Royally Shafted - dude_man - 06-18-2024


RE: Royally Shafted - JoeSteel - 06-18-2024

We should take Norfolk's last pick for this

RE: Royally Shafted - ForSucksFake - 06-18-2024

You say it like being shafted is a bad thing.

RE: Royally Shafted - wetwilleh - 06-18-2024

sounds like a skill issue to me

RE: *Royally Shafted - Wiggli - 06-30-2024

Cant believe neither KYS or Finn got DPOTY nominations, guess the people saying they'd consider the resimmed data was empty talk.

RE: *Royally Shafted - Crunk - 06-30-2024

Yeah, it really does suck when your player has a career game resimmed, but I understand that it sucks equally for a team to completely lose out because of a sim team error. I've made my peace with it.

I also understand the immense pressure on DSFL HO to take some kind of action to justify the salaries they take every season because shit, what is a DSFL HO actually going to do other than deal with stuff like this?