International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 46: Aftermath - Printable Version

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*Chapter 46: Aftermath - lock180 - 06-18-2024

The Book of Zen
Chapter 46: Aftermath

Zenzeroni storms back to his room annoyed by Big Jello who seems to constantly try and mess with his feelings to make him feel one way or another about a topic. Zenzeroni packs up his bags without a care in the world having complete tunnel vision over the rest of the world around him. Realizing it was already late Zenzeroni decided against leaving the school that night and decided he would leave the next morning.

Zenzeroni laid in bed unable to sleep for hours and hours when his mind wandered to Linguine who he realized had not come back to the dorm room. This was incredibly rare. No, not just rare, never before done. Linguine liked to have fun and mess around but he always thought sleep was the most important part of the day and was always punctual hitting the lights at 10pm every night often to the annoyance of Zenzeroni. But 10pm had gone and passed long ago. It was 2am and there was no sign of Linguine. Despite this alarming situation it was an after thought to Zenzeroni’s pressing matter at hand. He wanted to go sailing and pirateering again but how would he find the group he had fallen in love with? He didn’t want to join just any crew he wanted to join THE crew. He decided his best bet was Disappointment Island and with it not being too far from where the Culinary School was, knew that this would be the best option.

The next morning Zenzeroni put the last of the few things he had left unpacked into his suitcase and was just about to head out the door when he once more ran into who else but Big Jello himself but this time he was flanked with men that looked like they were from men in black or were from the video game Hitman with their black tailored suits and dark tinted glasses and bald heads.

“Well, well, well, look what we have here. Boys I think we found our culprit.”

The two men in black move forward and grab Zenzeroni’s noodle arms which slip through their fingers. Now out of grasp of the two men in black Zenzeroni makes a dash down the hallway but only gets as far as the elevator before being tackled to the ground.

“I don’t even know what this is all about!” Zenzeroni yells on the ground.

“Then why are you acting as if you did something? Running probably wasn’t the smartest choice now was it?” Big Jello says standing over Zenzeroni.

“I’m innocent and I didn’t want to be imprisoned for something I didn’t do!”

“You can make all the excuses you want in interrogation.” Big Jello says as the elevator door dings and Zenzeroni is dragged in by the two men in black.

After being dragged through hallway after hallway Zenzeroni eventually finds himself in a broom closet with two chairs Big Jello sitting in one and Zenzeroni gets sat down in the other “Leave us. I can handle things from here” Big Jello tells the two men in black. One of the men in black shuts the door and plunges the closet into darkness.

“Ah shit” Big Jello mumbles to himself fumbling around the closet until he finds the switch hanging from the lightbulb in the middle of the room which he flicks on setting a dark and ominous tone. “Are you going to tell me what you did or am I going to have to force it out of you?” Big Jello asks Zenzeroni.

“I don’t know what you are talking about! I’m telling the truth! I thought we were friends?!”

“I thought so to. But I also thought you were friends with Linguine.”

“What? Of course I’m friends with Linguine. We may have our arguments but what friends don’t? Stop beating around the bush! Why am I here?!”

“Continuing to feign innocence after all I’ve done for you? Bold decision. I was this close to rejecting you from this school but Drumstick was relentless in getting you in here and considering the success story that was Linguine I figured you would be just as good. It saddens me that it would appear jealousy got in the way of a friendship. Linguine was always the better cook, better person, better with his colleagues while you were the misfit that no one wanted. I tried to help you through this and in the end it didn’t even matter.”

“What do you want me to say to that? Thank you?”

“Linguine’s body was found in a vat of tomato sauce earlier this morning. Linguine Zamboni is dead Zenzeroni. What do you have to say to that? All signs point to you. The whole school knows of your famous tomato sauce recipe, your “friendship” with Linguine, and I saw you packing up this morning. It was all in front of me and I just didn’t quite put the pieces together until it was too late.”

“You saw me in the hallway yesterday! How could it have been me?! There has to be cameras somewhere!”

“The school respects its student's privacy especially when it comes to secret recipes so security cameras are not allowed to be used.”

“I didn’t do it I just, I don’t know how I can prove it.” In that moment the door swings open and a surprised janitor stands in front of them.

“Oh uh, sorry about this... looking for the mop?” Big Jello asks the janitor.

The janitor grunts in agreement.

“Ah ok, no problem” Big Jello awkwardly shuffles around Zenzeroni and grabs the mop and hands it to the janitor.

“And a bucket” the monotone janitor says.

“Oh yes, of course” Big Jello shuffles around the closet some more before finding the bucket “Anything else?”

The janitor stares at him for a second before slowly closing the door. Once the door finally clicks in place Big Jello turns to face Zenzeroni “Admitting guilt will make things a lot easier for you.”

Before Zenzeroni can get another word out the door opens once more and one of the men in black whispers in Big Jello’s ear. Big Jello nods a few times and side eyes Zenzeroni before confirming one last thing and getting up from his chair “Well Zenzeroni, this conversation has been excellent I look forward to seeing you again” and with that Big Jello walks out the door as if nothing happened.

RE: Chapter 46: Aftermath - TubaDeus - 06-18-2024

Man, this whole thing is a roller coaster