International Simulation Football League
*Chapter 49: Dead End Mine Train - Printable Version

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*Chapter 49: Dead End Mine Train - lock180 - 06-21-2024

The Book of Zen
Chapter 49: Dead End Mine Train

Zenzeroni had never been inside Janewood and was not prepared for the true spectacle that it was. While it looked amazing during the day it looked even better at night. With towering coasters as far as the eye could see Zenzeroni’s heart was already in his chest. Add on the layer of fear that the haunted house theming included and Zenzeroni was not having a good time. But with one million dollars on the line he was going to have to toughen up so that he could finally open up his dream restaurant.

Entering the park Zenzeroni walked down Main Street which was filled with scare actors bouncing around yelling at people, revving chainsaws, and being an overall nuisance to the general public. Main Street was themed around a small British Town with various pubs and small shops dotting either side of the street. The victorian era feel and look of Main Street only added to the spooky ambiance as a scare actor rushed up to Zenzeroni in a Jack the Ripper outfit and pretended to stab Zenzeroni.

Despite being a scaredy cat Zenzeroni was not amused by this scare attempt and continued walking as if this “Jack the Ripper” actor wasn’t even there. Eventually, the actor got bored of Zenzeorni’s lack of reaction and moved on to their next victim. Looking around, Zenzeroni realized Main Street was a terrible place to hide. While hosting a large crowd of people there were few places to hide and easily tunneled people to places where Zenzeroni could easily be seen. Knowing he was running out of time Zenzeroni quickly made his way to his left where he found the entrance to the first section of the park, Appalachia.

Without hesitation, Zenzeroni briskly walked into this new section which immediately plummeted him into darkness as the lanterns of the British Main Street gave way to the dark spooky woods. The good news for Zenzeroni was that this section of the park had been transitioned into a giant maze by the name of “The Missing 411”. The bad news was that this section of the park had been transitioned into a giant maze. Zenzeroni realized this would be the perfect place to hide but he was terrified of the maze as soon as he entered.

Within seconds a scare actor had already jumped out from behind a tree and scared him and this continued to be a common theme as he struggled to navigate through the maze. Zenzeroni knew he would likely be safe in the maze from getting caught by the seeker but hated the maze so much that he would rather be caught than have to suffer in the maze any longer. Luckily for him, he stumbled upon one of the rides which was nicely named the Cherry Mountain Mine Train however for the Halloween festivities the ride had been transitioned into a haunted hayride type ride unbeknownst to Zenzeroni.

Seeing this as an opportunity to calm his nerves he eagerly got seated in one of the mine carts as it got ready to navigate through the Appalachian woods and mine shafts in the artificial cherry mountain. The ride began and Zenzeroni was whisked away as the ride twisted and turned down and around the Appalachian section of the park. Zenzeroni hated the feeling in his stomach of riding roller coasters but as long as it was away from being actually scared he could muster the courage to ride it. The ride made its normal turn into the mountain and down into the mine shafts below until where it usually took a turn to go back to the beginning of the ride it instead took a turn the other way hitting a dead end and stopping. After a moment the lap bar in front of him disengaged and left Zenzeroni all alone in the mine shaft with the ride apparently becoming dysfunctional.

“It appears you need a ride” A voice says from behind Zenzeroni.

Zenzeroni turns and sees to his utter shock and surprise the captain of his flight that would leave him stranded on Disappointment Island all those years ago, “Steve?” Zenzeroni says in shock.

“You seem to have run into a bit of a dead end. Need some help getting back to the entrance?”

“Why would I take any assistance from you? You threw me out of a plane!”

“I’m a skydiving instructor how was I supposed to know your father was going to do that? I thought it was just a normal father son skydiving trip!”

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m here to give you a ride back to the entrance. Do you want help or not?” Steve says on a crank cart that requires a lever to be pushed up and down to keep the cart moving.

“Fine, I guess so.”

“That’s the spirit! Hop aboard and I will get you to the entrance in no time!”

Steve begins pushing the lever up and down as the cart slowly meanders forward. Zenzeroni sits on the cart across from Steve staring intently at him before realizing they are going deeper into the mine and getting further from where the entrance should be.

“Uh Steve? I think you are going the wrong way. I’m pretty sure the entrance back to the park is the other way.”

“Oh I’m not bringing you to the entrance of the park. I’m bringing you to the entrance of hell. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA” Steve’s thunderous evil laugh echoes through the mine shaft as Zenzeroni realizes he has made the biggest mistake of his life and jumps off the moving cart to escape Steve and whatever fate lay ahead.

“Yeah, I don’t know maybe you scared him too much.”

“I didn’t even do anything he just passed out on his own.”

“Why is he even on this ride if he can’t handle a little coaster?”

“It’s not my job to come up with answers. Let’s get back to work.”

Zenzeroni opens his eyes and finds himself propped up against an artificial rock at the entrance of the Cherry Mountain Mine Train ride.

“You good man?” One of the ride operators kneels down to ask Zenzeroni.

“I-I think I’m fine. Was Steve here?”

“Who? I don’t know what you’re talking about but Fro Yo sent me a message and told me to tell you that he knows where you are and that you better run before he finds you. Oh and he already found one of the hiders.”

Zenzeroni sighs and pushes himself to his feet “Thanks.” Zenzeroni says running off down the exit and back into the Appalachian maze.