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(S49) Late Joiner Thread - Printable Version

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(S49) Late Joiner Thread - wizard_literal - 06-24-2024

(S49) Late Joiner TPE Thread
The Late Joiner TPE system in place to help users that create their player after the Trade Deadline, catch up on TPE missed during the Season. How this will work is, there will be 6 prompts, 1 for each week post Trade Deadline. For each prompt you have two options for word count. You may write at least 50 words for 7 TPE or at least 150 words for 10 TPE. I.e. if you were eligible for 2 prompts, you could write two 50 word prompts for 14 TPE, two 150 word prompts for 20 TPE, or one 50 word prompt and one 150 word prompt for a combined 17 TPE. The amount of prompts that you are allowed to complete will correspond with the week of your player's creation. This is only open for players entering the Season 50 ISFL Draft. The deadline to complete this is the start of the ISFL playoff stream.

To get this graded, a PPT Team Member will go through and edit your post, either approving or denying it, and once that has happened, you may link it to your update thread for the appropriate amount of TPE. There is no partial TPE for a prompt.

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?
- As a newly created player, was the experience intuitive? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience of getting started in our league?
- Write a letter to any perspective GMs that may be interested in picking you up in the upcoming draft(or waivers). What makes you stand out?
- The ISFL has quite a few branding amongst its two leagues. Which branding are your favorite? Which are your least favorite?
- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
- Talk about your player number and if it means anything special to you

In your response, make sure to include your player page to confirm when you created your player.
Week 1: 06/24 - 06/30 - Eligible for 7-10 TPE (1 Prompt)
Week 2: 07/01 - 07/07 - Eligible for 14-20 TPE (2 Prompts)
Week 3: 07/08 - 07/14 - Eligible for 21-30 TPE (3 Prompts)
Week 4: 07/15 - 07/21 - Eligible for 28-40 TPE (4 Prompts)
Week 5: 07/22 - 07/28 - Eligible for 35-50 TPE (5 Prompts)
Week 6: 07/29 - 08/04 - Eligible for 42-60 TPE (6 Prompts)

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - kdr - 06-24-2024  6/21/24

1 prompt doing #5

The origin of my players name is very easy to trace, but we have to go a long way back to childhood.  It was the early 1980s and my father would get Giants tickets from a friend of his when ever either they couldn’t make the game, or they didn’t want to see the opponent.  So, basically I saw two teams a lot; the Saints and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  And one player stood out to that young kdr, James Wilder.  He could do it all and he was basically the entire Tampa Bay offense.  He was a power runner, he had some speed and he would catch the ball coming out of the back field. I saw him maybe 2 or 3 times live.  But it was one day on television that the full name was born.  Not sure who he was playing but he was having an awesome game and the announcer said and James Wilder he is RUNNING WILD and that was it.  My young self would always should James Wilder is running wild when ever he was playing.  And so when I created my player there was no doubt who the first would be. JamesIsRunning Wilder  receiving RB is here, watch out.

Word Count 206

@kdr You're create date is outside the windows, so you aren't eligible for any TPE

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - Otis B - 06-25-2024

My player wears number 22. This number carries great significance to me, and even though it is not a traditional number for a wide receiver, I feel my decision to wear it will make sense, well, I hope it will, after I explain why I chose it…and try to every time I join a sim league.

I am a veteran of the United States Air Force where I served for nine and a half years as a firefighter. During my time on active duty, I served the majority of my time overseas, with 7 years spent in Europe. I was in the pre-deployment stages of being sent to Operation Desert Shield in 1990 before I was sent back to my home base in Belgium. I had many friends who continued with the deployment and was sent to Saudi Arabia. One of my friends was killed there in a SCUD attack, yea, he was a pretty awesome dude.

During my time in the military I sustained various injuries, ranging from smoke inhalation due to a mal-functioning breathing apparatus to blowing out my knee while trying to pull a pilot out of an F-4 fighter jet. After I left the military I joined various veteran organizations, and over the years have left them for a variety of reasons. I knew the value of these organizations, but I always felt like something was missing.

A few years ago I came across an organization called The Til Valhalla Project. This organization donates funds from their merchandise sales to fight veteran suicide. The man who started it lost a good friend to the battle with his inner demons and wanted a way to honor him…and others who have lost their battles…either on the battlefield or wherever that battle was fought. I joined the organization and fully support it to this day.

So why the number 22? Sadly, an average of 22 veterans a day take their own lives…after surviving whatever battles they had faced before. So I wear the number 22 to honor my fellow brothers and sisters. I wear it to remind people that 22 a day is 22 too many…

@Otis B 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - josephnsabel - 06-26-2024

Doing the second prompt. I have always found forum based games a little complicated, but I hope this will be something I won’t have trouble with. I made my character and joined the discords so I believe I am on the right track. There are a lot of links to follow and that is not super mobile-friendly, so I will be sure to give this a real shot. I’m wondering if there can be some OpenAI integration where it would prompt users for a response, rather than searching for everything. Like a recap of “this is what you need to do this week” and other tasks. I hope this wouldn’t make things too easy, however. Overall I am excited to join and hope to have a great experience!

One thing I am curious about is how hard it is to max out your player’s stats. Is that something that happens often?

@josephnsabel 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - Daileyj6 - 06-26-2024

Thank you, to any GMs who may be reading this, for the opportunity to share a little bit about myself. My name is Jonathan Dailey, a humble and hardworking DE. I grew up on a farm, so hard work is something I take pride in. I've played football since I was 8, thanks to my Dad who shares the same love for the game that I have. We are a football first family and we take pride in working hard. I will be the first to arrive and last to leave from my rookie season until retirement. I can't say I will be the best DE that's played in this league, but I will say: if I'm not the best, it won't be because I didn't work hard. I will outwork everyone I cross paths with and I find it hard to believe I wont succeed. With your support and my work ethic and positive attitude, lets get that "Chip"!

Jonathan Dailey S50 (DE)

@Daileyj6 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - The.Pat - 06-26-2024

Prompt #3:

Dear ISFL GMs,
My name is Joe Cool, I am from Minneapolis Minnesota. Are you looking to add a new exciting playmaker? An explosive offensive weapon? Ready to take your air attack to the next level? Then lets come together and write the next chapter of our lives together. I leave everything I have on the field every time I step foot out of the tunnel. I live with no regrets because I give 100% to my coaches, teammates, and to the game. I wake up every day with the mindset ready to challenge myself, with the willingness to learn, and have an open mind to achieve higher greatness. So bring me in to be a part of your winning organization to keep the great pedigree alive, or lets erase the history and create a new culture of success. And above all else making me a part of your team, would be pretty... cool.
Thank you.

@The.Pat 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - Megsychan - 06-27-2024

"- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it"

So, to give important context, Akane as a character predates this RP. She's been an OC of mine I've been developing for about a year at this point. I've had other RPs I've been in, but Akane has been uniquely special in just how much I've grown to love over the years. I say that, because for as much as I love her, she was originally designed to be a background character in a little art piece my GF made for me (too personal to share publicly, sorry). As a result, the name she has, for a character who means a lot to me, hilariously is a little arbitrary. Akane's first name, 茜, literally means "red". It's a common enough female Japanese name, but the main reason I picked it? Her most obvious physical feature at the time was the bright red shirt she was wearing. Of course, there is some wordplay involved where red is often the color shorthand for anger, and the rage-induced trances she gets into is her defining characteristic. Not only that, but there's also Akane, the Ramna 1/2 character; there's thematic similarities between the two that likely subconsciously influenced me, both being stubborn, tomboyish women who have a proclivity towards violence. But I won't lie, her just literally wearing red was the big reason I went with Akane as a name, and had she been drawn with a blue shirt a year ago, I think I would have likely given her a different first name. It's funny how that works.

Her last name, Saruta, is where I placed more deliberate meaning behind it. In kanji, it'd be rendered as 猿田. 猿, or saru, means monkey, while 田, or ta, means field. Ta's placement in the name is just a common root for Japanese surnames, and doesn't really have much intended meaning alone. It is Saru that is important in her name. Like I said before, Akane's main identifying characteristic is that when she gets sufficiently pissed off, she basically gets into a trance like state where she reverts to essentially a bestial mode. Since humans are sufficiently evolved primates, in practice her angry trance self becomes very ape-like. Hence, very early on I associated her with monkeys and gorillas, and when it came time to name her-- remember she was initially a background character with no name-- giving her a name that alluded to primates just felt very natural to me. Monkeys, or more specifically the Japanese macaque, are an important cultural touchstone within Japan, so its not surprising that I managed to find a surname that uses that kanji. Indeed, if I recall correctly, I ended up deciding her surname before her first name when I was making her.

@Megsychan 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - AmmoDog88 - 06-27-2024

What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved? 
I enjoy how helpful and active the community members are towards new people and they have answered any questions I've had 
- As a newly created player, was the experience intuitive? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience of getting started in our league? 
I really enjoyed the process it was definitely fun and was a good experience 
- Write a letter to any perspective GMs that may be interested in picking you up in the upcoming draft(or waivers). What makes you stand out?
I'm a hard worker who will out work every other running back you draft me you're getting nor only one of the best but a future hall of famer you can count on to carry your team through the regular season and playoffs being former military I know all about team work and hard work 

- The ISFL has quite a few branding amongst its two leagues. Which branding are your favorite? Which are your least favorite? 
I love all of them don't really have a favorite 

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
My players name comes from my favorite video game series Devil May Cry my dad introduced me to games by letting me play the first game so its a name with a special memory 
 Talk about your player number and if it means anything special to you
27 was my number I played with from the time I was 5 until I stopped playing in the army 

@AmmoDog88 Can you fix your post and repost? It's not readable. Also, you can only answer one prompt given your create date , but need to write either 50 or 150 words to get TPE.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - davidmoose - 06-27-2024

Player Name: David Moose
Joined: 6/26/24

"Talk about what inspired your player's name and any meaning behind it".

The nickname "Moose" came about when I was in high school. I believe the initial intention was that I reminded some kids in the school band of an Archie character by the same name who I bear a resemblance to (tall and blonde, multisport athlete back then). I think that it also works with my quiet, protective, and sometimes goofy personality - traits I associate with moose.

As a football name, I incorporated "Moose" as a pass-rushing linebacker because I wanted to invoke images of a creature rushing you down with its ears pinned back, head down, and with otherworldly strength. I want to be a disruptor on the line of scrimmage and behind it. I want to intimidate opposing offenses with a physical presence and hard-hitting tackles. Ever see a picture of a car that hit a moose? Doesn't work out so well for the car.

Various versions of "David Moose" have been create-a-player RBs, LBs, and EDGE in Madden, each invoking the headfirst downhill rushing style of my namesake. I'm looking forward to bringing that kind of attack to the ISFL.

@davidmoose 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S49) Late Joiner Thread - cinco de la tarde - 06-27-2024

Prompt 2:

As a new player and one that is pretty tech savvy, I do think the introduction process was done pretty well, even if it's a bit daunting. Like by the third giant wall of text, I was feeling a little overwhelmed. That said, I really appreciated the Rookie Player Intro videos.

The videos made creating the player and figuring out how to update their stats make sense. Now we will see if I'll retain that information next week when I make another update post but I think the videos set me up to figure it out regardless.

I was a bit confused about initial scheduling. Like I know there is going to be come gaps between player creation and them playing a game so I think I understand the DSFL for a season and then drafted to USFL but I was confused how often they would be playing.

That said, I joined the Rookie Discord and people quickly answered those questions. I'm still a little confused at the expected input every week (Like a weekly check in for sure but I'm unsure at the timing of other TPE earning events).

@cinco de la tarde 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.