International Simulation Football League
S50 Class celebratory bonuses - Printable Version

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S50 Class celebratory bonuses - DarknessRising - 06-25-2024

Hey y’all! As many of you know, we are very close to our 50th season of the ISFL!! Whether you’ve been here from the very first season or just joining now, we’re so happy to have you in our community! To celebrate this achievement, we will be running a few bonuses for the league and organising some larger things within the community during the seaosn, but the first of which we can announce now as the S50 class comes together.

Firstly, The entire league will receive bonus TPE that will be escalated based on the amount of the users* in the class:
1 - 20 = 2 TPE
21 - 40 = 4 TPE
40 -60 = 6 TPE
61+ = 10 TPE

*The amount only includes new creates and recreates that have been IA for 6+ months.

This is a chance for some extra bonus TPE for all, so if you have a friend or family member you have thought to rope into the league, its the perfect chance to do that!! Same can be said of pulling back an old face into the fold of the league.

Secondly, new S50 users and recreates who have been IA for 6+ months will be receiving a special s50 celebration starter boost! This will consist of 5M and 5 Dotts packs + another 5M and 5 Dotts packs at a 200 TPE milestone. This will make anyone who just starting out who coming back with not much assets, a great incentive and head start to enjoy themselves and make S50 a class to remember.

Again, this is just start of celebrating S50. In the future we may talk about what will be apart of the S50 celebrations, some things may be left for a surprise. If anyone has ideas for celebrating S50, you can always DM myself or someone else from HO your ideas

Here’s to another amazing season and hopefully another 50 seasons more of the ISFL! Happy recruiting!

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - Chicken Lips - 06-25-2024

Invite your friends and neighbors

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - Daniel - 06-25-2024

free teeps

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - lordcoolcats - 06-25-2024

I invited my dad but he just kept calling me a disappointment

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - dude_man - 06-25-2024

Oh shoot, my time has come to bring in my friends multis

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - LtHudz - 06-25-2024

Anything that incentivizes new user or returning user engagement is a W in my book. Love this.

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - infinitempg - 06-25-2024

brb making more multis

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - Z-Whiz - 06-25-2024

Engaging multis

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - WALDO - 06-25-2024

i’m gonna post about this on nextdoor

RE: S50 Class celebratory bonuses - Assistant to the POR GM - 06-25-2024

I’m gonna post this on the citizen app