International Simulation Football League
*REDEMPTION ROAD Part II - Printable Version

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*REDEMPTION ROAD Part II - jreed12 - 06-27-2024

Previously, on Redemption Road with jreed12…

Jreed declares he is BACK in the media game! With a resounding fervor, he proclaims that he will return as the rightful MEDIA KING over Zenzeroni Xystarch II, who has merely been a placeholder in Jreed’s absence. Furthermore, he reveals the grand plan he has been keeping secret: he will be the new GM for the Dallas BirdDogs!

Jreed stands his ground against new DIABOLICAL NEMESES in Uptown Cord and Wizard Literal, who attempted a coup d'etat against his beloved brainchild, the ISFL Weekly Mirror, and liquidated all of its assets! This means WAR!

Jreed also charts the course for the Berlin Fire Salamanders to win the S50 Ultimus, as he predicted it with an unprecedented wager of $30M at the ISFL Casino and Sportsbook, Where Winners are Made!™

Read about all of this and more in…

[Image: osuEiv3.png]

Today began like any other. Wake up, immediately begin yapping and sending cat gifs in Gen Chat to earn Yap Bucks and fill the void in our hearts left behind by DL14’s absence. He has been missed.

I noticed a few other users were talking about the Prospect Bowl, which, believe it or not, was something I attempted to purchase at a certain point in time. Apparently, my combined package offer of $1B through cash and flexible equity was not enough to appease the powers that be, but it gave me great interest in the intricacies of the arcane secrets of the Sim, and ultimately led me to become more interested in Simming and GMing.

That is an aside. When I noticed this discussion about the Prospect Bowl, it reminded me of one of my all time favorite stickers, which belonged to the S47 Smilodons.

[Image: ZRoJUj6.jpg]

As a subscriber of Discord Nitro—using my spoils of wealth from an incredibly successful journalistic empire—I went to go access the Smilodons sticker from the DSFL Server and paste it in Gen Chat. Which was when I noticed something which chilled me to my very bone:

[Image: X9d8w04.jpg]

Which brings me to the only logical and reasonable conclusion: SOME NEFARIOUS FIGURE WAS PREVENTING JREED FROM BEING IN THE DSFL SERVER! My announcement to become the Bird Dogs GM occurred at the end of the DSFL regular season, which was also when Crazy officially stepped down from his post. And, as far as I know, all of the GMs, rookie mentors, and members of Head Office (HO) are meant to be there. Such is the law of the land.

Significant time has elapsed since the announcement of my GMing, but it appears I have already fostered some unsavory adversaries, lurking in the darkness, ready to strike at any moment. I am unsure why nobody has gone out of their way to proactively send me a link to rejoin the DSFL server without me asking, so the natural adult reaction to that is to resort to ranting about it in my media. But, mark my words, I WILL get to the bottom of this.

Later the next day, Eggy sent me an invite link to the DSFL Discord, as well as kindly updating all my perms, and apparently I am “required” to rejoin it for “scouting” purposes, because I can’t just shitpost on the Forums all day. However, since this doesn’t fit my current narrative, I am choosing to ignore that this took place.

Elsewhere in ISFL land, trouble was brewing on all fronts as my nemeses amassed to DECRY the validity of my media expertise as well as my new promotion. It all began when I received a most disturbing ping in Gen Chat:

[Image: FjH9ByW.jpg]

MY good friend, colleague, and former lawyer during the Weekly Mirror Intern Mistreatment Trials (in which there wholly lacked any concrete evidence that Jreed mistreated any interns), @amjohnson636, decided to make the community at large PRIVY to his awards decision making. I was shocked, appalled, and abhorred to learn that he planned to nominate none other than the DEVIOUS Uptown Cord for the Most Dedicated Media Member award. I am not even sure if this is a real award, but I consider this to be AJ’s way of PLEDGING SUPPORT to a false narrative, one which shall be hastily debunked!

However, this is truly out of character for my dear friend, which means it has Uptown’s signature stink written all over it. AJ had always pledged his unyielding support for MY media, but it appears that his new boo in the Orange County Otters has persuaded him to the OPPOSITION. Needless to say, my trust has been all but shattered in two.

While I cannot verify for certain that such an award exists, as I am not currently a member of the awards committee, I call upon Head Office (HO) to SUSPEND the Most Dedicated Media Member award immediately; unless of course, I am winning it, in which case I will happily and humbly accept.

It appears my new promotion may have already stirred up a new rivalry between our beloved Dallas Bird Dogs and reigning S47 Ultimini champions, the Portland Pythons. Bamford, the POR GM who I enjoyed hosting DSFL game days with last season, in which tampering was caught live on air for the first time in league history (as was dutifully reported by the ISFL Weekly Mirror), has not taken too kindly to my new avant garde. After I released the introduction to Redemption Road with jreed12, the pomeranian himself released the following statement. I warn you, reader, the following might be disturbing to some viewers:

[Image: 1eTtKvb.jpg]

While I would not in good faith ever encourage a colleague to resign, it appears the Bird Dogs are left with only one option: we must exercise a conquest over the Portland Pythons and show them the jaws of utter defeat next season. Regrettably, I must go against my friend and teammate @jadda123876, the testing mastermind behind POR’s absurd upheaval in the Sim to win the Ultimini, in order to exact a decisive Dallas victory. Portland, consider this: kicking it up a notch.

As the Ultimus is nigh, more S50 recruits trickle in with each passing day, and teams including the Dallas BirdDogs are hurriedly making scouting and roster preparations to ensure ultimate DSFL domination. There truly has been no more exciting time to be in the ISFL, and our story will next pick up at one of the most exciting points of the offseason—a day full of plot twists and exciting new stories for the best of the next generation—THE DRAFT.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of Redemption Road with jreed12, and I look forward to seeing where the excitement takes us the next time I feel like putting word vomit in a Google doc.

But until then, it is time to scout! Ta, ta,



RE: REDEMPTION ROAD Part II - UptownCord - 06-27-2024

Hope your ready to see deez in S50

RE: REDEMPTION ROAD Part II - lock180 - 06-28-2024

Nefarious is a top 10 word