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*The Story of the Greatest Defensive End Prospect of All Time - Printable Version

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*The Story of the Greatest Defensive End Prospect of All Time - Daileyj6 - 07-01-2024

Birthday 2x week Bonus

Jonathan Dailey. Who is that? I'm sure you all asked yourself that question when coming across his name in recent ISFL draft talks. It's okay, so did I, and I am about to explain exactly who Jonathan Dailey is.

     It all started in the late winter of 2041, a very cold winter indeed. Two beautiful and humble people, Sherry and Frank Dailey birthed a baby boy. Frank owned a farm that he worked diligently to upkeep, even with the help of a couple farm hands. The farm didn’t bring in much revenue, but it brought a sense of ownership and pride. Sherry, who was a local volunteer school teacher, became a stay at home mother after discovering she was pregnant. This little boy became their whole world.
Growing up, it didn’t take Jonathan long to hit his milestones, walking, talking, and writing for example. He achieved most of them on time, while things like writing took him a little longer than average. He spent a lot of time on the farm with his father, starting at the age of five. All he wanted to do was help, though he was really not helping much at all. His father allowed it, happy his son wanted to be a part of his day to day routines.

     His mother, protective but not overly, kept a close eye but encouraged him to work hard like his father. When he was just seven years old, Jonathan asked his father a very intriguing question:
“Dad, why do you work harder than the farm hands that you are paying to work?”

     Frank responded, “Well son, you can’t control your talent or your size, but one thing you can control is your work ethic. I will never let someone outwork me.”

     This stuck with Jonathan as he developed from a child to a teenager, and even to now. In middle school he told his father he wanted to play football. Frank responded, telling him, “When you can outwork me, I’ll allow you to try out for the football team.” And outwork him he did. Jonathan worked tirelessly to beat his father. He even starting sneaking out at midnight to take advantage of his father’s sleep. He became an unstoppable worker. His physique changed, he was stronger and faster. His grades went up along with his ability to process information. He was becoming a man. In High School it was time to ask again. With his fathers approval and mother support he would try out for the football team as a Sophomore.

     Jonathan busts through the door one Friday, smiling ear to ear, “I made the football team! Dad, I did it, I’m going to play football!”

     Frank and Sherry smiled. They knew he would make the team. He was tall, fast, strong, and smart. They would have been much more surprised if he DIDN’T make the team. The coaches saw exactly what they saw in him, work that paid off. Unfortunately, though, this isn’t your typical superstar rise to fame you may be expecting. Even though he was a physical unicorn and as smart as they come, he had very middle spectrum football coaches and zero experience playing football. Tackling haystacks can only take you so far, and his unfamiliarity with the gear, the drills, and the game in general led to him being a bench rider the whole year. And the next year.

     Finally, in September of 2058, the high school senior, Jonathan Dailey, got his shot! He was always the first to arrive at practice and the last to leave. He worked his butt off and finally he was getting the hang of things. His coaches gave him the nod and let him start the first game of his senior year, where he recorded a whopping five sacks and forced a fumble. The whole school was talking about him. Heck, the whole darn town was! He became the biggest story of the town that week. Now, even though that was his best performance of the season, he finished his senior year with thirteen sacks, three forced fumbles (two recovered), and two interceptions off of screen passes which he returned for touchdowns. That’s a pretty good start to a career if I’ve seen one. To top it all of guess who called him to recruit him to college.

     Well… no one did. Not a single college was interesting in getting Jonathan on the field to see what he can do. As a matter of fact, had it not been for his fathers GI Bill benefits from the military, he wouldn’t have even been able to attend college at all. But this isn’t the end of his story, as I’m sure you are aware. UF bound, Jonathan Dailey was headed to be a Gator, and lets not forget that work ethic that earned him a shot in high school.

     Day one of the semester, signs all around the school read, “Walk-ons Welcome. No gear required, just you and your best game.” Jonathan Dailey took one down from the wall, smiled, and put it in his bag. He still has a shot to play. Tryouts roll around and Jonathan, to everyone’s surprise, outworked every other freshman on the field. He never skipped a beat, drill after drill he never stopped moving. His work on its own would’ve secured him a spot on the roster, and he had the physicality and speed to make sure he didn’t go unnoticed. The coaches gave him a unanimous nod and he was on the team without a second thought. He got to study with the best defensive talent college football has seen in decades!

     But that would also be his downfall. He was surrounded by such big market talent, he didn’t get to start a single game his first three years of college. His teammates spoke wonders of him to the coaches and media, but no one paid attention because he wasn’t on the field. He would beat them in practice, still no start. He outworked them every day, still no start. It wasn’t until the last three games of the season, due to two injured starters, he got the nod. In those three games he registered six sacks, seventeen QB pressures, and a pair of passes defensed. What a way to go out, he would for sure get drafted to the ISFL in 2065. But… he didn’t. He wasn’t well known, and honestly there just wasn’t enough tape to give him ground to stand on.

     As unfortunate as the cards fell, I don’t think this is the end of our favorite Defensive End. He is awaiting the 2065 DSFL draft for his last shot at playing football, and the rivalries he’s created are already sending shockwaves through the media. The sky truly is the limit for this young, underrated talent. You better protect your quarterbacks, because he’s coming for them.

RE: The Story of the Greatest Defensive End Prospect of All Time - jreed12 - 07-01-2024

A great prospect? Yes. However the title of greatest has already been claimed by none other than the legendary D'JASPER PROBINCRUX IV. Who is he really under all that handsome blonde hair??? Only time will tell

RE: The Story of the Greatest Defensive End Prospect of All Time - Daileyj6 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 07:56 PM)jreed12 Wrote: A great prospect? Yes. However the title of greatest has already been claimed by none other than the legendary D'JASPER PROBINCRUX IV. Who is he really under all that handsome blonde hair??? Only time will tell

D’Jasper gonna disappear from the media like Casper when Dailey steps on the field.