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*Jreed is a multi - Printable Version

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*Jreed is a multi - lock180 - 07-02-2024

Either HO is working with him and knows this already or he has done a very good job at keeping it under wraps. I would assume the latter because even I was fooled by him for this long but that all changed when he made one fatal slip up. Actually, truth be told, it was I who made the slip-up.

The revelation occurred earlier this morning. Reeling after the recent double media announcement I changed my name to “ANGRY AT THE WORLD RAWR”. This spawned a tongue-in-cheek comment from Jreed who loves winding me up as he “innocently” asked, “why so angry?”

For those unaware three days before the announcement regarding double media I had just finished posting media for 56 straight days and as soon as I stopped posting, this double media came to light. But what does this have to do with Jreed you are asking yourself? Calm down, I’m getting there. You see, the man responsible for this double media bonanza is JKortes81 aka the high ruler of media himself.

What I want to know is how he got this job in the first place because first of all, he doesn’t post any media, and second of all, he doesn’t grade any of my media so what does he really do around here? The one thing he does do is the occasional podcast and guess when the last time he posted a podcast was? That’s right the last time he just so happened to announce a x2 media event. The hypocrisy is unreal and he needs to be stopped but back to the current timeline because you see, I messed up.

Due to my stupid autocorrect and my anger at JKortes and now Jreed, I sent a message that said “Shit up Jreed” instead of “Shut up Jreed” I quickly corrected it but the damage had been done with Jreed making another HILARIOUS joke that I’m not going to say in this post because it was just that funny but that is when I realized something. I had made a silly spelling mistake which made me look at words closer…. Two words or should I say, two names in particular.

Jreed12 and JKortes81 are the same person.

It all makes sense to me. Since day 1 Jreed had come out firing at me ruthlessly attacking me in media despite me having done nothing to warrant it. But that’s the thing, I had done something to warrant it. Jreed may not have been around but his other account JKortes had been around since I first joined the league.

Jreed had ruthlessly attacked me from day 1 allowing his main account, JKortes, to sit back and do nothing… or so I thought.

On April 2nd, 2024 JKortes posted another one of his double media bonanzas but with it, he posted an extra note “From here on out, everyone who writes a GOOD article on either mock drafts OR fantasy rankings will get a 2x media no matter what. In order to encourage these fun types of articles… I figured why not make them 2x?”

I had posted a number of media articles before this however fantasy ranking and mock drafts are not my forte and JKortes knew this. He was angry at my nonsensical “word vomit” as his other account would say and to combat this he tried to push me out of the media industry altogether. But I refused to listen and in doing so posted for 56 straight days angering him even further and leading to where we are today. JKortes posting about double media three days after I had exhausted all my creative ability. And guess who crawls out of the woodwork after disappearing from the media scene for the past season? That’s right his other account Jreed returns with “Redemption Road” and who is its first target? That’s right ol’ Zenzeroni Xystarch II aka lock180. ME.



Whatever you want to be called the truth of the matter is that I don’t care about the money. I’m rolling in the cash but it is the principle of what is happening that I have a problem with. This is damning evidence and I don’t see how you don’t get banned for this. So when you are away maybe in Cancun maybe whatever hell you came from I hope you take a good look in the mirror and understand what you have done. Two users, one media monster.

I can’t believe you JKortes. I thought you were hiding in the shadows taking stabs at me from time to time but in reality, you have been attacking me for countless seasons sowing despair everywhere you could. Ruining my name despite using the Jreed name to hide your identity. It all makes sense though. You finished everything you could with the JKortes name and most dedicated member was the nail in the coffin. You had done everything in the ISFL. It was time to start anew with a fresh user that needed to get all of the awards once more and Jreed was that answer. Immediately thrusting himself into as many roles as possible while tearing down the biggest media threat this website had ever seen.

Baron was the obvious media monster. I had no idea you were using her as a smoke screen to cause the most damage possible. Highlight her as a target and allow her to make all the awards and get all the angry media writers while you sit back and laugh from your ivory tower.

What I don’t understand is why? JKortes is not rich by any means only 3 million to your name Jreed has a decent amount of cash but nothing to go crazy over? So why post this double media?

The only answer I can come up with is jealousy. You are jealous of my talents and want me to suffer around every twist and turn possible. You want my life to be a miserable hell. Well, too bad I know the truth about you it’s just a shame it had to be like this.

- lock180

[Image: H2irG9I.png]

RE: Jreed is a multi - jreed12 - 07-02-2024

Didn’t realize your chefs hat was made out of tin foil. THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS LIBEL AND I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!