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*The Rings of Ultimus - Printable Version

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*The Rings of Ultimus - TheDrapFather - 07-02-2024

Chapter 2: The One Ring

   The kings of Ultimus have been in the iron hills now for 6 days. Still digesting what had happened almost a week ago. As they discuss the next plan of action, division begins to tear any shred of unity left apart. Some kings wanted to march on the badlands in the West, as they'd all now presumed it was Jonyphon who had made the ring with dark magic. Others refuse such hasty retaliation, and demand that they wait to devise a plan to ensure success. The kings, clearly split, finally went their separate ways from the region of Ultimini.

   The kings of Baltimore, Osaka, Honolulu, New Orleans, Orange County, Austin, Yellowknife, and Berlin traveled back to their respective kingdoms to begin preparation for war. The more aggressive kings took their personal guards west, wanting to waste no time in stopping Jonyphon. The kings of Cape Town, Colorado, Sarasota, Arizona, New York and Jan Jose ride off into the barren wasteland that awaits them in the badland mountains. A storm rolls in the distant west as they continue traveling, letting them know they were near. Soon the mountain came into vision, Mount End rose high above the clouds for all to see. It was menacing to even look at, bubbling with fire at its peak. Some of the kings thought to turn back, but were otherwise convinced it was too late now. They devised a plan to attack the mountain using rush pass, which was treacherous but not as heavily guarded.

   Rush pass was named after the creatures who called it home, the Rushakals. They had long been banished there after almost tearing apart Ultimus in the ancient days. However, Jonyphon made a deal to free them to roam the badland mountains in exchange for their loyalty. These creatures were the darkest and creepiest thing in all of Ultimus. They had the body of a man, but they had a ghoulish white face with no eyes or nose and their skin was like ash as if they were born of the flames of the mountain. The kings rode into the pass as smoke and ash whipped around them. The sun was blot out, now the only light was the dim glow emitted by Mount End. The Rushakals' agility was fierce, as not just one man could take them down. They leave a trail of dust as they move quickly past the king's guard. Frantically the guards slash and stab trying to pick them off. They soon discover that surrounding them in groups was an effective killing method. Doing so they began cutting through the wicked beasts. The kings and their guard pushed through, killing any Rushakals left defending the pass.

   The kings emerged from the pass looking at the large black gate surrounding Mount End. The battle has now begun, as they hear a loud horn blast as the gate opens. Standing there was Jonyphon's guard waiting to charge the kings. King Zeagle of Arizona raises his famed outlandian steel sword and cries out "WE FIGHT FOR ULTIMUS!". The king's guard charges together with the kings trailing as they watch the two armies crash together in combat. Soldiers on both sides began to fall but it seemed the king's guard were making progress pushing to Jonyphon's tower at the foot of Mount End. Jonyphon watches from his tower as the fear of losing his precious ring had begun to eat away at him. Since making it in Ultimus, the magic of the ring had grown even stronger and caused even Jonyphon to go mad. He stares into the ring as the markings glow red. The Dark Lord pulls his blade and turns to his personal guard, “Go. Make sure that no one enters this tower” he commands, pointing them down the tower stairs. Jonyphon turns back to the battle going on beneath him. Caught by surprise with his guard overwhelmed, he scowls and whispers ancient curses at the kings below. In the shadows by the tower stairs, a guard had stayed back. He too was drawn to the power of the ring, and was jealous of Jonyphon. The young guard smirks as he sees the fear in Jonyphon, hoping this would be his chance.

   The king’s guard now approached the tower door. Jonyphon’s guard rush to barricade the large metal doors and push the intruders back. “All forces to the doors!”, a general of Jonyphon’s guard yells. They hold back the king’s guard from breaking down the mighty tower doors long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Jonyphon had called in his elite group of soldiers, the Black March. As the tower doors were about to break, King Steg of Colorado turned back to see the large black flag waving in the distance. “Fall back! It’s The March!” King Steg screams as the kings and the guard quickly begin to pull back and retreat out of the badlands. Jonyphon makes his way back up to the tower’s top to see his enemy retreat. When he reaches his throne room, his stomach drops. He let out a yell so terrible and loud that it pierced the ears of all who were in the region. He falls to his knees and slumps to the ground, for the one ring...was gone.


   Jordric and Willeh the Wet had just begun their journey North, where the kings of Ultimus planned a meeting. Jordric, who was smaller and quite slower than the tall and long strided Willeh, rode a top Willeh’s horse. The two talked as they stroll through the lush green forest that border Ultimini from the rest of Ultimus. Willeh smokes his pipe and Jordric chews some dried sap as they laugh and sing together, doing their best to keep their minds off the task ahead. Soon enough they emerge from a long journey in the forest to see the beautiful city of Ultigrest, the capital of Ultimus and the center of trade and commerce. It was nestled at the top of a beautiful waterfall with a quiet river snaking through the cities beautiful architecture. The Kings of the ancient days had built this city to unite Ultimus together, though it had failed to do anything but promote greed and lust for power. Now however, Jordric and Willeh traveled here to meet with the 14 kings of the Ultimus. Willeh had sent word to call a council of the kings here where there was once a hope for unity. That in the face of great danger, Ultimus might put their differences aside and fight a greater evil together. Jordric and Willeh approach the great hall high on the hill in center of the city. The massive wooden doors open wide allowing them to walk in. There seated at a large U-shaped table around a warm firm started in the hearth, were the 14 great kings of Ultimus. 

  The pair walked to the front of the fire and stood before the kings. Jordric quickly bowed in reverence as the kings smile at his act. Willeh begins to speak as he begins the meeting "Great Kings of Ultimus. The day we have long feared has now come to pass. By now we all know that the Dark Lord Jonyphon is in possession of the one ring to rule all others. Even in our attempt to craft rings for each of you to stop this great power from coming, we unsealed the fate that was due. Now, I bring to you the good news of these tales we are now living in. It has been foretold that the great power of the one ring will be stopped by one whose hand would not bend to the will of the ring. One who has the ability to possess it and take it to be destroyed. I stand with you here today with a friend.". Willeh stops to look down at Jordric and smile, seeing the hope he might bring. "This is Jordric Stonehands. The one whose stone hands shall not bend to the ring.". The kings stay silent for a moment and then begin whispering to each other. A few stand up and begin to walk out when the wise King Ice Bear of Honolulu stands up and declares in a loud deep voice "Sit down! Let us first hear the wizard out before this meeting ends." King Ice Bear then waits for all kings to sit back down and looks over at Willeh to continue. As Willeh was about to speak, the doors flew open and a distant voice belted out "I have news from the badland mountains! The Ring, it's gone missing!". A scout sent out by the kings who battled in the badland mountains had returned. They sent him back after hearing the loud cry of Jonyphon. "How can you know such a thing?!" King Russ of San Jose immediately objects. The scout speaks up defending his statement, "I saw the Dark Lord in rage outside the tower. He was screaming and interrogating everyone in the base. He kept asking "Where is it!", before even killing some who acted suspicious. I was finally spotted by some Rushakals and had to leave before I could see more." Everyone in the room stood shocked at the news. If Jonyphon didn't possess the one ring, then who did?

RE: The Rings of Ultimus - Daileyj6 - 07-02-2024