International Simulation Football League
(S49) Claim Thread - Printable Version

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(S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 07-08-2024

All Season 49 claims made here!


RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 07-08-2024

S48 Community Ballot

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for completing the Community Ballot.

.HoshinoIchika 1
.Laser 1
.simo 1
8bitd1ck 1
abh89 1
ACynicalGamer 1
aeonsjenni 1
agorka 1
Air Crou 1
AJay887 1
ajtigger 1
Akoustique 1
Alf 1
Amidships 1
amjohnson636 1
Amkamkamk 1
araa 1
Argonisi 1
AustinP0027 1
bachirafan 1
Bamford13 1
Baron1898 0 (No ballot submitted)
bechtudo 1
Beck 1
Ben 1
BenDover 1
Bernardhibou 1
bfan8475 1
Bfry 1
bfry 1
Big Edd 1
Bigred1580 1
BlitzAce71 1
br0_0ker 1
Brad Woof 1
brnxbombers 1
Bwestfield 1
Caleb.grim 1
CaptainSB 1
captainsb 1
caravaggio 1
CeeKay 1
CementHands 1
cinco de la tarde 0 (No ballot submitted)
Cloud 1
Cody 1
Confurius DeThwillinbach 1
Crazytomato 1
CROney3 1
Crunk 1
Cycro 1
Daileyj6 1
DangWookie 1
Daniel 1
Daniel Janser 1
DatSmolBoi 1
David VanHousen 1
DeThePyro 1
Dev0 1
Dewalt27 1
DigDoug11 1
DocLars 1
Dolphins 1
domffl 0 (Ballot submitted late)
DoubleDub 1
DrChops 1
Drip 0 (No codeword submitted)
Drizzy 1
dude_man 1
dylanjj37 1
Eldorian 1
Fangorn 1
Figgy 1
firstfray 1
Fronk 1
Frostbite 1
g2019 1
Gadget 1
goodvsevil1275 1
GrimmCrackers 1
Hacob 1
HalfEatenOnionBagel 1
hihihi_62 1
homercrates 1
Honoredmexican 1
HoodKirby 1
IceBear32 1
infern8 1
infinitempg 1
iStegosauruz 1
jacobcarson877 0 (No codeword submitted)
jadda123876 1
jaypc8237 1
Jaywe88 0 (Incorrect codeword)
jdc4654 1
jdourtled 1
Jimi64 1
JJ5 1
JKortesi81 1
jlyles7 1
JoeSteel 1
jreed12 1
jsteele14 1
Jumbo 1
JuOSu 1
KaleSalad 1
KC15 1
kdr 1
kenvald 1
Knif3yMan87 1
KnowledgeBoy 1
leandrofg 1
lemonoppy 1
lock180 1
lordcoolcats 1
LtHudz 1
Lumosityfan 1
Marty the Monster 1
Megsychan 1
Middy 1
MikeWhiskey 1
MobiausGrander 1
modpro 1
Mooty99 1
Muddym13 1
Muford 1
Murtsi 1
Nectorist 1
negs 1
nickWilliams 1
noanic 1
Number 82 1
NylarthePhoenix 1
oilmandan 1
oknom 1
Oles 1
omg 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrangeJulius 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Painted 1
papalinator 1
parky 1
PMoney 1
ProdigalSon 1
PugWalrus 1
Punk42AE 1
PurplePiratePoo 1
Pvtpenne 1
qWest 1
r0tzbua 1
rapideagle 1
Raven 1
Repgnar 1
ReverendOReily 1
RobJG2 1
roquefort 1
Rusfan 1
RussDrivesTheBus 1
RyDel439 1
Rydychyn 1
Schnee 1
scudmuffin19 1
sebster 1
SensibleDictator 1
Sevrin 1
Seymour 1
shackleferd 1
shadyshoelace 1
shahdude 1
slothfacekilla 1
SmittyHextall 1
soevil 1
SomeSay... 1
sonicxdoom 1
SoySavant 1
SwankyPants31 1
swoosh 1
Symmetrik 1
tcookie 1
TheCC 1
TheNC206 1
theskinnyman 1
TheSparkyDee 1
thewhovian 1
Thor 1
Tmoney6996 1
TomHanks 1
Toofpete 1
Triceracop 1
TubaDeus 1
Twenty6 1
Tylertokesome04 1
Ultimatedestroye 1
unconfident 1
UptownCord 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
wetwilleh 1
Wiggli 1
wildcatbandit 1
WildfireMicro 1
wizard_literal 1
xenosthelegend 1
Yahtzee 1
Yeenoghu 1
yonggarius 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
zeagle1 1
ZodiacEXE 1
ZootTX 1
ztarwarz 1

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 07-08-2024

S49 First Rounders

The following players were drafted in the first round and thus are the correct answers: 
AustinP0027 - Alexander Rockstone
ReverendOReily - Kevin Finnerty
Kyamprac - Billdozer Dauterive
sonicxdoom - D’Squarius Green Jr.
8bitd1ck - FTBLLCMR4D RUS-KCKR-001
bfan8475 - Slam Dunkinson
jlyles7 - Joe Blaze
Dev0 - Devin Mace
Amidships - William Eaton
Lumosityfan - WW Jatt
Crunk - Kim Yeon-Seok
Yeenoghu - Tua Domine
Chucky - Harvin Marrison
TubbyTim69 - Julian McMorris II

.HoshinoIchika 9.5
.Laser 9
.simo 8.5
110radio 9
8bitd1ck 8
ACynicalGamer 8
Aford9910 8
Agent Chaos 9
Air Crou 6.5
AJay887 7
ajtigger 8.5
AJW 8.5
Amidships 9
amjohnson636 8.5
Amkamkamk 8
araa 6.5
Arctic 7
Asked Madden 8.5
AustinP0027 8.5
Bamford13 9
Baron1898 9
Bayley 8
Bazooka_Joe 8.5
bechtudo 7
Ben 8
BenDover 7.5
bernardhibou 8.5
bex 9
bfan8475 8.5
bfry 8
Big Edd 7.5
Bigred1580 8
bjkman 8.5
br0_0ker 7.5
Brad Woof 9
Bunny 2.5
Bwestfield 7.5
caleb.grim 9
captainsb 8
caravaggio 8
CeeKay 8
Charple 7.5
Chicken Lips 8
Chucky 8.5
cinco de la tarde 7
ckroyal92 8.5
Cody 9
ComebackZak 8.5
Confurius Dethwillinbach 7
CROney3 8.5
Crunk 8.5
Daileyj6 6.5
Daniel 7.5
Daniel Janser 8.5
DarknessRising 8
deadlunatic 8
Dev0 8.5
Dewalt27 8
dhoop 8
Dindog 8
DocLars 8.5
dogwoodmaple 7
domffl 8.5
DoubleDub 8
DrChops 7
Drip 8
Duilio05 7
Eldorian 8.5
Ephenssta 8.5
Exilate 9
Exilizer 7.5
Fangorn 7.5
Figgy 8.5
fnordypsyduck 7.5
FootballIsCool 9
ForSucksFake 9
Fronk 9
Gadget 8
Gage2 7.5
goodvsevil1275 8.5
Gopher a beer 7.5
Greenbaynathan 7.5
griis 9
Gwdjohnson 9
HalfEatenOnionBagel 7
hihihi_62 6.5
homercrates 8
Honoredmexican 9.5
IceBear32 8.5
ImSatanJunior 9
infern8 8.5
infinitempg 7.5
iStegosauruz 9
J0EB 8
jacobcarson877 7
jadda123876 8
jaypc8237 7.5
jdc4654 8.5
jdourtled 7
Jimi64 7.5
JJ5 7.5
JKortesi81 7
jlyles7 8
JoeSteel 7
jreed12 7
jsteele14 7.5
JuOSu 9
KaleSalad 8.5
kdr 7
kenvald 9
Kyamprac 9
lemonoppy 8.5
lock180 7
LtHudz 9
Luciddreams702 8
Lumosityfan 8
Marty the Monster 7.5
Matty86 9
Megsychan 7.5
Middy 7.5
MikeWhiskey 7
MobiausGrander 8
modpro 8
Mojojojo 9
Mooty99 9
Mossed26 8.5
Muddym13 9
Muford 8
Murtsi 8.5
Nathan 7
Nectorist 5.5
negs 8.5
nickWilliams 7
noanic 7
Number 82 9
nunccoepi 8.5
NylarthePhoenix 7.5
oilmandan 7.5
oknom 8
Oles 8
omg 8
Opera_Phantom 9
OrbitingDeath 8.5
Painted 8.5
papalinator 8.5
parky 7
Pat 8.5
platanocat 8.5
PMoney 7.5
ProdigalSon 7
PugWalrus 7
Punk42AE 8
Purpl3Spartan 8.5
PurplePiratePoo 8.5
Pvtpenne 8
Quasi 7.5
qWest 8
r0tzbua 7.5
rapideagle 7.5
Raven 8.5
RDBSouthPaw 9
Reedy0rNot 7
Repgnar 8.5
ReverendOReily 8.5
rickymartin_irl 9
Rise of Smitty 6.5
RobJG2 9
roquefort 9
Rusfan 9
Rydel439 7
Rydychyn 7.5
Schnee 8.5
scottyw13 7
scudmuffin19 5.5
SensibleDictator 8.5
Seven Arrows 4.5
Seymour 7.5
shackleferd 7
shadyshoelace 7
shahdude 8.5
shrub02 8.5
SirKitchel 7
slate 9
slothfacekilla 8
SmittyHextall 8
smolkrnboi 8.5
Smurph 7.5
soevil 8
sonicxdoom 8
soup 9
STZ 6.5
SwankyPants31 9
Swanty 8.5
swoosh 8.5
tbhidgas462 7
tcookie 8.5
tdor1313 7
TheCC 8
TheDrapFather 7
TheSparkyDee 7
thewhovian 8
Thor 8.5
Tmoney6996 8
TomHanks 8
toofpete 7.5
Triceracop 7.5
TubaDeus 8.5
TubbyTim69 8
TwoSocks 9
Tylertokesome04 7.5
Ulaire 8
Ultimatedestroye 7
UptownCord 9
Urq660 8.5
ValorX77 7.5
Weaves 8.5
wetwilleh 8.5
Wiggli 8.5
wildcatbandit 7
WildfireMicro 9
wizard_literal 8.5
WrittinDirectino 7.5
xenosthelegend 8.5
Yahtzee 6
Yeenoghu 8.5
yonggarius 8
Z-Whiz 8.5
zaynzk 8
zeagle1 8.5
ZodiacEXE 9
ZootTX 8
ztarwarz 7.5

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 07-18-2024

ISFL S49 Claim Week 1

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for completing the S49 Offseason Task, Week 1 Predictions, and Week 2 Predictions.

Master Sheet

.HoshinoIchika 15
.Laser 14
.simo 16
110radio 16
8bitd1ck 15
abh89 14
ACynicalGamer 16
aeonsjenni 10
Agent Chaos 6
agorka 16
Air Crou 13
AJay887 15
ajtigger 15
AJW 16
Akoustique 10
Aleris 10
Alf 16
Alikh 15
Amidships 16
amjohnson636 15
Amkamkamk 14
AnUnoriginalGuy 6
araa 15
Argonisi 15
Asked Madden 15
AustinP0027 16
AW13 3
bachirafan 16
Bamford13 16
Baron1898 15
Bayley 5
baz 15
Bazooka_Joe 5
bechtudo 16
Beck 15
Ben 5
BenDover 16
benrb97 2
bernardhibou 16
bex 6
bfan8475 13
bfry 15
Big Edd 16
Bigred1580 16
bjkman 3
BlitzAce71 16
Blix900 16
BOOM™ 15
bowl0 16
br0_0ker 15
Brad Woof 16
Bradkipp 6
Brucitalis 5
Bwestfield 16
caleb.grim 15
captainsb 16
caravaggio 16
CeeKay 15
CementHands 16
Charple 16
Chicken Lips 15
Chucky 16
cinco de la tarde 15
Civvy 5
ckroyal92 15
ClayAbby 7
Cody 4
ComebackZak 7
confurius dethwillinbach 16
crash1005 6
Crazytomato 13
CROney3 15
Crunk 16
Cuffy 5
cyberowl 3
Cycro 16
Daileyj6 15
DangWookie 6
Daniel 16
Daniel Janser 16
DarknessRising 16
DatSmolBoi 3
dcphil 6
deadlunatic 16
Deecee98 13
Dev0 15
Dewalt27 15
dhoop 5
DigDoug11 16
Dindog 15
DocLars 15
dogwoodmaple 13
domffl 5
DoubleDub 15
DrChops 6
Drip 15
Drizzy 10
dude_man 15
Duilio05 11
dustywilson22 15
Dynamicmlb_42 2
Eldorian 8
elixir 6
Ephenssta 11
Exilate 15
Exilizer 13
Existentialistic 3
Fangorn 16
Figgy 3
firstfray 16
fnordypsyduck 16
FootballlsCool 14
ForSucksFake 15
frazzle14 6
Fronk 14
Frostbite 13
G2019 10
Gadget 15
Gage2 6
GlimsTC 15
goodvsevil1275 15
Gopher a beer 2
Gordon Bombay 16
Greenbaynathan 6
griis 3
GrimmCrackers 16
Gwdjohnson 2
Hacob 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel 13
hihihi_62 17
homercrates 15
HonoredMexican 16
HoodKirby 4
hotdog 6
IceBear32 16
Icebear32 16
ImSatanJunior 12
infern8 16
Infern8 16
infinitempg 16
iStegosauruz 16
J0EB 15
jacobcarson877 16
jadda123876 15
jayamshah99 16
jaypc8237 6
JaytheGreat 13
jdc4654 15
jdourtled 16
Jimi64 15
jj2416 8
JJ5 16
JKortesi81 16
jlyles7 15
JMoney762 6
JoeSteel 15
jreed12 5
jsteele14 5
Jumbo 10
juniped 15
JuOSu 16
kahri 2
KaleSalad 16
Kaliodyme 3
KC15 15
kdr 15
kenvald 9
Keyg_an 16
KlausGoatCasinos 6
kmatt 6
Knif3yMan87 15
Kotasa 6
Kyamprac 16
leandrofg 5
lemonoppy 16
Lemorse7 5
lock180 13
lordcoolcats 15
LordCoolcats 15
LtHudz 16
Luciddreams702 4
Lumosityfan 16
lunaripcole 7
Marty the Monster 6
Megsychan 14
mer 15
Middy 15
MikeWhiskey 10
MN_Moosey 13
MobiausGrander 15
modpro 16
Mojojojo 2
Mooty99 16
Mossed26 15
Muddym13 16
Muford 5
Murtsi 16
Nathan 15
negs 15
nickWilliams 13
noanic 5
Number 82 15
nunccoepi 16
NylarthePhoenix 6
oilmandan 16
oknom 16
Oles 13
omg 16
Opera_Phantom 16
OrangeJulius 16
OrbitingDeath 15
Otis B 11
Painted 16
papalinator 15
parky 14
Pat 15
Piercewise1 14
platanocat 15
PMoney 15
ProdigalSon 14
PugWalrus 14
Punk42AE 16
Purpl3Spartan 16
PurplePiratePoo 14
Pvtpenne 15
Quasi 6
qWest 16
r0tzbua 15
rapideagle 13
Raven 15
RDBSouthPaw 15
Reedy0rNot 3
Repgnar 14
ReverendOReily 16
rickymartin_irl 6
Rise of Smitty 6
RobJG2 16
roquefort 16
Rusfan 16
RussDrivesTheBus 16
Rydel439 15
Rydychyn 4
Schnee 16
scottyw13 6
scudmuffin19 3
SensibleDictator 6
Seven Arrows 16
Sevrin 2
Seymour 15
seymour 15
shackleferd 3
shadyshoelace 15
shahdude 16
shrub02 5
SirKitchel 3
Sizz 4
slate 12
slothfacekilla 15
SmittyHextall 5
smolkrnboi 6
Smurph 2
SnowyWolfz 5
soevil 16
SomeSay... 16
sonicxdoom 16
Sonny 6
soup 6
SoySavant 14
SPatt59 6
Starboy 6
STZ 15
SwankyPants31 16
Swanty 3
swoosh 15
Symmetrik 16
Tayjay 7
tbhidgas462 6
tcookie 16
The.Pat 12
TheCC 16
TheDrapFather 4
TheNC206 16
theskinnyman 2
TheSparkyDee 6
thewhovian 16
Thor 16
Tmoney6996 15
toivo 15
TomHanks 15
toofpete 15
Triceracop 12
TubaDeus 15
TubbyTim69 16
Twenty6 15
TwoSocks 6
Tylertokesome04 5
Ulaire 6
Ultimatedestroye 15
unconfident 16
UptownCord 16
Urq660 15
ValorX77 16
Weaves 4
wetwilleh 16
Wiggli 16
wildcatbandit 12
WildfireMicro 14
wizard_literal 14
woelkers 6
WrittinDirectino 13
xenosthelegend 14
Yeenoghu 15
YetiTaz 10
yonggarius 16
yosh 3
Z-Whiz 6
zaynzk 14
zeagle1 16
Zeagle1 16
ZodiacEXE 16
ZootTX 16
ztarwarz 16

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 07-25-2024

ISFL S49 Claim Week 2

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for completing the S49 PT #1, Week 3 Predictions, Week 4 Predictions, Week 5 Predictions, and Week 6 Predictions.

Master Sheet

124715 7
.HoshinoIchika 14
.Laser 14
.simo 5
110radio 14
8bitd1ck 14
abh89 14
ACynicalGamer 14
aeonsjenni 9
Agent Chaos 8
agorka 14
Air Crou 10
AJay887 11
ajtigger 13
AJW 14
Akoustique 3
Alf 13
Alikh 4
Amidships 13
amjohnson636 11
Amkamkamk 14
AnUnoriginalGuy 6
araa 13
Argonisi 11
Asked Madden 13
AustinP0027 14
bachirafan 12
Bamford13 14
Baron1898 13
Bayley 6
baz 11
Bazooka_Joe 10
bechtudo 14
Beck 14
Ben 10
BenDover 14
benrb97 13
bernardhibou 11
bex 10
bfan8475 14
bfry 14
Big Edd 14
bigpeters 2
Bigred1580 14
bjkman 9
BlitzAce71 13
Blix900 11
BOOM™ 13
Bowl0 14
br0_0ker 13
Brad Woof 13
Bradkipp 12
Brucitalis 9
Bwestfield 13
caleb.grim 14
captainsb 14
caravaggio 14
CeeKay 14
CementHands 14
Charple 14
Chicken Lips 14
Chucky 14
cinco de la tarde 8
Civvy 8
ckroyal92 13
ClayAbby 1
Cody 11
ComebackZak 9
confurius dethwillinbach 14
crash1005 10
Crazytomato 8
CROney3 14
Crunk 14
Cuffy 5
cyberowl 3
Cycro 13
Daileyj6 11
DangWookie 14
Daniel 14
Daniel Janser 14
DarknessRising 11
dcphil 14
deadlunatic 11
Deecee98 14
Dev0 13
Dewalt27 13
dhoop 11
DigDoug11 14
Dindog 13
DocLars 15
dogwoodmaple 5
domffl 14
DoubleDub 8
DrChops 5
Drip 11
Drizzy 13
dude_man 13
Duilio05 13
dustywilson22 10
Eldorian 5
elixir 6
Ephenssta 6
Exilate 14
Exilizer 13
Existentialistic 11
Fangorn 14
Figgy 13
firstfray 14
fnordypsyduck 11
FootballIsCool 14
ForSucksFake 13
frazzle14 10
Fronk 14
Frostbite 16
G2019 3
Gadget 13
Gage2 5
GarySnailWilson 8
GlimsTC 7
goodvsevil1275 11
Gopher a beer 5
Gordon Bombay 9
Greenbaynathan 13
griis 6
GrimmCrackers 13
Gwdjohnson 13
HalfEatenOnionBagel 12
hihihi_62 12
homercrates 13
HonoredMexican 11
HoodKirby 11
hotdog 5
Icebear32 11
ImSatanJunior 11
Infern8 14
infinitempg 14
iStegosauruz 14
ItsFrenchie 6
J0EB 10
jacobcarson877 11
jadda123876 11
jayamshah99 14
jaypc8237 13
JaytheGreat 10
Jaywe88 11
jdc4654 13
jdourtled 11
Jimi64 14
jj2416 2
JJ5 13
JKortesi81 13
jlyles7 12
JMoney762 11
JoeSteel 9
jreed12 12
jsteele14 13
Jumbo 11
juniped 13
JuOSu 10
KaleSalad 14
Kaliodyme 8
KC15 13
kdr 11
kenvald 13
Keyg_an 6
KlausGoatCasinos 8
kmatt 6
Knif3yMan87 12
KnowledgeBoy 11
Kotasa 11
Kyamprac 13
leandrofg 9
lemonoppy 14
Lemorse7 8
lock180 15
LordCoolcats 13
LtHudz 13
Luciddreams702 12
Lumosityfan 13
lunaripcole 13
Marty the Monster 11
Matty86 5
Megsychan 13
mer 12
Middy 13
MikeWhiskey 3
MN_Moosey 3
MobiausGrander 14
modpro 13
Mojojojo 8
moonchildxox 3
Mooty99 13
Mossed26 13
MrKrumz 3
Muddym13 13
Muford 13
Murtsi 14
Nathan 10
negs 11
nickWilliams 10
noanic 6
Number 82 11
nunccoepi 12
NylarthePhoenix 13
oilmandan 13
oknom 13
Oles 6
omg 13
Opera_Phantom 13
Orangejulius 14
OrbitingDeath 13
Otis B 10
Painted 14
papalinator 15
parky 13
Pat 13
Piercewise1 14
platanocat 14
PMoney 11
ProdigalSon 14
PugWalrus 13
Punk42AE 12
Purpl3Spartan 14
PurplePiratePoo 14
Pvtpenne 14
Quasi 10
qWest 13
r0tzbua 11
rapideagle 11
Raven 14
RDBSouthPaw 14
Reedy0rNot 10
Repgnar 14
ReverendOReily 14
rickymartin_irl 8
Rise of Smitty 12
RobJG2 14
roquefort 14
Rusfan 13
RussDrivesTheBus 11
Rydel439 14
Rydychyn 8
Schnee 12
scottyw13 11
scudmuffin19 7
SensibleDictator 10
Seven Arrows 14
Sevrin 15
Seymour 13
shackleferd 6
shadyshoelace 10
shahdude 12
shrub02 10
SirKitchel 1
Sizz 11
slate 11
slothfacekilla 14
slumped64 4
SmittyHextall 9
smolkrnboi 6
SnowyWolfz 6
soevil 11
SomeSay... 14
sonicxdoom 13
Sonny 6
soup 6
SoySavant 13
SPatt59 7
Starboy 10
STZ 10
SwankyPants31 13
Swanty 14
swoosh 13
Symmetrik 14
Tayjay 12
tbhidgas462 14
tcookie 14
The.Pat 11
TheCC 14
TheDrapFather 9
TheNC206 10
theskinnyman 9
TheSparkyDee 9
thewhovian 14
Thor 14
Tmoney6996 14
toivo 13
TomHanks 14
Toofpete 14
Triceracop 14
TubaDeus 14
TubbyTim69 14
Twenty6 14
TwoSocks 10
Tylertokesome04 10
Ulaire 8
Ultimatedestroye 5
unconfident 13
UptownCord 13
Urq660 13
ValorX77 13
Weaves 5
wetwilleh 14
Wiggli 13
wildcatbandit 13
WildfireMicro 14
wizard_literal 14
woelkers 8
WrittinDirectino 9
xenosthelegend 15
Yahtzee 6
Yeenoghu 14
YetiTaz 9
yonggarius 13
yosh 9
Z-Whiz 14
zaynzk 14
zeagle1 14
ZodiacEXE 8
ZootTX 14
ztarwarz 13

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 08-01-2024

ISFL S49 Claim Week 3

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for completing the S49 PT #2, Week 7 Predictions, Week 8 Predictions, and Week 9 Predictions.

Master Sheet

124715 11
.HoshinoIchika 11
.Laser 11
110radio 11
8bitd1ck 11
abh89 11
ACynicalGamer 11
aeonsjenni 3
Aford9910 7
Agent Chaos 4
agorka 11
Air Crou 5
AJay887 8
ajtigger 11
Akoustique 3
Alf 11
Alikh 2
Amidships 11
amjohnson636 9
Amkamkamk 11
araa 10
Argonisi 11
Asked Madden 11
AustinP0027 11
bachirafan 10
Bamford13 11
Baron1898 10
baz 10
Bazooka_Joe 7
bechtudo 11
Beck 10
Ben 8
BenDover 9
benrb97 11
bernardhibou 11
bex 7
bfan8475 11
bfry 10
Big Edd 10
bigpeters 2
Bigred1580 10
bjkman 5
BlitzAce71 11
Blix900 8
BOOM™ 11
bowl0 11
br0_0ker 11
Brad Woof 9
Bradkipp 8
Brucitalis 7
Bwestfield 11
C9Van 3
caleb.grim 12
captainsb 10
caravaggio 10
CeeKay 8
CementHands 11
Charple 11
Chicken Lips 9
Chucky 11
cinco de la tarde 6
Civvy 3
ckroyal92 11
ClayAbby 2
Cody 8
ComebackZak 3
confurius dethwillinbach 11
crash1005 2
Crazytomato 3
CROney3 11
Crunk 11
Cuffy 5
cyberowl 9
Cycro 9
Daileyj6 10
DangWookie 12
Daniel 11
Daniel Janser 11
DarknessRising 8
DatSmolBoi 5
dcphil 7
deadlunatic 7
Deecee98 11
Dev0 10
Dewalt27 11
dhoop 6
DigDoug11 10
Dindog 5
DocLars 10
dogwoodmaple 9
domffl 7
DoubleDub 2
Drip 7
Drizzy 10
dude_man 10
Duilio05 12
dustywilson22 10
Dynamicmlb_42 6
Exilate 11
Exilizer 7
Existentialistic 8
Fangorn 10
Figgy 10
firstfray 10
fnordypsyduck 11
FootballIsCool 8
ForSucksFake 7
frazzle14 6
Fronk 11
Frostbite 7
G2019 3
Gadget 11
Gage2 4
GarySnailWilson 3
GlimsTC 7
goodvsevil1275 9
Gopher a beer 2
Gordon Bombay 11
Greenbaynathan 11
GrimmCrackers 7
Gwdjohnson 6
HalfEatenOnionBagel 10
hexify 2
hihihi_62 10
homercrates 10
HonoredMexican 11
HoodKirby 9
hotdog 8
IceBear32 9
ImSatanJunior 8
infern8 11
Infern8 11
infinitempg 11
iStegosauruz 11
ItsFrenchie 8
J0EB 11
jacobcarson877 11
jadda123876 11
jayamshah99 11
jaypc8237 6
JaytheGreat 8
Jaywe88 5
jdc4654 10
jdourtled 2
Jimi64 11
JJ5 9
JKortesi81 8
jlyles7 7
JMoney762 2
jreed12 11
jsteele14 11
Jumbo 8
juniped 7
JuOSu 6
KaleSalad 11
Kaliodyme 2
KC15 10
kdr 9
kenvald 7
KlausGoatCasinos 2
Knif3yMan87 11
KnowledgeBoy 6
Kotasa 8
Kyamprac 11
leandrofg 3
lemonoppy 11
Lemorse7 8
lock180 10
lordcoolcats 10
LtHudz 9
Luciddreams702 4
Lumosityfan 10
lunaripcole 7
ManningTypeAim 9
Marty the Monster 8
Matty86 3
Megsychan 10
mer 11
Middy 10
MikeWhiskey 10
MN_Moosey 5
MobiausGrander 8
modpro 7
Mojojojo 4
moonchildxox 6
Mooty99 11
Mossed26 5
MrGoat1246 4
MrKrumz 9
Muddym13 9
Muford 11
Murtsi 11
Nathan 7
negs 8
nickWilliams 6
noanic 2
Number 82 11
nunccoepi 10
NylarthePhoenix 6
oilmandan 9
oknom 10
Oles 6
omg 10
Opera_Phantom 11
OrangeJulius 11
OrbitingDeath 11
Otis B 6
Painted 10
papalinator 10
parky 9
Pat 11
Piercewise1 8
platanocat 10
PMoney 10
ProdigalSon 8
PugWalrus 4
Punk42AE 11
Purpl3Spartan 11
PurplePiratePoo 9
Pvtpenne 11
Quasi 7
qWest 11
r0tzbua 9
rapideagle 12
Raven 10
RDBSouthPaw 9
Reedy0rNot 6
Repgnar 11
ReverendOReily 8
rickymartin_irl 2
Rise of Smitty 3
RobJG2 11
roquefort 9
Rusfan 9
RussDrivesTheBus 11
Rydel439 11
Rydychyn 7
Schnee 11
scottyw13 8
scudmuffin19 6
SensibleDictator 6
Seven Arrows 11
Sevrin 4
Seymour 2
shadyshoelace 10
shahdude 11
shrub02 4
SirKitchel 6
Sizz 4
slate 11
slothfacekilla 10
slumped64 2
SmittyHextall 6
smolkrnboi 6
Smurph 4
soevil 10
SomeSay... 11
sonicxdoom 11
soup 6
SoySavant 10
Stalling 2
Starboy 4
SwankyPants31 4
Swanty 11
swoosh 10
Symmetrik 11
Tayjay 11
tbhidgas462 11
tcookie 9
The.Pat 8
TheCC 11
TheDrapFather 11
TheNC206 9
theskinnyman 6
TheSparkyDee 6
thewhovian 11
Thor 11
Tmoney6996 10
toivo 10
TomHanks 10
toofpete 10
Triceracop 11
TubaDeus 10
TubbyTim69 11
Twenty6 10
TwoSocks 11
Tylertokesome04 8
Ulaire 2
Ultimatedestroye 10
unconfident 11
UptownCord 10
Urq660 11
ValorX77 10
wetwilleh 10
Wiggli 11
wildcatbandit 6
WildfireMicro 11
wizard_literal 11
woelkers 8
WrittinDirectino 2
xenosthelegend 11
Yahtzee 5
Yeenoghu 11
YetiTaz 10
yonggarius 11
yosh 6
Z-Whiz 11
zaynzk 11
zeagle1 11
ZodiacEXE 11
ZootTX 10
ztarwarz 10

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 08-08-2024

ISFL S49 Claim Week 4

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for completing the S49 PT #3, Week 10 Predictions, Week 11 Predictions, and Week 12 Predictions.

Master Sheet

124715 4
.HoshinoIchika 11
.Laser 11
110radio 11
8bitd1ck 12
abh89 11
ACynicalGamer 10
aeonsjenni 7
Aford9910 8
Agent Chaos 3
agorka 11
Air Crou 6
AJay887 11
ajtigger 11
Akoustique 3
Alf 10
Alikh 5
Amidships 10
amjohnson636 6
Amkamkamk 11
Anthony8139 1
araa 10
Argonisi 10
Asked Madden 11
AustinP0027 11
bachirafan 12
Bamford13 11
Baron1898 8
baz 11
Bazooka_Joe 8
bechtudo 11
Beck 11
Ben 8
BenDover 12
benrb97 5
bernardhibou 11
bex 2
bfan8475 11
bfry 5
Big Edd 8
Bigred1580 11
bjkman 7
BlitzAce71 10
Blix900 11
BOOM™ 10
bowl0 11
br0_0ker 4
Brad Woof 10
Bradkipp 11
Brucitalis 7
Bwestfield 10
C9Van 3
caleb.grim 11
captainsb 10
caravaggio 7
CeeKay 11
CementHands 11
Charple 11
Chicken Lips 11
Chucky 11
cinco de la tarde 4
ckroyal92 11
Cody 8
ComebackZak 3
confurius dethwillinbach 11
Crazytomato 5
CROney3 11
Crunk 11
Cuffy 2
cyberowl 8
Cycro 10
Daileyj6 11
DangWookie 8
Daniel 11
Daniel Janser 11
DarknessRising 8
DatSmolBoi 7
dcphil 9
deadlunatic 5
Deecee98 11
Dev0 12
Dewalt27 10
dhoop 2
DigDoug11 10
Dindog 11
DocLars 12
dogwoodmaple 6
domffl 11
Drip 4
Drizzy 11
dude_man 10
Duilio05 11
dustywilson22 11
Dynamicmlb_42 5
Exilate 10
Exilizer 3
Existentialistic 9
Fangorn 12
Figgy 8
firstfray 12
fnordypsyduck 10
FootballIsCool 8
ForSucksFake 11
frazzle14 7
Fronk 11
Frostbite 7
G2019 3
Gadget 6
Gage2 4
GlimsTC 6
goodvsevil1275 11
Gordon Bombay 8
Greenbaynathan 10
GrimmCrackers 9
Gwdjohnson 2
Hacob 7
HalfEatenOnionBagel 10
hexify 3
hihihi_62 8
homercrates 9
HonoredMexican 11
HoodKirby 7
hotdog 8
IceBear32 10
ImSatanJunior 8
infern8 11
Infern8 11
infinitempg 11
iStegosauruz 11
ItsFrenchie 11
J0EB 7
jacobcarson877 11
jadda123876 8
jayamshah99 11
jaypc8237 6
JaytheGreat 10
Jaywe88 6
jdc4654 10
jdourtled 5
Jimi64 10
jj2416 6
JJ5 10
JKortesi81 10
jlyles7 5
jreed12 7
jsteele14 10
Jumbo 9
juniped 5
JuOSu 4
KaleSalad 11
Kaliodyme 7
KC15 8
kdr 11
kenvald 8
Knif3yMan87 5
KnowledgeBoy 4
Kotasa 8
Kyamprac 10
leandrofg 11
lemonoppy 11
Lemorse7 5
lock180 10
lordcoolcats 10
LtHudz 10
Luciddreams702 5
Lumosityfan 10
lunaripcole 10
ManningTypeAim 10
Marty the Monster 5
Matty86 8
Megsychan 10
mer 11
Middy 10
MikeWhiskey 11
MN_Moosey 5
MobiausGrander 11
modpro 10
Mojojojo 6
moonchildxox 8
Mooty99 10
Mossed26 9
MrGoat1246 7
MrKrumz 10
Muddym13 10
Muford 11
Murtsi 5
Nathan 7
negs 8
nickWilliams 9
Number 82 11
nunccoepi 11
NylarthePhoenix 10
oilmandan 10
oknom 9
Oles 7
omg 11
Opera_Phantom 10
OrangeJulius 11
OrbitingDeath 10
Otis B 3
Painted 12
papalinator 12
parky 9
Pat 10
Piercewise1 11
platanocat 10
PMoney 5
ProdigalSon 11
PugWalrus 5
Punk42AE 10
Purpl3Spartan 11
PurplePiratePoo 11
Pvtpenne 10
Quasi 8
qWest 10
r0tzbua 11
rapideagle 9
Raven 11
RDBSouthPaw 11
Reedy0rNot 5
Repgnar 11
ReverendOReily 6
rickymartin_irl 6
RobJG2 11
roquefort 10
Rusfan 10
RussDrivesTheBus 11
Rydel439 11
Rydychyn 8
Schnee 9
scottyw13 8
scudmuffin19 4
SensibleDictator 1
Seven Arrows 11
Sevrin 5
Seymour 9
shadyshoelace 8
shahdude 10
shrub02 6
SirKitchel 8
Sizz 8
slate 4
slothfacekilla 11
SmittyHextall 6
smolkrnboi 5
Smurph 8
soevil 12
SomeSay... 11
sonicxdoom 11
soup 2
SoySavant 11
SPatt59 1
Starboy 3
SwankyPants31 11
Swanty 8
swoosh 11
Symmetrik 11
Tayjay 3
tbhidgas462 11
tcookie 11
The.Pat 11
TheCC 11
TheDrapFather 7
TheNC206 7
theskinnyman 9
TheSparkyDee 8
thewhovian 11
Thor 11
Tmoney6996 11
toivo 10
TomHanks 11
toofpete 11
Triceracop 11
TubaDeus 12
TubbyTim69 10
Twenty6 10
TwoSocks 7
Tylertokesome04 8
Ulaire 6
Ultimatedestroye 11
unconfident 10
UptownCord 11
Urq660 11
ValorX77 10
Weaves 2
wetwilleh 10
Wiggli 8
WildBoyy 7
wildcatbandit 12
WildfireMicro 11
wizard_literal 12
woelkers 8
WrittinDirectino 5
xenosthelegend 11
Yahtzee 8
Yeenoghu 11
YetiTaz 10
yonggarius 10
yosh 8
Z-Whiz 11
zaynzk 11
zeagle1 5
ZodiacEXE 7
ZootTX 11
ztarwarz 5

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 08-15-2024

S46 Regular Season Predictions Corrected TPE

A user reached out about an issue with the S46 Regular Season Predictions Grading, after review PPT found that a number of issues had occurred with the claim resulting in less TPE being allocated than should have. The following can claim the TPE next to their name that was missed for the S46 Season Predictions. As always Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

.simo 1
18situaseans 1
37thchamber 1
Aford9910 1
agorka 1
AJay887 1
ajtigger 1
allbetsonjames 1
amjohnson636 1
Amkamkamk 1
araa 1
Asked Madden 1
Bamford13 1
Bayley 1
baz 1
Bazooka_Joe 1
bechtudo 1
Beck 1
Ben 1
bernardhibou 1
bex 1
bjkman 2
Blix900 2
bowl0 1
Brad Woof 1
Brucitalis 1
Bubba 1
caleb.grim 2
captainsb 1
caravaggio 1
CeeKay 1
CementHands 1
ckroyal92 1
.HoshinoIchika 1
crash1005 1
crazylemire 1
Crazytomato 1
CROney3 1
crow19 1
ctots 1
Cycro 1
Dagon 1
DangWookie 1
Datboi69 1
DatSmolBoi 1
dcphil 1
dhoop 1
DigDoug11 1
Dindog 1
DL14 1
domffl 1
DoubleDub 1
Dr.Lloyd 2
Drip 1
Drizzy 1
Duilio05 1
dustywilson22 1
Eldorian 1
ElMerchanto 1
Ephenssta 1
Fangorn 1
fetty 1
Figgy 1
FireworkFuse 1
firstfray 1
frazzle14 1
Frostbite 2
Gage2 1
GlimsTC 1
Gordon Bombay 1
griis 1
GrimmCrackers 1
hemhem 1
homercrates 1
Honoredmexican 1
Hordle 2
Huskies311 1
Hydrium 1
IHateBobNutting 1
ImSatanJunior 1
infinitempg 1
J0EB 1
jadda123876 1
jaypc8237 1
jdc4654 1
JJ5 1
JKortesi81 1
JoeSteel 1
jollyjiggs 2
jreed12 1
JuOSu 1
kahri 1
KaleSalad 1
Kaliodyme 1
kenvald 1
Keyg_an 1
Kotasa 1
lemonoppy 1
lock180 1
lordcoolcats 1
Marty the Monster 1
MattBake12 1
Matty86 1
McGriddy10 1
mer 1
MN_Moosey 1
Modern_Duke 1
modpro 1
Moosecop 1
Mossed26 1
MrGoat1246 1
Muford 1
Nathan 1
Number 82 2
oilmandan 1
oknom 1
Opera_Phantom 2
OrangeJulius 1
papalinator 1
Philliesphan96 1
Pib 1
Piercewise1 1
platanocat 1
PMoney 1
ProdigalSon 1
PugWalrus 1
Purpl3Spartan 1
PurplePiratePoo 1
Pvtpenne 1
Quasi 1
r0tzbua 1
rickymartin_irl 1
Rise of Smitty 1
RobJG2 1
RussDrivesTheBus 1
Rydychyn 1
sburbine 1
scudmuffin19 1
Sebster 1
SensibleDictator 1
Seymour 1
shadyshoelace 1
shrub02 1
SimmiZ 1
Slick 1
SmittyHextall 2
soevil 1
SomeSay... 1
soup 1
Starboy 1
Starchychaff 2
Swanty 1
TheCC 2
TheNC206 1
TheRake 1
theskinnyman 1
Thor 1
ThunderTitan82 2
Tmoney6996 1
TomHanks 1
toofpete 1
tstols 1
TubaDeus 1
TwoSocks 1
Tylertokesome04 1
UberBJ 1
Ultimatedestroye 1
unconfident 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Vulfzilla 1
WalterYensid 1
Weaves 1
woelkers 1
WrittinDirectino 1
xenosthelegend 1
yosh 1
Z-Whiz 1
ZodiacEXE 1
ZootTX 1
ztarwarz 1

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - wizard_literal - 08-15-2024

ISFL S49 Claim Week 5

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for completing the S49 PT #4, Week 13 Predictions, Week 14 Predictions, and Week 15 Predictions.

Master Sheet

124715 6
.HoshinoIchika 12
.Laser 11
.simo 6
110radio 12
8bitd1ck 10
abh89 12
ACynicalGamer 12
aeonsjenni 12
Aford9910 4
Agent Chaos 4
agorka 12
Air Crou 13
AJay887 13
ajtigger 13
Akoustique 12
Aleris 10
Alf 12
Alikh 4
Amidships 13
amjohnson636 12
Amkamkamk 10
araa 13
Argonisi 12
Asked Madden 10
AustinP0027 12
AW13 3
bachirafan 8
Bamford13 9
Baron1898 14
Bayley 9
baz 14
Bazooka_Joe 14
bechtudo 12
Beck 13
Ben 11
BenDover 12
bernardhibou 12
bfan8475 12
bfry 14
Big Edd 10
Bigred1580 13
bjkman 2
BlitzAce71 12
Blix900 12
BOOM™ 12
Bowl0 12
br0_0ker 13
Brad Woof 12
Bradkipp 13
Brucitalis 9
Bwestfield 6
caleb.grim 12
captainsb 13
caravaggio 3
CeeKay 14
CementHands 12
Charple 12
Chicken Lips 14
Chucky 12
cinco de la tarde 3
ckroyal92 13
Cody 9
ComebackZak 9
confurius dethwillinbach 12
Crazytomato 3
CROney3 12
Crunk 12
Cuffy 8
cyberowl 9
Cycro 11
Daileyj6 6
DangWookie 12
Daniel 12
Daniel Janser 9
DarknessRising 9
DatSmolBoi 9
dcphil 7
deadlunatic 10
Deecee98 12
Dev0 12
Dewalt27 8
dhoop 9
DigDoug11 13
Dindog 13
DocLars 12
dogwoodmaple 6
domffl 14
Drizzy 10
dude_man 14
Duilio05 6
dustywilson22 13
Dynamicmlb_42 3
Exilate 10
Exilizer 3
Existentialistic 9
Fangorn 13
Figgy 11
firstfray 13
fnordypsyduck 9
FootballIsCool 13
ForSucksFake 14
frazzle14 9
Fronk 12
Frostbite 9
FTR 10
g2019 12
Gadget 9
Gage2 8
GlimsTC 7
goodvsevil1275 6
Gordon Bombay 12
Greenbaynathan 9
GrimmCrackers 10
Hacob 3
HalfEatenOnionBagel 9
hexify 8
hihihi_62 11
homercrates 12
HonoredMexican 9
HoodKirby 10
hotdog 12
Icebear32 12
ImSatanJunior 9
Infern8 12
infinitempg 12
iStegosauruz 12
ItsFrenchie 7
J0EB 9
Jacky 12
jacobcarson877 9
jadda123876 12
jayamshah99 12
jaypc8237 6
JaytheGreat 13
jdc4654 12
jdourtled 7
Jimi64 12
jj2416 2
JJ5 12
JKortesi81 13
jlyles7 10
jreed12 12
jsteele14 13
Jumbo 10
juniped 12
JuOSu 9
kahri 11
KaleSalad 12
KC15 14
kdr 12
kenvald 13
Knif3yMan87 12
KnowledgeBoy 3
Kotasa 9
Kyamprac 13
LeAlvaroBoi 9
leandrofg 11
lemonoppy 12
Lemorse7 3
LiathTheSquirrel 9
lock180 12
lordcoolcats 12
LtHudz 12
Luciddreams702 10
Lumosityfan 12
lunaripcole 13
ManningTypeAim 13
Matty86 6
Megsychan 13
mer 12
Middy 14
MikeWhiskey 6
MN_Moosey 6
MobiausGrander 11
modpro 13
Mojojojo 5
moonchildxox 9
Mooty99 13
Mossed26 12
MrGoat1246 9
MrKrumz 12
Muddym13 9
Muford 13
Murtsi 9
Nathan 5
negs 10
nickWilliams 9
Number 82 13
nunccoepi 10
NylarthePhoenix 9
oilmandan 12
oknom 12
Oles 3
omg 11
Opera_Phantom 13
OrangeJulius 12
OrbitingDeath 12
Painted 10
papalinator 12
parky 11
Pat 11
Piercewise1 9
platanocat 11
PMoney 12
ProdigalSon 12
PugWalrus 6
Punk42AE 9
Purpl3Spartan 6
PurplePiratePoo 8
Pvtpenne 12
Quasi 8
qWest 12
r0tzbua 9
rapideagle 11
Raven 12
RDBSouthPaw 12
Reedy0rNot 3
Repgnar 11
ReverendOReily 13
rickymartin_irl 3
Rise of Smitty 7
RobJG2 12
roquefort 12
Rusfan 12
RussDrivesTheBus 9
Rydel439 14
Rydychyn 9
Schnee 13
scottyw13 9
scudmuffin19 8
Seven Arrows 12
Sevrin 6
Seymour 14
shadyshoelace 13
shahdude 13
shrub02 11
SirKitchel 9
Sizz 9
slate 9
slothfacekilla 14
SmittyHextall 2
smolkrnboi 3
soevil 13
SomeSay... 12
sonicxdoom 12
SoySavant 12
speculadora 13
STZ 11
SwankyPants31 12
Swanty 6
swoosh 14
Symmetrik 12
Tayjay 11
tbhidgas462 12
tcookie 6
The.Pat 11
TheCC 12
TheDrapFather 9
TheNC206 12
theskinnyman 9
TheSparkyDee 2
thewhovian 12
Thor 12
Tmoney6996 14
toivo 12
TomHanks 14
toofpete 14
Triceracop 12
TubaDeus 12
TubbyTim69 12
Twenty6 13
TwoSocks 10
Tylertokesome04 10
Ulaire 9
Ultimatedestroye 6
unconfident 13
UptownCord 9
Urq660 13
ValorX77 11
wetwilleh 12
Wiggli 13
WildBoyy 9
wildcatbandit 12
WildfireMicro 12
wizard_literal 11
woelkers 9
xenosthelegend 12
Yahtzee 9
Yeenoghu 12
YetiTaz 13
yonggarius 12
yosh 12
Z-Whiz 12
zaynzk 8
zeagle1 9
ZodiacEXE 13
ZootTX 12
ztarwarz 6

Be sure to check your claims to see if you have the correct amount of TPE given. If there is any error, let the PPT team know.

RE: (S49) Claim Thread - baz - 08-21-2024

S49 Fantasy Claims

ACynicalGamer 1
agorka 1
Alf 3
amkamkamk 5
araa 5
AustinP0027 1
Baron1898 5
baz 5
Bazooka_Joe 5
BenDover 1
bfan8475 1
Big Edd 3
Bigred1580 1
br0_0ker 1
Bwestfield 5
Caleb.grim 3
CeeKay 1
Chicken Lips 1
crazytomato 1
Crunk 1
deadlunatic 3
Digdoug11 5
Dindog 3
DocLars 5
Domffl 5
DoubleDub 5
dude_man 3
Filler #3 1
firstfray 5
fnordypsyduck 5
footballiscool 5
Frostbite 1
GrimmCrackers 3
Hacob 1
hemhem 1
Icebear32 3
ImSatanJunior 3
Infern8 1
J0EB 5
jadda123876 5
Jaywe88 1
jdc4654 5
Jimi64 3
Jkortesi81 5
JoeSteel 1
Jumbo 5
Kalesalad 1
Kyamprac 5
Lordcoolcats 1
mer 5
Modpro 5
Mooty99 5
Muford 5
Nathan 3
nunccoepi 3
oknom 3
omg 5
Orbitingdeath 1
Papalinator 1
ProdigalSon 3
Pvtpenne 5
Quasi 3
qWest 3
RobJG2 3
roquefort 3
Shahdude 3
Shrub02 5
slothfacekilla 3
swoosh 5
tayjay9 5
tcookie 1
Thor 3
Tmoney6996 5
TomHanks 3
toofpete 1
Triceracop 3
TubaDeus 3
unconfident 1
UptownCord 1
Urq660 3
wetwilleh 3
Wiggli 3
xenosthelegend 3
ZodiacEXE 1
ztarwarz 1