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*History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - Printable Version

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*History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - Duilio05 - 07-14-2024

TLDR: S17 Draft Class is the best Draft Class ever. “From a certain point of view.” – Old Ben Kenobi.

It has been 84 years 3 years, 5 months, and 3 days since my last Efteling worthy media. Did you miss me?

In preparation for all the celebratory events that will occur in 6 weeks when we start S50, reaching the league's 50th anniversary, I have compiled and updated the master list of Pro Bowl Players. A list of all Pro Bowl Players and a count of how many Pro Bowls each player earned was initially completed by @JuOSu in S18. This list was updated by @Baron1898 in S24, and subsequently updated by her again in S32. Her current Pro Bowl sheet is only updated through S35. I have updated Baron's sheet through the S48 Pro Bowl. I have improved the list by correctly spelling mistakes, merging accolades given to the same player but under different names (looking at you Dax Frost/Raphtalia Chan/Ichinose), and removing Offensive Line Bots (see S04 Pro Bowl). Additionally, I want to highlight the players since S35 to come the closest to reaching the impossible peak set by Dermot. Lastly, I wondered which Draft Classes over or underperformed in accumulating Pro Bowls.

The Pro Bowl has gone through multiple renditions due to league rules changing seemingly every 5 to 10 seasons because someone at large is upset. Typically such users are upset with either how players are selected or with how players are positioned. I admit to being one of those at large users, my biggest complaint was in the late teen era when safeties were being played as linebackers, but then getting voted to the Pro Bowl as safeties. Other users had complaints about how different position groups were split or consolidated. Multiple times in the history of the Pro Bowl Offensive linemen were organized as a singular position instead of as Tackles, Guards, Centers. Or as Tackles and Inside Offensive Linemen as they are now. A similar discussion and changes occurred for nearly every position on defense. Defensive Ends and Tackles were grouped as defensive linemen. Cornerbacks and safeties were grouped as defensive backs. None of these changes even touch on how players are selected, which has transformed from a GM vote to now a strict point system.

Despite all these issues and changes throughout Pro Bowl history, the Pro Bowl is potentially the one system in the league with the best continuity. I want to use this continuity to compare the success of draft classes against each other. Other metrics to compare the successfulness of draft classes against each other include raw stats, player awards, and TPE earned. However, each of those has significant problems.

Attempting to compare raw player stats is difficult because of the significant changes in the league meta. The first major change was the transition from DDSPF16 to DDSPF21 as our sim of choice in S27. Additionally, the regular season has not always been the same length. Players could accumulate more stats during some eras than others based on season length, compounded on top of which sim was being used. Then there are numerous rule changes to both team and player meta, such as safeties playing at the linebacker spot or how often a runningback could line up as wide receiver. An example of how all these factors can affect a single stat category, let us look at Defensive TFLs. The Current Career Record holder (thank you Wolfie Bot, who's a good boy?) is Nero Alexander with 141. Nero is a Hall of Fame defensive end from S15 draft class. The rest of the Top 10 in TFLs include 3 DEs all before S22 and 6 LBs all S22 or younger. To emphasize the point; a defensive end has tallied 12 or more TFLs in a single season 127 times in league history, only 5 such seasons occurred after S28.

With regards to Player Awards, well, we no longer use Player Awards. We have transitioned to the All-Pro Teams. The All-Pro Teams could be used in substitution for Player Awards, but All-Pro Teams don’t give a definitive selection of DE of the Year, or LB or WR or CB, etc. These selections could potentially be extrapolated based on which players made the ballots for offensive or defensive player of the year, but they wouldn’t be official league publications. We still have MVP, Offensive PotY, and Defensive PotY, and one could certainly use them to make draft class comparisons, but those awards encapsulate less than 8% of all players ever drafted to the ISFL, and that is with a very liberal assumption that every single MVP, OPY, and DPY was won by a different player every single time. In comparison, 34.5% of all players to ever be drafted to the ISFL have earned a Pro Bowl. A larger selection pool means more data to use incorrectly to make wrong conclusions and causations.

Regarding TPE, we don’t have the best records regarding the amount of TPE earned by the classes before S15. The Player Tracker was not devised and installed until roughly S15. As such, if you search for S01 players in the tracker, the vast majority of S01 players have a ‘Highest TPE’ level below 300. This is an issue that plagues the majority of classes before S15. Additionally, numerous players are missing from the tracker, such as Hall of Fame players Dermot Lavelle [Sr.], Antoine Delacour, and Mike Boss [Sr.]. Additionally, the league has a TPE inflation, the amount of TPE that could be earned by a player has increased over league history. According to the Tracker’s retired player list, the most TPE earned by an S15 Player was Nero Alexander at 1426. There are a few players older than S15 to accumulate more such as S12 Errol Maddox at 1461. The most TPE earned by a player is S35 Swantavius King with 1621. Of current Active players, S39 Smokin Jay had the most with 1601. This is roughly an 11.03% increase over 4 years. So, the younger generations have had access to more TPE. However, with the sim change, came changes to player builds requiring more TPE to max.

The Data You Are Looking For

1009 players have earned a Pro Bowl, which is 34.5% of all players to ever be drafted to the ISFL (not including S49 and S50 classes). I want to confirm we are all using the same definitions before we move on to the fun data. Pro Bowls are counted by Pro Bowls and not by Positions. I am sure most users are familiar with this as that is how Wolfie Bot counts Pro Bowls for Player HoF resumes. A good example of the difference between Pro Bowls and Positions are Kickers and Punters. A player can be selected to a Pro Bowl for both the Kicker and Punter positions in the same season. Despite said player being selected to multiple Positions in a single Pro Bowl, it still only counts as 1 Pro Bowl. Another example of multiple Positions counting as one Pro Bowl are players selected for Special Teams/Kick Returners.

I want to begin with the individual players before moving up to comparing draft classes. There is a record connected with Pro Bowls that has proven to be impossible, thus far, for any player to meet. The record was set by S02 player Dermot Lavelle. Dermot has the record for most Pro Bowls by a single player, a total of 13. A Perfect Career. He played 13 seasons and made the Pro Bowl all 13 seasons. The closest any other player has reached this Everest is S02 player Paul DiMirio who earned 12 Pro Bowls in 12 seasons. Sadly, with each passing season, the Pro Bowl ceiling continued to decrease as the League aged, and more and more players joined in the unspoken chase. Players Verso L’Alto (S07) and Danny Grithead (S10) reached 10 Pro Bowls each. Multiple players(9) from S01-S11 class reached 9 Pro Bowls, but 8 Pro Bowls would become the ceiling any Player could earn from draft class S12 and on…

Table 1. Draft Classes by Most PBs by a Single Player
[Image: Most_PBs_by_a_Player-pdf.png?ex=6695aa76...ae06582d8&]
…Until very recently. With the announcement of the S48 Pro Bowl a pair of S36 players have reached 9 and 10 Pro Bowls - Mister Hogmally and Leandre Diarra. Diarra is the first player in 25 seasons to earn 10 Pro Bowls. Congrats @slate. Mister Hogmally earned an impressive 9 Pro Bowls in a row after not making one his first 4 seasons after being drafted. Congrats @iStegosauruz.

Looking at the "younger" players, a S38 player, Walrus Jones is now at 8 Pro Bowls with S49 potentially his last season to reach 9 Pro Bowls.

Most incredibly, the “young” prolific S40 player Alex Armstrong has been selected to the Pro Bowl every time since his rookie season. Alex has been selected 9 out of 9 times. He still has three to four seasons left in his career. It would be a cruel turn of fate if Alex doesn’t at the minimum tie L’Alto and Grithead, and now Leandre Diarra with 10 Pro Bowls.

After Alex, there are several truly younger players with the opportunity to reach 9 or more Pro Bowls as well. Each of the following players is several Pro Bowls away from reaching 8, but they could still make it to 9 or more if fortune favors them. S41 Kenny Szymborski and Bruce White both have 5, while unlikely, both still have 4-5 seasons of play time before regression ultimately wins as it always does. For S42 there is Hank Mardukas and Bread Bowl each with 5 Pro Bowls giving them both a season in hand of their S41 counterparts. Sadly, no players in classes S43-S44 have more than 2 thus far. Looking at S45, S46, and S47 classes, players Klaus von Reinherz, Aaron Ford, and McDripsen McDropsen are showing potential to make runs for the top of the Pro Bowl Leader Board. And then the S48 class has four players starting their careers with rookie Pro Bowl honors, including Acutiramus Bohemius who is at only 260 TPE. Will the Pro Bowl ceiling continue to grow and level off at 9 or even 10? Or will it eventually drop back to 8 after this small special group of players are retired? 

I give the complete list of all players by total pro bowls earned. This table is long, longer than the S22 Draft. I dive into the Draft Class comparisons after.

Table 2. Most Pro Bowls by Player.
Pro Bowls - Draft Class - Player & Alt Names - Tally of Positions
13 S02 Dermot Lavelle 13 DB 5 Ret

12 S02 Paul DiMirio 12 TE

10 S07 Verso L’Alto 10 TE
10 S10 Danny Grithead 8 DB 1 LB 1 S 1 Ret
10 S36 Leandre Diarra 2 RB 8 FB

9 S01 Angus Winchester 5 LB 3 OL 1 DE
9 S01 Bradley Westfield 9 WR 1 Ret
9 S01 Josh Garden 7 WR 2 Ret
9 S02 Avon Blocksdale 7 QB 1 OL 1 DB
9 S02 Owen Taylor 8 RB 1 DE
9 S03 Trey Willie 9 WR
9 S06 Austin Roenick 9 LB
9 S07 Mason Brown 5 DB 4 LB 1 Ret
9 S11 Dan Schneider 6 DB 2 S 1 LB
9 S36 Mister Hogmally 9 TE
9 S40 Alex Armstrong 9 DE

8 S01 Antoine Delacour 8 DB
8 S01 Boss Tweed 4 RB 4 LB
8 S01 Fuego Wozy 8 DE
8 S01 Johnathon Saint 8 LB
8 S01 Mike Boss 8 QB
8 S01 Turk Turkleton 4 K 4 P 1 P
8 S05 Dean Jackson 7 P 1 K 3 K
8 S06 Jaylon Broxton /Poopyface Tomatonose 1 TE 7 DB 2 ST
8 S07 Vladimir Fyodorovich 7 WR 1 DB 4 Ret
8 S08 William H. Harrison 7 DB 1 S
8 S09 Vinny Valentine 7 WR 4 Ret
8 S11 Kulture Fulture 8 K 4 P
8 S11 Lennox Garnett 6 DB 1 S 3 Ret
8 S13 Johnny Blaze 7 TE 1 OFlex
8 S15 Mo Berry 8 LB
8 S16 Sam Torenson 8 RB
8 S22 William Lim 8 WR
8 S23 Kai Sakura 3 WR 3 OFlex 2 ST
8 S24 Taro Raimon 7 WR 1 OFlex
8 S25 Chuck Roth 8 DT
8 S29 Jay Cue Jr. 8 RB 1 ST
8 S32 Deshawn Penne 1 OFlex 7 TE
8 S35 Swantavius King 5 K 5 P
8 S37 Delores Bickerman 7 WR 1 ST
8 S38 Walrus Jones 7 T 1 Guard

7 S01 Bailey Cook 5 WR 2 Ret
7 S01 John Canton 7 DB
7 S01 Mat Akselsen 4 QB 3 OL
7 S02 Ardie Savea 6 RB 1 TE
7 S02 Jordan Yates 4 RB 2 OL 1 WR
7 S02 Marc Spector 7 DB
7 S03 Charlie Law 4 WR 3 TE
7 S04 Blackford Oakes 7 DB
7 S05 Andre Bly Jr. 7 DB
7 S05 Carlito Crush 6 WR 1 TE
7 S06 Glenn McPoyal 7 TE
7 S06 Micycle McCormick 4 QB 2 P 1 K
7 S09 Marquise Brown 7 RB
7 S10 Kazimir Oles 7 WR 3 Ret
7 S11 Alex Selich 7 LB
7 S12 Errol Maddox 7 WR 2 Ret
7 S13 Nate Swift 7 WR
7 S14 Cooter Bigsby 7 QB
7 S15 Alex Dasistwirklichseinnachname 5 K 3 P
7 S15 Forrest Gump 6 RB 1 OFlex 4 Ret
7 S16 Dermot Lavelle Jr. 4 Ret 2 CB 1 DB 2 Ret
7 S17 Bubba Thumper 4 DL 3 DT
7 S19 Sean O’Leary 6 WR 1 OFlex
7 S21 Immanuel Blackstone 2 DL 5 DE
7 S22 Bruce Buckley 7 OL
7 S22 Byron Dolls 6 OL 1 Guard
7 S22 Cuco Clemente 7 S 1 Ret
7 S22 Jamar Lackson 6 RB 1 OFlex
7 S23 Jackson Kingston 4 WR 4 ST
7 S24 Zoe Watts 6 RB 1 OFlex
7 S25 Honky-Tonk Haywood 7 DT
7 S26 Jaja Ding Dong 1 OL 6 T
7 S28 Manhattan Project 7 C
7 S28 Stumpy Jones 7 Tackle
7 S31 Wendell Sailor 7 QB
7 S32 Bernd D. Brot 5 WR 2 OFlex 1 ST
7 S33 Christian Marciano 7 DT
7 S34 Lucius Salem 6 TE 1 OFlex
7 S35 Swantavius Payne 1 Guard 6 Tackle
7 S38 Fortified Fridge 7 T
7 S40 Clint Mustache 7 DE

6 S01 Alexandre LeClair 6 WR 1 Ret
6 S01 Dan Miller 6 DT
6 S01 Ian Bavitz 4 LB 2 DB
6 S01 Jayce Tuck 6 DE
6 S01 Kurt Hendrix 6 DE
6 S01 Mayran Jackson 4 WR 2 Ret
6 S01 Philippe Carter 6 DB
6 S01 Reg Mackworthy 6 RB 1 Ret
6 S01 Stephen Harris 5 K 1 P
6 S02 Darren Smallwood 6 RB
6 S02 Vincent Sharpei 4 LB 2 OL
6 S03 Benson Bayley 6 DB
6 S03 Julian O'Sullivan 6 LB
6 S09 Declan Harp 6 TE
6 S09 Gus T.T. Showbiz 5 QB 1 CB
6 S10 D’Pez Poopsie 3 DL 2 DB 1 DE
6 S11 Sunnycursed 6 WR 2 Ret
6 S12 Dick Wizardry 4 RB 2 DL 1 Ret
6 S12 Raymond Vans 6 LB
6 S12 Thorian Skarsgard 3 DL 3 DT
6 S15 Franklin Armstrong 6 QB
6 S16 Mako Mendonca 4 RB 1 OFlex 1 Ret
6 S17 Saba Donut 6 WR 1 Ret
6 S18 Mathias Hanyadi 6 RB 1 Ret
6 S19 Austin McCormick 6 TE
6 S19 Avon Blocksdale Jr. 6 TE
6 S20 Venus Powers 4 P 3 K
6 S21 Chizuru Ichinose /Raphtalia Chan/Dax Frost 5 RB 2 ST
6 S22 BigEddi ForeverYeti /Big Edd 6 DT
6 S22 Colby Jack 6 QB
6 S22 Heath Evans 6 TE
6 S22 James Angler 6 TE
6 S22 Keʻokeʻo Kāne-Maikaʻi 2 Ret 4 DE
6 S23 Eugene Smoothie 5 S 1 ST
6 S24 Maverick Bowie 3 S 3 CB
6 S25 Bob Roberts 4 G 2 S
6 S25 Buster Bawlls 6 FB
6 S25 Goat Tank 6 RB
6 S25 Jake Fencik 2 WR 1 OFlex 2 K 1 P
6 S25 Rich Triplet 6 CB
6 S26 David Moyes /Demon Jaxson 6 DE
6 S26 Tugg Speedman 3 WR 1 OFlex 5 ST
6 S29 Goat Tank Jr. /Zack DiNozzo 1 TE 4 RB 3 ST
6 S29 John Huntsman 6 RB
6 S29 Lip Gallagher 6 CB
6 S31 Carter Knight 6 QB
6 S33 Daron Arnold 6 DE
6 S33 Double Doink 4 K 4 P
6 S33 The Stig 2 CB 2 ST 4 RB
6 S35 Triple Option 2 FB 2 OFlex 2 WR
6 S36 Austin Morley 4 WR 2 ST
6 S36 Jarvis Harbinger-Marjin 6 RB
6 S37 Rocky Moreaux 6 WR 1 ST
6 S38 Remi Musgrave-Smythe 3 Guard 3 T
6 S39 Frank Dux 6 RB
6 S39 MC Hammer 6 DT

5 S01 Dominic Verns 5 DB
5 S01 George Wright Jr. 3 DE 2 TE
5 S01 Jaylon Lee 5 LB
5 S01 Jogn Floggity 3 OL 2 DB
5 S01 King Bronko 5 QB
5 S01 Vikian Marmeladov 5 DB
5 S02 Fox North 4 WR 1 Ret
5 S02 Greg Clegane 4 DT 1 OL
5 S03 Budda Browning 5 WR
5 S03 Nicholas Pierno 5 DT
5 S03 Ricardo Sandoval 5 DT
5 S06 Borkus Maximus III 5 QB
5 S06 Brian Mills 5 LB
5 S07 Howard Miller 5 WR 3 Ret
5 S08 Ben Horne 5 LB
5 S08 Childish Gambino 3 QB 2 DE
5 S09 Kolby Deringer 5 LB
5 S10 Joliet L. Christ 5 QB
5 S11 Jerrod Canton 3 RB 2 OFlex
5 S12 Axel Hornbacher 3 DB 1 CB 1 DFlex
5 S12 James Bishop 5 WR
5 S13 Johnny Snuggles 2 DB 1 CB 1 DFlex 2 Ret
5 S15 Deon Taylor 4 CB 1 DB 1 Ret
5 S15 Jammerson Irving 5 TE
5 S15 Lanzer Grievous 5 LB
5 S15 Nero Alexander 4 DL 1 DE
5 S16 Wolfie McDummy 5 QB
5 S17 Ashley Owens 3 OFlex 2 RB
5 S17 Mervin Leonard 5 CB
5 S18 Jay Cue 4 QB 1 OL
5 S21 Ed Barker 5 WR 1 ST
5 S21 James Lewandowski 5 TE
5 S21 Pete "Plop" Miller 3 DT 2 DL
5 S21 Simon Tremblay 5 OL
5 S22 Andrew Witten 4 CB 1 ST
5 S22 Colt Mendoza 2 DT 3 CB
5 S22 Derred De Ville 5 LB
5 S22 Jack Banks 5 LB
5 S22 Jacob Small 3 P 2 K
5 S22 Michael Witheblock 4 WR 1 LB
5 S22 Mo "Mamba" Magic 4 OL 1 OT
5 S22 Shawn Dawkins 4 S 2 ST
5 S22 Tatsu Nakamura 5 RB
5 S22 Zee Rechs 5 TE
5 S23 Videl-San 4 WR 1 OFlex
5 S24 Icebox Riposte 1 OL 1 C 3 Tackle
5 S24 Melvin Murder-Moose 5 LB
5 S26 Big Slammu 5 LB
5 S26 Cobra Kai 5 RB 2 ST
5 S26 Leonard Taylor 5 DE
5 S28 Bender Rodriguez 1 OL 2 LB 2 OLB
5 S30 Dee Walt 4 S 1 CB
5 S30 Sal Ami 2 WR 1 OFlex 2 TE 1 ST
5 S31 Amari Springer 5 S
5 S31 Beniri T’Chawama 5 T
5 S31 Nick Kaepercolin Jr. 5 WR 2 ST
5 S32 Kalam Mekhar 5 CB
5 S32 Lalu Muhammad Zohri 5 RB 1 ST
5 S32 Lenard Graf 5 TE
5 S33 Raphael McTurtle 5 DT
5 S34 Michaelangelo McTurtle 5 RB
5 S35 Ace McAlister 5 CB
5 S35 Kumquat Archipelago 5 RB
5 S35 Regina Ferraro 5 S
5 S36 Akaki Akayre 2 LB 3 OLB
5 S36 Harley Andrews 1 DE 1 ILB 2 CB 1 DE
5 S36 Jasper Fontaine 5 S
5 S37 Danny Nedelko 5 RB 1 ST
5 S38 Cruella de Ville 3 LB 2 OLB
5 S38 Johnny Blaze Jr 5 WR 3 ST
5 S39 Willier Miller 5 QB
5 S40 Bengal Tigerheart 4 Tackle 1 G
5 S40 Big McLarge Huge 3 WR 2 TE
5 S41 Bruce White 3 DE 2 DT
5 S41 Kenny Szymborski 5 TE
5 S42 Bread Bowl 5 TE
5 S42 Hank Mardukas 3 WR 1 TE 1 ST

4 S01 Alex Hayden 4 DB
4 S01 Chris Orosz 4 QB
4 S01 Harrif Ernston 4 LB
4 S01 Robert Phelps 4 WR
4 S01 Ryan Flock 4 DB
4 S01 Shane Weston 3 WR 1 Ret
4 S01 Stephen Harrison 4 LB
4 S01 Wyatt Fulton 4 LB
4 S02 Darnell Turner 4 DB
4 S02 Eric Kennedy 3 WR 1 RB 1 Ret
4 S02 Micah Hendrix 2 OL 2 LB
4 S02 Tyler Oles 3 DB 1 QB
4 S03 Eli Kamaka 4 DT
4 S03 Godfrey King 4 DT
4 S03 Jonathan King 4 DB
4 S04 Haruki Ishigawa 4 LB
4 S07 Ryan Applehort 3 QB 1 DB 1 Ret
4 S08 Balthazar Crindy 4 TE
4 S08 Viggo Squanch 4 WR
4 S09 Zapp Brannigan 4 TE
4 S10 Jordan Von Matt 4 WR
4 S10 Lo Rax 3 DE 1 DL
4 S11 Andrew Reese 3 QB 1 DT
4 S11 Slim Shady 4 RB
4 S12 Grayson Kuusela 4 DL
4 S12 Logan Lejune 2 LB 2 Ret
4 S14 Corvo Havran 4 QB
4 S15 AJ Lattimer 3 CB 1 DB
4 S15 Apollo Reed 3 RB 1 OFlex
4 S15 Chase Jensen 4 S
4 S15 Johnny Slothface 4 LB
4 S15 Quenton Bode 3 DFlex 1 LB
4 S15 Richard D’Attoria V 3 S 1 DB
4 S15 Rod Tidwell 4 WR
4 S15 Ryan Leaf Jr 2 DL 1 RB 1 Ret
4 S15 Walt Green 2 S 1 DFlex 2 Ret
4 S16 Easton Cole 4 QB
4 S16 Laszlo Forty-Two 3 OL 1 WR
4 S17 Dexter Banks II 2 WR 2 QB
4 S18 Earl Sauce 4 TE
4 S18 Givussafare Rubbe 4 OL
4 S19 Mason Blaylock 4 S 2 Ret
4 S20 Galf Wilf 4 LB
4 S21 Dougie Smalls 2 K 2 P
4 S21 Douglas Quaid 4 LB
4 S22 Acura Skyline 4 RB
4 S22 Brandon Booker 3 CB 1 ST
4 S22 Calvin Golladay 3 OL 1 T
4 S22 Daymond Brooks 4 DT
4 S22 Haha Mango-Panda 4 LB
4 S22 Matthew McDairmid 2 P 2 K
4 S22 Sam Sidekick 2 K 2 P
4 S23 Danny King Jr. /Joseph Petrongolo 4 RB
4 S24 Blago Kokot 1 K 3 P
4 S24 Charlemagne Cortez 4 QB
4 S24 Harrison Andrews 4 CB
4 S24 Joshua Campbell 3 WR 2 ST
4 S24 Juan Domine 4 LB
4 S25 Adam Mellott 3 OL 1 T
4 S25 Connor Quigley 3 OL 1 T
4 S25 L’Gazzy Burfict 4 LB
4 S25 Rusty Rucker 4 LB
4 S25 Swantavius Jones 4 CB
4 S26 BamBam McMullet 4 LB
4 S26 Mario Messi 4 TE
4 S27 Bean Beanman 4 DE
4 S27 Cade York 3 K 2 P
4 S28 Cade Williams 4 DE
4 S28 Dallas Dole 2 K 4 P
4 S28 Dexter Hall 4 LB
4 S28 Willie Miller 4 CB
4 S29 Dante King 3 RB 1 OFlex 1 ST
4 S31 Johnny Patey 4 WR
4 S31 Mark Goodhead 4 CB
4 S31 Orpheus Czargyros 1 LB 3 S
4 S32 Theo AwardsSystemIsBad 1 IOL 3 Tackle
4 S32 Troy Barnes 2 C 2 IOL
4 S32 Zephyr "Tater" GreyWolf 2 LB 1 OLB 1 ILB
4 S33 Kahn Cussion 2 LB 1 OLB 1 ILB
4 S33 King Zeus 4 CB
4 S33 Zane Cold 2 RB 1 OFlex 1 ST
4 S34 - Cross-Eriksen 3 S 1 ST
4 S34 Joey Din 4 DE
4 S34 Spottie O’Dopaliscious 4 CB
4 S35 Carissa van Campen 3 ILB 1 OLB
4 S35 Leek Mai-Heinous 2 WR 1 OFlex 1 ST
4 S36 Bean Delphine Jr 4 RB
4 S36 Joseph Reed 4 DT
4 S36 Mandrews mcHollywood 4 WR
4 S37 Dusty Wilson 4 Tackle
4 S37 Nova Montagne 4 QB
4 S37 Preston Beatz 4 QB
4 S38 Booter McGavin 2 K 3 P
4 S38 Carly Rae Jensen 4 DT
4 S38 Shane Turnbull 3 WR 1 ST
4 S39 Smokin Jay 4 S
4 S40 Lionel Scrimmage 4 DT
4 S41 Beeg Beeg Yoshi, Jr. 4 IOL
4 S41 Benjamin Duvernay 4 CB
4 S41 Emile Charles 4 ST 2 WR
4 S41 Great Khali 3 IOL 1 T
4 S42 Blacksmith Andre 1 IOL 1 T 2 CB
4 S42 Heiiajs D. Owidhuse 4 CB
4 S42 Reginald Shrubbery 4 RB

3 S01 Adamle Tomlinson 3 DE
3 S01 Break Bottles 3 TE
3 S01 Bubba Nuck 3 RB
3 S01 Clee Hardrool 3 DB
3 S02 Darlane Farlane 3 RB
3 S03 Antonio Sandoval 3 DE
3 S03 Franklin Harris Jr. 2 DB 1 TE
3 S03 Joseph Askins 2 TE 1 DT
3 S05 Darren Morris 2 DB 1 Ret
3 S05 Gregory Fletcher 3 DB
3 S05 Tegan Atwell 3 WR
3 S06 Forfeit 3 P
3 S08 Brock Weathers III 3 DE
3 S08 Chad Pennington 3 LB
3 S08 Mark David 3 DT
3 S09 Jesse Marchand 1 DE 1 LB 1 DB
3 S09 Xavier Flash 2 WR 1 Ret
3 S10 Adriana Falconi 3 QB
3 S11 Bobson Dugnutt 3 DB
3 S11 Curtis Saul 3 DT
3 S11 Marc Spector "Clone" 3 DE
3 S11 Tana Keïta 3 LB
3 S12 Beau Montgomery 3 DB
3 S12 Freezer Riposte 2 DL 1 DT
3 S12 Ja’brill Tuck 3 DE
3 S12 Luke Smyles 2 DL 1 DE
3 S12 Neo Donaldson 2 K 1 P 1 P
3 S13 David Ginsberg 1 DL 1 LB 1 DFlex
3 S14 Alfredo "Thighmaster" Crisco 2 P 1 K 1 K
3 S15 Cameron Olsen 3 TE
3 S15 Emondov Emoji 2 CB 1 Ret
3 S15 Giannis Kroustis 2 DL 1 DT
3 S15 Nacho Varga 2 WR 1 OFlex
3 S15 Xerxes Ridley 3 CB
3 S16 Ben Tu’inukuafe 2 DL 1 DE
3 S17 Action Jackson 3 WR
3 S17 Tyron Brackenridge 2 LB 1 S
3 S18 Louisiana Purchase 2 Ret 1 CB 1 Ret
3 S18 Maurice Virtanen 2 LB 1 DL
3 S18 Net Gaines 3 WR
3 S18 Tyrone Biggums 3 S
3 S19 Jed Podolak 3 WR
3 S20 Carolinabbq Isbest /Kyle Idlewyld 3 DL
3 S21 Douglas Quail 3 OL
3 S21 Flash Panda 3 ST
3 S21 Future Trunks 1 WR 2 OL
3 S21 J.J. “Jay” Jay-Jaymison 2 K 1 P
3 S21 Leon McDavid 3 DT
3 S21 Osiris Firestorm-Fjord 3 CB
3 S21 Prince Vegeta 3 S
3 S21 Rapid Eagle 3 DT
3 S21 Ugarth the Dissector 3 LB
3 S22 Ben Slothlisberger 2 QB 1 C
3 S22 Jeffrey Phillips 3 TE
3 S22 Matt "Son of Havoc" Cross 3 S
3 S22 Richard Gilbert 3 RB
3 S22 Suleiman Ramza 3 QB
3 S23 Achtfünf /Karmichael Hunt 1 P 1 K 1 WR
3 S23 Julio Jones 2 OL 1 T
3 S23 Luca Scabbia 3 WR
3 S23 Son Goku 3 DE
3 S23 Tychondrius Hood 1 TE 1 OFlex 1 WR
3 S24 Joel Drake 3 S
3 S24 Mattathias Caliban 3 QB
3 S24 Mike Boss Jr 3 QB
3 S24 Ne Mo 2 OL 1 C
3 S24 Sigismund Sternenstaub 3 FB
3 S24 Tre’Darius J’Vathon 2 FB 1 OFlex
3 S25 Albert Ruschmann 3 CB
3 S25 Ananda Adyan 2 Guard 1 Tackle
3 S25 Brick Van Sanzo 3 DE
3 S25 Daniel Foster 2 ST 1 CB
3 S25 Felix Archstone 1 OL 2 G
3 S25 Mark Walker 3 WR
3 S25 Richard Leaking 2 CB 1 ST
3 S26 Alexander Franklin 3 Tackle
3 S26 Jonathan Shuffleboard 3 S
3 S26 LeBron James III 3 Guard
3 S26 Raphael Delacour 2 WR 1 OFlex
3 S27 Borgo San Lorenzo 3 TE
3 S27 Eleven Kendrick-Watts 3 WR
3 S27 Madison Hayes 2 RB 1 OFlex
3 S28 Bayley Cowabunga 2 WR 1 OFlex 1 ST
3 S28 Cole Maxwell 3 WR
3 S28 Dexter Zaylren 3 QB
3 S28 Glenn Smart 3 LB
3 S28 Jacob Raske 3 S
3 S28 Lonnie Jackson 2 RB 1 OFlex
3 S29 Buffalo Hunter 2 TE 1 RB
3 S29 Emperor de Pengu 1 Guard 3 DT
3 S29 Keane Lover 1 C 2 Guard
3 S29 Panda McKyle 1 QB 1 G 1 T
3 S30 Bernie Sanders 2 G 1 T
3 S30 Ioe Torrent 2 LB 1 OLB
3 S30 Rex Crenshaw 3 TE
3 S30 Rocco Blade 3 DE
3 S30 Sheriff Woody 2 LB 1 OLB
3 S30 Vincent Sharpei Jr. 1 WR 1 OFlex 2 ST
3 S31 Cedric Wilkins II 2 ST 1 CB
3 S31 Lennay Kekua 3 DT
3 S31 Spike Daniels 3 S
3 S32 Dallas Fort-Worth 2 C 1 T
3 S32 Escanor Sama 2 WR 1 OFlex
3 S32 Live LaughLove 3 QB
3 S32 Pasta the Turtle 3 S
3 S33 D’Nickashaw Mangoldson 1 IOL 2 T
3 S33 DeAndre King 3 ST
3 S34 Chim Rickles 3 S
3 S34 Sam Sung 3 S
3 S34 Zayne Dangle 1 ST 2 WR
3 S35 Adebayo Akinfenwa 2 RB 1 FB
3 S35 Alfonso Dos Santos 2 K 2 P
3 S35 American Boot 2 TE 1 OFlex
3 S35 Owen Farrell 2 QB 1 T
3 S35 Queen Elizabeth II 3 QB
3 S35 Waluigi Gronkowski 3 TE
3 S36 Aleksandr Milescu 3 S
3 S36 Bonzi Buddy 3 CB
3 S36 Bruce Buckley Jr. 3 LB
3 S36 Jimmy Holding 2 G 1 T
3 S36 Pete Zuh 2 RB 1 OFlex
3 S36 Savathûn T. Witchqueen 2 P 1 K
3 S36 Sconnie McSix 3 WR
3 S36 Teemo Swift 1 LB 2 ILB
3 S36 Zaphod Beeblebrox 2 WR 1 ST
3 S37 Brandon Mason 1 G 2 T
3 S37 Creg Jerrith IV 3 QB
3 S37 Jordan Hartline 3 ILB
3 S38 Diggs Sideline-Touchdown 3 S
3 S38 Goat TANNK 3 DE
3 S39 Antoine Winfield Jr. 3 S
3 S39 Brooks Piggott 1 CB 2 ST
3 S39 Donovan Winters III 3 QB
3 S39 Geralt 3 S
3 S39 Kenny McCormick 3 ILB
3 S39 Luigi Lanikai 3 CB
3 S39 Sim Sunigh 2 LB 1 OLB
3 S40 Detective Crashmore 3 TE
3 S40 Howard Coward 1 ST 2 RB
3 S40 Money Tolliver 3 RB
3 S40 Nakiri Ayame 3 RB
3 S40 Notso Smart 3 S
3 S40 Wälter Gunther 3 ILB
3 S41 Joshua Mabry 1 IOL 2 T
3 S41 Justin Willis 1 Tackle 1 LB 1 OLB
3 S41 Kyle Crane 3 RB
3 S41 Legs McMillion 3 CB
3 S41 Max Honestly 2 LB 1 ILB
3 S41 Nick Williams 1 TE 2 WR
3 S41 Ray Baker 1 K 2 P
3 S42 Ace Anderson 3 RB
3 S42 Keanu Calhoun 3 WR 1 ST
3 S42 Wing Wang 2 K 1 P
3 S45 Klaus von Reinherz 3 T

2 S01 Alexander Selich 2 LB
2 S01 Anthony Petrakis 2 DB
2 S01 Bert Metas 2 DT
2 S01 Bojo Kicksit 1 K 1 P
2 S01 Brady Stropko 2 LB
2 S01 Isaiah Rashad 2 DB
2 S01 Kendrick Hendrix 2 WR
2 S01 Mark Ramrio 2 DT
2 S01 Omar Wright 2 RB
2 S01 Ricky Maddox 2 TE
2 S01 Scrub Kyubee 2 QB
2 S01 Stanislaw Maddox 2 DB
2 S01 Stormblessed 2 WR
2 S01 Tyler Varga 2 LB
2 S02 Allen Davis 2 DB
2 S02 Blaster Blade 2 DE
2 S02 Bork Bjornsson 2 DT
2 S02 Bradley T Madlad 2 P 1 K
2 S02 Chibudem Okonkwo 2 DE
2 S02 Christiano Ronaldo 2 P 1 K
2 S02 Damien Kroetch 2 RB
2 S02 Dustin Evans 2 WR
2 S02 Luke Luechly 2 LB
2 S02 Tim Pest 2 OL
2 S02 Torque Lewith 2 DB
2 S03 Connor Tanner 2 TE
2 S03 Iyah Blewitt 2 K 1 P
2 S03 William Ridley 2 LB
2 S04 Andreas Waiters 2 DE
2 S04 Noah Goodson 2 LB
2 S04 Steven O’Sullivan 2 TE
2 S05 Peg Leg 1 K 1 P
2 S05 Ryan Sierra 2 DT
2 S05 Terrell Brister 2 DB
2 S06 Arbin Asipi JR 2 DE
2 S06 Carter Bush 2 WR
2 S06 Dwayne Aaron 2 WR
2 S06 Robby Rainey 1 RB 1 LB
2 S08 Brad Pennington 2 WR
2 S09 Bucky Barnes 1 DFlex 1 Ret
2 S09 Kevin Fitzpatrick 2 QB
2 S10 A.J. Robertson 2 LB
2 S10 Damien Arnold 2 DB
2 S10 Shannon Hobbs 1 DB 1 S
2 S10 Steven Oats 1 DL 1 DE
2 S10 Xandra Troyski 2 DB
2 S11 K.J. Becker 2 LB
2 S11 Kwame Abayomi Mbanefo 2 DE
2 S12 Arbin Asipi III 1 DB 1 CB
2 S12 Charlie Trout 2 LB
2 S12 Django Anoa’i 2 WR
2 S12 Hike Mughes 1 DB 1 CB
2 S12 Jeff Jefferson IV 2 DB
2 S13 Bona’beri Jones 2 WR
2 S13 Spencer Castle 1 DB 1 CB
2 S13 Vander Jones 1 RB 1 OFlex
2 S14 Stan Francisco 1 QB 1 TE
2 S15 Brave Ulysses 1 OL 1 DE
2 S15 Brock Landers 2 WR
2 S15 Jack Rambo 1 DB 1 S
2 S15 Lightsout Lewis 2 DB
2 S15 Lucas Knight 2 CB
2 S15 Marquees Acho 1 LB 1 CB
2 S15 Quentin Sinclair 2 CB
2 S17 Jordan Andrews 2 DB
2 S17 Julian McMorris 2 DB
2 S18 David Rector 2 CB
2 S18 Fabricio Baldari 2 DL
2 S18 Fuzzy Dotson 2 FB
2 S18 ILove Gimmy 2 DL
2 S18 Marcella Tōriki 2 RB
2 S18 Mike Hockhertz 2 S
2 S18 Pete Parker 1 S 1 DFlex
2 S18 Ruff Ruff 2 OFlex
2 S19 Deondre Thomas-Fox 2 WR
2 S19 Quindarius Tyerucker 2 RB
2 S19 Rayne Gordon 1 WR 1 OFlex
2 S20 Awkward Sexjoke 1 DB 1 S
2 S20 Darrel Williams 2 RB
2 S20 Hal Fassingit 1 OL 1 DL
2 S20 Jamie Nkiah 2 S
2 S20 Thor Kirkby 2 S
2 S21 Baby Yoda 2 OFlex
2 S21 Dorfus Jimbo Jr 1 DL 1 Guard
2 S22 Eddie Jeeta 1 WR 1 ST
2 S22 Garfield Despacito Jr. 1 WR 1 OFlex
2 S22 Hamish MacAndrew 2 S
2 S22 Hank Steel 2 DT
2 S22 James Cho 2 DE
2 S22 Jim Waters 2 CB
2 S22 Magnus Rikiya 2 DT
2 S22 Matt Krause 1 CB 3 ST
2 S22 Nick Kaepercolin 2 QB
2 S22 Troen Egghands 2 DE
2 S22 Tyler Oles JR 2 CB
2 S22 Zamir Kehla 2 CB
2 S23 Doug Howlett 2 WR
2 S23 Greedy Sly 2 OL
2 S23 Griffin Porter 2 LB
2 S23 Heinrich Kackpoo 2 LB
2 S23 LeSean Paris Crooks 2 CB
2 S23 Nicholas Ayers 1 OFlex 1 RB
2 S24 Brach Thomaslacher 2 LB
2 S24 Captain Rogers 1 RB 1 OFlex
2 S24 Deadly Memes 2 RB
2 S25 Adam C. Spencer 2 TE
2 S25 Annie May 1 CB 1 S
2 S25 Cmon Skiuuup 2 WR
2 S25 Damian Blackfyre 2 S
2 S25 Davriel Lavigne 2 CB
2 S25 Dexter Jackson 2 FB
2 S25 Gary Goodman 2 LB
2 S25 Jackie Daytona 2 QB
2 S25 Marc Hamel 1 OL 1 T
2 S25 Marlon Alexander 2 G
2 S25 Medicinal Toblerone 2 DE
2 S25 Mike Rotchburns 2 RB
2 S25 NationalSimulation FootballLeague 1 S 1 ST
2 S25 Peter Patterson 1 S 1 CB
2 S25 Sulaiman Kazi /Djibutee McJimmerson 2 CB
2 S25 Tex Wrecks 2 DE
2 S25 Wasrabi Gleel 1 DE 1 LB
2 S26 Dogwood Maple 2 S
2 S26 Maiteers Rico-Shea 2 G
2 S26 Moe Skeeter 2 C
2 S27 Cheese Farley 2 Guard
2 S27 Lawrence Miller 2 S
2 S27 Marlon Brando 2 DE
2 S28 Busch Goose 2 RB 1 ST
2 S28 C.J. Sonjack 2 CB
2 S28 Lux Opal 1 K 1 P
2 S28 Raeni Clarke 2 CB
2 S28 Romulus Roman 2 S
2 S28 Saleem Spence 1 WR 1 OFlex
2 S28 Sam the Onion Man 1 WR 1 OFlex
2 S28 Taipan Pete 2 K
2 S28 Xavier Walls 2 LB
2 S29 Chevvy Bronko 2 G
2 S29 David Frank 2 DE
2 S29 Gimmy Jaroppolo Jr. 2 QB
2 S29 Guy Gibson 2 CB
2 S29 Joey Marston 2 G
2 S29 Kazimir Oles JR 2 QB
2 S29 Rean Schwarzer 2 S
2 S29 Rejoignez LOrdreSombre 1 OFlex 1 ST
2 S29 Will Stern 2 DE
2 S30 Calvin Hobbes 2 CB
2 S30 dont draft 2 LB
2 S30 Jason Waterfalls 1 WR 1 ILB
2 S30 Levy Tate 2 K 1 P
2 S31 Malcolm Savage 2 QB
2 S31 Michael Carimi 2 Guard
2 S31 Rodka Raskolnikov 2 WR
2 S32 Herc Kirkby 1 OFlex 1 TE
2 S32 Mauler Panda 2 Guard
2 S32 Modern Nazgûl 2 CB
2 S33 Leonardo McTurtle 1 DE 1 OLB
2 S33 President Camacho /The Bus/Gus Bus 2 FB
2 S34 Captain Billy Stinkwater 1 WR 1 OFlex 1 ST
2 S34 Dane Johnson Jr. 1 T 1 C
2 S34 Franz Udo Culman-Kaiser 1 T 1 G
2 S34 Louis Blondin 1 WR 1 OFlex
2 S34 Russet Buster 2 S
2 S34 Solace Avenger 1 DT 1 OLB
2 S35 Anthony Stark 2 CB
2 S35 Barry Badman 1 LB 1 OLB
2 S35 Donatello McTurtle 1 G 1 IOL
2 S35 Draft Steal 2 CB
2 S35 Pilot Redsun 2 Guard
2 S36 Charles Chapman 1 CB 1 DT
2 S36 Derrick Prince 2 ST
2 S36 Fat Jack 2 DT
2 S36 Ignatius Reilly 2 ILB
2 S36 J.T. Kurbis 2 Tackle
2 S36 JR Frankenstero 2 DE
2 S36 Orlando Doom 2 P
2 S36 Pan Cakes 2 T
2 S36 PeePee Poop-Eater Sr. 2 WR 1 ST
2 S36 Udo E Beaty 2 FB
2 S36 Walter McKinley 2 TE
2 S37 Yummy HotDogPie 2 IOL
2 S38 Armor Queen 2 RB
2 S38 Bridge Burner 2 DT
2 S38 David Doug 1 K 2 P
2 S38 Sherwin Blue Jr. 1 ST 1 ILB
2 S39 Blaine Falco 2 QB
2 S39 Donte Darius 2 ILB
2 S39 Jake Williams 2 CB
2 S39 Mo Gago 2 DT
2 S40 Alita Battle Angel 2 S
2 S40 Bourtol Halcomsby 2 S
2 S40 Florida Man 1 WR 1 ST
2 S40 Ginand Toxic 2 DE
2 S40 Jamdrian LeBayers 1 CB 1 ST
2 S40 Liv Elsathelookout 2 DE
2 S40 Mike Ehrmantraut 2 IOL
2 S40 Sir Tywrell Xah’Aawrone 2 DT
2 S41 Benji Aguilera 2 WR
2 S41 Bubba Chubb 2 IOL
2 S41 DJ Maclean 2 OLB
2 S41 Ezra Azazel 2 CB
2 S41 Jason Steele 2 DT
2 S41 John Stark VIII 2 ILB
2 S41 Kadarius Claypool II 2 CB
2 S41 Liath Squirrel 2 ILB
2 S41 Lloyd Bannings 2 QB
2 S41 Loose Cannon 2 S
2 S41 Mary Marie 2 S
2 S41 Rico Savage 2 S
2 S41 Rolud Onyxgut 1 ILB 1 LB
2 S41 Sean Robinson 2 WR
2 S41 Synystyr Gates 2 CB
2 S42 Narl Hecklenburg 2 ILB
2 S42 Speedy Gizmo /Sailor Moon 2 FB
2 S42 Stetson David 2 ST
2 S43 Anakin Skywalker 2 RB
2 S43 Crasher Wake 1 LB 1 OLB
2 S43 Ignatious Cleetington 1 ILB 1 OLB
2 S43 Kelijah Verwae 2 T
2 S43 Sem’ga Nah’sim 2 WR
2 S43 Tunkha Danstrol 1 IOL 1 T
2 S44 Marty Crane 2 S
2 S44 Tuna TurnDaBallOva 2 QB
2 S44 Zenzeroni Xystarch II 1 P 1 K
2 S45 Luke Hunter 2 S
2 S45 Pitter Patter 2 WR
2 S45 Willie Swaggert 1 RB 1 ST
2 S46 Aaron Ford 2 FB
2 S47 McDripsen McDropsen 2 IOL

1 S01 AC Hackett 1 LB
1 S01 Arbin Asipi 1 DT
1 S01 Archibald Booter 1 K
1 S01 Ben Longshaw 1 OL
1 S01 Cliff Hamilton 1 OL
1 S01 Cooper Christmas 1 WR
1 S01 D'Brickashaw Ferguson 1 OL
1 S01 Damian West 1 WR
1 S01 Daniel Robicheaux 1 OL
1 S01 Dirk Cutter 1 DB
1 S01 Erasmo Broadway 1 LB
1 S01 Ethan Hunt 1 QB
1 S01 Franklin Harris 1 DT
1 S01 Gabriel Tenzini 1 TE
1 S01 Ja Brill 1 DB
1 S01 Jack Durden 1 RB
1 S01 Jason Spearhead 1 DE
1 S01 Jason Williams 1 DB
1 S01 Jimmy Darkapple 1 P
1 S01 JJ Reigns 1 DT
1 S01 Jordan Weal 1 OL
1 S01 Kentillan Laces 1 K 1 P
1 S01 Kieran O'Connell 1 RB
1 S01 Leroy Jenkins 1 RB
1 S01 Lincoln Jefferson 1 DB
1 S01 Lindarius Shelton 1 LB
1 S01 Logan Noble 1 QB
1 S01 Luke Tiernan 1 LB
1 S01 Marcus Boyd 1 OL
1 S01 Marcus Robinson 1 RB
1 S01 Matthew Peterson 1 DB
1 S01 Tim Tebow 1 OL
1 S01 Vick Bowers Jr. 1 RB
1 S01 Vincent Draxel 1 QB
1 S01 Vinny Cox 1 DT
1 S02 Dieter Koch 1 OL
1 S02 Kevin Cushing 1 DB
1 S02 Matt James 1 OL
1 S02 Perry Tucker 1 LB
1 S02 Shjon Finkenlarken 1 OL
1 S02 Wayne Gooney 1 K
1 S03 Al Sims 1 K
1 S03 Calkewlated Chambers III 1 DT
1 S03 Clifford Rove 1 DB
1 S03 Erlich Burnsman 1 RB
1 S03 Juan Andres 1 DE
1 S03 Wallace Stone 1 LB
1 S05 Cameron Taylor 1 DB
1 S05 Egor Medved 1 DT
1 S05 Michael Tillman 1 DB
1 S06 Cordell Joshua 1 LB
1 S06 Gustav Rodriguez 1 DT
1 S06 Norman Bagwell 1 DE
1 S07 Mark Grau 1 Ret
1 S07 Zach Skinner 1 DE
1 S08 Ramadan Steve 1 DT
1 S08 Thad Pennington 1 DB
1 S09 Oskar Ludvig 1 DB
1 S09 Ricky Adams 1 RB
1 S10 Achilles Hondo 1 DB
1 S10 Lucari Felix 1 DB
1 S11 Danny Methane 1 DE
1 S11 Footballer Sackerman 1 DT
1 S11 Franklin Townsend 1 DT
1 S11 Johnson Cox III 1 DB
1 S11 Spencer Lawes 1 P
1 S11 Will Foster 1 DT
1 S12 Aksel Danielsson 1 RB
1 S12 Joey Sachs 1 DE
1 S12 Jorel Tuck 1 DB
1 S12 Pecker Cox 1 DT
1 S13 Alex Frost 1 P
1 S13 Tyler Swift 1 OFlex
1 S14 Gekyume Stokeley 1 LB
1 S14 Leighton Lee 1 LB
1 S14 Rose Jenkins 1 QB
1 S14 Sandip "Sandy" Bakshi 1 LB
1 S15 Ahri Espeeyeeseetee 1 WR 1 Ret
1 S15 Dorfus Jimbo 1 RB
1 S15 Edmond Beaver-Dantes 1 OL
1 S15 Fatih Terim 1 S
1 S15 Lamont McKinnie 1 S
1 S15 Ludicolo Bigby 1 RB
1 S15 Martavius Mack 1 S
1 S15 Morgan Marshall 1 RB
1 S15 Ricardo Morris 1 DL
1 S15 Rock Hardshaft 1 DL
1 S15 Tony Gabagool 1 DFlex
1 S16 Chad Maulolo 1 DL
1 S16 ForThe Brand 1 P
1 S16 Jaylen Storm 1 S
1 S17 Honda Edmond 1 LB
1 S17 Joshua Jones II 1 P
1 S17 Kicky Bobby 1 P
1 S17 Ronald “The Watt” Watkins 1 LB
1 S17 Shane Masters 1 DL
1 S17 Takeda Okura 1 S 1 DFlex
1 S18 Asher Quinn 1 OFlex
1 S18 Bender B. Rodriguez 1 WR
1 S18 Bjørn Ironside 1 DL
1 S18 Johnson Harding 1 DL
1 S18 Korrin Abernathy 1 CB
1 S18 Oswald Grimnir 1 DB
1 S18 Steco Ocewilder 1 DE
1 S18 Thudd Kassel 1 LB
1 S18 Wayne Howyanow 1 LB
1 S19 Herbert Prohaska 1 K
1 S19 Jordan Jackson 1 K
1 S20 Desmond Scarlett 1 ST
1 S20 Silver Banana 1 K
1 S21 George O’Donnell 1 QB
1 S21 HeHateMe PickSix 1 DB
1 S21 Logan Noble Jr 1 DE
1 S21 Matt Hole 1 DL
1 S21 Rotticus Scott 1 CB
1 S21 Tree Gelbman 1 TE
1 S22 Benson Bayley Jr. 1 OL
1 S22 Clark Boyd 1 TE
1 S22 Claude Miller II 1 DT
1 S22 Dex Kennedy 1 LB
1 S22 Eldrick Avery 1 S
1 S22 Fawn Dillmiballs 1 DT
1 S22 George ’Corpse Grinder’ Fisher 1 LB
1 S22 Johnny Hellzapoppin 1 S
1 S22 Lawrence Bass 1 LB
1 S22 Magnus Valdyr 1 S
1 S22 Mario VonPebbles 1 DE
1 S22 Monterey "Monty" Jack 1 QB
1 S22 Patrik Money 1 DT
1 S22 Ragnar Rok 1 S
1 S22 Spike Suzuki 1 DE
1 S22 Thomas Passmann 1 WR
1 S22 Tyron Shields 1 CB
1 S22 Wesley Eriksen 1 S
1 S23 Adélie de Pengu 1 LB
1 S23 Bob Bob 1 C
1 S23 Brock Bodenhamer 1 WR
1 S23 Danny King 1 RB 1 K
1 S23 Dick Thruster 1 OL
1 S23 Hingle McCringleberry 1 LB
1 S23 Ray-Ray Jackson 1 CB
1 S23 Running Back 1 Guard
1 S23 Tyler Montain 1 LB
1 S24 Asher Montain 1 DE
1 S24 Busch Light 1 LB
1 S24 Jeremiah Zelos 1 S
1 S24 Joseph Joestar 1 LB
1 S24 LeBong Simwell 1 DT
1 S24 Rickie Vaughne 1 CB
1 S24 Sam Howitzer 1 QB
1 S25 Brent Silva 1 G
1 S25 Darren Pama 1 WR
1 S25 Donald McBobby 1 C
1 S25 Doy Fieri 1 CB
1 S25 Dukburg Quakstak 1 CB
1 S25 Etrigan T. Slayer 1 DE
1 S25 Guy Fields 1 LB
1 S25 Hank Winchester 1 LB
1 S25 Jeeeeroy Lenkins 1 CB
1 S25 Killian Chambers 1 WR
1 S25 Owen Holloway 1 WR
1 S25 Owen Isaac 1 DT
1 S25 Raylan Crowder 1 DE
1 S25 Steven Wadham 1 S
1 S25 Teddy Utterstruzen 1 S
1 S26 A.J Lucas 1 LB
1 S26 Caven McRae 1 S
1 S26 Derek Wildstar 1 S
1 S26 Evan Jones 1 S
1 S26 Lalo Salamanca 1 OFlex
1 S26 Ryan Negs 1 QB
1 S27 Armando Galarraga 1 K 1 P
1 S27 Candice D. Fitinyomouf 1 DT
1 S27 Giovanni Bianchi 1 C
1 S27 HeHateMe PickSix II 1 ST
1 S27 James Wilkinson 1 TE
1 S27 Jason Bradshaw 1 DT
1 S27 SparkySparky Boom-man 1 S
1 S28 Anton Bruckner 1 CB
1 S28 Chathack’rius Smith IV 1 S
1 S28 Luke Quick 1 WR
1 S28 Makoa Mahiʻai 1 CB
1 S28 Remus Roman 1 S
1 S28 Siege Cameron 1 CB
1 S28 Tim Soulja 1 CB
1 S28 Troy Abed 1 ST
1 S29 Ivan Toastovich 1 FB
1 S29 Quinton Crash 1 WR
1 S30 Cliff Burton 1 OFlex
1 S30 Dominos Pizzaman 1 DT
1 S30 Dustin Parmelee 1 QB
1 S30 Jason Garciaparra 1 DE
1 S30 Jax Baker 1 FB
1 S30 Konstantin Selich 1 LB
1 S30 Madison Beer 1 G
1 S30 Mason Malone 1 OFlex
1 S30 Miles Weperom 1 S
1 S30 Owen Reed 1 CB
1 S30 Pepelegs Johnson 1 Tackle
1 S30 Squidward Tentacles 1 ST
1 S30 Stewart Hellraiser 1 C
1 S30 Tron Carter 1 QB
1 S31 Ikick Ballz 1 K
1 S31 Jay Spears 1 S
1 S31 Jaycee Higgins 1 WR
1 S31 Kotoni Staggs 1 WR
1 S31 Marquees Acho Jr. 1 Guard
1 S31 Morpheus Czargyros 1 DE
1 S31 Tessie Garciaparra 1 S
1 S31 Tony Demonson 1 CB
1 S32 A Kicker 1 Guard
1 S32 Beeg Beeg Yoshi 1 Guard
1 S32 Lance Witt 1 S
1 S32 Rocky Rhoads 1 S
1 S32 Spicy Ron 1 LB
1 S33 Dax Dangerfield 1 CB
1 S33 Kaguya Shinomiya 1 S
1 S33 Nick Flint 1 LB
1 S34 Bageshwari Singh 1 QB
1 S34 Ian Cole III 1 K
1 S34 Michael Patrick Porkins 1 FB
1 S34 Rumble Ronson 1 OLB
1 S34 Tom Taylor 1 S
1 S35 Art Deco 1 CB
1 S35 Calvin Spiff 1 ST
1 S35 Eeeeeeee phenssta 1 WR
1 S35 Jack McPherson 1 ILB
1 S36 Aqeel Steele 1 OLB
1 S36 Dennis Rodman 1 C
1 S36 Fred Edison 1 OLB
1 S36 Jeremy Crouse Jr. 1 K
1 S36 Nathan Meagher 1 Tackle
1 S36 Octavio Pérez 1 WR
1 S36 Quendyn Quarterstorm 1 CB
1 S36 Xavier Valorian 1 DE
1 S36 Zamir Kehla Jr. 1 CB
1 S37 Bay Webb 1 OLB
1 S37 Charlie Thorsen 1 CB
1 S37 Inspector Gadget 1 S
1 S37 Known Acquaintance 1 K
1 S37 Matthew Mara 1 WR
1 S37 Monty Ward 1 ILB
1 S38 Caleb Hayden 1 ILB
1 S38 Casino Robin 1 CB
1 S38 Painted Penguin 1 QB
1 S38 Sledge Hammer 1 LB
1 S38 Tank McGibbons 1 ILB
1 S39 Apollo Program 1 CB
1 S39 Mario Moloka’i 1 ILB
1 S39 Maxwell Jacob Friedman 1 LB
1 S39 Waylen Greene 1 ILB
1 S40 Fronky Fresh 1 CB
1 S40 Iosefa Fuamatu-Ma’afala 1 DE
1 S40 Kairo Knight 1 WR
1 S41 . The Riddler 1 CB
1 S41 Bob Kickerson 1 K
1 S41 Brian Vincent-Vega 1 S
1 S41 Burnt Toast 1 IOL
1 S41 Craig Brand 1 OLB
1 S41 King Dedede 1 ILB
1 S41 Modest Mussorgsky 1 IOL
1 S41 Wolfie McDummy Jr. 1 QB
1 S42 Bruce Talis 1 IOL
1 S42 Dan Dandrews 1 DE
1 S42 Eliot Bukowski 1 K 1 P
1 S42 Federico Americano 1 ILB
1 S42 Josh Patterson 1 Qb
1 S42 Luigi Numberone 1 CB
1 S42 Mike Gesicki 1 OLB
1 S42 National Treasure 1 WR 1 ST
1 S42 Octavion Speedings 1 QB
1 S42 Zisia Ojeisndiwoseodj 1 IOL
1 S43 Bubba Hog 1 ILB
1 S43 Jay Cue III 1 QB
1 S43 La’Fluke Paris-Johnson 1 TE
1 S43 Norman Smiley 1 OLB
1 S43 Robert Green 1 S
1 S43 Sam Mercury 1 WR
1 S43 Sean Aldrich 1 FB
1 S43 Spruce Willis 1 ST
1 S44 Carter Goad 1 DT
1 S44 Crazy Tomato 1 DE
1 S44 Jamie Orion 1 S
1 S44 Joe Bazooka 1 ILB
1 S44 Jordan Bamford 1 WR
1 S44 Scott Junior 1 S
1 S44 Thomas Passarelli 1 WR
1 S44 Thor Bǫllrsveifla 1 QB
1 S44 Trent Thigpen 1 CB
1 S45 Fin-Jeremy Har-Dur 1 IOL
1 S45 Juran Riley 1 ILB
1 S45 Master Chief 1 K
1 S45 Neil Bonnet 1 TE
1 S45 Paul Edgecomb 1 S
1 S45 Siri Kjellström 1 ILB
1 S46 Billy Ennair 1 IOL
1 S46 D’Jasper Probincrux IV 1 DE
1 S46 Jack Sloth 1 P
1 S46 Lasse Zeigler 1 S
1 S46 Oxford Comma 1 ILB
1 S47 Swantavius Stack 1 T
1 S47 Tim Riggins 1 WR
1 S47 Tyler Higbee II 1 TE
1 S48 Acutiramus Bohemius 1 IOL
1 S48 Caleb TheGEICOCamel 1 S
1 S48 Gusztáv Farkas 1 IOL
1 S48 Leonardo Da Pinchi 1 S

Which Draft Class is the Best Draft Class?
Table 3. Classes Sorted by Total Players with a Pro Bowl and Table 4. Classes Sorted by Total Pro Bowls
[Image: Table3_and_4-pdf.png?ex=6695adc3&is=6694...6c3357e81&]

It would be easy to end my media here and declare the S01 Draft Class the best given the above tables. However, I won’t take the easy payout because I am jobless and would like the extra media money why shouldn't we overanalyze everything in this league? This journey will be a lot, and honestly, I am not even sure if it makes any sense logically or mathematically, but I hope you enjoy all the tables. The S01 Class is the third largest draft class in league history. Of course, they should be near the top of the list for most Pro Bowls. So which draft classes did well based on the size of the draft class?

Table 5. Draft Class Sorted by % of Players with a Pro Bowl
(The first row is S01. I have no idea how it was cleared when converting the file to png)
Graph 1. % of Players with a Pro Bowl by Draft Class
[Image: of_class_with_PB-pdf.png?ex=6695b0a9&is=...fb5b3ee27&][Image: players_in_class_with_PB_vs._Class_graph...ffc25e3bf&]
Again the S01 Class Pro Bowl resume improves, as the S01 has an impressive 62% of the class earning at least one Pro Bowl. The next highest is the S11 class with 51% of players with a Pro Bowl. The S01 has such a high percentage because those players didn’t have to compete with players of previous draft classes. Like, could you imagine if the S49 Pro Bowl was comprised of only S49 players, that is how the S01 Pro Bowl would have looked. That is 64 Pro Bowls automatically given to S01 players, 22.9% of the class' total Pro Bowls. As the league ages, we see a steady decline from S01’s 62% and S11’s 51% down to an average of 24.6% over nine seasons from S36-S44. I selected these seasons for the average because looking at Graph 1 we see the rate for the youngest classes is consistently at or less than 2 with S43 being the oldest active class still under 2. And 9 seasons feels like a good cut off point. Regarding the class sizes used to calculate the percentages, class sizes were summed using a downloaded Player Tracker csv. Admittedly Table 5 and Graph 1 are slightly incorrect for a couple of reasons. The first is that the Tracker provides a list of all players including those under 57 TPE who were not officially drafted, but I think this balances out as this rule was not in place until I believe after the S22 class. The second reason was mentioned during the beginning of the media, and I will explain and explore further down below.

The real question remains: are these values expected for each individual class? And is there a metric that could be used to determine what the expected value is, and if a draft class over or underperformed those values? The obvious metric to use is TPE. TPE provides us with an easy way to quantify how skilled every single player is in comparison to every other player. I believe it is reasonably logical to say that those players who earn the most TPE during their careers will have the most opportunities to earn a Pro Bowl because their players would be more skilled than their peers and have longer careers than those with less TPE. Perhaps, the S11 Class earned an incredible 51% because the class composition was made of primarily recreates who all reached a high TPE level, and thus had a high skill level to out compete their peers for stats and Pro Bowls. Changing classes, S22 and S27 have the same percentage of players to make a Pro Bowl despite vastly different class sizes. Maybe S22 overperformed expectations because so many of those players did not reach a significant amount of TPE, while S27 underperformed expectations. So, I investigated what is the rate for prospects over 250 TPE to have a Pro Bowl. I selected 250 TPE because that is the DSFL TPE Maximum Rule. My goal is to determine if a specific Draft Class over or underperformed Pro Bowl appearance expectations based on how many players in said Draft Class earned over 250 TPE.

I have no method to determine the exact amount of TPE a player had when they won a Pro Bowl. However, the Tracker does mark the Highest TPE amount a player reaches. For rest of this media, nearly any and all TPE values is in the context of "Highest TPE". I can use Highest TPE to see if any players in our Pro Bowl list never earned over 250 TPE. I began by counting the number of players in each draft class to reach a TPE amount greater than 250. However, I encountered the issue with TPE the Tracker that I mentioned at the beginning of this media, the history of TPE earnings for the early classes is not well documented. According to the Tracker, only 49 of 292 players in Draft Classes S01-S03 reached over 250 TPE, a rate of 16.7%. In comparison, the lowest rate since S15 is the S17 Class at 28%. This poses an issue, how many classes before S15 does this affect? Comparing the number of players the Tracker documented reaching 250+ TPE vs the number of players to earn a Pro Bowl, we should expect the difference to be under 1 every time. This is to say, there are always more players who earn over 250 TPE than the number of players who earned at least one Pro Bowl. Unless it is a Draft Class before S15 which is expected given the lack of TPE tracking for those classes. There should not be a specific cut off point for when draft classes rise above 1, it should be a gradual shift from S15 down to S01, this is because the seasons closer to S15 had players play past S15 and would have been recorded in the Tracker. As we get closer to S01, the number of players to have played in S15 will gradually decrease down to zero, which will be reflected in the difference between players over 250 TPE and players with a Pro Bowl.

Table 6. Draft Classes with Players Highest TPE Over 250 according to Tracker. (Again the first row is S01, now idea how it gets cleared when saving to png)(fourth unnamed column is the rate of 250+ players over total players. 
And Table 7. Draft Classes with Players with Pro Bowl divided by Players Over 250 (oh look S01 text is now back where it should be :angryface: )
[Image: Player.250-pdf.png?ex=6695be34&is=66946c...64e53b6d0&][Image: 250.PBrate-pdf.png?ex=6695bfe4&is=66946e...a4e758c9a&]

We get very nearly exactly what we expected… except for Draft Class S17. I found not one. I found not two. I found three players from the S17 Class who made a Pro Bowl with a Highest TPE under 250. There was Ronald “The Watt” Watkins at 243 TPE – okay so he was just shy of the cutoff. There was Kicky Bobby at 128 TPE – okay I should have known there would be a few kickers out there to reach Pro Bowl below 250 TPE. The third player, also a Kicker, was Joshua Jones II who topped out at 84 TPE.

So I compiled a list of Pro Bowlers whose Highest TPE is under 250. However, as discussed there are problems with how the Tracker has recorded the TPE history of the oldest draft classes. The list of Pro Bowlers under 250 is 99 players, but several of those players actually earned more than 250 but are not reflected as such by the Tracker. Three examples of this are the following players Jogn Floggity (144 in Tracker/359 actually), Ricky Maddox (157 in Tracker/625 actually), and Hall of Famer Trey Willie (243 in Tracker/1261 actually). I attempted to find the update threads of players to confirm if they surpassed 250 or not. Sadly I found several player update threads are moved to parts of the forum I do not have permission to view, such as 4x Pro Bowler S01 player Shane Weston. However, I did figure out a back door which proved faster and easier than attempting to look up the update pages of every player. I have access to all of the Regression posts. Looking at the S08 regression list we can estimate Shane had reached 670 TPE. I did this for every Pro Bowl player from S01 to S14 whose Highest TPE was less than 250 according to the Tracker. If the player did not appear in the regression list I assumed they already retired at the TPE amount recorded in the Tracker. I made the same assumption for any player in the Auto Retired list of a regression post. This cut our list of players under 250 TPE from 99 to 61. There are another 6 Pro Bowlers who I was never able to find a TPE value for: Ethan Hunt, Chibudem Okonkwo, Christiano Ronaldo, Luke Luechly, Tim Pest, Shjon Finkenlarken.

Table 8 Pro Bowl Players under 250. and Table 9 Draft Classes Total Pro Bowl Players under 250.
[Image: PB_player.250-pdf.png?ex=6695e793&is=669...fa3d0a1d3&] [Image: draft_class_players.250-pdf.png?ex=6695e...7719de86c&]

Congrats to S01 player Break Bottles for being the player with the most Pro Bowls while earning the fewest TPE. Returning to the goal of quantifying an expected number of Pro Bowlers from each Draft Class based on the number of players to exceed 250 TPE, I needed to reliably estimate the number of players in the older draft classes to earn over 250 TPE. As S10 is the oldest draft class (apart from S17) to be under 1 in Table 7, and S48 is the most recent Pro Bowl, I took both the average and median rate of Players Over 250 vs Draft Class size for S10-S48 in Table 6, both the average and median equaled 0.48. I multiplied the Draft Class size of S01-S09 by 0.48 getting an adjusted count of players over 250 TPE.

Table 10 Adjusted count of S01-S09 Players over 250.
[Image: adjusted_players_o250-pdf.png?ex=6695ec0...0120c9992&]

Using these adjusted values, plus the true values for S10-S48, I divided them by the draft class size to get the rate of players over 250 for each class. I took the difference of those rates to the rate of Pro Bowl players for each class. A positive number indicates the draft class is over performed Pro Bowl expectations. A negative number indicates the draft class underperformed expectations. It shouldn’t be a surprise that S48 and S47 have the lowest values. As the most recent classes eligible for the Pro Bowl, they have far more players exceeding 250 TPE than players with Pro Bowls. Conversely, S01 and S17 are the only seasons with positive numbers, both classes had more players earning Pro Bowls than there were players exceeding 250 TPE. Both classes benefited from several players under 250 TPE unexpectedly earning a Pro Bowl(s).

Tabe 11 Draft Classes by Expectations
[Image: PBs_over_250-pdf.png?ex=6695ef0d&is=6694...de81e6f47&]

However, remember when I mentioned the S01 Class had an entire Pro Bowl to themselves without competition? If for some silly reason, we decided to remove each S01 Pro Bowl Player whose Highest TPE never passed 250, the S01 Draft Class’s Expectation rate would decrease to -0.01, giving S17 the sole honor of having more Pro Bowlers than Players over 250 TPE.

RE: History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - JuOSu - 07-15-2024

Amazing post, appreciate the shoutout and also the update!

RE: History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - DREAMSLOTH - 07-15-2024

So, what we're really saying is that S36 was the best draft class. Got it.

RE: History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - Ulaire - 07-16-2024

(07-15-2024, 10:12 AM)DREAMSLOTH Wrote: So, what we're really saying is that S36 was the best draft class. Got it.

RE: History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - Baron1898 - 07-16-2024

good work!

RE: History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - slate - 07-16-2024

(07-15-2024, 10:12 AM)DREAMSLOTH Wrote: So, what we're really saying is that S36 was the best draft class. Got it.

And that Leandre Diarra is the best player in the best draft class, I agree. Especially among those with Marcel Reece renders.

RE: History of Pro Bowls, S48 edition - DREAMSLOTH - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 05:42 PM)slate Wrote:
(07-15-2024, 10:12 AM)DREAMSLOTH Wrote: So, what we're really saying is that S36 was the best draft class. Got it.

And that Leandre Diarra is the best player in the best draft class, I agree. Especially among those with Marcel Reece renders.

Well hey now, we'll just have to let the HOF committee be the judge of that, now won't we..