International Simulation Football League
(S50) Late Joiner Thread - Printable Version

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(S50) Late Joiner Thread - wizard_literal - 08-19-2024

(S50) Late Joiner TPE Thread
The Late Joiner TPE system in place to help users that create their player after the Trade Deadline, catch up on TPE missed during the Season. How this will work is, there will be 6 prompts, 1 for each week post Trade Deadline. For each prompt you have two options for word count. You may write at least 50 words for 7 TPE or at least 150 words for 10 TPE. I.e. if you were eligible for 2 prompts, you could write two 50 word prompts for 14 TPE, two 150 word prompts for 20 TPE, or one 50 word prompt and one 150 word prompt for a combined 17 TPE. The amount of prompts that you are allowed to complete will correspond with the week of your player's creation. This is only open for players entering the Season 51 ISFL Draft. The deadline to complete this is the start of the ISFL playoff stream.

To get this graded, a PPT Team Member will go through and edit your post, either approving or denying it, and once that has happened, you may link it to your update thread for the appropriate amount of TPE. There is no partial TPE for a prompt.

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?
- As a newly created player, was the experience intuitive? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the experience of getting started in our league?
- Write a letter to any perspective GMs that may be interested in picking you up in the upcoming draft(or waivers). What makes you stand out?
- The ISFL has quite a few branding amongst its two leagues. Which branding are your favorite? Which are your least favorite?
- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
- Talk about your player number and if it means anything special to you

In your response, make sure to include your player page to confirm when you created your player.
Week 1: 08/19 - 08/25 - Eligible for 7-10 TPE (1 Prompt)
Week 2: 08/26 - 09/01 - Eligible for 14-20 TPE (2 Prompts)
Week 3: 09/02 - 09/08 - Eligible for 21-30 TPE (3 Prompts)
Week 4: 09/09 - 09/15 - Eligible for 28-40 TPE (4 Prompts)
Week 5: 09/16 - 09/22 - Eligible for 35-50 TPE (5 Prompts)
Week 6: 09/23 - 09/29 - Eligible for 42-60 TPE (6 Prompts)

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - RoyRivers - 08-25-2024

What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

My favorite part so far is disbelief that this league exists. This is the Dungeons and Dragons guy that is also a big fan of American Football and Fantasy Football dream. I'm excited to see how things are going to shape out with my character. Right now I'm not fully immersed yet, with all the new ideas, the ISFL, the DSFL, the waivers, the draft, the Prospects Bowl, still very confused, but I'll keep reading, doing tasks and figure it out. I'm very surprised with the world building aspect you guys put into this, and look forward to unveil it. Curious how all the players/characters interact and how the Teams are being run. Is it all AI/computer auto generated on DRAFT DAY engine, or is it real people, or is it a bit of both? So many questions. But all in all, I'm enjoying my experience very much and even though it's all text-based, it's very clear cut on what to do and what steps to follow.

Roy Rivers - created Aug 25th

@RoyRivers 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - 18situaseans - 08-25-2024

Week 1 - Quincy Robinson

What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

Well, I’m not new to the league. I’m a recreate, previous player Sean Robinson. My favorite part of the league is probably the community and how friendly everyone is. I almost feel like an asset to the league for once. The games are very fun to watch, it’s exciting seeing your team and player go to work on the gridiron. There are many users who have helped me over the past year and there are too many of them to shoutout so I’ll just name a few. RussDrivesTheBus was the first to help me out in the DSFL, along with Thor. They both helped me get settled in when I first joined. Now since I’m a veteran, I don’t need much guidance on how to create my player. My GMs in New York, Wizard and Repgnar were also very helpful when I was drafted to the ISFL. From upgrades all the way to regression.

@18situaseans 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - anuragb - 08-28-2024

What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

Hi All!

As a long-time NFL and fantasy Football fan, it was nice to see a sim league where you can create your players and follow their journey, like Superstar Mode in Madden NFL 25 or RTG College Football 25.
I have done PBE Sim, the baseball equivalent of this type of game, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so I thought I would join ISFL as well.

So far, ISFL is very similar to PBE Sim in terms of the various PT tasks to gain TPE and tasks and things to do to achieve balance, and the community is great!
I was confused about looking back at previous videos of Sims from seasons. Where is the commentary? I see that you guys use Discord Voice Channels for this part. This is great, considering you are using YouTube for your live streams. Maybe a suggestion? (Put that somewhere unless it was mentioned and I missed it.)

Like I did in PBE Sim, where I based my player on a real-life athlete, I did the same here. I looked through the positions already being used across DSFL and ISFL and found there are many offensive players, so I decided to go with a defensive player.
Then I went through my favourite players I have watched over the years, and there was one standout—Bobby Wagner, a Seahawks Legend! He is a great, intelligent Linebacker who can read the offensive team's game plan quickly and react quickly to get to his spots to either stop the pass from the quarterback or the run from RB/FB. That is the player I based my new LB, Ethan Shadow Jr.
I hope to emulate Wagner's career and leave a lasting legacy in ISFL!

Over the last couple of days, as I created my player last Friday, I have gotten tons of help from various people. I want to point out some of them. These include DC, Wileh, Thurmy Waters, ACnicalGamer, and Austin.

I am also surprised that I am such a new player but was able to complete many rookie tasks. Many people have already scouted me for the next DSFL draft. These include Kirby, Sol Majestic, MTA, DC, and ACnicalGamer. I expect more once I and others see my player in action for the first time this week in the Prospect Bowl.
I am looking forward to that!

It's a great start to my ISFL journey, and I hope to see how it plays out!

Ethan Shadow Jr. - created August 23rd

@anuragb 10 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - Hepha - 08-28-2024

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users who have really helped you get involved?

There are a few things I really like about the league so far! First, I really enjoy the style of a simulation league like this! I've never done one before this, and while I'm still learning, it's super unique compared to any other games I've played. The layout is pretty easy to learn and use, and the tpe and cash system is pretty simple while still of course working well. As of when I'm writing this I watched the prospect bowl about an hour and a half ago, and it really is super fun to see your player play! (Not to brag, but I got a pick in the end zone, so...)
The community has been super friendly and helpful so far (especially some of the scouts, even if they may just be trying to get on my good side, lol). As for some people that have helped me so far, as I said some of the scouts have been really helpful, and to name a few in the DSFL discord who have answered some of my questions, DigDoug, Thor and Willeh have answered some there.  

I really could've written more, but I shortened it since it was already pretty long lol

- Talk about your player number and if it means anything special to you

For the meaning of the number I picked (21) I actually did a bit of research to choose. I wanted to keep it a bit realistic as cb's can only wear 0-49 in the nfl, so this is what made me choose it. 
Number one, it was the number Deion Sanders wore, who if you don't know is a genuine living legend who played corner.
Number two, the number 21 means perfection in the Hinduism holy scriptures. While I don't personally practice Hinduism, I appreciate the meaning of the number in it and like to think the meaning could hold significance on the football field. Number three, the number 21 as an angel number is connected with luck, financial stability, success, "greater satisfaction" and "personal elevation" (Yes, I took those specific ones from Google but they were part of the reason I choose it), again, I like to think all of those things would be true for my player (I mean, the first three already are if he's playing football professionally...). And yes, I truly am crazy enough to research all of this for a jersey number in a game I wasn't even sure if I was going to continue playing at the time.

I'm not sure of the exact word counts for either, but I know their both above 150.

@Hepha 20 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - scamps - 08-30-2024

two prompts 50 words (14-20TPE)

- What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?
Ive liked the community so far, everyone is so chill and they are helpful. Ive had help from DC and a few different people from the Norfolk seawolves team and London pythons.
on top of this I'm a huge football fan. I broke my arm in the 8th grade so It removed me from being able to play in high school which was really unfortunate. But I still was sidelined and cheered on my team anyways (we were never really good but I just liked being there).

- Talk about what inspired your players name and any meaning behind it
well, Ive always went with the name scamps from way back in my Edge of the empire (starwars D&D) campaign where I played the medic of the group and just wanted to make friends with friend of foe regardless of who they were. the john part is just because I didn't really know what I was getting into and wanted a little bit of anonymity jumping feet first into it as I was a little hesitant in joining at first.
but so far everyone has been so nice and Its fun talking to everyone.

@scamps 14 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - IR15H0000000000 - 08-31-2024

Two 150 Word Prompts

Player Number

Brick Wall's number has multiple facets to it, with his number being 76. First, its a
large double digit, which as someone who played line in real life, it just makes sense. No good lineman worth his salt would be
caught dead with a small number. Small numbered lineman are just small in spirit heart. The second facet is that 76 is the
atomic number for Osmium, which is the densest naturally occurring element on Earth. With
Brick's aspirations to become an impenetrable wall on the defensive line, this seemed to match
that goal perfectly. The only other potential candidate for Brick Wall's number would have been 99. This would be shared with the
real life best DT in NFL history (in my opinion), Arron Donald. I chose not to do that though because it seemed corny and I want
Brick wall to make his own path in the league.

New Player Experience

I will say that finding this community was not easy as the only reason I found it was I was
recommended the draft live stream on YouTube randomly. To improve recruitment, I would recommend
adding a video on the main channel explaining exactly what this community is as I only looked into
it because a literally traffic cone was drafted and I just had to learn more. The YouTube page just
seemed a little barren to me. Once I joined the discord though, the experience became more intuitive
as the rookie mentors were very helpful with recommending resources to help with understanding what
to do and how to do it. The ISFL Rookie Tutorial playlist on YouTube and DSFL Rookie Visual Guide
were especially helpful as it gave visuals to the confusing layout of the forum. I only say it is
confusing as I am not experienced in using forums.

Brick Wall - Created Aug 31st

@IR15H0000000000 20 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.

RE: (S50) Late Joiner Thread - Kilowat - 08-31-2024

Two 150 word prompts for 20 points. 

What is your favorite part of the league so far and are there any users that have really helped you get involved?

My favorite part of the league so far has to be this community. Ive done alot of online hobbies before but I have never really seen a community as passtionate and friendly as this one. The fact that this league is even a thing really brings me so much joy. Ive been a sports nerd my entire life but the older I got the more I started to lose that spark and joy I had for sports when I was younger. This league brings that back X100. So thank you guys for just being a thing and for being you. To just pick a few users that helped me is really hard since everyine that is active has really being so helpful and supportive in me getting my feet wet. But the people Ive had the pleasure of talking extensively with so far in dms are Dev0, Sonic, lyles, kirby and Willeh. 

Write a letter to any perspective GMs that may be interested in picking you up in the upcoming draft(or waivers). What makes you stand out?

I think the main thing that makes me stand out is just the fanactical passion I have for things I love. This league scratches an itch i could never reach and its all i can think about all day at work. It seems where GMs get burnt is drafting players who become inactive. That would be something you would never have to worry about with me. Im a huge talker and the fact that i can be a high earner for just talking is a match made in heaven. 
One other thing that would make me stand out is Im willing to be a team player. I know not every team needs a RB but every team could use a high earner so Im definitely down to switch positions for the greater good of the team! Really just excited to see where my first team/home will be and excited as heck for the my first season!

null +null

@Kilowat 20 TPE earned! To claim your TPE link this post to your update thread.