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*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - DELIRIVM - 10-22-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]8. Baltimore Hawks

[Image: ZVXRwKg.png][/div]

Carter: Neither of us were contacted by Baltimore so I guess the lack of interest is mutual.

Fulton: Not a single message or attempt to contact me. The team has some solid defensive players and made it to the finals this season. But I think the ability to add two solid defensive pieces to their group would make them an even more deadly team. Too bad because they might have had a real chance if they paid us any mind.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]7. San Jose SaberCats

[Image: y0YMZqF.png][/div]

Carter: I wasn't even contacted by the Cats so I imagine they have no room for me or are simply not interested in my services.

Fulton: GM CK and one of his players Weston reached out to me about the possibility of both of us joining the Cats. I think the team is a bit stacked in the secondary and I think their loaded secondary might not give Carter as much time on the field he would really like. I know that they really need a MLB and that could really be good for me but this is a tandem deal and I want both Carter and I to feel comfortable wherever we go.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]6. Colorado Yeti

[Image: PEiOhGL.png][/div]

Carter: I just feel like they sent me a message because they had to. No real interest or anything. I don't think the team improved in ways that look appealing to me either.

Fulton: When I asked for a trade out of Colorado it was for a change of scenery. I was involved with the Yeti their year of inception and S1 was a very magical season for me. But I believe at this time I just need to find a place that’s not the Yeti for the time being. The team is doing some great things and I can see them succeeding in the future. But I don’t know if right now they are a place I want to commit time to playing again. I wish them all the best.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]5. Orange County Otters

[Image: uJOPm8q.png][/div]

Carter: Orange County had a pretty interesting message for me but they were in the bunch of teams I referred to as "those who needed to do a lot to convince me" and I'm afraid that won't be enough. They have some amazing players on their roster, for sure. I mean, who wouldn't want to be on the same team as Angus Winchester? But in the end, I'm not sure their locker room is a good fit for me.

Fulton: Much like Carter said above, Orange County seems like a team we might do well on but it might not be the glove-like-fit that we are looking for at the moment. We are looking for a true home and there is some deep ingrained thoughts about OC that I just can’t get over at this point. I know that’s all S1/S2 type stuff and there are some absolutely great people in the LR like Winchester, Phelps, Westfield, and quite a number of others. But they just aren’t the best fit out there. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t be convinced to be part of them team at some point.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]4. Philadelphia Liberty

[Image: 4TTCIu0.png][/div]

Carter: The Liberty had by far the best pitch of all the teams. I've been interested in playing for them for a while, and before I was traded, I was kinda hoping I would end up there because I really liked the way the team was managed and looked moving forward. My only issue is that they seem only interested in Wyatt to get me, because they know we are a 2-for-1 deal. They have no room for a linebacker and asking a potential linebacker of the year to switch positions just to get a cornerback doesn’t make sense. If I was alone in this, I probably would've went with them, because the PM they sent me was everything I was looking for. Also, I’m pretty much drooling just thinking about how deadly a duo with me and Tyler Oles would be. They impressed me and who knows, maybe someday, we'll sign with them.

Fulton: Again what Philippe said about Philadelphia is correct. Being approached and told that they like me as a person but don’t have room for me on the team just immediately made 99% of my interest fly out the window. I know my activity has waned a bit since S2 but I have a lot of upside and I think my production on the field has shown that I can get it done in any position in the linebacking corps. I wanted a place to want me for the player I am and they would be rewarded with a real steal - a LB of the Year Contender returning to full activity. But alas, the first thing I was asked is if I would be okay swapping to another position. I am sorry Philadelphia but if I switch positions I want to be the one suggesting it. I am all for helping a team fill their open spots but being thrown a bone just to fill your biggest need really doesn’t inspire any confidence in the general managers. I understand that Philippe would be an amazing fit in the Liberty and that’s why Philly is number four on this list. But if I was making it you’d be bottom two. I don’t know if not being contacted or being humored is worse. Either way. I won’t go to this team. If Philippe thinks it’s the best for him to go to Philly, I would support him 100% but at current with the tandem deal we are working with right now. Guess this is a big no.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]2B. Arizona Outlaws

[Image: Lqz4U0d.png][/div]

Carter: They have been great teammates and helped me win a championship. They may very well win the title next season again. But my problem is that I don't have a lot in common with most of the guys and I didn't talk to them a lot until I became a free agent and they tried bringing me back. I want to have a lot of fun with my teammates and only discussing the game all the time is not the topic that interests me the most. Again, great team, great teammates, anyone who goes there will be super lucky. But I don't know if this is the environment I'm looking for at the moment. I hope I'm not burning any bridges with them because as I said, I enjoyed my time with them and I can never thank them enough for trading for me, even if they probably had a championship winning team even before I joined them.

Fulton: Arizona is quite attractive for a load of reasons. I think their management team is elite as can be. They have stars at every position and they are aligning to be one of the best teams in S4 yet again. I think if we signed here there would be a VERY GOOD chance that we would win a championship and help Arizona four-peat. I am very open to becoming an Outlaw and I think that the locker room would come pretty close to fitting me like a glove. There are rumors that they would have a very open position for both me and Carter. The only problem I have is that joining a team on the top of the mountain looks like I am not willing to struggle through the hard times to reach the ultimate goal. I am not a ring chaser and I want to be on a team where I love the people and the people there love me. This could very well happen in Arizona as well. Choosing to go to this team is one hell of a struggle. All I know is that Carter told me the team is very goal oriented.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]2A. Yellowknife Wraiths

[Image: aboz4lL.png][/div]

Carter: Wyatt told me nothing but great things about their locker room. They seem like a fun bunch, and they look like a pretty strong team, too. He feels the same loyalty to them that I feel for the Outlaws, which is why it's tough to decide which team of those two we'd rather join for now.

Fulton: Ah. The Yellowknife Wraiths. This team has a bit of a story. Starting out as a Colorado Yeti with a management job, I absolutely despised this team. They were our #1 enemy and I thought the entire team was guys I would never get along with in my entire time in the NSFL. Right before Season 3 started I was moved to the team for Daybe. I joined the Wraiths and man was I surprised by just how friendly the group was from the get-go. Their GM Bzerkap is a standup guy and someone who I now consider a friend. He’s always willing to work with you and takes a mature approach to building the team. The guys in the LR all were very supportive and wanted to have fun. I have come to have a fond place in my heart for the team and the players on the team. I feel great loyalty to the Wraiths and what they did to bring me in for S3. I had my best year in the league in Yellowknife and I was surrounded by selfless players. Right now one of my hardest choices is leaving YKW for somewhere else because I don’t want to feel like I robbed them of a piece for their future. But at this moment the most important thing to me is that Carter and I find a place to play together where we both can flourish. Yellowknife could be that place. Especially considering they have gaping holes for us at both of our positions. Huge shoutout to all the Wraiths. Whatever happens in Free Agency I want you all to know you’re great people and I was happy to play with you.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]1. Las Vegas Legion

[Image: e7AS6Bp.png][/div]

Carter: They suck. No doubt about it. They have a somewhat shitty reputation, too, I'm not even going to argue about that. But man, when I look at who they have on the team, I just know I'll have a blast. Wallace Stone is one of my best friends I've never played with, I know Jon Ross pretty well, Alexandre Leclair too, Vinny Cox is great, and they are trying to bring other interesting free agents as well or so I've heard. Their new general managers Connor Tanner and Ardie Savea also look like great people. Both Wyatt and I are excited about this team and hope we can be the first elements in changing their image and contribute to make them a playoff team.

Fulton: Las Vegas is in transition. A team that has a bright future but going through a rough patch at the moment. I’ve never been one to go the easy route. I’ve suffered injuries and played on smaller schools. I have spent much of my looking to prove people wrong. Las Vegas gives the chance to do that from the start. A team that has suffered some difficult seasons actually attracts me. The Legion have some of the best personnel around the league. The players on the team are the biggest selling point. Even if my numbers aren’t spectacular, the wins aren’t piling up, and the pundits don’t see us as a threat; as long as I am having fun in the locker room - everything will be okay. Much like Carter said above, the Legion have a plan and their plan is to field a competitive team sooner than later. Having both of us sign in Sin City accelerates this plan and may help them acquire other free agents that would help solidify the weak parts of the team. Las Vegas seems like a great place to play and right now I would put them as my number one choice in Free Agency.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]If anyone has questions for us, please feel free to ask us below. I understand this is not a presser section but we are fine with answering questions in this thread. Haha.[/div]

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - enigmatic - 10-22-2017

ok so to be fair, the cats did PM me but I didn't see their message before I wrote my parts.

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - Keyg_an - 10-22-2017

Holy fuck. Let's go Legion. LVL

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - kckolbe - 10-22-2017

Wow, this was an amazing write up.

I hadn't talked to Carter at all since I knew the Wraiths would be interested and didn't want to seem like a recruiter. I am a big fan of the Zone CB build and think it is highly underrated in its interception potential. The possibility of being on a team with a fast CB like Lavelle and playmaker like Carter is so exciting that I wouldn't even mind being the #3 DB on the team. One of the nice things about my build is that I can play at S if needed. Fulton will attest that I don't need to be featured to be happy.

As for Fulton, I completely empathized with his frustration with stats, and promised him at the beginning of the season that we would set him up. I feel like we delivered on that and showed we valued him in our system. Granted, we had some struggles last year due to needing a co-GM, but that has been well ironed out.

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - Gooney - 10-22-2017

oh my

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - Zoone16 - 10-22-2017


We basically the SHL team on the NSFL at this point :lol:

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - timeconsumer - 10-22-2017

(10-22-2017, 06:02 PM)incitehysteria Wrote:Carter: Orange County had a pretty interesting message for me but they were in the bunch of teams I referred to as "those who needed to do a lot to convince me" and I'm afraid that won't be enough. They have some amazing players on their roster, for sure. I mean, who wouldn't want to be on the same team as Angus Winchester? But in the end, I'm not sure their locker room is a good fit for me.

Fulton: Much like Carter said above, Orange County seems like a team we might do well on but it might not be the glove-like-fit that we are looking for at the moment. We are looking for a true home and there is some deep ingrained thoughts about OC that I just can’t get over at this point. I know that’s all S1/S2 type stuff and there are some absolutely great people in the LR like Winchester, Phelps, Westfield, and quite a number of others. But they just aren’t the best fit out there. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t be convinced to be part of them team at some point.

If you'd like to PM me I'd be interested to hear what your concerns are.

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - Evok - 10-22-2017


You both would look good in Yellow Wink (and you are also one of the few people that make me comment in media that isnt to defent my player that everyone called scrub lmao)

LVL LVL LVL :towel:

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - kckolbe - 10-22-2017

(10-22-2017, 03:20 PM)Evok Wrote:YES THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE !!
(and you are also one of the few people that make me comment in media that isnt to defent my player that everyone called scrub lmao)

Huh? You had a solid rookie year. Hell, I have you in my top 50 for S3 (admittedly, at the bottom).

*Philippe Carter & Wyatt Fulton Talk Free Agency - ErMurazor - 10-22-2017