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Make contracts have more value - Printable Version

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Make contracts have more value - jaskins811 - 10-25-2017


So it is apparent that contracts have almost no value, just look at the Outlaws roster, almost everyone on the team is on a minimum contract. This hurts the league severely because it allows super teams to form so easily, such as the Outlaws. This sucks for parity in the league and is bad for recruiting new members. People will not want to stay on the site if they have zero chance of winning ever.

So my very rough sketch of an idea right now is to allow teams to give out contracts in free agency with TPE added to them. It would have to be a 3+ year contract for a player to earn TPE from it, to help push team stability. My idea is that basically the worse team you are, the more TPE you are awarded to give out in contracts. While this may seem unfair, it will help push more parity for the league. Something along the lines of the 8th place team in the league gets 80 points of TPE to give out in contracts during the season, 7th place team has 70 TPE to give out toal, all the way to the champion only having 10 TPE to give out total. I also think that the top 5 members of the team based on TPE should not be able to receive TPE in contracts, to help allow the smaller members of the team the ability to accrue TPE. Also maybe a cap of like 20 TPE per player at most to give out, and you would not receive the TPE until you start the final season of your contract.

I believe adding something along these lines would help push for stronger parity in the league, and would give more intrinsic value to contracts in this league, as unlike in real life, strictly salary based contracts are pretty worthless when there are so many easy ways to earn money already.

Let me know what you think, it should obviously be tweaked a little, but this is a general idea.

Make contracts have more value - sapp2013 - 10-25-2017

Not bad, but I think this could still be abused. I think this may have been discussed in s1 or 2, but can't quite recall. Interested to see what others think as well.

Make contracts have more value - Symmetrik - 10-25-2017

I do think the minimum contracts need to be raised, and some of the TPE tiers lowered (such as <200 is 500k min), but in reality this is not always going to be a problem, as when players initially created, everyone was in that bottom tier for TPE. Even the best players in the league are what, 500 TPE? It'll go up, as time goes on players will start getting up to those higher TPE tiers.

That said we should put some kind of measure in place to curb some of those minimum deals being taken advantage of early. In 4 seasons things should level out as the top players earn more TPE.

Make contracts have more value - AdamS - 10-26-2017

if contract money and only contract money can buy you tpe in some way, people will want more contract money

bada bing, bada boom, realest naked guy in the room

Make contracts have more value - Walder Frey - 10-26-2017

Give flat TP for media, gfx and PT

For contracts only give money and make money twice/thrice as effective as doing tasks.

Then teams which will want to save money will have to look for players who do tasks but players who do tasks will want a shitton of money because they know they have the potential of becoming the best.

Voila, you have a supply / demand chart.

Make contracts have more value - 37thchamber - 10-26-2017

(10-26-2017, 05:47 AM)Symmetrik Wrote:In 4 seasons things should level out as the top players earn more TPE.
Not likely. Once a player hits tier 5 (800 TPE), they can sign a contract of unlimited length at 4m per season. People keep making the argument "nobody is there yet" but it doesn't add up. We're still going to have a problem.

Let me explain.

The current salary cap is 75m right? That's high enough that you can have 17 players on the tier 5 minimum (17 * 4 = 68) and still have enough to sign seven rookies to the tier 2 minimum contract... That would give you enough players to fill an entire roster (24), meaning the salary cap and minimum contract rules do almost nothing to prevent this problem from still being a problem in future.

The minimum contracts and salary cap should work in synergy to prevent a team stockpiling more than a handful of superstars. That's literally the point of having them, no? These rules don't do that.

A simple fix would be to increase the base contract amounts and change the contract tiers automatically at the start of a season if a player moves up a level. That way you don't have a guy reaching 800 TPE in season 5 (which seems likely, btw) and signing a ten season contract at 4m per season.

If the concern about giving more contract money is that people will do less media/gfx, just increase training and equipment costs with player tiers too. Fix it so that +3 training can be acquired for 6 weeks (or however long a season is in real time) on the minimum contract for each tier. +5 training is double that cost, pro equipment is 8x that cost, etc.

For example, if tier X has a minimum contract of 6m, and a season lasts 6 weeks, then +3 training should be 1m for tier X, and tier X pro equipment is 8m each.

Or just scale them up from current values, whatever. Just scale them.

Will it be more work to calculate these things? Yeah. A bit... to start with at least. We already have TPE tracking in place, so it wouldn't be too hard to create a tool to show people what their training and equipment costs are, or to let bankers check the amounts when processing withdrawals etc.

Would be worth the effort, imo.

Make contracts have more value - manicmav36 - 10-26-2017

(10-26-2017, 04:07 AM)37thchamber Wrote:People keep making the argument "nobody is there yet" but it doesn't add up. We're still going to have a problem.

I HATE this reasoning. 100% agree that it is an issue and will continue to be an issue. It won't go away. The league needs to be proactive on this and changes needs to be made. Soon.

Make contracts have more value - kckolbe - 10-26-2017

(10-26-2017, 07:23 AM)manicmav36 Wrote:I HATE this reasoning. 100% agree that it is an issue and will continue to be an issue. It won't go away. The league needs to be proactive on this and changes needs to be made. Soon.

The ONLY counter I have (and it is weak) is that at a certain point you stop getting better and just start banking, driving your contract up without improving abilities. Ricky Maddox is over 600 TPE, but he has everything but endurance maxed. At this point, his new TPE only makes him more expensive for the same player.

Make contracts have more value - iamslm22 - 10-26-2017

(10-26-2017, 09:30 AM)kckolbe Wrote:The ONLY counter I have (and it is weak) is that at a certain point you stop getting better and just start banking, driving your contract up without improving abilities.  Ricky Maddox is over 600 TPE, but he has everything but endurance maxed.  At this point, his new TPE only makes him more expensive for the same player.

Does that apply for anyone other D Linemen? I know Tuck and Maddox are basically maxed and Hendrix is about to be as well. I don't think other positions are close.

Make contracts have more value - bovovovo - 10-26-2017

Respectfully disagree with this, TPE inflation is already kind of a problem