International Simulation Football League
Ask a Commish or his player - Printable Version

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Ask a Commish or his player - youngcricket - 05-26-2017

You can ask me anything from the aspect of commissioner or player

Quote:[table border=\\\'0\\\' align=\\\'center\\\' width=\\\'95%\\\' cellpadding=\\\'3\\\' cellspacing=\\\'1\\\' id=\\\'QUOTE-WRAP\\\'][tr][td]QUOTE [/td][/tr][tr][td id=\\\'QUOTE\\\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]What do you bring to the league as a comissioner?

Really I hope to bring an experienced voice to a new league. I've seen a lot of different leagues fail and succeed since I've been in sim leagues and other leagues across the internet. I'm hoping that having me as a commissioner will help provide insight and perspective when new ideas are presented or when the league is faced with tough positions. I also think that I bring a calm mindset, as I am relatively reasonable, and combined with my experience, that makes me a good fit for commissioner.

What are some challenges you think the league will face in year 1?

I think that after the draft there will be some attrition issues from some people being upset about where they were drafted and about the opportunity that they think they have. I think that people will ultimately need to realize that not everybody will be the number one pick, and not everybody should be. I also think that with that issue, there will be calls for expansion and if the league continues to grow at it's current pace, that should be something that we look into.

What's it like to work with Ballerstorm?

So far so good. He is a nice guy and when I needed help getting acclimated to the job boards and figuring out where to find important things, he was always willing to help.

How do you feel about the success of the recent recruitment drive?

I feel really good about it. I see a lot of new active guys who I haven't seen around sim leagues and I even see some old, familiar faces making a comeback. I think the recruitment drive hit a lot of important facets and it is crucial for people to continue recruiting and not to stop after doing it for a few days, the league will always need more solid, active players.

What are you hopes for your player in year 1?
I am focused more on the league being successful, but for my player, I want to be the best MLB in the game. I want to be the linebacker that people see and realize that he changes the game through more than one facet. I want to be dominant in the run, pass, and special teams aspects of each and every game.
Quote:1. What is your previous sim experience?

I've been in just about every league and held just about every position that can be held in sim leagues and different kinds of leagues across the Internet.

2. Would you say that you are open to ideas and critism?

Yes, my PMs are open any time you have a complaint or question.

3. When it comes to the league rules who will be implementing them and is a disciplinary procedure that the league and the accused can follow?

League rules will be voted on by a conglomeration of people and will obviously listen to all parties' input. There is not currently a set system, but executive members will listen to both sides of the story and use the rulebook as a guideline and for grey space we will have long thought out discussions.

4. Who will be implementing the rules and handing out punishment when necessary.

Executive members and committees, I'd assume.

5. My previous questions feel like they've been a bit full on so here's a lighter one, if when the site is opened it had to play a tune, what tune would this be?

Pick your favorite one, because this league should be your favorite

[!--QuoteBegin-Shaka date=1496026620] Whose idea was it to start a new league?

I would assume Ballerstorm.

Did you guys know I was already building a league? lol

Somebody is always building a league, if a league actually starts it's a miracle. Hopefully you can bring good insight and your ideas to help this league takeoff.

How much test simming has gone into the pre-launch process?

It's been toyed with.

How much football sim experience does the admin team have?

Not really sure, personally I've been in a good number of leagues.

Have you been in a PFS or DDPF league before?

I have tinkered with PFS and was in one league before, but not too much experience with it.


Ask a Commish or his player - Esa77 - 05-26-2017

What do you bring to the league as a comissioner?

What are some challenges you think the league will face in year 1?

What's it like to work with Ballerstorm?

How do you feel about the success of the recent recruitment drive?

What are you hopes for your player in year 1?

Ask a Commish or his player - youngcricket - 05-28-2017


Ask a Commish or his player - RainDelay - 05-28-2017

What do you think the league will look like in five seasons?

Twenty seasons?

Are you from the SHL? If not, would you ever consider checking it out?

Which team's color scheme do you like the most?

The least?

Ask a Commish or his player - Ghostspeed - 05-28-2017

I just posted an idea or better term a suggestion about the Oline and Dline depth issue.
It's a simple idea that I basicly ripped from OLD arena football
"The Ironman rule "
To increase sign ups to consider O line and D line positions which are non glamorous roles the league allow them to play both ways.
It would probably require some kind of endurance bonus for linemen.

Could you share your opinion on the issue of line depth both O&D and do you feel this is a viable option to promote more interest?

Ask a Commish or his player - Jbearly - 05-28-2017

How do you feel about Mr Adamle Tomlinson as a prospect?

Are you going best player avaliable or fit for the draft?

Does your team have the best logo and uniforms in the league?

Ask a Commish or his player - deadendpath27 - 05-28-2017

Q: Will there be a player's association in this league?

Q: What is the celebration policy? How many thrusts are we allowed?

Q: Can we dunk on the uprights?

Q: What do people look for when they draft a player? His post frequency, personality, or player build?

Q: What happens if guys go undrafted? Can you 'retire' your player and re-create a more in-demand player?

Ask a Commish or his player - WinstonKodogo - 05-28-2017

1. What is your previous sim experience?
2. Would you say that you are open to ideas and critism?
3. When it comes to the league rules who will be implementing them and is a disciplinary procedure that the league and the accused can follow?
4. Who will be implementing the rules and handing out punishment when necessary.
5. My previous questions feel like they've been a bit full on so here's a lighter one, if when the site is opened it had to play a tune, what tune would this be?

Ask a Commish or his player - RainDelay - 05-28-2017

(05-26-2017, 12:01 AM)youngcricket Wrote:I am from the SHL

I mean, I have 5000+ posts and two years on there, I've probably seen you around or interacted with you once, no?

Unless you're from pre-S25 or post-S34, of course

My username is RainDelay, not NorthFloridian

Ask a Commish or his player - youngcricket - 05-28-2017

(05-28-2017, 09:16 PM)NorthFloridian Wrote:I mean, I have 5000+ posts and two years on there, I've probably seen you around or interacted with you once, no?

Unless you're from pre-S25 or post-S34, of course

My username is RainDelay, not NorthFloridian
I've been here and there.

Also, updated all answers Smile