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Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Printable Version

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Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Esa77 - 05-26-2017

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Reg Mackworthy is coming off an impressive showing in the All American Bowl, where he rumbled for a game high 65 yards on 12 carries for an average of 5.4 yard per carry. He even broke one for 11 yards where we can only speculate he ran someone over and broke numerous tackles. He's a beast in the making and now has the numbers to prove it. Mackworthy is poised to run wild on the NSFL in his rookie season.

He will now take questions, football or food related...

@Ballerstorm Asks...

What's your favorite pre game meal?

I have a multitude of favorites, but I learned from an affiliate superstar that chicken parm is the way to go. In fact I get special parms delivered for my pre-game meal. It remains to be seen if these are "Performance Enhancing Parms" because I am not yet sure on the drug testing protocol in the NSFL.

Do you worry about losing your speed if you eat too much?

Slightly worried, but I think I am fast enough that even if a lose a little I will still be faster than most backs in the league. I am pretty damn fast to begin with. So if I eat too much and lose a little, it'd be kind of like evening the playing field for everyone else.

What will you do if your GM puts weight clauses in your contact?

LOL! I will immediately demand a trade. Nobody tells Mackworthy what he can or can't eat. I eat what I want, I weigh what I want. I think once my GM sees how dominant my girth makes me in goal line situations he will tell me I can be 300 pounds if I choose.

How did it feel to finally get out on the field in the bowl game?

Felt great! Really enjoyed that game, got to play with some awesome prospects and see what everyone's game was like. I needed a good showing to back up my talk and definitely had one, so that was nice also. I was impressed with some players out there, especially Josh Garden, dude looks like a gamer.

Who was the best player you played against in the bowl game?

There were a lot of great looking defenders in that game, it's hard to say, but C. Hardrool had 7 tackles and was usually in on most of my runs, so I'd say he had a good game.

@Perkules Asks...

You choose TD as a render, should we be worried about an early retirement?

lol, no but you should be worried about him scoring a ton of touchdowns against you if he's not on your team. Also get used to seeing the touchdown salute a lot as that's his signature move.

What did you think of Jameis Christ's pre snap reads?

I was impressed with him in the All American Bowl, he made some good adjustments and called some nice audibles. Mackworthy had 65 yards and multiple carries for 9 or more yards so they definitely clicked out there.

If that game were replayed 10 times how many times would team 1 win?

10 out of 10. Easily.

How would you feel if a GM asked you to consider investing in pass blocking?

I'd be cool with it after I got some of my other skills to a solid level. I'm a team player.

Who is a better offensive weapon Garden or Reg? Asking for a friend

Reg, because he's gauranteed to touch the ball 20 times a game and that's at least 20 chances to make something happen. Garden is a great player, but there's no guarantee he sees the ball more than a few times a game if he's covered well. Mackworthy's touches make him a more dangerous weapon out of the gate.

@Merica Asks...

What is Mackworthy's go to pregame meal? Chicken parm?

Yes of course, there's no better meal in the world than Chicken parm, so obviously Reg is going to load up on that delicious parm before every game and let's be honest, probably after every game also and maybe even at halftime and by maybe I mean definitely.

One could say the reason Mackworthy was so successful in the All American Bowl is that the defensive focus was primarily on gunslinging phenom Josh Bercovici, thoughts?

There's some validity to that for sure, Bercovici demands attention when he's out there, no question about it. The dudes got game. Mackworthy did thrive for the snaps Berc was in there, but he also was excellent when Berc was on the bench, so big Reg Mackworthy is capable of getting it done all by himself. I do think Bercovici and Mackworthy could be a deadly combination though.

What quarterback do you want on your team?

Bercovici comes to mind, also Christ looked pretty good, but tbh I'd be cool playing with anyone as long as they gave me good hand offs and can keep the defense from stacking the box with their passing ability.

You seem really proud of your performance, do you think it'd be foolish for a team to put all their stock in one extremely small sample size such as this?

They'd be foolish to not put all their stock in it. Mackworthy was flat out dominant and it was just a preview of things to come. Wait until they see what I can do with 25 carries a game. Sandwich time baby!!! :belly:

Under Armour or Nike?

Nike. Because Under Armour can't contain my girth.

@Jbearly Asks...

Who do you see as the best offensive line prospect in this upcoming draft?

I have a ton of respect for all the offensive lineman in the draft. Without them opening holes for Mackworthy, he would not be able to gain nearly as many yards. I hold them all in very high regard. If I had to pick one, I'd say maybe Bender Rodriquez at this point.

Would you be willing to be a part of a multi back scheme? Where multiple halfback were utilized and split carries?

As long as it's best for the team yes, I'm a team player, but let's be honest, it's going to be hard for any offensive coordinator to not want to lean heavily on Reg Mackworthy.

What's your number one goal for the season?

#1 goal is always to have fun with my teammates and win the championship.

@jparks98 Asks...

1) What is your favorite move to breakaway from defenders?

I like the the straight up juke move and if needed I finish with a spin move. So I'd have to say a juke/spin. It's a unique move that I've been breaking defenders ankles with since pop warner.

2) Fresh off the grill, burgers or hot dogs?

Burgers, with cheese and bacon. I love red meat, lots of protein. Hot dogs I don't know wtf is in there, lol.

3) How many meals do you eat in a day?

9 meals a day. Breakfast, 2nd breakfast, pre-lunch, lunch, late lunch, pre-dinner, dinner, post-dinner, late night feeding. Honestly I wish there was more time in the day so I could eat more meals.

4) How confident are you in your ability to catch from the backfield?

I've got pretty good hands. If my QB delivers a good ball I should have no problems. I don't have very long arms though at 5'8" so he's gotta hit me with a good pass in stride. Also I always make sure I can the ball before I run, that's important.

5) How important is it for you to have a good quarterback in the backfield?

Pretty important, but I do think I can carry a team if needed. Having a good QB though is ideal because it gives us a serious passing threat and opens up some space for me inside. Plus makes the team better in general.

@Shaka Asks...

Reg Mackworthy. Boss name. Why Mackworthy?

Thanks! It's just a great sports name and I'm a huge fan of the show East Bound and Down and love the character Reg Mackworthy. He's a bad ass and is overly and almost deliriously confident, so that fits this persona. I've used the name in a couple other defunct leagues.

Why Terrell Davis as your pic base?

Big Broncos fan in real life and TD was one of my all-time favorites. Elway does not win 2 superbowls without him in the backfield. Plus I have his jersey.

You don't think 5'8's too small for a RB?

Not at all, I actually think it's ideal, especially with weighing 225. At 5'8" I can blend in behind the lineman and not everyone can see me. Before they know it I'm through the hole and past them, if they do get in my way I can use my girth and low center of gravity to run them over.

How would you take it if a super pass happy team took you?

I think they'd see my skill and have to become a running team, lol. No I'd be okay with it because anytime they gave me the ball I could probably break it for quite a few yards since the defense would b expecting a pass and not have a lot of players in the box.

Can you rank your fellow RB's?

Sure, but it's just pure speculation at this point as we haven't seen everyone play yet. If I'm ranking only draft eligible players I'd probably say top 5 besides me are... Novel, Bowers, Tiernan, Wright, O'Connell for now.

@Grapehead Asks...

What do you say to those who question your dedication?

Anyone who questions my dedication has not see me practice or work out. Haters gonna hate, there's nothing I can do about it but go out there and keep proving I am the best.

Do you think you should be used as the primary offensive threat by your new team?

Yes absolutely. I am the fastest back in the league and if a team wants to win they should hand the ball to me 30 times a game. Lean on Reg Mackworthy for success.

Would you be unhappy in a system that favours passing?

I would not be unhappy, as long as the team was winning, plus it'd create some room out there for me when I do get the ball. So I'm cool with it, but quickly they will see that Mackworthy should be a primary option.

Can you be a leader in the locker room?

Yes absolutely. I lead by example with my work ethic and also am always extremely positive.

In which quarter of which game will you score your first touchdown?

1st carry of the 1st quarter of my 1st game, I am taking it to the house! B)

@Deadenpath27 Asks...

Q: You turned some heads out there in that bowl game and your draft stock is trending upward. Was your performance a true indication of your skill set?

Yes I think it was, I excelled with 12 carries and had an average of 5.4 yards per carry. I also broke numerous runs for 9 or more yards. I think that's indiciative of what to expect from Mackworthy in his rookie year, especially while defenders are still building out of the gate.

Q: How many concussions have you had? Are you worried about the repeated big hits RBs take in the pros?

I don't get concussions I give concussions. I have never had one myself and have put at least 4 linebackers on the shelf during my college career at OSU.

Q: You're short, thick, and fast. That's a rare combo. Maurice Jones-Drew weighed less than you. Do you eat a lot of McDs?

I love MJD and McD's. I normally go with the double quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, a strawberry milkshake, a apple pie and then two double cheeseburger to cap it all off and sometimes a big mac.

Q: Any off the field issues we should know about?

Besides eating too much? Not really. I mean women always are throwing themselves at me so sometimes I have to handle that but otherwise no I'm pretty drama free.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge in getting where you are today as a player?

I'd say making teams and coaches believe that I should be a lead half back rather than a full back. They see my body size and think he's a fullback but then when they see my speed they realize they have to play me at tailback. So it's a challenge for the first week of practice and maybe game 1, but they they realize.

@ErMurazur Asks...

You're stuck on an island, what's the one food you want an unlimited supply of?

That's an easy one. Chicken Parm. It's got all the food groups I need. Protein, Dairy and vegetables (tomato sauce). Game Over.

How much do you spend on clothes in a year?

I tend to go through a lot of clothes because I keep outgrowing them due to my excessive girth. So I'd say probably a couple thousand, mainly on pants.

What is the longest flight you've taken?

I once took a flight to Australia to bang this shortie was all over me on instagram. I think it was like a 25 hr flight, but can't remember. I took a sleeping pill.

How often do you drink energy drinks?

Not often, maybe one or two a week, I normally stick to water and then sometimes Gatorade during or after games.

What's your proudest moment?

Breaking 12 tackles in college on a 85 yard run to win the game in overtime of the rose bowl against our rival University of Oregon.

@SimmerDownBruhh Asks

Is this mic working?

Mic check 1-2 1-2. Yes it's working.

Can you speak any other languages fluently?

I speak a pretty good Italian. I find it helps me when ordering in my favorite restaurants.

What is your meaning/definition of the phrase "living life?"

Eating sandwiches, getting paid and getting laid.

Italian Food or Hispanic Food?

Italian food, definitely. My colon can't handle that hispanic food.

What's the most spontaneous thing/action you've done in your life?

I once sharted during a sneeze. It was like my whole body was expelling things at the same time and I couldn't do anything about it. Was pretty remarkable actually.

@theFlock Asks....

1.) You said you eat 9 meals a day and wish you could eat more. With rising concerns over Eddie Lacys weight, do you feel you are disciplined enough to keep your weight where the team wants it, or do you feel like you could run at any weight?

I definitely feel that I can run at any weight, in fact with more meals comes more weight and with more weight comes more power. So I'm basically just getting stronger and it's harder to bring me down. I'm already the fastest guy in the league so there's no concerns about my speed.

2.) Adding onto that, what is the range we can expect you to be in? Lightest and heaviest you're willing to be before you get concerned.

It's hard to make me concerned. Right now I'm going into the draft at 225, but I'm probably more like 230. I'd say I'm in prime shape to around 245. Once I get close to 250 I may get a little concerned, but doubtful. 275, yes I'd be concerned.

3.) In this draft, or while playing ball in College, who was the hardest player to line up against?

There was this one guy in college name Agnok Tatanka, he was a real beast on the D line. Probably the only player that I never really made a fool of on the football field. Dude was awesome.

4.) Player you're the least familiar with in this draft who, from reading around and studying film, would be a tough matchup for you?

At this point I'd probably say JJ Reigns is looking like one of the best defenders, so by default if I have to pick someone I will say him, but trust me, nobody is going to be a tough match up for me.

5.) Do you have any issues running at Defensive Backs? Who is the least of your worries, a little trash talk I guess, and who is the one you worry the most about?

I'd probably say Safety Matt Smith is the player I am the least worried about. If I have to choose someone who I think could give me some trouble I'd say maybe that scrub Ryan Flock. He think he's a beast, but he's going to be in for a rude awakening the first time I break one to the 2nd level and he tries to tackle me. Flocka better bring a flock of players with him. Wink

@Sweetwater Asks...

Which do you find gives you more success, zone or man blocking?

Personally I like to run behind man blocking schemes. I find it gives me more options to read the blocks, make cuts and explode in those small spaces when the opportunity presents itself.

Would you be willing to return punts or kickoffs?

Absolutely, I will probaby be the fastest player on my team so I think I'd be a great return man. Hopefully my coaches give me that chance.

Do you see yourself as a 3 down back, or fitting better in a committee?

I'm an every down back. Nothing against my other running back teammates but my skill level is going to demand a lot of carries and having me out there every down will help us win games.

Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?

A horse sized duck for sure, that way I only have to focus on one opponent. All those little horses running around would be too much to handle.


Yes please! ( . y . )

@BasedGase Asks...

1) Which NFL do you admire most?

Assuming this was asking which NFL player, I'd have to say John Elway. He's my all-time favorite player. Dude was so good and so committed, he battled through multiple super bowl losses and kept working, then finally in his last 2 years won back to back titles. So much respect for that guy, he was amazing.

2) If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take 3 current NFL players with you, who would they be?

I would take the 3 thinnest players in the NFL, because if I took 3 lineman they'd probably eat me. The 3 skinniest guys would have a lot of energy to do work around the island like build shelters, get water etc. I wouldn't have to do that much, then when the died I could eat them. The lineman would take forever to die.

3) What is your fondest college football memory?

I'd have to say beating the Oregon Ducks in the civil war game at home in Corvallis in overtime my senior year. I broke one for 60 yards. That was a great way to end my college career. Will never forget it. Also fuck the Ducks. Go Beavers.

4) If you had to say one thing to your mother right now, what would it be?

MA!! The MEATLOAF!! We Want it Now!


3,234 Words

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Admin - 05-26-2017

What's your favorite pre game meal?

Do you worry about losing your speed if you eat too much?

What will you do if your GM puts weight clauses in your contact?

How did it feel to finally get out on the field in the bowl game?

Who was the best player you played against in the bowl game?

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Perkules - 05-26-2017

You choose TD as a render, should we be worried about an early retirement?

What did you think of Jameis Christ's pre snap reads?

If that game were replayed 10 times how many times would team 1 win?

How would you feel if a GM asked you to consider investing in pass blocking?

Who is a better offensive weapon Garden or Reg? Asking for a friend

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Merica - 05-26-2017

What is Mackworthy's go to pregame meal? Chicken parm?

One could say the reason Mackworthy was so successful in the All American Bowl is that the defensive focus was primarily on gunslinging phenom Josh Bercovici, thoughts?

What quarterback do you want on your team?

You seem really proud of your performance, do you think it'd be foolish for a team to put all their stock in one extremely small sample size such as this?

Under Armour or Nike?

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Esa77 - 05-28-2017

Updated. Hit me with some more.

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Jbearly - 05-28-2017

Who do you see as the best offensive line prospect in this upcoming draft?

Would you be willing to be a part of a multi back scheme? Where multiple halfback were utilized and split carries?

What's your number one goal for the season?

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - jparks98 - 05-28-2017

1) What is your favorite move to breakaway from defenders?

2) Fresh off the grill, burgers or hot dogs?

3) How many meals do you eat in a day?

4) How confident are you in your ability to catch from the backfield?

5) How important is it for you to have a good quarterback in the backfield?

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Shaka - 05-28-2017

Reg Mackworthy. Boss name. Why Mackworthy?
Why Terrell Davis as your pic base?
You don't think 5'8's too small for a RB?
How would you take it if a super pass happy team took you?
Can you rank your fellow RB's?

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - Grapehead - 05-29-2017

What do you say to those who question your dedication?

Do you think you should be used as the primary offensive threat by your new team?

Would you be unhappy in a system that favours passing?

Can you be a leader in the locker room?

In which quarter of which game will you score your first touchdown?

Reg Mackworthy 5.4 YPC Presser - deadendpath27 - 05-29-2017

Q: You turned some heads out there in that bowl game and your draft stock is trending upward. Was your performance a true indication of your skill set?

Q: How many concussions have you had? Are you worried about the repeated big hits RBs take in the pros?

Q: You're short, thicc, and fast. That's a rare combo. Maurice Jones-Drew weighed less than you. Do you eat a lot of McDs?

Q: Any off the field issues we should know about?

Q: What has been your biggest challenge in getting where you are today as a player?