International Simulation Football League
fix the rulebook - Printable Version

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fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

i'm trying to make the rulebook better, in readability. it's not really done, i got pissed off about how bad it was, but here's what i've seen

NSFL Rules + Table of Contents post
changed all the formatting
changed some weird grmmar
removed rules because redundant
merges all of the contract rules in GM section into a budget section
merge GM Recreation and CoI rules
merge draft and playoffs to one header
move player development into player rules
moved tampering above other (like what the hell?)
add changelog so players can see when rule changes occurred
added definitions, add inactive, multi
tried to make the player discipline rules in GM make sense
fixed inactive minimum (should be always based on that tpe ranges minimum contract)
added trade transcation in gm area first rule (wtf do you guys never update this?)

add inactive gm rule
add in previously written rules on dc's and budgets
no rule about going over the cap
no rule about not submitting budgets, dcs, etc on time
no "trading picks you don't have" rule

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017


Quote:Table of Contents
  I. GM Rules
    A. Management Team
    B. Player Discipline
    C. Budget
    D. Trades
  II. Player Rules
  III. Tampering Rules
    A. What is Tampering
    B. GM Tampering
    C. Player Tampering
  IV. League Events
    A. Playoffs
    B. Entry Draft
  V. Other
    A. Moderation Abuse
    B. Inactive
  VI. Change Log
  • [/li]
  • Inactive - Any user that has not signed on for 2 weeks
  • Multi - Any user who has multiple accounts on the site
  • Off-season - Time between the end of the one season's playoffs and the next season's preseason
  • TPE - Total Points Earned
  • No Trade Clause (NTC) - Player cannot be traded by management unless the player waives this clause
  • No Movement Clause (NMC) - Player cannot be traded or sent down by management unless the player waives this clause
  • Player Option (PO) - The player has a right in this season to opt out of their contract and go to free agency
  • Team Option (TO) - The team has a right to end the player's contract, without buying them out
  • All time zone issues will go by the default PST league clock.
  • League weeks end on Saturdays. At 12:01am on Sunday a new league week starts.

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

I. GM Rules
Quote:A. Management Team
    1. Limit of 1 (One) Co-GM per team
    2. A GM or Co-GM cannot hold an NSFL Head Office Position
    3. GM Recreation Rules
      - All re-creating General Managers (this includes Co-General Managers) must use their team's highest second (2nd) round pick in the proceeding NSFL Draft on their own player.
      - If both the General Manager and Co-General Manager are recreating, the team must give up their own first (1st) round pick and their own second (2nd) round pick, if they wish to continue to GM that team.

B. Banned Players
  1. If a team's player is banned during the off-season, that player will be ineligible for that season.
  2. If a team's player is banned during a season, that player may continue to play for the remainder of the season, but cannot be updated, and will be auto-retired at the end of the season
  3. Due to the potential varying circumstances between cases, additional penalties may be issued on a case by case basis.

C. Budget
  1. Budget Cap
      - $65,000,000
      - Includes money team spends on: salaries, training camp costs, award bonuses, and position changes
      - Cap space may be traded between teams
      - Salary cap will be monitored and adjusted as we figure out how many active users each team will have
  2. Contract Minimums are determined by a player's total TPE as follows:
      - <200: $500,000
      - 200 to 399: $1,000,000
      - 400 to 599: $2,000,000
      - 600 to 799: $3,000,000
      - 800 to 999: $4,000,000
      - <1000: $5,000,000
  3. Contract Maximum Lengths are based by a players total TPE as follows:
      - <799: 3 years
      - >800: No limit
  4. Contracts can contain a NMC, NTC, PO or TO.
  4. Roster Size
      - The sim engine requires a minimum of 36 players and a maximum of 40 players on your roster. That is an unrealistic number for users, therefor NSFL rosters must have a minimum of 10 user players per team. They may be active or inactive
      - Roster spots may be filled by robots created by the simmer if there are not enough players in the NSFL system. These robots will be paid the minimum 500k contract.
  5. Inactive players may be signed at the contract minimum for their TPE range.
  6. A player's contract does not end until free agency starts, after conclusion of the playoffs.
  7. A player in the final year of their contract, including if due to retirement, may not be cut after week 10.
  8. Player Bonuses
      - Bonuses must be attached to team awards, and may not be based on simulated statistical performances.
      - Teams are prohibited from using any money outside of the team budget, including, but not exclusively, the bank of any GM or other player for Player Bonuses.
      - No  single player may receive more than $1,000,000 total in award bonuses.
  9. Restricted Free Agency Tag
      - A team may tag one (1) player per off-season with the Restricted Free Agency Tag.
      - A tagged player must have spent at least the last 3 seasons with the tagging team.
      - The tagging team has the right to match any accepted offer that the player in free agency has agreed to, within 48 hours of the agreement.
      - A matched offer by the tagging team wins the bid automatically, and receives the player.
      - RFA tags must be posted in the transactions area

D. Trades
  1. Trades must first be agreed to in the NSFL GM's Office subsection.
      - Posting the trade signifies agreement from one team, the other team must go in the thread and accept the trade for it to be final.
  2. After acceptance in the GM's Office, the trade must be posted to transactions
  3. You may not trade draft picks more than 2 seasons ahead .
      - This goes from off-season to off-season. So in S1, a GM can only trade up to S3 picks. Once the off-season occurs, a GM would now be allowed to trade up to S4 picks.

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

this one is the least done

II. Player Rules
Quote:A. Progression
   1. Update Scale  
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
50-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
70-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
80-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
90-100 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point
   2. Each piece of equipment may be purchased one (1) time per season
   3. A player may claim an activity check for 2 TPE, and purchase weekly training ($500,000 for 3 TPE, $1,000,000 for 5 TPE)
   4. Training Camps
      - NSFL players may complete TTC up until the last game of the regular season. Once playoffs begin, TTC is closed.
       - In addition to TTC, NSFL rookies may complete Rookie Minicamp up until the first game of the regular season. Once the regular season starts, Rookie Minicamp is closed.
    5. Regression begins in the off season between 7th and 8th season.
8th season 15% TPE loss
9th season 15% TPE loss
10th season 20% TPE loss
11th season 20% TPE loss
12th season 25% TPE loss
13th season 25% TPE loss
14th season 30% TPE loss
15th season 30% TPE loss
16th season 40% TPE loss
17th season 40% TPE loss
18th season 50% TPE loss
19th season 50% TPE loss
20th season 75% TPE loss
21st season 75% TPE loss
75% TPE loss ongoing
D. Waivers
- Any player created after the draft and prior to the first sim of playoffs, will be subject to the NSFL Waiver Wire. These players will play the season out but will be released from their teams roster and entered into the following NSFL draft.
- The last team to pick in the most recent draft order(even if they traded away the pick), will be the first to pick in the Waiver Wire. Subsequently the first team to pick in the Draft Order will be given the last pick in the Waiver Wire(even if they traded away the pick)
- Once a team has picked up a player through Waivers, they then fall to the back of the order.
- Once a player has been approved, all GM's will have a 24 hour period in which they may lay a claim. If the team with first priority passes or fails to make a claim within the 24 hour period. The next claim will be accepted, following the priority order that is currently meant to take place.
- All free agent waiver claim contracts will be worth $2,000,000. This contract will be a 1 year signing and is an automatic signing and not a debate between player and GM.
- In the case of a player not wanting to play where they are signed. A trade must be implemented at the earliest time available. Holding a player hostage will be grounds for the league to step in and mandate a trade of less then equal value for the GM preventing the trade.
- If a newly created player goes unclaimed for 24 hours after he is approved he is free to be claimed by any team on a first come first served basis. This claim will not lose a team their spot in the waiver order.
- If a team puts a waiver claim in they may not remove that claim if there is less than 3(three) hours until the waiver is processed.
- If a NSFL team releases a player he goes through a 24 hour waiver period. During this time he may be claimed by the other teams in the league. Waiver order will be the same that is used for newly created free agents. Claiming a released player will use your waiver claim and put you at the back of the order.
- If a NSFL team claims a player on waivers they take on the contract that he had before being released.
- If a NSFL team releases a player they will be penalized for half of his contract value per season for each season that was remaining on his contract.
- If a player enters a draft and goes undrafted a team may claim him on waivers. This player will NOT be entered into the following NSFL draft and will instead stay with his team.
- During the off season any players in the free agent pool can be signed on a first come first served basis. This will NOT effect waiver position and these signings are NOT bound to the auto $2,000,000 contracts. These players may be signed to any normal contact.

E. Joining NSFL post-Trade Deadline, before Playoffs
- If a member joins between the trade deadline and the playoffs, they may be signed as a free agent. After the playoffs, they will be released from their team and entered into the NSFL draft.
- These players WILL NOT do TTC, PTs, Championship Week, Rookie Minicamp, or purchase equipment. They MAY do weekly training and activity checks.
This may be implemented in the future instead of the waiver system we have established

- If a member joins after the playoffs start, they will have to wait to be entered into the upcoming draft and WILL NOT be signed by a team until they are drafted through the NSFL draft. They may do weekly ITC and Activity Checks

F. Recreate TPE
- Points earned by or awarded to the previous player before the new player was created or that are unavailable to other incoming players may not be used for the recreated player.
- TPE earned will be dated based on when the activity was done that earned the TPE. Season predictions and fantasy for example are done at the start of the year but are awarded at seasons end. The action that earned the TPE was done at the start of the year so if a palyer retires after that time the TPE from these would go on the retired player and not the new player.

G. Positional Eligibility
- Any player may play any position. For example, If you have a Mobile QB who is riding the bench and your team is starting an inactive WR you could move the Mobile QB instead out to WR. Players are still restricted by the attributes of their build.
- One (1) time per career a player may choose to switch positions. If a player chooses to switch to a new position they must have their GM post in the NSFL GM area that the player is officially changing positions.
- If a player chooses to switch positions they, or the team (from the teams salary cap) must pay $4,000,000 to make the switch.
- If a player changes positions they will be allowed to move 50% of their total TPE to new attributes. No attribute may go over the maximum value allowed with the new build, even if it was above it before the position switch.
- If a player needs to add or drop weight to fit the new position they may do so as much as is needed
- If a player is too short or tall for the new position they may change their height to the minimum required height (if they were too short before the switch) or the maximum allowed height (if they were too tall before the switch) for their new position archetype
- One (1) time per career a player may choose to switch archetypes. If a player chooses to switch to a new archetpe they must post in their update thread that the player is officially changing archetypes.
- A player may not change archetypes after their 3rd season ends. They may still use a position swap, but they cannot switch archetypes from their current position once they reach the end of their 3rd season.
- If a player chooses to switch archetypes they, or the team (from the teams salary cap) must pay $4,000,000 to make the switch.
- If a player changes archetypes they will be allowed to move 50% of their total TPE to new attributes. No attribute may go over the maximum value allowed with the new archetype, even if it was above it before the position switch.
- If a player needs to add or drop weight to fit the new archetype they may do so as much as is needed
- If a player is too short or tall for the new archetype they may change their height to the minimum required height (if they were too short before the switch) or the maximum allowed height (if they were too tall before the switch) for their new archetype

D. Retirement
- If a player retires after the off-season has begun (after the Championship has been awarded), that player will play one final season and the user can recreate, thus having two players in the league for the retired players final season
- If a player retires after the season has started he will finish the season on his team and be retired at the conclusion of the season.
- A user may never have more than two players in the league at the same time due to retirement and recreation. This means if a user retires and recreates he may not do so again until after their first player finishes the season
- Players have up to 72 hours after their retirement to reconsider. Should they retract their retirement, they must pay a 20% TPE penalty before being re-entered into the sim.
- The contract of the player in question will be reinstated to the team which held the rights at the time of retirement, for the same dollar value and length as before retirement

D. Retirement
- If a player retires after the off-season has begun (after the Championship has been awarded), that player will play one final season and the user can recreate, thus having two players in the league for the retired players final season
- If a player retires after the season has started he will finish the season on his team and be retired at the conclusion of the season.
- A user may never have more than two players in the league at the same time due to retirement and recreation. This means if a user retires and recreates he may not do so again until after their first player finishes the season
- Players have up to 72 hours after their retirement to reconsider. Should they retract their retirement, they must pay a 20% TPE penalty before being re-entered into the sim.
- The contract of the player in question will be reinstated to the team which held the rights at the time of retirement, for the same dollar value and length as before retirement

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

III. Tampering
Quote:A. What is Tampering?
  1. Tampering is defined as a player or GM approaching a player under contract with another team or who's rights are owned by another team outside of the public forums, with the purpose of persuading them to join your team, request a trade, or hold out on contract negotiations.
  2. Doing draft scouting on a player in the upcoming draft who was claimed on waivers will not be considered tampering if the discussion is only about scouting for the draft.
  3. This includes any private discussion involving leaving the team with whom the player
is under contract with the purpose of joining the offender’s team.

B. Punishment
  1. Will be handled on a case-by-case basis, but may include a fine, loss of draft picks, or loss of GM position.
  2. Any player who has been suspended may not play in the NSFL or DSFL for the entirety of their suspension
  3. A suspended player may not earn any TPE.
  4. Tampering accusations may only be reported by the player who had been tampered with or his current GM or Co-GM

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

IV. League Events
Quote:A. Playoff Rules & Format
  1. The top 4 teams from the regular season make the playoffs.
  2. First round #1 west seed vs #2 west seed and #1 east seed vs #2 east seed
  3. Winners of first round advance to the championship

B. NSFL Draft
  1. A traditional draft style will be conducted with regular season standings determining the draft order.
  2. Once a player is drafted to a team they must be signed to a contract. If they refuse to sign a contract they will not be able to play in the NSFL. Their only option is to sit out until they have a contract signed.
  3. If a player sits out an entire season and does not sign with the team that drafted them they may re-enter the following draft. These players may ONLY do activity checks and weekly ITC until they are under contract.

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

V. Other
Quote:A. Abuse of Moderation Power
  1. Any user who abuses moderation powers in order to alter (without permission or valid reasoning) another users post, topic, or reply will be given the follow punishments:
        - 2 season moderating suspension
        - $2,000,000 fine
        - 5 season moderating suspension
        - Loss of any job that would grant moderation and inability to take on a league role that grants moderation for 5 seasons.
        - $5,000,000 fine
        - 10 season moderating suspension
        - Permanent inability to take on a league role that grants moderation
        - 1 season suspension
        - $10,000,000 fine

- No multis. If caught the multi will be deleted and the player will be subject to discipline.
- Any cheating will result in discipline based on the decision of the Head Office
- A user may change their username for the cost of $1,000,000. Please post this withdrawal in your player transactions area and tag a commissioner.
- A player may change their players name one (1) time during their career for the cost of $4,000,000. Please post this withdrawal in your player transactions area and tag a commissioner.
- A users bank account may not go below -$2,000,000. If the user can show that they have media waiting to be graded the banker may allow the account to temporarily go below but only if the media will get the user back out of negative balance.
- Players may make bets with their NSFL money, but they must post bets publicly in the bank before it takes place. The league reserves the right to deny any bet they see as an attempt to circumvent any rule.

Thank you to the SHL and GOMHL. I based the NSFL rules largely off of both of their sites.

fix the rulebook - loco - 10-30-2017

the quotes are necessary, stupid site doesn't let any formatting in.

other and player still need work, i already spent way too long on this, but its a start

fix the rulebook - Bzerkap - 10-30-2017

(10-30-2017, 02:54 PM)loco Wrote:the quotes are necessary, stupid site doesn't let any formatting in.

other and player still need work, i already spent way too long on this, but its a start
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: