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Ask A Berc - Merica - 05-26-2017

[Image: 635768134258765089-902-mike.jpg]

Josh Bercovici, self proclaimed phenom and greatest player of all time will take your questions now.

(05-26-2017, 03:39 PM)Ballerstorm Wrote:Mike is better than Josh

- Mike is struggling just to be third string on the San Diego Shit Chargers so I'm not sure this is an accurate statement. Mike can suck my dick...kidding, he's my brother and I love him and he's why I decided to play football- because I wanna crush him and make sure the only Bercovici people remember is this guy, Josh.

(05-26-2017, 04:18 PM)BenderRodriguez Wrote:Hey there Josh. This is Zoidberg from the Why Not Zoidberg Times.

1) If we see your name in the headlines next week, what would likely be the story?

2) Some say that your emotions can get the best of you in critical moments of games. What do you say to those who might doubt your ability to stay level headed?

3) Does it bother you at all that the only pro comparison linked to you is Perennial All-Mediocre Jay Cutler?

4) In such a deep quarterback class, what is one thing you think you do better than any other quarterback in the draft?

5) In what way do you think your game can improve going forward?

Hi Zoidberg.

1) Hmm, probably because I punched some dickface in the face, honestly. I lose my shit real easily.

2) Look at the tape, man, my emotions are harnessed on the field, I know how to use them to my benefit and last I checked my emotions have never gotten in the way during critical moments, so whoever is saying this shit clearly hasn't done any research and is just looking for clickbait material. Its fake news.

3) Not at all. Jay Cutler was the victim of like six different offensive coordinators in six seasons and an atrocious offensive line during his tenure with Chicago, where he still managed to re-write their record book. Comparing me to Jay Cutler is a compliment, that man has a fucking cannon for an arm and is one of the toughest son of a bitches I've ever seen play, he took a gotdamn beating for that team and it's a shame how things ended there. He's misunderstood, people took his sullen attitude as a lack of competiveness or as cancerous, but that's also fake news.

4) Lead. I'm a leader, and without a QB that can lead, rally the troops, unite everyone, then you have a problem, and I know I'm the best leader in this draft. I put it all on the field, I'm first to practice, last to leave and I always put out,I never ask anyone to do anything I'm not doing or not willing to do.

5) At this stage in my career all facets needs to improve. I'm a cocky piece of shit, but I still know there is work to be done and I have lots of room for improvement, and that should scare people, because I'm already shitting on the competition and I haven't even scratched the surface of what I can become.

(05-26-2017, 04:39 PM)enigmatic Wrote:Will you automatically retire if you're drafted to Yellowknife because it's so far from the land of the free?

Being the greatest player who ever lived, are you ready to carry your teammates every game?

If they're just too bad, do you plan to run on every play?

1) Good question, and the answer is no. I will simply plant an American Flag in my front yard and blast the National Anthem every morning so everyone knows what's up.

2) Absolutely. I workout a lot and make sure my shoulders and back are in tip-top shape so I can carry anyone who's slacking and lead this team to victory. After I carry you, though, I'll personally see to it that your life is hell, because If I have to carry you, it means you quit on the team and didn't put out, and there is no room on a football team for fucking slackers.

3) Well, not sure if you mean hand the ball off to the running back, or tuck it and run myself. I dont believe in running backs, and I prefer to pass every single play, because with this arm and intelligence I can't be stopped. I hate doing cardio, but yeah if my teammates just fucking suck I will tuck it and run like Mike Vick unleashing a dog in the pit.

(05-26-2017, 05:32 PM)Viktor1980 Wrote:Josh, Sam of the Long Beach Post-Gazette here with a few questions:

1. What is your prediction for you performance as a rookie?
2. What is your favorite play to run? Why?
3. What QB past or present do you look up to? Why?
4. Do you have any special pre-game rituals?
5. Would you rather be the highest paid QB or win the most titles?

Thank you for your time.

1) I will be the top quarterback in all areas. I'll lead the league in TD, yards, interceptions, completions, incompletions, fumbles, all of it. I'm a winner.

2) Depends on my personnel. If I have a speed receiver, someone like Brandin Cooks or Will Fuller, than I'll run a play to send them streaking, nothing gets me harder than launching a rocket downfield and demoralizing the opposition. If I don't have speed receivers and am stuck with poverty route runners, than I will run something focused on the middle of the field with an out-option in case I need to check down.

3) Tom Brady. He's the greatest to ever play the game and If I can become half the player he is I will dominate the NSFL. He is everything a young QB should aspire to be: tall, handsome, trophy wife, championships, good tailored suits, all of it.

4) My pre-game ritual is never do the same thing.

5) I will choose both, because their both within my grasp and I won't settle for one or the other.
(05-26-2017, 11:38 PM)Ghostspeed Wrote:Josh, two questions..

1. With the announcement of immediate expansion it's been rumored YOU have acquired the rights to the NewJersey Generals name and logos and intend to recreate the Trump team in the NSFL?

2. Is it true you have several pending commercial endorsements with Russian Sporting Goods Manufacturers?

1) This is incorrect. I have not acquired the rights to the Generals, as I determined that would be a bad deal, like NAFTA, so I passed on that opportunity. I will not be owning any team in the NSFL, I rather enjoy the freedom of just being a regular member.

2) This is 100% correct. I get all my steroids from Russia, they have the best quality, and I am working on a sponsorship with RED STATE ANABOLICS located in Moscow, personally owned by Putin. So be on the lookout and use the code "BercTits15" for 15% off.

(05-28-2017, 10:11 PM)Ghostspeed Wrote:Three More Questions Josh,

1. Your opinion of the Mack Podcast of the top 5 QB prospects?

2. The allegation You have put a $250,000 bounty on the Head of Vincent Draxel?

3. Does the lack of depth of pass protectors (competent offensive linemen) make you uncomfortable with any pass play requiring a seven step drop?

1) It's pretty inaccurate. I question whether that guy even understands the basic fundamentals of football. Any list that doesn't have this guy #1 is fake news.

2) why would I do that? I hate the guy, but remember I'm the one who took out his teammate, so if anyone has a bounty it'd be me.

3) If the offensive line can't do their job then I will just adjust the game plan. I'm quick on my feet and my coaches have always trusted me to make changes at the line. If I can't do a seven step drop without getting killed then I won't call a play requiring 7 steps, or instead I'll do play action and roll out to create the time needed to complete the pass.

(05-28-2017, 11:48 PM)NorthFloridian Wrote:Thoughts on your brother having one of the highest "Throw Power" ratings in Madden, despite being a low silver card?

How would you feel about throwing to Bailey Cook, FSU top prospect?

Coke or Pepsi?

You think your O-Line can "build a wall" around you adequately?

Which defensive prospect scares you the most?

1) The throw power is good, but Madden really shafted him with the 46 awareness rating. I mean, really?

2) Id love to throw to him, he showed in college that he can be a top tier threat, so combined with me I'm positive I could help take his game to the next level.

3) Pepsi if I'm just drinking a soda, but I love me some Jack & Coke.

4) hard to say at this point, I sure hope so, but I dealt with a poverty line at Arizona State so I'm kinda used it. For their sake I hope they build that wall.

5) I don't get scared by defensive players. But I will say the one guy I'm not looking forward to getting hit by is Fuego

(05-29-2017, 01:57 AM)TheWoZy Wrote:1. Do you want to make your own team?

2. Why are you better than Ethan Hunt?

3. Is Vinny Cox the most underrated player in the draft?

4. Can you get sacked even if your offensive lines is terrible or you are too god?

5. Do you to play on the same team as Fuego Wozy :dbz: ?

1) Absolutely....not. I'm enjoying just being a regular member, I also don't have time for it, so it's not even an option. I've done the Gm thing multiple times, not really in a rush to do it again.

2) Ethan is a good player, he's the prototype, he isn't flamboyant and you don't have worry about him getting in the news like you do with me, so if that's something you value highly, he's your guy. But from a football standpoint, yeah I'm better than he is. Better arm, better smarts, better under pressure.

3) who?

4) Very rarely. I should be sacked more than I am, but my high intelligence allows me to read defenses and get the ball out before I take a sack. Don't get me wrong, I get hit like it's going out of style, so I'm still getting the punishment, I think I set the NCAA record for most hits taken by a QB- it wasn't fun. But I wasn't sacked much, because I'm better than the defense.

5) absolutely. Like I said earlier, don't really want get hit by him.

(05-29-2017, 04:12 AM)Shaka Wrote:Why do you think you lose your shit real easily?
Feels like that's probably true in real life, it is isn't it?
Ever heard of Caleb Goody?
You haven't answered these in a while. Are you going to?

If your ritual is to never do the same thing, then by never doing the same thing are you kinda doing the same thing every pregame?

1) People are stupid. Stupid people irritate me. Also highly competitive, like really.

2) I have a short fuse, but I Control it quite well in real life, have to. It sucks, because I'll be seething inside but have to put on a happy face.

3) yeah last I heard he drank himself into retirement. So much talent wasted.

4) yeah it's quite the mind fuck lol

(05-29-2017, 04:16 AM)Grapehead Wrote:What makes you the best QB in this class?

If you had to pick another QB to punch, who would it be?

What's more important: intelligence or accuracy?

Do you think you will go first overall?

How many seasons until you get a ring?

1) I feel like I've answered this ten times already. Short answer: because I'm just the best. I'm big league good.

2) haven't decided yet, we willl see who pisses me off first.

3) These kind of go hand-in-hand, but I will say Intelligence, because if you can't read a defense, know when to hit a check down, etc, then all the accuracy in the world can't save you. You gotta be smart and be able to make split second decisions. You can overcome a little accuracy issues much easier than being stupid in the brain.

4) Nope, and if any QB goes #1 the Gm should be fired.

5) 1.

(05-29-2017, 10:57 PM)RavensFanFromOntario Wrote:How do you expect teams to get past the character concerns that may be involved around your boisterous nature?

What separates you from the other quarterbacks in terms of being a franchise talent?

Your brother is obviously more well known, do you sometimes find yourself living in a shadow that you act out of to try and get attention?

Favourite team in the league currently? Don't give me any of that whoever drafts me bullshit.

Thick women, or thin? No fatties.

1) I don't really care, that's their problem, not mine. I perform and I win games, that's what's important.

2) I'm a leader, a winner, I have ice in my veins and I put in work.

3) It's not much of a shadow. He's barely third string in San Diego. He left a legacy at ASU for sure, but I topped him already.

4) Arizona or Yellowknife. Although I'm not a fan of ANY of the team logos and branding to be quite honest. I mean, the fucking Otters? The generic of all generic names that Baltimore went with...I mean Hawks? Lol.

5) Fit chicks to be honest. Gotta have that booty to grab onto.

(05-26-2017, 07:31 PM)Esa77 Wrote:Is it true that Bercovici already has the top selling jersey among female fans ages 50-85?

What would it mean to you to have the great Reg Mackworthy in your backfield?

Do you hold any resentment toward Mackworthy's cousin of the same name, baseball legend Reg Mackworthy for taking Josh Merica yard so many times in that sim league?

Are you the best passer in this draft?

How's your option game? Or do you even need to run the option?

If Mackworthy and Bercovici end up on the same team, should the league just award us the championship immediately?

1) This is correct. Berc believes in taking care of the elderly. He has a Grandma, and is sensitive to their needs and desires. He makes regular visits to retirement homes to let the old ladies know someone cares.

2) Everything, it would mean the two times I hand the ball off I know were getting some yards.

3) Resentment for what, exactly? There is no proof that any of that happened, in fact I will counter and state that it's Josh Merica who struck out Mackworthy every time, causing him to implode and thus cause the end of the league. Well done, Reg, well done, you selfish bastard.

4) Oh, obviously. I'm jacked and handsome, man, you cant beat that combo.

5) What is an option? Is that like when a girl asks you if you wanna give her the Trump Tower, or if you want to do missionary? I'm good at those kinds of options. Otherwise, I hope Mackworthy has good hands, because he's gonna be running a lot of HB screens with Berc under center.

6) Yeah, they should, but I don't want them to win. I like to see my opponents hopes dwindle into nothing and despair creep in as they realize they are doomed.

@Esa77 sorry bro thought I answered you.

Ask A Berc - Admin - 05-26-2017

Mike is better than Josh

Ask A Berc - BenderRodriguez - 05-26-2017

Hey there Josh. This is Zoidberg from the Why Not Zoidberg Times.

1) If we see your name in the headlines next week, what would likely be the story?

2) Some say that your emotions can get the best of you in critical moments of games. What do you say to those who might doubt your ability to stay level headed?

3) Does it bother you at all that the only pro comparison linked to you is Perennial All-Mediocre Jay Cutler?

4) In such a deep quarterback class, what is one thing you think you do better than any other quarterback in the draft?

5) In what way do you think your game can improve going forward?

Ask A Berc - enigmatic - 05-26-2017

Will you automatically retire if you're drafted to Yellowknife because it's so far from the land of the free?

Being the greatest player who ever lived, are you ready to carry your teammates every game?

If they're just too bad, do you plan to run on every play?

Ask A Berc - Viktor1980 - 05-26-2017

Josh, Sam of the Long Beach Post-Gazette here with a few questions:

1. What is your prediction for you performance as a rookie?
2. What is your favorite play to run? Why?
3. What QB past or present do you look up to? Why?
4. Do you have any special pre-game rituals?
5. Would you rather be the highest paid QB or win the most titles?

Thank you for your time.

Ask A Berc - Merica - 05-26-2017


Ask A Berc - Esa77 - 05-26-2017

Is it true that Bercovici already has the top selling jersey among female fans ages 50-85?

What would it mean to you to have the great Reg Mackworthy in your backfield?

Do you hold any resentment toward Mackworthy's cousin of the same name, baseball legend Reg Mackworthy for taking Josh Merica yard so many times in that sim league?

Are you the best passer in this draft?

How's your option game? Or do you even need to run the option?

If Mackworthy and Bercovici end up on the same team, should the league just award us the championship immediately?

Ask A Berc - Ghostspeed - 05-26-2017

Josh, two questions..

1. With the announcement of immediate expansion it's been rumored YOU have acquired the rights to the NewJersey Generals name and logos and intend to recreate the Trump team in the NSFL?

2. Is it true you have several pending commercial endorsements with Russian Sporting Goods Manufacturers?

Ask A Berc - Merica - 05-28-2017


Ask A Berc - Ghostspeed - 05-28-2017

Three More Questions Josh,

1. Your opinion of the Mack Podcast of the top 5 QB prospects?

2. The allegation You have put a $250,000 bounty on the Head of Vincent Draxel?

3. Does the lack of depth of pass protectors (competent offensive linemen) make you uncomfortable with any pass play requiring a seven step drop?