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*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - cosbornballboy - 11-07-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Today we will take a look at the players from every Power 5 conference college and see what colleges have generated the most amount of NSFL success and which colleges are still grossly underepresented in the NSFL.

First, we will start with the ACC:

The Atlantic Coast Conference, consisting of Boston College, Clemson, Duke, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Louisville, Miami, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Pitt, Syracuse, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest, and technically Notre Dame is arguably the best conference in college football right now. The most talked about game in the NCAA happening this week is that between Number 3, Notre Dame, and Number 10, Miami. Now, let's see how these teams stack up in terms of NSFL.

Boston College

Rich Gucci
Connor MacManus
Mike Boss

Now today, we aren't going to go all the way in depth and research these unheard of players careers, but from current knowledge, Rich Gucci and Connor MacManus do not have a team, so the success there is iffy, but on the other hand... Mike Boss. Mike Boss has been a top player since S1 and has always either won or been in contention for Outstanding Player or MVP. He is also indisputably the greatest QB in the league hands down. This is a large selling point for BC recruiting-wise and is probably a large helper in upholding the ACC's newfound football elite status.


Vick Bowers Jr
Sal Ifedemi
Marcus Kane

Vick Bowers Jr started with a promising career that was cut inexplicably short, and Ifedemi is simply unnotable. Marcus Kane is apparently on the Wraiths, but not a large player of note. Very confusing from such a good football school.


Marcus Robinson
Jonathan Shaloiko

Both players from Duke are former Baltimore Hawks now playing in the DSFL. Once again, not any players of serious note, but then again, Duke is more of a basketball school.

Florida State

Barrick Acolyte
King Arthur
Mark Bowden
Jameis Christ
Jack Stats
Bailey Cook
Dirk Cutter
Dion Jacobs
Roman Thomas
Thaddeus Bullard

Wow that's quite a few alumni. Well, let's break this down. Acolyte, Arthur, Bowden, Christ, and Stats are all not in the NSFL. Of note from those, Christ currently Quarterbacks the Portland Pythons of the DSFL and Stats is a star Running Back for the San Antonio Marshals. Now, Bailey Cook, Dion Jacobs and Dirk Cutter play for the Yellowknife Wraiths. You may not have heard much of Jacobs or Cutter, understandably, but if you have not heard of Bailey Cook, detail me what rock you live under and I'll come tell you. This man is who I affectionately referred to as "Mini Garden" earlier on and when Garden left for Evil Pastures, Cook stepped up and escaped that shell and made a name for himself. Next up is Roman Thomas, star safety for the Colorado Yeti. Thomas is regarded as a top defensive back, even if his stats and accolades do not reflect that. Finally, Thaddeus Bullard kicks for the Las Vegas Legion. Poor guy.

Georgia Tech

Pablo Sanchez

He's... he's not on a team... Sorry, Yellowjackets...



Wait really? Nonono, that can't be true it's Louisville. Rub your eyes and let's look at this again together.


Well shit. The hell? Louisville, you're a perennial powerhouse, step the hell up. Goddamn it.


DJ Law
Dustin Evans
Break Bottles
Micah Hendrix

Wow. All four Miami Alum are on teams in the NSFL. And they're all on different teams. And they're all not entirely irrelevant. Exciting! DJ Law and Dustin Evans are star WRs in the NSFL. Law on the Yeti, Evans on the Outlaws, these two generation-defining talents tear up the ASFC and NSFC secondaries throughout the season. The fact that they played together in college? Scary. Match that with somewhat decent Tight End Break Bottles of the Sabercats and Offensive Tackle Micah Hendrix of the Philadephia Liberty and you've got a team that very damn well could win a championship. Even maybe better than Bama. Wow. Good work, Miami U.

North Carolina

Melvin Guerrero
Claudio Morris
Greg Taylor

Never heard of any of these guys. Guerrero and Morris are not in the NSFL and I guess Greg Taylor plays defensive end for the Liberty, but I've never heard of him. Welp. Basketball School. Next.

North Carolina State

Michael Dyson
Nicholas Pierno
Noah Goodson

Dyson currently has no team, but Nicholas Pierno was a key send-up for the Yeti last year. Key in how many interceptions they threw. No but seriously, he's shaping up to be a damn good quarterback. And then Noah Goodson tore up the DSFL for a season before being drafter 1OA to the Arizona Evi- Outlaws. Arizona Outlaws...


Kieran O'Connell

One of the Sabercats many running backs, I'm not sure what to note here. He's still alive? Fuck Pitt's football program, damn it.


Jordan Danvers
Adrienne Nugent
Lincoln Jefferson

Jordan Danvers is an OL, I guess. Nugent kicks for the Pythons of the DSFL. Nothing of note heeerrrrrreee- OH WOW. Lincoln Jefferson, one of the top DBs in the league. Well I guess Syracuse's Secondary was scary. The Scary Secondary. I like that...


Thomas Baker

Basically a nobody, which is fair, because nobody wants to play football for Virginia.

Virginia Tech

Rafael Cannon
Devin Speed

One of these guys doesn't play in the NSFL and the other one plays Strong Safety for the Legion but you don't know which is which and that's kind of the point, isn't it?

Wake Forest

Jan Glasgow
Emerald Wednesday

Neither of them play in the NSFL, but it's Wake Forest, did you really come in to this one with high expectations? No you didn't, if you said you did, stop lying, you're only hurting yourself.

Notre Dame

OK so technically Notre Dame is independent but they have a deal where they play 5 ACC teams a year so yeah it's kind of a thing just go with it.

Vernon Anderson
Erasmo Broadway
Luke Tiernan
Antonio Sandoval
Dominic Verns
Braden Sharp
Fernando Bessel
Stephen Harris
Damien Kroetch
Blackford Oakes

Wow. Just wow. Ok, so Vernon Anderson is a punter who plays for no one. Erasmo Broadway is a star Linebacker on arguably the scariest front 7 in the league, the Baltimore Hawks. Luke Tiernan is a Linebacker for the Wraiths, and alongside Bork Bjornsson they are a bright spot in a very dark and quiet front 7. Antonio Sandoval is an Offensive Lineman turned Defensive End that was picked first overall in Season 3 by the Yeti. Dominic Verns is a standout safety for the Otters. Braden Sharp plays a part in a decent Sabercats O Line. Fernando bessel, Stephen Harris, and Damien Kroetch all have helped head up as very successful expansion franchise in the Philadelphia Liberty and Blackford Oakes went 2nd overall in the Season 4 draft to the Las Vegas Legion. Jesus Christ, Notre Dame, if you were actually an ACC team, you'd be the best ACC all-time team on here. Goddamn.

Next, we will look at the Big 12:

The Big 12 Conference, consisting of Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas, Kansas State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, TCU, Texas, Texas Tech, and West Virginia is a conference that consistently produces teams challenging for the Top 10. Now, let's see how these teams stack up in terms of NSFL.


Kendrick Hendrix
King Bronko
Josh Garden

Holy shit Baylor what the fuck? I slept on Baylor. Ok so let's break this down. Hendrix. Kendrick Hendrix is a Wide Receiver for the Colorado Yeti that, I'll admit, I slept on a bit, but the guy is solid and fundamental. Then. Oh my god. King Bronko. King Bronko plays quarterback for the Arizona Outlaws and has led the team to 3 straight Ultimus'. Not the best QB in the league, however, he is the most successful hands down. Who is he throwing to this year? That's correct, Josh Garden. In the offseason, Bronko and Garden were reunited in Arizona and are teaming up as one of the scariest QB-WR combos in football.

Iowa State

Terrence Lyons

Not currently on a team which is a damn shame Iowa State is underrated.


Boss Tweed

Arguably the best runningback in the NSFL, if not the best then Top 2. Kansas only has one player that they've produced to the NSFL, but holy shit is it a good one. Goddamn, Kansas.

Kansas State

Rafael Reyes

Well he's not on a team now. Which sucks. Kansas State is objectively better than Kansas in football, and we can't get them some representation? Damn disappointment. At least he's good DSFL fodder. Whoooo DSFL.



NO ONE??? REALLY??? FUCK YOU! Oklahoma. THE Oklahoma. Doesn't have any players? Fuck you I'm ending this series right here. Not really. I need the money... But step tf up Oklahoma.

Oklahoma State




Paul Hawks
Everest Teagarden

While TCU is generally and traditionally another one of those perennial powerhouses, both of these Horned Frog alums are no longer in the NSFL. Sad, considering TCU has so much talent to give.


William Nasher
Stephon Simpson
Alex Hayden
Blaster Blade
Pat Pancake
Erlich Burnsman
Jaylon Lee
Luke Washington

Here we go. Here are the players carrying the Texas football traditions. Nasher and Simpson are the only two up here that do not have NSFL teams. Alex Hayden plays corner for the Colorado Yeti, and is a key part to their future endeavors. Blade and Pancake play on opposite sides of the line for the Arizona Outlaws. Pat Pancake should not have been allowed to be on an O-Line blocking for Erlich Burnsman of the Orange County Otters, that is just too overpowering of an offensive line-running back combo. Finally, two linebackers. Jaylon Lee is a star LB for the San Jose Sabercats and Luke Washington linebacks for the Philadelphia Liberty. Texas could make an argument for the best NSFL-NCAA all-time team.

Texas Tech


Wow. Friens u are doin Patrick Mahomes III a sad.

West Virginia

Haruki Ishigawa

Haruki Ishigawa is the sole alum from West Virginia in the NSFL, and he was a 2nd overall pick. We haven't seen much out of him yet, but what we have seen, we like.

Next, we will look at the Big 10:

The Big 10 Conference, consisting of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Rutgers, and Wisconsin is another conference that consistently produces teams challenging for the Top 10. Now, let's see how these teams stack up in terms of NSFL.


Alistair Amir
Luc Long

Amir no longer plays in the NSFL. Luc Long is a center for the Las Vegas Legion. Welp, Illinois, sorry, looks like you've produced nothing yet. Come back next year!


Gary McCarty
Ottokar Von Gerhardt

Well this is gonna be a loooong conference.


George Wright Jr.
Mayran Jackson

Oooooooh maybe I spoke too soon. Damn, Iowa, you got some receivers! Wright Jr currently plays TE for the Otters and, in my opinion, is the 2nd best Tight End in the league. Mayran Jackson plays 2nd fiddle to Darren Smallwood in San Jose, but it's alright because he's semi-decent too. Good going, Hawkeyes!


James Dominguez
Robert Draper
Donovan Maric
Thomas Richmond
Jonathon Saint
AC Hackett
Tyler Oles

Wow what a list. The first 4 are no longer playing, James Dominguez, Robert Draper, Donovan Maric, Thomas Richmond. But Jonathon Saint, AC Hackett, and Tyler Oles? Wowee those are some big names. Saint is a Top Linebacker for the Yeti, Hackett is a great LB/DB for the Liberty and Oles is arguably Top 2 DB in the league, and he also plays for the Liberty. Wow, Maryland is a defensive powerhouse now?[/div]


Currently 1,848 words

*Including right now so I don't forget give @sapp2013 50% for collecting the data. @Unicorn thank you for yours but sapp got it first, sorry bud

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - Jiggly_333 - 11-07-2017

You forgot Tegan played for Notre Dame.

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - Muford - 11-07-2017

what about independent schools?

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - cosbornballboy - 11-07-2017

(11-07-2017, 10:05 AM)Jiggly_333 Wrote:You forgot Tegan played for Notre Dame.

I had my all players sheet and she wasn't on it my bad

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - cosbornballboy - 11-07-2017

(11-07-2017, 10:10 AM)Muford Wrote:what about independent schools?

They'll get lumped in with the one with MWC, C-USA, Sun Belt, AAC, Patriot, Pioneer, Ivy, etc

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - ADwyer87 - 11-08-2017

get the big 12 up my dude

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - Raven - 11-08-2017

UC Davis lads!

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - cosbornballboy - 11-08-2017

(11-08-2017, 09:47 AM)ADwyer87 Wrote:get the big 12 up my dude

Gonna work on it whenever I get the chance in class today

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - manicmav36 - 11-08-2017

This is some great stuff! Can't wait for the Big Ten.

*Look At the Power 5 in NSFL - ADwyer87 - 11-08-2017

@Ballerstorm we got that Alma Mater connection