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*New Legion GM Taking Questions - bovovovo - 12-13-2017

Bork Borkington here to talk about the Legion, his history with the Wraiths and Marshals, and to respond to any and all questions, complains, praises, and bribes.

(12-13-2017, 03:26 PM)Beaver Wrote:Looking at the roster what do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your new team?

Roster-wise we have a fantastic running back and and all-pro TE, as well as a few terrific young up-and-comers on defense. Outside of that, we have lots of opportunities for improvement (PR speak for holes).

I think the Legion's biggest strength right now is how loyal and passionate the players are to one another. When I first walked into the locker room I had no idea what to expect, seeing as how the Legion just experienced a significant player walkout. It was awesome to see how loyal the players were to each other, and I think that is most certainly a foundation that we can build upon.

(12-13-2017, 03:26 PM)Beaver Wrote:What's the plan going forward? Tear it down and rebuild? Try to compete now?

We are most certainly in rebuild mode, but I don't believe there is much that needs tearing down. The team has a strong foundation of loyalty, and I think we can capitalize on that and redirect to leading to a competitive football team. The Legion had it's most activity last season before things turned south, and I think we can return it to form.

As far as competitiveness goes, we aren't going to take any days off, nor are we going to tank any games. We are here to win and we will go into ever game swinging, and hopefully we will catch a few teams by surprise.

(12-13-2017, 03:26 PM)Beaver Wrote:What is your favorite doggo gif, Bork Borkington?

(12-13-2017, 03:26 PM)Beaver Wrote:Where do you stand on relocating/rebranding the team? If pro: what are the early favorites?

No comment at this point in time.

(12-13-2017, 03:40 PM)PaytonM34 Wrote:How will you appear attractive to any free agents looking for a new team?

We offer the opportunity for any FA to leave a profound mark on the franchise, to be an instant and valued contributor rather than just another cog in a machine. They'll have the chance to be a part of the biggest rebuild in league history, and help form the culture of a newly revamped team.

And if you don't buy that then we have lots of money.

(12-14-2017, 02:41 PM)Raven Wrote:Tokyo Waifus, yes? No? Maybe? You dont know? Should I repeat the question?


(12-14-2017, 02:41 PM)cosbornballboy Wrote:How do you hope to rebuild the team?

The biggest thing is a culture change. The players are very loyal and tight knit group, which is an absolutely fantastic base to build from. We are hoping to bring in some more dedicated players who truly want to help transform the team and be a part of something big. It'll be slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

(12-14-2017, 02:41 PM)cosbornballboy Wrote:What is your main focus?

How are you handling the wreckage that Aaron Brooks left behind?

Right now it's just picking up the pieces. I don't think Aaron Brooks is completely at fault for the way things are, the Legion were a ship without a captain for a while. Heck, I just recently had to approach the HO to see if I could give the players their player bonuses because there was no GM to do so before the deadline.

It's a lot of little things like that. Just building the structure back up and going from there.

(12-14-2017, 02:41 PM)cosbornballboy Wrote:Is Evok ok?

I don't want to speak for her too much, but she is good. She has taken it upon herself to own the Legion's team twitter account and is a great locker room presence as always.

(12-14-2017, 04:41 PM)tbone415 Wrote:Out of all the corners coming in to this draft who is the best?

Probably that one guy, I think his name is Timothy Brister or something?

(12-14-2017, 04:44 PM)HENDRIX Wrote:Do you have a particular playing style on offense and defenseĀ  you want to implement?

I usually try to work with what I've got as far as scheme goes. Never really understood or liked the NFL coaches and coordinators who are all "muh scheme" and refuse to change based on what pieces they have. So the Legion will likely be running a very different scheme from what I am used to from earlier in my career with the Marshals and Wraiths. New team, new scheme, and then we'll go from there.

(12-14-2017, 05:46 PM)SwagSloth Wrote:Without naming names, of course, are you actively in talks with any Free Agents? And, if so, do you feel based on those talks that there is outside interest in bringing the team up to par or do you see convincing FAs to come in as more of an uphill battle at this point?

I think there won't be any middle ground with FAs. Some will be very interested in coming to help create a new team culture (already we've had Evans and Askins want to come for that exact reason), but others will likely want to avoid us like the plague. And that's all to be expected with any rebuilding team. I genuinely think we can build something special here and I think the Legion will be on the right track very shortly (if they aren't already). This will be a much shorter rebuild that many people expect I think.

(12-14-2017, 06:28 PM)7hawk77 Wrote:If you could take any one player from any other team to be with you on the legion, who would it be and why?

That's a good question. It'd have to be a culture-changer, someone you can build upon that is active in the locker room and committed to helping a team grow. At this stage in life for the Legion, I think that is much more important than their actual position on the field. Akselsen and I obviously have lots of history together and we play off of each others strengths and weaknesses as GMs very well, and it was awesome being his co-GM. I also think of Blocksdale, Cushing, and Kamaka as guys that are very committed to building up their respective teams and encouraging their teammates to be better. I am obviously forgetting a lot of other names at the moment, but those are all guys that I personally have lots of respect for.

(12-14-2017, 06:28 PM)7hawk77 Wrote:Do you plan on running 3-4 or 4-3 on the legion?

I mentioned this earlier, but it will depend on what pieces we have going into the season and what we feel works best for us.

I do prefer the 4-3 though, so I can get more of those sexy big-bodied hog mollies.

(12-15-2017, 01:06 PM)loco Wrote:Have you considered creating 8 more players and becoming simmer to make this team good?

Yeah we are all ready in the process of laying down sleeper inactives to pick up late in the draft.

I mean uh no not at all.


*New Legion GM Taking Questions - Beaver - 12-13-2017

Looking at the roster what do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your new team?

What's the plan going forward? Tear it down and rebuild? Try to compete now?

What is your favorite doggo gif, Bork Borkington?

Where do you stand on relocating/rebranding the team? If pro: what are the early favorites?

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - PaytonM34 - 12-13-2017

How will you appear attractive to any free agents looking for a new team?

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - bovovovo - 12-14-2017

Answered up to here

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - Raven - 12-14-2017

Tokyo Waifus, yes? No? Maybe? You dont know? Should I repeat the question?

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - cosbornballboy - 12-14-2017

How do you hope to rebuild the team?

What is your main focus?

How are you handling the wreckage that Aaron Brooks left behind?

Is Evok ok?

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - bovovovo - 12-14-2017

Answered to here

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - tbone415 - 12-14-2017

Out of all the corners coming in to this draft who is the best?

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - HENDRIX - 12-14-2017

Do you have a particular playing style on offense and defense you want to implement?

*New Legion GM Taking Questions - SwagSloth - 12-14-2017

Without naming names, of course, are you actively in talks with any Free Agents? And, if so, do you feel based on those talks that there is outside interest in bringing the team up to par or do you see convincing FAs to come in as more of an uphill battle at this point?