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The Obligatory Press Conference - Printable Version

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The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-27-2017

[Image: ncaa-football-eastern-washington-washington-812x560.jpg]

Cooper Christmas Wide Receiver Tochdown Maker

[Image: outback.jpg]

Yes, seated here in the corner table at the Outback across from the stadium and as he picks at a Bloomin' Onion and awaits his Cocoanut Shrimp. He's answering your questions about Him, Life, the NSFL, & Outback menu items.

Please fire away

Quote:[table border=\\\'0\\\' align=\\\'center\\\' width=\\\'95%\\\' cellpadding=\\\'3\\\' cellspacing=\\\'1\\\' id=\\\'QUOTE-WRAP\\\'][tr][td]QUOTE [/td][/tr][tr][td id=\\\'QUOTE\\\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]Christ to Christmas has a nice ring, what do you think?

How is your route tree outside of the red zone? Will you be able to move the chains consistently?

It's first and a goal on the one, the coach calls a run play, are you disappointed it wasn't your number?

How do you feel about San Jose?

Jamel thanks for the questions you get a free Bloomin' Onion for being the 1st.
Now on to your Q's

1. I love it. I believe Christ to Christmas has the potential to stand this league on its ear and truly infuriate opposing Defensive Coachs. With Jamel Christ's ability to run secondary's will have to cheat up and commit safeties to the line of scrimmage. Allowing me to take the top off and go deep. It's a thing of beauty out jumping a corner in the end zone and then standing over them ball in hand saying "Not your day son"

2. God, your dad ,you know him..He blessed me with hands that can catch anything and the size ,the length to get the edge on any defender be that fly routes, curls, sideline outs, quick slants or over the middle 12 yard murder routes. I practice every part of the tree and I know it like I planted it myself. I can and will move those chains.

3. I see no issue here I believe in Team first especially if we're successful I'd just be damn happy. Now, If we haven't scored or moved that thing thru the run game all day.. I will be looking to my QB to call that corner fade to Christmas.

4. San Jose nice town, a little pricey, prefer the quiet of Coeur d'Alene... But, no team there so yeah San Jose is ok.

Thanks again. :cheers:

[!--QuoteBegin-Dinklburger01 date=1495942920]1. Have you ever considered yourself overconfident?

2. Are there any prospects in this draft that you refuse to play with?

3. At what point in your career do you think you might start regressing on the field?

4. Would you retire as soon as you knew you weren't in your prime anymore?

5. Do you have a plan for life after football?[/quote]

Thanks for your Q's
1. Never over confident just sure of my ability and working every day to try and reach the personal goals I've set for myself.
Do I come across that way? I guess I will have to work on that.

2. No, everybody seems ok so far I mean we're all kinda new here aren't we?

3. Hopefully not until I have achieved those goals I referred to before. I can see myself as a contributing player for 8-10 seasons barring some freak injury.

4. Good question. But, I'm sometimes a little stubborn so it would probably have to be pointed out to me by stats and circumstances.

5. Most definitely I intend to invest in car dealerships and be the face of the greatest dealership network across the western United States. Then after conquering that I intend to acquire a sports franchise in a certain football league. And finally before I'm dust to be the owner of a Championship team. Yes, Big Plans.

(05-28-2017, 12:03 AM)Jbearly Wrote:If you had one chance to sell me on you as a prospect, what would you say?

Do you think you could be a coach after you retired?

Would you sacrifice targets going your way to another reciever who's in a slump to help him pick it up?

Whos the toughest defensive prospect in this draft? Softest?

Thanks for the Q's..

1. I'm a team player and a strong worker with some knowledge of the gridiron. And my alter ego is a young Rick Flair.

2. Football Hell Yes. Simfootball not so sure.

3. For 3 quarters sure.. But, if he's not feeling it by then Throw it up to Christmas...Cause Christmas = Touch Downs

4. I think Spearhead is strong his profile is just above mine on the page and I have heard of Adamle Somebody ???...Wink Tongue
I'm hoping for a shitzload of soft/weak D prospects it'll make this league a fire wagon of Jim Kelly Run N Shoot goodness with Arena scores.
Thanks again :cheers:

(05-28-2017, 01:31 AM)TheWoZy Wrote:1. Is there a team you are interested to play for?

2. Have you talked with a prospect QB and is there one who you want to play with during your career?

3. Are you better than Gordon?

4. At the All-American Bowl, you had a 56 yd punt return. How were you feeling after the touchdown?

5. What's your goal for your first season?

Fuego, thanks for the Q's

1. Any team that realizes you gotta throw the ball. I have no preferences

2. No, other than the Q's asked by Jamel Christ (see above) I really haven't had too much time to seek out the NUMEROUS QB prospects in this our first season. I honestly would love to play with any DEDICATED QB who can throw and can read a defense.
I see names like Christ, Draxel, Bercovicci , Boss , Noble and others and I'm reminded that given the right situation and a strong O-line any of them could become the Face of a Franchise and of this League. I want to play with the best, the dedicated.

3. You mean Garden right? I respect Josh Garden he's been around the block and overcome some demons and he's got the fire same as me same as Damien West same as a lot of guys. He's a different type player than me . I gotta believe in ME cause no one else wil if I don't. So to straight up answer I will switch to my alter ego Brother, You Tell All Them NSFL Card Collecting Fans Out There That GARDENS WILT...BUT, CHRISTMAS ...CHRISTMAS DELIVERS!! WOOOoo!!

4. Yeah, I volunteered for that figuring what the hell.. And damn if the coachs don't take me up on it. A 6' 5" punt returner. Guys on the sidelines are all ...You Crazy MFer! I get out there check to make sure my mouth piece is in and tug my helmet chin straps a little tighter. I said to my self you asked for it You Got This..The catch was easy just outside the right hash mark and then I just went with the flow had tremendous blocking in front of me made a cut left and took it up the opposing sideline all the way to the house. It was amazeballs!! I laughed till tears ...just wish we WON the damn game.

5. My goals were written on a old notebook I've kept since I was seven and they include my first season goals. I kinda want to keep that to myself for right now.
Thanks again :cheers:

(05-28-2017, 04:43 AM)timeconsumer Wrote:1) If you had the choice of playing with a GOAT QB, but facing a GOAT corner every week, would you take it?
2) Which tool in your arsenal do you think is the surest to defeat double-coverage?
3) Who is the greatest receiver of all time, and in what ways to you try and emulate them?
4) Would you rather catch passes from Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, or Peyton Manning?
5) Describe your perfect film breakdown with your position coach.

Winchester thanks for the Q's

1. Big man I love this question... Oh Hell Yes! WOOOoo ! This is a WR third favorite wet dream ( the first two involve several hot women and hot buttered popcorn..but I digress ) the challenge of competing against the best and the security of knowing that when I succeed that the ball will be placed where I can get it ...the risk and the reward.

2. Height and length at 6'5" with my wing span and with my ability to out jump the average cornerback .Its "Sorry for your damn luck"and even if it's 'the superior corner' the disadvantage is his as I know where that ball should be if it's there, well put it on the board.

3. Greatest receivers there's Jerry (Rice) unparalleled work ethic , small college kid took raw gifts and fine tuned them. There's Randy(Moss) another gifted guy who worked at his craft. I also rank 'Megatron' Calvin Johnson up there as he was more my size and he when healthy commanded the playing field. Some in the press have said my game is like the Madden version of Brian Finneran. ( see my player profile for link to Madden video.) If this is true I won't argue the comparison.. Damn If It's True, I'm Asking for more $$$ come contract time.

4. Any and All of those you listed and I would go further and add Warren Moon , Doug Flutie and Joe Willy Namath. Tongue

5. We sit down and fire up the video He slows it down and reminds me to check my alignment with the linesman on my side .
He see the corner go for a quick pop to try and jam me and I slap the hand away and swim over his left shoulder he's trying to tug at my hip to catch up but with my long strides he's 1/2 step behind.
Coach stops it and reminds me to not be afraid to swing that arm down on the tugging hand and get lower in the initial take off. I laugh and he shoots that I know your TALL look.
The play was a quick 7 Yard curl and I pull up quick rotate the hips and I'm there. The corner overshoots the spot and is trapped behind me.
Coach stops the video and says not bad positioning.
Their blitz forces the QB to roll out and it's a broken play I was short so It's time to go long and I cut up field I got a step on the corner and the safety is trapped between me and the skinny post run by our TE. That safety chooses wrong and I out jump the corner for the wounded duck pass that was thrown high to the front corner of the end zone . I secure the pass concentrate on absorbing the hit and tap both toes down inside the cone. Touch Down Good Guys. Coach runs it back and forth several times then looks at me and says "You make my fucking job easy ..get outta here"

Awesome Q's Thanks :cheers:

(05-28-2017, 05:31 AM)Bafetimbi Gomis Wrote:Will Khalifa Al Mahrouqi go undrafted?

What makes you different from the other wideouts?

Why is @Ballerstorm sexy?

Ass or Butt?

Are you related to Rakeem Christmas of the Indiana Pacers?

1. Let's ask the magic 8 ball
[Image: 8ball.png]

2. I'm hungrier and taller

3. Respected for creating a sim league of the sport I love mostest ...respected. Sexy not so sure.

4. I prefer dimensional balance or real big tatas.

5. Are you referring to My Brother from a different mother. No, sorry.

The Obligatory Press Conference - Perkules - 05-27-2017

Christ to Christmas has a nice ring, what do you think?

How is your route tree outside of the red zone? Will you be able to move the chains consistently?

It's first and a goal on the one, the coach calls a run play, are you disappointed it wasn't your number?

How do you feel about San Jose?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Dinklburger01 - 05-27-2017

1. Have you ever considered yourself overconfident?

2. Are there any prospects in this draft that you refuse to play with?

3. At what point in your career do you think you might start regressing on the field?

4. Would you retire as soon as you knew you weren't in your prime anymore?

5. Do you have a plan for life after football?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-27-2017

Q's Answered

[Image: 4fcaa14e1215f43b4b791419dca027d9.gif]

Got some?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Jbearly - 05-27-2017

If you had one chance to sell me on you as a prospect, what would you say?

Do you think you could be a coach after you retired?

Would you sacrifice targets going your way to another reciever who's in a slump to help him pick it up?

Whos the toughest defensive prospect in this draft? Softest?

The Obligatory Press Conference - TheWoZy - 05-27-2017

1. Is there a team you are interested to play for?

2. Have you talked with a prospect QB and is there one who you want to play with during your career?

3. Are you better than Gordon?

4. At the All-American Bowl, you had a 56 yd punt return. How were you feeling after the touchdown?

5. What's your goal for your first season?

The Obligatory Press Conference - Ghostspeed - 05-27-2017

All Answered till now

A now a quick break for A Beer.

[Image: endless-pour.gif]

Got any more Q's ....Send 'Em.

The Obligatory Press Conference - timeconsumer - 05-27-2017

1) If you had the choice of playing with a GOAT QB, but facing a GOAT corner every week, would you take it?
2) Which tool in your arsenal do you think is the surest to defeat double-coverage?
3) Who is the greatest receiver of all time, and in what ways to you try and emulate them?
4) Would you rather catch passes from Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, or Peyton Manning?
5) Describe your perfect film breakdown with your position coach.

The Obligatory Press Conference - TheWoZy - 05-27-2017

Thanks for answering my questions. Good luck at the draft!!

The Obligatory Press Conference - Bafetimbi Gomis - 05-28-2017

Will Khalifa Al Mahrouqi go undrafted?

What makes you different from the other wideouts?

Why is @Ballerstorm sexy?

Ass or Butt?

Are you related to Rakeem Christmas of the Indiana Pacers?