International Simulation Football League
(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Printable Version

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(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Oles - 01-08-2018

This is a special PT, as the title suggests. It will be replacing this week's (January 8th - January 14th) week and weekend PTs. This PT will run until the end of the season to allow as much feedback as possible.

Written: Write 1 thing that you would like added to the league, 1 thing that you would like removed, and 1 thing that you currently like. Each part requires 100 words to be written to receive credit for it.

Please write as much depth as possible for your reasoning for each, as HO will be reading and using these suggestions. Please do not half-ass a response just to get 5 TPE.

This PT is worth 5 TPE, and does not require a claim thread, just link your response in your update thread and as long as you meet the requirements

Full Payout = 5 TPE

Deadline: End of Season

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Bwestfield - 01-08-2018

One thing that I would like to see added is a bit more robust system to track players, salaries, updates, etc. I am not saying that the current system is terrible, however I am suggesting that it would be easy to get something a little better. Things seem to be all over the place. If I wanted to find a player, let's say someone named 'stormblessed’. Where would I go? Theres a place called player database, one would assume you could find all players in there. Wrong. Well where the hell is he? Do I have to search every team? I think there should be a place to see all player profiles. Statuses like FA, team, or retired. Where they spent their the, what their money situation is. This would be awesome!

Something that I would like removed is when regression kicks in for new players. New players in the DSFL should not start regression like everyone else. Imagine spending 2-3 years in the DSFL and then only able to play 4-5 seasons before regression. If I would've started like we do today instead of S1 like I did, I would be regressing after this season. I know that we need to make room for more players which is why regression should only start once you are in the NSFL. Once you are in the NSFL you are there permanently and cannot be sent back down. If you start in the first half of the season it would be counted as a full season, if you started in the latter half, your season wouldn't begin until next season.

One of my favorite things about this league is the Sims. I love that I get so involved with the little dots running around the screen. Sometimes yelling “I'm wide open!” to Mike who obviously can't hear me or change his decision even if he did. The Sim has its flaws but at some point we will be moving to the newest version of the Sim and it will be interesting to see how some of these things change. Another thing I really enjoy is the locker room I am a part of. The OCO locker room is amazing and full of great people. It is the reason I never wanted to leave in FA. Someday I will be on another team and I hope that it too has an active and awesome Locker room.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Battleborn - 01-08-2018

What I would like to see added to this league is something along the lines of a weekly meeting. A designated one hour time slot on either discord or running thread on the main site where the entire community can earn participation TPE during the allotted time. This would give everyone an opportunity to get to know players from other teams and in our case another league. I feel this interaction would be good for the comraderie of the NSFL and help retain membership. All topics would be open for discussion, or specific topics could be the inspiration for themed community meetings. Having HO moderate or be involved might help with the league's connection to HO and give the community a sense of voice.

Removing the DSFL salary structure or salary cap is something that could help improve the development of the new members and recreated players. Having a set salary or maybe just a weekly allowance of TPE through training that requires just a simple claim could keep people active. Yes, they would be similar to those league wide activity checks, but would be designated for DSFL players only. Having the players utilize a salary earned also gets them familiar with the way purchasing works for the equipment. Having that familiarity will enable the new players a sense of confidence when building their player moving forward.

What I like about our league is the depth of knowledge by those veterans and newcomers alike. Their willingness to share information and grow the league is what has kept me involved, despite my own tremendous overload of real life commitments during the busiest time of the year. It's a pledge of mine, as a NSFL rookie, to pay forward the insight and generosity that has been shown me and allowed me to successfully manage a player career I would have had no desire to maintain. The structure and presentation of game days are also a feature I enjoy being a part of. The experience of seeing your players perform and getting real-time reactions from others who are also online viewing the game is invaluable feedback, providing some realism to an otherwise lackluster simulation.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - ItsJustBarry - 01-08-2018

1 thing added to the league:

Everyone is saying the same few things here. While we have the rookie guides now and the mentors, and the DSFL seems to have a little more activity, there is still a big issue that we are facing. Player retention. We as a league don’t seem to have any issues getting 60+ new creates any time a true recruitment drive is performed but by the time that next draft roll around, we are left with less than 1/3 active. I am not sure what the solution to this is; I will leave that up to someone more creative than me. I will say that some effort or focus into player retention is one way this league will grow.

1 thing that you would like changed:

The NSFL contract system is completely flawed. First, teams are able to just dump all available cap into the first year of a deal followed by some minimum pay for the following years. You see contracts like 8/1/1 for a 3 year deal. Contracts should be more evenly divided amongst the entire duration of the deal. A quick solution would be for no single year to exceed 50% of the total contract amount. This would mean the same contract example above couldn't have more $5M for any 1 year. Also, minimum contracts should really be TPE based for the current season. There is no reason why an 800 TPE players should be making $2M. Now, every team is guilty of this but it would go a long way with free agency and league parity if teams couldn't horde a full team of actives making $2M.

1 thing that you currently like:

One of my favorite things about this league is the community. There are some great people here to just chat with. I am also a fan of the live sims. Nothing makes me happier than getting strange looks from my wife as I both cuss and celebrate as our little dots scramble around the screen. I have even gone as far as log into the twitch stream from my mobile while out for my wife’s birthday dinner. Actually, as I am typing this out, I am realizing this league may cost me my marriage. Then again, seeing my little dot perform well is better than any little blue pill, so maybe this league falls into the chaotic neutral category. Ummm, so that’s way off topic. Time to reign it back in. I also like the live commentary PbP. Yeah, that.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - manicmav36 - 01-08-2018

Something that I would love added to the NSFL would be improvements to the index. When the PBE first started, I was shocked with how nice their index was. Granted, I know baseball is a very statistically dependent sport, but the depth of everything on their index is impressive. I would love to see more in-depth statistics tracked in the index itself. Important stats like fumbles, fumbles lost, targets, drops, yards after catch, yards after contact…all left off. Their index also has an incredibly helpful player index, ordered by name, and is just all around more modern looking. Now, I know that most of what is in the index is predicated by what sim program we use, but if there were any way to make some of these changes, I think it would go a long way for the betterment of the league.

If you had asked me what needed to be removed a couple months ago, I would’ve said the thunder dome. For a while it seemed to be a breeding ground of anger and general dickishness. With the crackdown on bullying, however, things have improved significantly. Now, the easy answer has to be the CB blitz. In real football, the CB blitz is not a make or break play. If the blitz isn’t successful, generally you have a safety over the top to help with coverage on the received left open. In the NSFL though, if the CB doesn’t reach the QB, it’s almost a guaranteed 40+ yard gain, if not an automatic touchdown. No one in their right mind would ever run that blitz if that’s how it functioned in the real world. My proposal would be to make a custom playbook for the league that includes the removal of all CB blitz plays. Also, penalties. At one point during out last game, we were called for penalties on 3 consecutive plays, and 3 out 6 plays at another point. I wouldn’t eliminate them, but if we could turn the frequency down, that would be great.

By far, my favorite part of our league is that we stream all of our games. Yes, the graphics are shit, yes, there’s stupid penalties (how does the ball carrier get called for clipping?!), yes, it’s weird watching your circle run down the field while being molested by other circles, but I love it. As ridiculous as it sounds, it’s a lot of fun watching your circle run around the field. The streaming of all of our sims is a massive draw for this league and something that with a few improvement and tweaking, could really become the center-piece of a very successful league.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - 7hawk77 - 01-08-2018

1.) I think the most important thing I'd like added to the league is an automated update system. If it was possible to automate updates, it would streamline and make the site run much quicker allowing for more games and fun. I think that the best way to do this would be creating some kind of update calculator online to streamline how people do their updates. Also, I think it would be best to store all of the player update information in a database. This is obviously a ton of work but I think it would be the most beneficial for the long term benefit of the league. After that, an output tool could be created to format the data in a way that the sim could read it.

2.) Remove all plays that performe CB blitzes. I know myself and Timeconsumer have current changes submitted to head office already submitted, but this needs to be dealt with ASAP. Football is a very volatile sport. It's unpredictable and exciting. It's also very skillful. However, turning up the volatility too high can make it unfun and make it feel more luck based. Any CB blitz play does this. It's like flipping a coin to win a dollar, but if you lose, you lose 10 dollars. No one would do this.

3.) I'm happy that with how the powers are being distributed in the wake of the ballerstorm and Er situations. I think that head office had a really challenging job and I bet that this off-season was the most challenging ever requiring a lot of time. I'm glad that it seems like we have enough updaters, PTTs, Media graders, Graphics graders. I'm also happy that HO approved my idea to give me and TC a position suggesting balance changes. All in all, happy with the state of the league and how things are handled within it.

315 words totaled.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Raven - 01-08-2018


So I`ll be honest I`m not really sure what I would add to the league. Maybe some kind of off-season activity for us to enjoy. Even something small like a silly tournament or something. Ofcourse we would need to find someone willing to sim something like this. I don't think international tournies would work to well with probably 90% of all players being from America, but it's something to bring up and see what people think of an offseason event. Just something small and fun which keeps up activity through out of the offseason as they can become kinda a snore after a while.


It seems to be a common thing to be mention in this PT so far, but one of the things I think needs to be looked at it regression. I think right now 8 years just might be too short, especially for the new people coming into the league on positions that are loaded, ofcourse thats the risk of making the 19th QB the league has, but if you play second string on a team for a few seasons, the window for you to play at your best potential is way short. Ofcouse this position is only really for positions that have a limited amount of players. Like QB's or kickers really. With 8 teams in the NSFL, you can really only have 8 starting QB's/K at one moment. So it's very limiting. Then again that might be why regression is a thing. You need to make room for new players and a some what early regression helps with that. It creates a circulation on players.

I hate stuff like that because I always look at pro's and cons lol. So yeah have a look at regression, I honestly have no clue if it really should be changed lol.

What I like:

I like the people on this site and I like the whole concept of it all. I really hope to see this league keep growing and staying alive. That why I hated seeing things as the Legion mass retirement, the ER situation and all those kind of things. You just hear people say that it ruins the site for them, but the negativity aside, I just like what we're doing here. It's not perfect and some areas could be streamlined and probably some changes for the better could be made, but I like y' all and I hope we can keep this league around for a very long time and enjoy it together. #wholesome

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - HENDRIX - 01-08-2018

What I would like added to the league is the following process to handle player regression, but to start off, I want to say it is possible that starting regression in Year 8 of a player's career might be a little too early. I don't foresee any future drafts matching the season 1 or season 2 drafts in quality, and probably not season 3 either. And based on what we could expect the quality of a typical draft to be, I think starting regression at year 8 is a little early. Next up I want to put out some thoughts on how to handle the regression. Let's make it simple. Get the player's total TPE and take away the corresponding percentage based on the season. Let's not get fancy trying to regress certain attributes differently than others, this is a video game, not real life. Before every season the HO lists the players undergoing regression and how much they need to take away. Active players can adjust for that in their update threads. For Inactive players leave it up to the GMs to make them compliant. The GM could post in the inactive player's update thread about where to take the TPE from. Lastly, inactive players should be automatically retired when they hit a certain number, let's say 150 TPE, maybe even 200, somewhere around that range.

I would like the ability to massively front load or back load contracts removed from the league. I will be submitting this as one of my rule proposals at the end of the season but I will talk about it a bit here. I don't think contracts should be allowed to vary year to year by more than 50%. This means if a team has a shit load of extra cap space for a season, they can't offer let's say 23 million of it for one season and then have remaining years at a normal 5 million per season. A contract of 23 million in season 1 would mean the season 2 salary couldn't be below 11.5 million. This would level the playing field more in free agency and require GMs to be more careful with contract offers.

One of the things I really like about the league is the new streams. The streams are quick, they take 13-15 minutes per game and the video quality is much better than the past. The past couple of seasons it was painful watching them and tested my will power. They were 25 minutes long and the dots on the screen moved like snails. To top it off after watching the streams it felt like I had some kind of vision impairment from trying to focus on the plays. Was Er from Mars by any chance? Because that's where it seemed like he was streaming the games from. The 1969 Lunar landing video was better quality than that shit.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Leafer - 01-08-2018

Add: I am in other sim leagues and what I notice the others have is their offseason is not lame and people do not want the regular season to already start and that is because something is happening during the offseason like a tournament or an event. So I think the NSFL League should do the same and add an offseason event or tournament internationally. We know there are a lot of USA players but they can transfer to other countries. And the offseason does not have to be so damn lame. So other countries be involved and fight to be the best football country team. I think it would be cool. I know there are not a lot of famous stuff like this but just for god sakes, make something happen during the offseason.

Remove: I think it is best to remove the TPE cap for DSFL players. I mean what is the point. I understand that it is to make it more fair for others who cannot stop that dominating player but please, it is their fault. If that is the case then change the maximum amount of seasons playing in the DSFL. Me as a DSFL Player feel that 250 TPE is too less and plus 8 seasons after the draft is just less too and that someone would waste its NSFL career. So I feel removing or better yet, increase the TPE Cap would be ideal for DSFL players.

Like: What I like about this league is the fact that there is a lot of help from the members and employed guys. So when I joined this league, I saw people, I mean new people who had no idea what to do and I see people experienced in this league and general managers helping a lot. So this makes it easier for you to start as a rookie in the NSFL. And of course, the rookie guide is very helpful especially a type of person like me who left this league cause it was too damn tough but now things have changed and now I am back.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - RainDelay - 01-08-2018
