International Simulation Football League
*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - Printable Version

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*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - SwagSloth - 01-09-2018

After an incredible 3-0 start to S5, the Wraiths’ fanbase is as fired up as ever. To capitalize on this fanfare and make this season even more exciting, Yellowknife management has decided to open up a write-in campaign to allow local fans to help us choose a new slogan. Yellowknife already holds claim to the term “Wraiths Nation” as well as the recently popularized “2 Spooky 4 U” that rose to prominence last season.

Due to a miscommunication on the IT side, the poll was opened up to users across the web, though they did have to go through the official Wraiths website. Users from outside of the Northwest Territories and even Canada itself were directed to the poll via user-driven movement from sites like Facebook, Reddit, and 4chan. Initially believing this to be a surge in team popularity and not an internet prank, Yellowknife Management compiled the results without consideration for the voters’ IP location, resulting in the following top 5 categories:

Cash Me Outside
Git Gud
Neva Freeze

Initially baffled by these and other voter suggestions, the Wraiths’ team began to research the topics written in by the users. The most popular topic, “Neva Freeze” appeared to be connected to the popular meme “Ugandan Knuckles Warrior Tribe”, whose fans use the chat program “VRChat” and appear as a short, deformed version of a character from the video game Sonic the Hedgehog. The players use these deformed avatars to cluck and spit at other players and shout phrases like “Find the queen”, “We will never freeze”, and “You do not know the way”.

After much hard work, the IT team was able to filter down the user suggestions to only those from within the Canadian Northwest Territories, resulting in the following suggestions taking top place:

(Polar) Bear Down
Canada’s Team
Pound the Ice
Storied Past, Bright Future
We Don’t Get Cold Very Easily

This time, oddly enough, the highest suggested topic this time was “We Don’t Get Cold Very Easily”. The leading slogan was an odd one for an international football team slogan and it was first thought to be a local bastardization of the popular meme suggested above, but after discussion with several local Yellowknife residents, it was determined that many of them did not know what a “Ugandan Knuckles” was and that they were simply just proud of the fact that they didn’t get cold very easily.

The IT Team showed the results to Wraiths Management, who were surprised to see the spirit of the two most popular slogans end up being essentially the same. And after much debate, a decision was made.

Even though local turnout exceeded all expectations, team management admitted that the Canadian slogan did indeed lack the touch of an international slogan and that the open-user suggestion had more mass appeal. Despite the inclusion of many memes in this write-in campaign, the Wraiths recognize the passion of all their fans, both local and far away, as well as the passion of the Ugandan “bruddhas” directed to the campaign from various websites frequented by their community. And, as such, the Wraiths are happy to announce that the new slogan will be…

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NEVER FREEZE[/div]

Thank you to all of our fans for your continued support. We all hope that users led to us through other outlets will continue to follow the Wraiths and join our own ever-expanding tribe of fans. Wraiths Nation is still proud to be “2 Spooky 4 U” and is now ready to tell our opponents that we will “Never Freeze”.

Legal Notice: Yellowknife Management would like to specify that they do not condone the harassment or spitting on of other people in any setting, virtual or otherwise.

616 Words
Ready for Grading


*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - bovovovo - 01-09-2018


*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - SwagSloth - 01-09-2018

(01-09-2018, 02:03 PM)bovovovo Wrote:#TheColdNeverBotheredMeAnyway

Missed Opportunity! Damn! That's amazing.

*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - manicmav36 - 01-09-2018

(01-09-2018, 03:03 PM)bovovovo Wrote:#TheColdNeverBotheredMeAnyway


*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - ADwyer87 - 01-09-2018

But de Wraiths do not know de wae

*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - SwagSloth - 01-09-2018

(01-09-2018, 02:28 PM)ADwyer87 Wrote:But de Wraiths do not know de wae

We will find de wei, but we need de queen.

But we still neva freeze.

*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - DeathOnReddit - 01-09-2018

Do u know da wei?

Do u know da wei?

do u know da wei?

*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - ItsJustBarry - 01-09-2018

You expect me to believe the voting was open to 4chan and 'Wraithy McWraithface' didn't win by a billion votes?


*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - SwagSloth - 01-09-2018

(01-09-2018, 03:40 PM)ItsJustBarry Wrote:You expect me to believe the voting was open to 4chan and 'Wraithy McWraithface' didn't win by a billion votes?


In fairness, we wanted to share the top 10 suggestions, but some of them were... explicit.

*Press Release: New Yellowknife Wraiths’ Slogan - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 01-09-2018

Cool choice