International Simulation Football League
Ideas For Positive Improvement - Printable Version

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Ideas For Positive Improvement - AdamS - 01-13-2018

This is an offshoot of the special PT "Changes" which is located at and is running all season. if you haven't added things there, go do so and pick up your 5 TPE (immediately).

That said, the vast majority of ideas that I come across for league balance, contracts, and anything of that sort tend to be negative in nature. By which I mean they seek to punish success by their nature. I think it's clear by now that this is not my preferred way of doing things.

What I want to do is open up the floor to everyone for positive ideas. That would be ideas that help create success rather than punish it. Ideas that build. I'm open to ideas for any and every facet of the league and I'm in a position to put those ideas up for vote. I've looked at this league form the eyes of a player and now a GM (and probably will as an HO eventually). What I want is GROWTH, not regression (unrelated to the actual topic of regression).

So hit me with anything and let's discuss it. Trade related, contract related, draft related, organization related, TPE related, bank related, free agency related, DSFL related. Anything. Mostly that was jut a suggestion list. Wink

Here's the thing, though. I believe that doing this and having this discussion is important because eventually we're going to have to make a lot of decisions about a lot of facets of the league and if we don't have these growth inspired ideas to put forth, those other ideas will end up being the direction we go by default. And then you lose an important LR presence because the cap was shrunk by 20% in order to "make things competitive" or the run game your team relies on gets nerfed because the bots got their prices raised because it was "too easy for some teams to afford them" or any number of other very possible scenarios.

Okay..I'm done with the heavy handed doom and gloom reminders. Hit me with ideas and let's discuss them. :cheers:

Ideas For Positive Improvement - bovovovo - 01-13-2018

Good idea yo. Here's an idea I had to get things started... I talked about it with HO a little bit to see if it'd be feasible and I haven't ironed it out completely yet, but I was planning on proposing it at the GM summit thingy.

The idea would be to introduce signing bonuses for FA and maybe rookies. So whenever a rookie signs their rookie contract or an FA signs with a team other than their previous team they get a one-time 1/2m bonus that does not count against the signing team's cap.

Stipulations would be like contracts have to be at least 2 or 3 years long so people can't just team hop all the time to abuse it, still have to iron that out.

But the hopeful outcomes would be:
1. A way for players to make more money outside of media/graphics even while team's caps start getting stretched
2. Encourages more players to test FA, which would lead to more exciting off-seasons and parity
3. Gives rookies a little financial boost
4. For GMs, lets their players have another income source that they don't have to spend cap on

In my mind that's all positive improvements, but I could be overlooking something

Ideas For Positive Improvement - manicmav36 - 01-13-2018

(01-13-2018, 12:26 PM)bovovovo Wrote:Good idea yo. Here's an idea I had to get things started... I talked about it with HO a little bit to see if it'd be feasible and I haven't ironed it out completely yet, but I was planning on proposing it at the GM summit thingy.

The idea would be to introduce signing bonuses for FA and maybe rookies. So whenever a rookie signs their rookie contract or an FA signs with a team other than their previous team they get a one-time 1/2m bonus that does not count against the signing team's cap.

Stipulations would be like contracts have to be at least 2 or 3 years long so people can't just team hop all the time to abuse it, still have to iron that out.

But the hopeful outcomes would be:
1. A way for players to make more money outside of media/graphics even while team's caps start getting stretched
2. Encourages more players to test FA, which would lead to more exciting off-seasons and parity
3. Gives rookies a little financial boost
4. For GMs, lets their players have another income source that they don't have to spend cap on

In my mind that's all positive improvements, but I could be overlooking something

The only negative I can think of is that this may lead to less of a dedicated base. Less time spent with teammates in their locker room, less willing to build a player to team needs, etc. I think it's pretty unlikely to make much of an impact, but something to consider. Overall a very interesting idea. I would tweak it to maybe give rookies a one-time bonus when they hit TPE milestones, say 100 and 150.

Ideas For Positive Improvement - timeconsumer - 01-13-2018

I'll put this here. HO has already seen this idea, I came up with it but felt it was kind of outside the scope of the normal Balance Team stuff. Still something people might want to read and discuss. IDK if they plan to implement it or not.

So here is what I had proposed:

I had some other ideas, but I'm not necessarily sure if these fit within the scope of our mission. First this started off as one small change, and inevitably snowballed into something much bigger and more complex, par for the course with me.

Equipment is too strict. The idea that a player's equipment choices suddenly lose half their value because they capped their strength and speed as fast as possible in their first 2 seasons is a bit absurd to me. I think there needs to be more flexibility to allow players to continue to purchase equipment within reason.

My proposal is that instead of budget cleats giving +2 and +2 to agility and speed instead it gives +4 to be allocated any way the player wishes within those two stats. Now just because you cap speed doesn't mean that suddenly you're spending $3m for 4 TPE in agility and losing the speed, you could opt instead to spend $3m for 8 TPE in agility or $1m for 4 TPE in agility. You still lose some value because speed >>> agility, but it's not terrible.

Now, we can stop right here and call that change a day. Done and done. But here is where I started getting more complicated, and realllly outside the scope of what we do.

My next thought is on the general design of the league and how we earn TPE. I'm going to use the standard in-season week as a yardstick here. Currently we can earn a maximum of 20 TPE in a week.
Activity Check =2
Training =5
PT =3
Weekend PT =2
Predictions =8

My idea is that I feel we could increase enjoyment and engagement in the league by really gearing the system towards 3 levels of earners; Casuals (activity checks and basic training, no equipment), moderates (activity check, training, some predictions and PTs, budget equipment), and hardcores (everything max).

So during a standard week a casual would earn about 5 TPE, 2 activity check and 3 basic training. A moderate might earn 12. A hardcore 18. I think this could be tweaked. What I am chasing is the idea that there should be a better base for casuals and stronger diminishing returns for hardcore players, while still keeping around 20 TPE per week. Something like this:

Activity Check = 5
Basic Training (cut to $250k) = 2
Pro Training (cut to $750k) = 4
PT = 2
Weekend = 1
Predictions = 8

Now we still have a 20 TPE max. Casuals earn 7 TPE. Moderates earn 15ish. Hardcores still earn around 18-20.

And what about equipment?
Budget equipment cut down to $500k, TPE amounts remain the same (with original suggestions).
Pro Equipment cut down to $2m.

So the value of budget equipment suddenly skyrockets while Pro Equipment has 4x less value. Again, the idea for me is that the average player is a budget equipment player, this will incentivize far more people to buy budget gear rather than how we currently have most people who do not buy gear at all. Hardcore players will still purchase whatever is the best. Casuals still won't buy anything.

So, over an 8 week season what does this cost?

Casual: 8x budget trainings at $250k each for $2m. About what we can expect a team to pay a casual in salary. They aren't going to do media for money anyway. At least now they can earn 16 more TPE per season and still be somewhat relevant for a team that can keep them active.

Moderate: 8x pro trainings at $750k. each for $6m + 3 pieces of budget equipment at $500k each for $1.5m. A total of $7.5m per season. If we assume that these guys take team friendly contracts (common) for $1-$2m per season it only makes sense that our bulk segment of moderate players would then find a bigger incentive to get a league job like being an updater for $6m a season as it allows them a very efficient path to earning a lot of TPE without going full neckbeard. Or they would ask for a bigger contract like $5-$8m per season and increase parity.

Hardcore: 8x pro trainings for $6m + 4 pieces of pro equipment for $8m and $14m per season. That's the amount of a big free agency contract, teams are incentivized to pay max earners still. Players who want team friendly contracts are still incentivized to get a league job.

And then how much does a player earn during a season for all this?
Acitivty Check 5 TPE x 8 weeks = 40
Basic Training 2 TPE x 8 weeks = 16
Mock Draft: 4 TPE
Season Predictions = 6
Fantasy: 1 TPE
Milestones: 2 TPE
Training Camp: 1-10
And some other crap here and there maybe. Roughly 75 TPE per season out of around a 200 max. Still a viable member of a team that isn't stacked with 8 Er's.

Activity Check = 40
Pro Training = 32
Weekday PTs x6 = 12
Ultimus = 10
Mock = 4
Season Predictions = 6
Fantasy = 1
Weekly Predictions = 14
Milestones = 2
Budget Equipmentx3 = 12
Training Camp = 1-10
Here we're looking around 135-145 TPE for our target middle class player out of around a 200 max. Not bad at all.

Activity Check = 40
Pro Training = 32
Weekday PTs x7 = 14
Weekend PTs x7 = 7
Ultimus = 10
Fantasy = 3
Weekly Predictions = 21
Milesstones = 3
Mock = 5
Season Predictions = 7
Pro Equipment x4 = 32
Training Camp = 1-10
And here we end up around 180. Still a bit below the max of around 200 because of some assumptions that while hardcore players will be better on average with fantasy, mocks, and predictions they still won't be perfect. A perfect player in all of these would earn 203.

So finally we add it all up and we get
Casual - 75 TPE for $2m. 37.5 TPE/million.
Moderate - 145 TPE for $7.5m. 19.3 TPE/million (half the efficiency of casual)
Hardcore - 180 TPE for $14-$15m. 12 TPE/million.

And that's the end of my crazy ass idea. We still reward players for their work to become moderate players. We still make casuals viable for each team to have one or two of them and give them playing time. And hardcore players can still work their asses off to be the best and get TPE bragging rights.

Ideas For Positive Improvement - SwagSloth - 01-13-2018

(01-13-2018, 12:25 PM)timeconsumer Wrote:My proposal is that instead of budget cleats giving +2 and +2 to agility and speed instead it gives +4 to be allocated any way the player wishes within those two stats. Now just because you cap speed doesn't mean that suddenly you're spending $3m for 4 TPE in agility and losing the speed, you could opt instead to spend $3m for 8 TPE in agility or $1m for 4 TPE in agility. You still lose some value because speed >>> agility, but it's not terrible.

Now, we can stop right here and call that change a day. Done and done. But here is where I started getting more complicated, and realllly outside the scope of what we do.

I don't want to copy the whole thing, but I really like this part above about opening equipment to either stat and not half to each. I do think gloves would need to be lowered to +8 among 3 stats as a pure +12 to hands seems like a lot, but overall I like it.

Lowering training costs seems reasonable with the goal of helping out casuals/moderates. Honestly, it might even help the casuals buy an equipment or two as it's more accessible.

Ideas For Positive Improvement - timeconsumer - 01-13-2018

(01-13-2018, 02:37 PM)SwagSloth Wrote:I don't want to copy the whole thing, but I really like this part above about opening equipment to either stat and not half to each. I do think gloves would need to be lowered to +8 among 3 stats as a pure +12 to hands seems like a lot, but overall I like it.

Lowering training costs seems reasonable with the goal of helping out casuals/moderates. Honestly, it might even help the casuals buy an equipment or two as it's more accessible.

Also keep in mind this was before they started paying for twitter. And the main idea for casuals was actually to increase the activity check to 5.

Ideas For Positive Improvement - SwagSloth - 01-13-2018

One idea that I threw out recently to Dermot in a less official capacity was a rookie TPE boost / modifier.

The idea would be to add early career incentives to help players catch up quicker. Kind of like in the NFL, the average rookie takes time to get going, but sometimes you get an Ezekial Elliott or an Alvin Kamara that looks like a stud right out the gate. Rookies can make an impact in the DSFL, but once they move to the NSFL, they stall out a bit and have to work their way up the ladder. Obviously, we all work for our TPE and it deserves to be earned, but giving rookies an early boost or giving them more ways to earn could keep more rookies invested before they move to the NSFL and make them feel like they matter when they get there. In addition, getting rookies more time in early on makes them more likely to stick around.

Ideas based on thing that I've seen in other leagues:
* Rookie Discussion - Like AC, link a post in the rookie discussion channel once per week for 1 TPE. Rookies only (available until the end of their first full year). Rookies can post in the rookie discussion section to ask a question, answer one, discuss something, or provide something else of value. Rookie mentors could be given the option to delete posts that offer no value. Posts don't have to be very in-depth, but we don't want people spamming discussion with "hi" to grab a free TPE. The idea would be to encourage people to use the rookie channel for discussion and encourage them to interact with each other.)
* Rookie Checklist - I've seen at least one other league (SBA) offer a checklist for rookies.
It's basically a tutorial showing you how to use the site. And, for each task (they have 5), you get 1 TPE. These could be things like post an article (600+ words) / graphic, do your first free training, post in the rookie discussion to introduce yourself or ask a question, etc.
* Player Profile - This would be a PT of 500+ words either discussing your player's fictional college career or letting us know more about their personality, goals, etc. In a nutshell, let us know what makes your player special. I'd recommend 8 TPE if it's 500+. I kind of view it as a PT that takes more work, but rewards the players that put in the effort. As a one-time PT, its reward should be slightly higher than the training you could buy with an article of equal wording.
* DSFL / NSFL Pre-Draft Questionnaire - When the league first started, teams had questionares that players could fill out to apply. This would bring that back, but in an open forum. Instead of applying to a specific team, we'd have a 3-4 question PT that would run from offseason to around draft time. Newly created players could fill one out for the DSFL GMs to read. DSFL players could fill one out for the NSFL GMs to read. Answers of any length would be okay, but this is to impress GMs, so we would encourage players to post throughtful responses. 3 TPE each. Only players eligible for the upcoming draft could claim this.

(For these, rookie applies to both recreates and new forum members.)

This was kind of thrown together, so feel free to add to it if anyone has similar ideas.

Ideas For Positive Improvement - AdamS - 01-13-2018

A lot of really good ideas here. One of the big ones I like is lowering the price of equipment. Fuss has been made about contact sizes and players taking team friendly deals. If equipment was cheaper, there'd be more inventive for more players to take those smaller salaries.

I might add onto that to make the price scale. Have the equipment super cheap in DSFL, then at a discount in the rookie nsfl year, a singlet discount year , then regular price after that.

I think we can and should add available equipment, too in terms of options.

Love signing bonuses. I might suggest that teams are given a specific amount based on how they finished the year, with the worst teams having access to more money, and they cam give or those signing bonuses at the gms discretion. Still without it touching the cap.

Ideas For Positive Improvement - manicmav36 - 01-14-2018

(01-13-2018, 06:12 PM)AdamS Wrote:Love signing bonuses. I might suggest that teams are given a specific amount based on how they finished the year,  with the worst teams having access to more money, and they cam give or those signing bonuses at the gms discretion. Still without it touching the cap.

Love it.