International Simulation Football League
(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - Printable Version

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(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - Oles - 01-26-2018


Written: Must Include 150 Words. The season is coming to a close and as such it's time to do some reflecting on the season. Simply write about a season making, or breaking, event that your player/team had experienced.

Graphic: Make a graphic showing the event. Whether it's a big catch to save the season, the guy who was supposed to breakout finally doing it, or anything else that's similar. Include a player render, their team, and the event in question.
Full Payout = 2 TPE

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Deadline: Sunday Night, January 28th - 11:59 PM PST

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - Supersquare04 - 01-26-2018

Well...There wasn't a season making or breaking play that made the Pythons the top team in the DSFL, but I believe that there were some transactions that have solidified us there. For example the trade where Tijuana was retarded and sent Blessed Storm to us for next to nothing was huge. It took away an active receiver from underperforming quarterback Arbin 'the weaboo' asspie and gave the another weapon to the Python offense. He joined top flight receiver Dwayne Aaron and deadly tight end Glenn Mcpoyal in the receiving core and from there they basically tore up the DSFL.

Another monumental signing I believe will be the signing of Thomas Kane the 3rd, or TK3. In his first game he recorded an interception and multiple tackles to already wow the DSFL. He was the key needed to finalize the already top notch Portland defense.

Like I said before I don't think there was a play that defined us, but a trade and a signing instead.

166 Words

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - manicmav36 - 01-26-2018

This has been an interesting year for Owen Taylor. The Baltimore Hawks have always prided themselves on a balanced offense and have had some great running backs. This season, though, there were just too many weapons in the passing game to ignore. Blocksdale had an entire season to settle and grow, and was finally playing at the level we all expected. Gone are the old guard, our old trio of Willie, Stormblessed, and Christmas, the latter two relegated to a backup role. They’ve been replaced by a younger, faster, smart group of receivers, Willie, LeClair, and Wachter. The allure of a pass heavy offense is there, the talent is our best ever, and running the ball has become all but an after-thought throughout the league. Yet despite all of that, Taylor is having his most efficient season ever, and the most efficient season by any running back in the NSFL ever. He may not be a massive part of the offense like he once was, but he’s happy to still be a part and contribute whenever possible. After all, who can be upset with being a member of the most (well, second most) explosive offense in the NSFL?

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - The_Hero - 01-26-2018

I think the season "making" event for the Baltimore Hawks was the week eight game versus the Yellow Knife Wraiths. Leading up to this game Baltimore was three wins 4 losses. It was a rocky start to the season with our only wins against the las Vegas Legions, the Colorado Yeti, and the Arizona Outlaws. We had already lost to the Yellow Knife Wraiths in week one in a disappointing loss by two points, twenty eight to twenty six. Baltimore was also not favored in this game and many had predicted Yellow Knife Wraiths to come out on top. However we came out and played a mean game winning it with a score of twenty seven to sixteen. Blocksdale also threw for an extremely impressive two hundred and forty one yards. I feel this game really turned our season around and showed that the Baltimore Hawks could stand up to the big teams like the Wraiths. It also was apart of a five game winning streak.

166 words

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - Kendrick - 01-26-2018

The make or break event for the San Jose Sabercats had to be their week 9 loss to the steroids using Arizona Outlaws. The Outlaws (the same team who signed Josh Garden last year creating no parity) beat the Sabercats and the it might be because they have more steroid uses. The final score was 35-30 for the Outlaws and their GM who hides behind his podium of lies was very happy that his cheating team won. Sabercats season will come down to the final two games but the game against the Outlaws could've given them a better outlook for the playoffs. Sabercats feature no steroid users so the Outlaws beating them was a hard pill to swallow (no pun intended). Outlaws will probably be caught this off-season for another scandal as they always seem to be in the news for the wrong reasons. Their championships in past years have been brought into question by the rest of the league.

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - HENDRIX - 01-26-2018

A season making event for the Hawks was our 5 game winning streak in the middle of the season. The Hawks started out an abysmal 1 and 4, but that winning streak brought us right back into playoff contention. Many around the league gave up on the team and called for a fire sale and rebuild. The team stayed calm and went to work. Over those five games three of them were on the road. They also went 3 and 0 within the division during that stretch. That could prove to be extremely important as well because the first tie breaker criteria in the NSFL is divisional record, and it's very possible that is the criteria that will decide who gets the 2nd seed in the NSFC playoffs, the Hawks or the Liberty. We will find out after the double header on Friday night the fate of the Baltimore Hawks. (150)

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - ExemplaryChad - 01-26-2018

The most enlightening moment of the season for me, personally, probably came as early as week one, when we played the Arizona Outlaws. We lost badly, 34-9. Unfortunately, it sort of set the tone for the rest of the season. However, it helped me to see how and if my offseason work was going to show in my personal on-field effort.

I held some training sessions in the offseason with fellow defensive players Michael Tillman, Andre Bly, and Brice Boggs. I wanted to work on my hands since I tend to get dropped back in coverage quite a lot under this coaching scheme, and coverage is an area where I thought our defense could improve. This training allowed me to get 2 PDs in week one, and from that point, I’ve led the league in PDs for a non-cornerback (until Ridley overtook me recently by one). It’s not a standard stat that you look at for linebackers at a professional level, but after getting 99 tackles last year and finishing in the top 15, I wanted to prove to myself that I could elevate another part of my game. Week one showed that I could do that, and, thanks to my fantastic teammates and coaches, I’ve had more success than even I expected.

Haruki Ishigawa

Word count: 215

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - bovovovo - 01-26-2018

We did it. We actually did it. The Las Vegas Legion won a game! And by a lot! In week 7 the Legion defeated the visiting San Jose Sabercats quite handily, with a final score of 37 to 19. The Legion scored more points in this game than they had in any other game in the season, led by the formerly disgraced Logan Noble who went 23/33 for 273 yards and 3 TDs, with a QBR of 112.3. Savea himself had a solid enough game, with 3.6 rushing yards per carry. Evans continued his terrific season with another 100+ yard game while the defense picked off the normally extremely careful and efficient Orosz 3 times. What was a glorious victory for the Legion was also unfortunately very embarrassing for the Sabercats, and this game may end up having very significant playoff implications as the Sabercats are now only partly in control of their own destiny as to whether or not they make the playoffs.

(165 words)

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - PaytonM34 - 01-26-2018

Starting out the season, the Tijuana Luchadores looked to be one of the most balanced rosters in the DSFL. We had drafted Elvin Enchant, Bogdan Wojcik, Brian Mills on defense, Lil Bot, Antonio Legion on offense, Forfeit the kicker, and grabbed Arbin Asipi on waivers as our QB. We started the season off 2-0, with wins against Kansas City Coyotes and the Palm Beach Solar Bears, with our defense being the highlight of the team. As the season moved on, our GM Loco announced he was resigning at his position, and Jaskins would be moving up to GM, and would need a co-gm. Also around this time, Arbin Asipi decided that QB was not the position he would be pursuing, so he notified us that he was going to start putting TPE into neutral stats like speed and endurance. We needed to change our offensive philosophy to a run-based team with shutdown defense, and we managed to squeeze out 7 wins and a tie in the regular season, including a great week 14 game against the marshals with that mindset. Hopefully we can take this momentum into the playoffs and get to the Ultimini.

194 words

(S5) - Weekend PT #5 - Reflections - speculadora - 01-26-2018

How did so many things go so wrong, so fast for the Kansas City Coyotes? It feels as though it all started with the draft. The Coyotes spent several high draft picks on players who turned out to be duds. Their greatest contributors outside of quarterback Borkus Maximus III turned out to be picks in the 2nd half of the draft and waiver additions. They also fell flat when it came to the group of inactive players they used to fill out their team. They completely neglected both the offensive line and defensive secondary and it cost them. They were a putrid team on both sides of the ball and as other teams began to mesh it became clear that the Coyotes never had the talent to compete with them. Even the bot teams took a turn with the Coyotes, going a combined 2-4. Maybe it stemmed from one of the team's general managers not being around for basically the entire season. One of their best players, Poopyface Tomatonose, didn't even crack the starting lineup until week 7! Every cloud has its silver lining, however. The Coyotes players who made it through the season seem to be a tight group and several of them look to be high picks in the upcoming draft.

214 words