International Simulation Football League
*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - Printable Version

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*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - PoloPro - 01-30-2018

:starwars: WOOOOOOOO

Alright lets get started!!

Why are bot teams OP, and why should they be nerfed?
I think they are with the current Structure of the DSFL, I dont think they are OP though I think they more or less just point out areas where we need to fix things. 70 TPE really isn't that much and shouldn't be able to destroy like that. Also remember I went 0-4-1 figuring it out. I think things like taking out OL players and making bots also buffing 30 TPE filler bots to 50 TPE seem lie obvious fixes that instantly make Bot teams less powerful. I thin they will probably get nerfed this offseason but then brought back up as the everything changes.

What do you intend to change next season in order to keep ahead of the obvious nerfs coming?
This is great question that I am not going to answer. PROBABLY A QB AT EVERY POSITION though.

Did you have a specific vision for your team in mind when creating the bots or did you just wing it (or something in-between)?
I honestly took a look at the DSFL and tried to copy the best aspects (and players) from each team. Sort of the if its not broken dont fix it idea. I didnt feel the need to recreate the wheel. It took a couple weeks to key in the right strats since I dont own the sim but once I got it right it was cake.

First off, congratulations on the win. But we here at botteamsarestupid sports would like to ask a few questions.

What are you making your bots out of? they look like shaquille O'neil on steroids.
I make them out of the same TPE you and I use just with lots of love.

Whats your gameplan against the master of gameplanning (PDXBaller)
Pass more because I know he will be targeting my run game and thats how he won last time. So I planned to adjust my strat to pass more to hopefully combat that and it worked my QB had a rating over 100 and it was a great game.

Which Python is your biggest threat?
I think their passing game is my biggest worry. My DL is so strong but one broken play can result in a TD that changes the game.

What happened to Steve Fuller during the season? He was a breakout player and then just disappeared.
He got called up to the MSFL the MAN simulation football league because he clearly was a man among boys on the field. Sadly he couldnt keep setting records down here for forever he had to push his career forward and grow but we will always remeber him and are planning to retire his number.


*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - DeathOnReddit - 01-30-2018

Why are bot teams OP, and why should they be nerfed

*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - timeconsumer - 01-30-2018

What do you intend to change next season in order to keep ahead of the obvious nerfs coming?

*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - speculadora - 01-30-2018

Did you have a specific vision for your team in mind when creating the bots or did you just wing it (or something in-between)?

*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - Supersquare04 - 01-30-2018

First off, congratulations on the win. But we here at botteamsarestupid sports would like to ask a few questions.

What are you making your bots out of? they look like shaquille O'neil on steroids.

Whats your gameplan against the master of gameplanning (PDXBaller)

Which Python is your biggest threat?

*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - PaytonM34 - 01-30-2018

What happened to Steve Fuller during the season? He was a breakout player and then just disappeared.

*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - tbone415 - 01-30-2018

(01-30-2018, 10:30 PM)PaytonM34 Wrote:What happened to Steve Fuller during the season? He was a breakout player and then just disappeared.
I can answer this. He was so good he broke the sim.

*First Bot Team to win an ULTIMINI - Supersquare04 - 02-05-2018

answer your presser ffs