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*Spector Mock Draft - Printable Version

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*Spector Mock Draft - RedCydranth - 02-06-2018

So, there's a few of these out there. And they might be right. But they're not. Because they suck. I know talent when I see it. One had Poopyface Tomatonose going in the 3rd round. He's a top 10 pick based on that amazing name alone. C'mon Man.

I'm gonna do 2 rounds because I think that's all I feel like doing. Is there more talent than that? Sure. Do I care? Not so much. Without further ado....

Round 1:

1: NOLA - NT Norman Bagwell

The team formerly known as the Legion make their first ever pick from New Orleans. Bagwell is a great player who will make an impact immediately. He's a stud. He earns TPE, he's a great locker room guy and he's a defensive lineman. um... NOSL? Need all the help they can get at all positions, really. If he drops anywhere below this pick, it is a travesty and this team should be forced to change their name to something not so stupid.

2: COL - DE Cordell Joshua

This is another solid player. They could go Mills here too, and it's really a coin flip which is the better guy. Mills has more TPE and is a versatile LB, but they have Saint and Ishigawa at LB so Joshua is a much better fit.

3: SJS - LB Brian Mills

There's 3 guys who I feel are the best in show. 2 of them were already drafted. Mills, in theory, could go first overall but I just felt Bagwell was so good the Legio...dammit. Second Line had to take him, and this kinda gift wraps Mills for the Sabercats. Sharpei is amazing, but next to him they don't have that LB talent to compete. San Jose gets that here with Brian Urlacher ....erm... Mills.

4: PHI - S Bobby Ruckus

I know the Liberty have Marmalade and Flock at safety, but by drafting Ruckus, they can move one to DE and not lose out much at Safety. Safety is a thin class this year, and by thin I mean, only Ruckus. So, even if they don't fit him into the scheme, a Safety hungry team that hoped he'd drop lower might pay a bit of a ransom for him.

5: NOLA - QB Austin Roenick

Logan Noble is still somehow a starting QB? Not any more. QB is deep but the need for one isn't. With San Jose resigning Orosz, this basically means the only team that needs a QB is NO (NO is exactly what the head office should have said when they proposed "Second Line") . Fresh Start in a Fresh City needs a Fresh Face leading the offense.

6: BAL - TE Poopyface Tomatonose

Move over Tony Gonzalez and Rob Gronkowski. Here's the best TE ever to step foot on a playing field. Ok, I might be over hyping this dude a bit. But the real talk is that despite the name, this guy can ball. I know it might be hard to take him seriously with a name based off of a Family Guy episode, but I see a big future for this guy. Like DiMirio's replacement as the top TE in a couple seasons, big. Great pickup for the Hawks.

7: YKW - DT Bogdan Wojcik

This might come as a shock, but this pick is based on positional need and fear that he won't be available later on. Both of the Wraiths DTs are inactives with less than 200 TPE. Squamish is active and will be a day 1 starter. Are there higher rated players? Of course. However this team needs a DT more than anything and the only other good one was taken.

8: OCO - TE Glenn McPoyal

Two TEs in the first round is pretty crazy. But the best player I have left on the board is a WR, and considering the Otters are the LEAST needy team for a WR with Phelps and Westfield, and Yates going out of the backfield, a completely active TE is their best bet. Sure they could bolster their already dominant defense, but that's pretty well set. TE is one of the few positions they can actually upgrade in this draft day 1.

Second Round:

1: YKW - WR Dwayne Aaron

They don't exactly need him, but he's WAY too talented to fall here. Yellowknife is the two time reigning NSFC Champions. They'll find a way to integrate his talent, either via a position change or trading Gosh Jarden to a more WR needy team for future picks. Aaron is too good to fall any farther.

2: COL - RB Carter Bush

Borro Gore has more TPE. Borro Gore played better in the DSFL. Borro Gore, though, isn't run by adam2552. Sometimes you're drafting the guy behind the player as much as you're drafting the player. adam2552 is a veteran in the NSFL and a known commodity. Either RB drafted is gonna split time with Tweed. Might as well take the guy you know.

3: ARI - QB Arbin Asipi Jr.

Is this the end for King Bronko? No. This is a forced pick because he's the GM of the Outlaws. There's no strategy here other than he's being groomed to be the replacement, or they transition Bronko to defense and put Arbin in under Center. Either way, I know this pick is 100% correct... unless there's a trade.

4: PHI - WR Blessed Storm

Another forced pick, with RFFO being a Liberty GM. But he might still be used. Clever use of the name to make fun of None Stormblessed. I kinda wish we had more creative names than this, but whatever. Everyone can do what they want with their name. I hope Blessed Storm has a better career than Stormblessed.

5: YKW - K Forfeit

No, they do not Forfeit this pick. They pick the dude who, like Madonna and 2Pac, goes by one name. Forfeit is the replacement for Lombardi who jumped ship for the Second String... Line. Whatever. Forfeit is the better of two kickers in this draft, but not by a whole lot.

6: ARI - LB Elvin Enchant

Overlooked, Enchant has a great build. He has a solid record of acquiring TPE and he's a stud in the making. Arizona has a knack for finding great talent in the draft, so I expect them to be savvy and take Enchant if he drops this far. A solid pickup for sure.

7: NOLA - QB Borkus Maximus III

Another GM forced pick. But wait, Marc! They picked up Roenick in the first round. Why would they draft a QB in 2 straight rounds? Because Borkus isn't gonna stay a QB. Maximus is going to switch positions so that Roenick, the better QB can be the face of the offense and Maximus is going to transition to Defensive Tackle. The ol' Rope-a-dope.

8: OCO - RB Borro Gore

Running Back is one of the deepest positions in this draft. After Gore and Bush, there's still Lil Bot, Robby Rainey, Willy Nyquist and Ross Germo. Gore might be the best talent in this draft. Maybe he does go earlier than this to the Yeti. But Orange County only has 1 RB on the roster after they cut Durden and Burnsman. This leaves only Petrakis as their FB and he's also quite inactive. Gore gives them a power punch to their run game to go along side Yates.

Best talent left:

LB Jack Dwyer
K Micycle McCormick
WR Grey Slax
RB Robby Rainey
RB Lil Bot
WR Antonio Legion
RB Willy Nyquist
QB Mike Vick

So, whatcha all think of this mock? Sucks right? Yeah. It does. Not because the picks are probably wrong but because there's this team called the Second Line now, and it's just a terrible name. Makes this whole league look Second Rate.

(1298 Words)

*Spector Mock Draft - PDXBaller - 02-06-2018

There are some very hot picks here!

*Spector Mock Draft - Drizzy - 02-06-2018

Thank you friend

*Spector Mock Draft - tbone415 - 02-06-2018

Nice mock

*Spector Mock Draft - AdamS - 02-06-2018

I bet you get the force picks right and literally nothing else.