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*Bagwell Thoughts on S6 NSFL Draft - Printable Version

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*Bagwell Thoughts on S6 NSFL Draft - bagwell - 02-06-2018

After talking with a number of NSFL teams and thought long and hard about where I might end up in the NSFL so I wanted to give my thoughts on each team and where I might fit in. I’m going to go by my order of preference based on my interactions with teams and what I’ve seen on the forums.

This is probably the team that needs me the most as an active DT. They also have a shot at picking up another defensive player so I’m excited at the idea of helping them improve their defense for the future. Bovovovo is a great GM from what I’ve seen and heard and I would be excited to play for them in a great city like New Orleans. They also picked up a nice kicker in Lombardi so I think they are headed in the right direction.

2. COL
I haven’t spoken with him much since the DSFL draft, but I’ve always respected sapp and the Yeti organization since I started in this league. I think they are also heading in the right direction and have a great team that is really coming together on both sides of the ball. I like the potential of playing on a defense containing the Sandoval brothers, Johnathon Saint, Haruki Ishigawa, Andre Bly Jr., and Michael Tillman. That’s a solid group of guys.

3. PHI
Liberty comes in at a close 2nd actually because of my connection to PDXBaller. I would love to play with him and the entire Liberty defense. I also expressed interest in switching to DE if needed. They have good management too with Oles and HFFO so I’d be glad to play with all of them. I think myself, Drew Davidson, Eli Kamaka, and Godfrey King would be a very strong defensive line. I also like the city itself and the team name a lot as a red blooded American.

4. OCO
I’m probably not going here considering the champs are picking last in the first round. I really like this organization and from what I’ve seen on the forums, these guys know what they are doing and they do it well. Out of all the conversations I had with NSFL GMs, my best interaction was with RedCydranth and I think that reflects what their team represents. I’d be willing to switch positions on defense as well here for a chance to play with the champs and maybe add Ultimus Champion to my trophy case along with Ultimini Champion.

5. YKW
These guys have the coolest and spookiest team name and I love the black and blue scheme. My former teammate, Cameron Taylor plays here as a Safety and he’s doing really well so I’m sure the Wraiths are doing something right from a management point of view. I like how stacked their defense is, but I might be able to fit in the front lines if they let me! Swagsloth reached out to me early on in the scouting process and that means a lot to me.

6. BAL
The Hawks come in basically tied with the Wraiths for me. With how competitive the NSFC division is, I can see myself getting a lot of playing time for the Hawks and Hendrix seems like a standup guy from the way his teammates talk about him. It kinda reminds me of PDXBaller in a way. I can see myself replacing Andres or Metas easily here and get some starting time on a playoff ready team.

7. ARI
It looks like Asipi Sr. will be retiring and I can see myself get another opportunity to start at DT on another playoff ready team with the Outlaws. I didn’t pay too close attention to all the stuff that happened with them, but it sounds like they are on the right track. I didn’t receive a scouting message from them, but I think that’s because they don’t have any first round picks and thought I wouldn’t be on the board for them by the next round so that’s understandable. I wouldn’t mind playing here to get a chance to play with my boy, Waiters, and tear up the league again.

8. SJS
This team didn’t reach out to me either, but maybe they thought I wouldn’t be around by the 3rd pick. I did see a lot of mock drafts saying I could fall below 3 so maybe the Sabercats do have a shot at picking me up. Miller and Chambers are the heart and soul of the defense so I don’t see myself getting a starting DT position here at all. I would maybe consider switching to DE for them, but I’m not sure considering how they haven’t messaged me or approached me with any ideas on how I could fit into their team. Maybe they’ll go with Joshua here (which makes the most sense).

Hope that wasn’t too harsh. I’m not on discord so I don’t see any of the conversations there and I’m sorry if I’m out of the loop on stuff, but I do spend a lot of time on the forums. Can’t wait for the draft!

Quote:859 words. Ready for Grading.