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Too Devitt to Quit - Printable Version

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Too Devitt to Quit - Evans - 05-29-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Football is America's past time. Baseball is a sport that struggles to bring in new fans. Basketball has done a great job of expanding it's market, but it still struggles to steal the spotlight from anything that happens on a football Sunday. Every couple of year's we see a new group of potential owners surface and instead of biding their time and waiting for a team to open up in the NFL, they decide to go the trail blazer route of starting their own new league. Leagues like the MSFL, VFL, USFL, and WFL have tried their hands at bringing the world a different form of football during the years only to see their finances hit the red and their stadiums demolished. The NSFL is the next challenger to the NFL throne. Will they be able to make an impact or are their arms just a little to short to box with a sports empire God?


Another one of these things?

I can feel the boredom begin to overtake my body like an unwanted blanket demanding to keep me warm. The flashing lights of the media seem to be impossible to figure out, causing me to blink and at some times wish I could just keep my eyes closed through the whole ordeal. You see, I am Romeo Devitt, a pro football prospect for a new league looking to open it's doors in the coming weeks. With a pro draft, comes a lot of time answering questions and partaking in interviews. When you have a brand new league establishing their foundation with a rookie draft, you're lucky if you can go out to eat without having to answer questions about which team you want to play for or which team you think has the best color scheme. It gets tiring and repetitive, but it's something you have to do.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, if you could please take your seats Romeo would me more than happy to answer any questions that you have."

Who the fuck is that guy?

The members of various news sources take their seats in a couple of rows before me. The NSFL logo is stuck to any and everything that it can possibly touch. I think I wiped my ass with some NSFL brand toilet paper before I came out here.

"Mr. Devitt! John Albany with Fox Sports One. How does it feel knowing the NSFL Draft is only a couple of days away?"

I didn't even get a chance to call on that guy. That mother fucker.

I adjust my tie and place both of my hands on the oak table in front of me. The microphones sit just a few inches from my face already, but I lean forward to hopefully ruin any picture that is being taken of me.

"You know, it's a bittersweet thing if I am being completely honest here. As a member of the University of Washington for the past four years, I find it heart breaking that I actually have to move on from this place. I know I wasn't the best collegiate player in the world, but Washington has been a home to me during this time. Going pro means completely changing the way that I do things, where I live, what gym I work out at. It's going to be a really big adjustment, but I can promise you that I am ready to take this next step even if that means doing it with a heavy heart."

I turn my gaze from him and gesture in the general direction of the front row. No one is specifically pointed at and I allow them to figure it out amongst themselves. A blonde haired blue eyed woman in a red dress takes the cue and rushes to her feet, leaving her colleagues baffled and unsure how to respond.

"Teri Archer with the Boston Globe. What do you have to say about teams potentially worrying about your limited playing time in college? Most athletes come into the pro leagues with more experience under their belts."


"It's not a hidden fact that I saw minimal playing time in my college career. Anybody with a smart phone can google my college stats and see that they aren't impressive by any means. I was a two sport athlete that rode the bench most of the time. I'm a practice squad MVP. You see, for the past four years our starting players have been lining up against me in practice. Every single year, you've seen these guys improve because of how I was able to push them in these practice situations. I would treat every practice as a game, because I knew that I wasn't going to get in on the action on Saturdays. That fact that I did not play doesn't bother me at all. I committed to this team under a different coach and a different offensive system. They gave me an opportunity to transfer and play elsewhere. I decided to remain loyal to the first program that offered me a college scholarship before I was a five star prospect. Washington offered me as a junior in high school before I had even stepped into a starting position. I held that fact very close to heart."

She smiles, nods, and sits her cute ass back down in her seat. The guy next to her jumps to his feet as soon as her ass touches the metal. I can't help but raise an eyebrow and gesture for him to sit down before signaling to someone on the other side of the room. An older gentleman wearing a pair of very thick glasses. His red tie makes me assume he reads a lot of books and I don't know why.

"Randy Roode, ESPN. Many scouts and analysts have you as one of the players that may have to play a different position to start in this league week one. Why do you feel that is? And have any teams contacted you directly yet?"

Good fucking questions, Randy. I'm sure people are wondering the same thing, Randy. Fuck you and your tie, Randy.

I readjust myself in my chair. For the first time since the start of the media session, I realize that I am sitting alone at the table. My agent is nowhere in sight. The room feels a little bit smaller as I continue to think about these facts.

"I don't think the people that these teams have hired to do their scouting have done their due diligence on me. I haven't seen any of the scouts at the practices and not a single one of them came to the pro day I had on the Washington campus. It seems as if they have already made their minds up about me without ever giving me a chance to impress them. They googled me and saw there was minimal game tape and they moved on. The guys they rank above me are fire crackers. They're cool as shit when they explode, but they're a dime a dozen. Anyone can play above average for one game. I am the most consistent prospect this league has on the offensive side of the ball. People don't see my ceiling because they refuse to move their damn necks and look up. I've made it public knowledge that I would be open to a position change, but that's only if I truly feel the guy starting a QB is better than I am. Not only that, I would want a team to talk to me about this prior to taking me. Not a single team has approached me about that yet. We still have a......"

From the corner of my eye, I can my agent finally take his spot in the seat next to me. His experience in the sports field makes everything seem easier for me. Regardless of any question thrown my way, he seems to have an answer ready for me or a subtle little comment to lead me in the right direction. I was honestly surprised he contacted me regarding representing me.

"As I was saying, we still have a lot of time before the draft. Hell, we couple see people completely redo their draft boards in the coming days as more information about recruits comes out. At this point, I've only heard from one team and it wasn't a really in depth contact. I won't be out there calling teams myself hoping to convince them to draft me. If they want me, I expect them to call and let me know they are interested. I'm the one getting drafted here. It doesn't matter what team I want to go to or what team has the best fan base."

I turn to motion to the other side of the room, but Randy doesn't allow it.

"What round would you draft yourself and why?"

Fucking Randy.

My agent motions to me that he will be the one to answer the question.

"There isn't a team out there that shouldn't pray to whatever God they believe in to get this guy to quarterback their team. I know talent when I see it and this guy has the it factor that a lot of these other kids are missing. They all want to be the next greatest QB. Devitt wants to be the next great winner. All this kid worries about is winning games and doing whatever it takes to put his team in the right position to win. Hell, what other QBs have said that they would move positions if it meant helping their team out? Not a single one. They all are still reaching for that pipe dream of being a hall of famer. Romeo Devitt is going to be one of the best players in the NSFL. I know and now you guys know it. Thank you all for coming out today."

My agent, the great Brody Bryant grabs my arm and leads me away from the table. It's still hard to believe that an agent with such a historic background would decide to work with me leading up to a draft that many people feel like I have no business being in. With players like Everett Gabriel of the WFL, Titan Kronos of the VHL and USFL, Ronan Creed and Cyrus Lesnar of the SBA under his belt he could have easily grabbed a prospect of higher fame. Still he decided to choose me and only me. Maybe one day I'll ask him why, but until then I need to prepare for the upcoming NSFL Draft. Scouts obviously haven't done their homework on me and I need to find another way to wow them before the draft. With only a few starting QB spots left, I need to be perfect. The pressure is on and I refuse to fail [/div]

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: DduMG4F.jpg][/div]

Too Devitt to Quit - Evans - 05-29-2017

Edit: Added words to hit 1800.

Words: 1807 = 1.5M

Too Devitt to Quit - Anti-Hype - 05-29-2017

Hahahaha This was great!

Too Devitt to Quit - Evans - 05-29-2017

(05-30-2017, 12:44 AM)Anti-Hype Wrote:Hahahaha This was great!

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Was worried with how far the board spaces things out that it would be an eye sore.

Too Devitt to Quit - Shaka - 05-30-2017

I can't believe YOU are the macho man guy. Fuck me.

Too Devitt to Quit - Evans - 05-30-2017

(05-30-2017, 06:08 PM)Shaka Wrote:I can't believe YOU are the macho man guy. Fuck me.

Exact words my wife said to me on our first date.

Too Devitt to Quit - Shaka - 05-30-2017

(05-30-2017, 01:31 PM)Evans Wrote:Exact words my wife said to me on our first date.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: