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Jason Spearhead's Talented Younger Brother Killed - Printable Version

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Jason Spearhead's Talented Younger Brother Killed - BasedPooter - 05-30-2017

Tragedy Strikes in Spearhead Family Days Before NSFL Draft: 17 Year Old Marcus Spearhead Shot and Killed in Late Night Dispute

This week was meant to be a time of positive anxiousness and eager hopefulness for Alabama draft prospect Jason Spearhead. Instead that anxiousness has turned to dread and that hopefulness turned to sorrow. Marcus Spearhead, 17 year old high school football stand out in his own right, was shot dead Monday night at a local Waffle House after a fight broke out inside the diner. No one knows exactly what transpired, only that the young football star ended up as the only victim, shot twice in the chest.

Marcus Spearhead was just like his older brother. A football star, the youngest Spearhead was a gifted athlete from as young as the age of 5. Both brothers dominated pee wee and middle school athletics. Jason Spearhead dominated high school football as well with Marcus coming up right behind him; a young prodigy on the rise. He was the starting Quarterback and Middle Linebacker for the varsity squad - as a sophomore. Marcus was well on his way to equal stardom that his eldest brother had achieved at the same young age. That has now been tragically and unfairly taken away from him by a confused and angry scuffle that no one is willing to give much detail about. Jason was willing to give us some time this morning and talk to us about everything that's been going on for the past 24 hours.

"I'm just numb. I really don't know", he said as he stared out his living room window, face made of stone.

"They won't tell me how it went down, just that there was an argument with some guys from school and they shot him."

If he wanted to cry, he never showed it. Spearhead had mastered the art of staring down the opponent on the field of play, but this was an entirely different opponent - one he didn't look as if he could so easily intimidate. We asked if he had any plans on skipping the draft.

"I was going to, definitely. But then I really talked about it with my family and they all said the same thing to me: You should go. Marcus would want you to go. I had to really think about it. And they're right."

Jason got up and put his hoodie on, signalling he was ready to escape this interview, to maybe go run a few miles, to get away from all of this if only for a fleeting moment.

"This was his dream too. He would want me there no matter what."

I too stood up, notebook in hand ready to leave the somber Spearhead household. I asked him only one more question: How would this affect how he played on the field.

"I'm going to play every game for him. Every down. Every second. I already gave 110% out there, now I'm going to give 210%. 510%. Whatever it takes. This is all for him. All of it."

With that, Jason casually walked out the front door into the misty rain. A hulking figure with his head hiding in a hoodie jogging away down the street.

Jason Spearhead's Talented Younger Brother Killed - Ltsmashie - 05-30-2017

[Image: qOAloby.jpg]

Jason Spearhead's Talented Younger Brother Killed - Shaka - 05-30-2017

My condolences.

Jason Spearhead's Talented Younger Brother Killed - princekyle - 05-30-2017

The NSFL community is behind Jason Spearhead