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*McPoyal diary #10 - Printable Version

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*McPoyal diary #10 - Alfredo_Pasta - 02-22-2018

Hello diary!! It has been a few weeks since I have last written in you. I have been extremely busy with my new team. As you all know I have been drafted to the Yellowknife Wraiths. Between being at practice, taking care of my beautiful wife and playing in our news games I haven't had a lot of time to write recently. But I have a few minutes here before bed to scribble down some thoughts. I also have a huge announcement I'd like to save for towards the end of the diary entry. Since this new season with my new season is in full swing I won't bother going into full detail of my year last year with the Portland Pythons. Instead I'll summarize it and let you know how the season ended. As you all know we started off the season with two straight losses. One loss to the Norfolk SeaWolves and the other one to the Kansas City coyotes. It was definitely a tough start but the season was not lost. We practiced harder and longer from that point on than any other team in the dsfl. After those two straight losses we went on a two game win streak. First win was against the Palm Beach solar bears. The second win was against the tijuana luchadores. We were the. Two and two on the season on the way back. And then we lost another game to the damn Norfolk SeaWolves. That put is on a two and three deficit for the season. A bummer but again the season was not lost. Not ever far from it. We then went on a two game win streak. The first game against the Kansas City coyotes and the second game against the San Antonio Marshals. That two game win streak finally out us above five hundred. We were sitting at four and three on the season. Unfortunately we lost the next game to the tijuana luchadores. Becoming four and four on the season. We definitely did not feel like we had a strong chance to make it through to the playoffs. But as luck and skill and chance would have it, we won the rest of the games during the regular seasons. Finishing season five ten and four. A pretty damn good record if you ask me. We were only one game away from being tied with last year's schedule. To finish out the year we ended on a six game winning streak, finally finding our stride! We beat the Norfolk SeaWolves, the Kansas City coyotes, the Palm Beach solar bears, again the Kansas City coyotes, the San Antonio Marshals and to finish out the season we beat the Norfolk SeaWolves again. We made it into the playoffs and to top it all off we had home field advantage throughout the entire playoffs. Pretty damn awesome. We would face our conference foes in Norfolk SeaWolves. We ended up beating them and I actually got the game winning touchdown in the second quarter of that game. It was a thirty eight yard touchdown pass from my quarterback Austin Roenick. We were officially in the ultimini. And man let me tell you it was exciting. We were set to play the “bots” Palm Beach solar bears. The ultimini was played in Portland and it was great to play home. Unfortunately the Palm Beach solar bears beat us home for the ultimini. It was definitely sad but we could all hold our heads up knowing we played the best damn football we could of. Unfortunately that would be the last time I get to play with a lot of my new buddy's. I won't be playing alongside star receiver Dwyane Aaron anymore or Austin Roenick. Luckily the Yellowknife Wraiths also drafted Boro Gore so there will be a familiar face in the locker room for me. I may not cheer on their other teams but I wish the best of luck to all my former Pythons. Hopefully they have success on their new teams.. as long as it doesn't interfere with the Yellowknife Wraiths winning the ultimus! Now that my season and career is over I'm Portland, which is very sad, I will be moving on to other great things in Yellowknife. Now that I am finally caught up to current events I can talk about other things. Maybe things in my personal life or whatever the case may be I will find something to fill these pages with. Now if you're still reading this you're probably thinking what the hell Glenn, why haven't you told us your big announcement yet?? Well calm down it's coming right about… now. Me and my absolutely beautiful wife, Stephanie Clea del taco paco McPoyal would like announce that we are having a baby!! It will be our first baby! Stephanie Clea del taco paco McPoyal is about 6 months pregnant now so it's starting to show… don't tell her that though. We also found out that we're having a boy!! Is name will probably be Ryan McPoyal. Well thank you all for taking the time out of your day to read my latest diary entry. Stay tuned for the next McPoyal diary entry!

Ready for grading